Author Topic: #1170 Errors on Startup  (Read 1927 times)

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Offline Steve Walmsley (OP)

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#1170 Errors on Startup
« on: August 12, 2022, 09:06:24 AM »
Three different players have reported #1170 and #1550 errors when reloading existing games, followed by various other errors.

The error text was:
1170: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
1550: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

If you have had these errors, can you think of anything unusual about the game. Are you running mods or edited the DB for example. Have you deleted any systems, stars or planets in-game? If so, how?

« Last Edit: August 12, 2022, 09:14:58 AM by Steve Walmsley »

Offline ydirbut

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Re: #1170 Errors on Startup
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2022, 08:42:37 PM »

I haven't loaded any mods or done any DB editing. I haven't deleted any systems or anything like that. The only things I have done that aren't just normal game stuff:

* Unlocked and locked designs in SM mode.
* Loaded a medal set.
* Added some images to the images folder.

The only setting at game start I modified was that I reduced the minimum spawn distance for NPRs. One of them actually spawned in the system next to Sol.

I'd like to reiterate that the weirdest thing was that the buggy save was NOT my most recent save. Somehow it had loaded an earlier save file. Maybe that was what caused the missing systems? If you load the prebuggy db file from my original post you'll see that it is actually after the buggy db.

Offline Steve Walmsley (OP)

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Re: #1170 Errors on Startup
« Reply #2 on: August 13, 2022, 08:04:45 AM »
Thanks for letting me know. A couple of other people have reported something similar so it isn't just a weird one-off occurrence. It must be some rare combination of circumstances that produces it.

Offline Micco40

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Re: #1170 Errors on Startup
« Reply #3 on: August 28, 2022, 06:13:10 PM »
I do not know if this is directly related, since I have not been able to recreate it, but I had the 1550 error as well. 

It occurred after I tried to install a medal set. I could save the game but when I went back to load the game later it wouldn't even start the program. Other than the medal set, I don't use any mods. 

I uninstalled everything, redownloaded all of the files, reinstalled in a new directory and restarted but without the medal set.  So far, it seems to be working as intended. 

Offline nebbish

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Re: #1170 Errors on Startup
« Reply #4 on: September 14, 2022, 01:23:31 PM »
Hi, I have had a similar issue. Playing a long campaign in a 2.03 game. Conventional start and now on year 0119

I am getting these same database errors.

 Not used SM tool and never touched the database in this game.

My current save keeps coming up with similar error messages.

My previous backup also comes up with these messages.

But fortunately my prior backup to this is working fine.

I attach all 3 these database files in a link in a Google Drive to download if you want to double check this error.

Offline nebbish

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Re: #1170 Errors on Startup
« Reply #5 on: September 14, 2022, 02:38:08 PM »
I just had a realisation what happened before the database started having the errors. I explored a brand new system. This system had a huge number of asteroids. Over 250 I think. Maybe the error is related to this new system that was generated some how. That was the only thing that happened prior to the database not working.

The new system generated in the broken database I believe was called Manila

The error only became apparent after reloading the game.
« Last Edit: September 14, 2022, 02:40:10 PM by nebbish »

Offline Darkminion

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Re: #1170 Errors on Startup
« Reply #6 on: February 27, 2023, 11:26:17 PM »
I have run into this error across two saves now. The first was modded so I did not report or record anything anything, I also did not have a backup of the non-corrupted save for it. This report is about the second game. The second game was created using a fresh install of Aurora v2.1.1 downloaded from the forums, it is completely stock and in a different folder. Four things each game had in common:
1. Earth Death Spiral 0.03AU
2. Loaded a Medal Set
3. Started at year 1
4. Deleted Starting Colony on Earth, created new colony in randomly generated system with a Colony SM edited in. SM added a single large ship to the new colony.

When this first occurred I went to check on Earth around Aug 0027 saw NaN in its Distance and temp columns under System Generation and Display. Luna also had a NaN number but I cannot recall the column. Out of paranoia I saved and restarted the game, that's when I got the 1170 error on load. I was able to restore a windows backup that was good with the game time of Aug 0023. I ran time forward and Earth eventually vanishes and shows up with a NaN in the System Generation and Display Window and vanishes from the tactical map. I save and upon reload I encounter Error 1170. The #1170 error did not occur in Aug 0027 as it did previously, it occurred around Dec 0032 this time. I restore the same backup save from Aug 0023 ran the game forward for a second time. Earth's orbit on the tactical screen gets more and more eccentric before it vanishes, this time around Mar 0033. I save and upon reload I encounter Error 1170. While attempting to recreate the error I noticed some odd things. As Earth gets closer to Sol its orbit is drawn more and more eccentric on the tactical screen but when restarting the game it appears nearly circular. I have two screenshots attached showing this before and after reloading the game. The Eccentric value is listed as 0.017 in the System Generation and Display window and did not change at all during my testing. While taking these screenshots I restarted Aurora and also created a backup of around Jul 0031. Running time forward again the error did not reoccur until Mar 0033. I restore the Jul 0031 copy of the db and this time deleted Luna and Earth immediately. I was able to make it to Mar 0034 without the error occurring. I restored a copy of the Jul 0031 db again without deleting Luna and Earth, I encountered the error again around May 0033. 

I have attached two databases to this post. One is the corrupt DB named "AuroraDBcorrupt3mar0033.db", game time should be around Mar 0033, all but one planet is missing. Second is a backup of "AuroraDB - Copy (3)Jul0031.db", game time should be around Jul 0031, game is normal, and all planets present. If you enable auto turns and run time forward everything should occur sometime around March to May 0033. DO NOT close aurora when attempting to recreate this error, it must be done in one go.