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  1. A Step Towards Trans-Newtonian Flight?
  2. 12 New Moons Discovered For Jupiter
  3. New planet around Proxima Centauri
  4. Real LaGrange Physics
  5. Terraforming Mars?
  6. Long-Lost US Military Satellite Found By Amateur Radio Operator
  7. Main Reason Why Massive Planets Orbit Close to Stars
  8. 20 new Moons around Saturn
  9. Fusion Power in 5 years?
  10. Nearest Habitable planet?
  11. David Butler's How Far Away Is It - You-tube series for Astronomy Nerds
  12. Orion Spacecraft
  13. Building a better solar system:astronomer calculates a system can hold 60 earths
  14. Indicator for life on Mars found (Repost)
  15. ISEE-3 Reboot Project
  16. Third planet classification: gas dwarf
  17. Potentialy Habbitable Planet found.
  18. SpaceX Tentatively reports soft splashdown
  19. Another watery moon
  20. An atmosphere for the moon?
  21. Some space science Qs
  22. History of Spacewepons: Russian Laser Satellites
  23. Colony Cost estimates?
  24. New commuting options
  25. New Moon Mission
  26. What a way to go! (It would have been.)
  27. ESA/NASA measures "colour" of Exoplanet
  28. Nasa supports fusion based pulsed rocket.
  29. Ion Engines
  30. Ice Dome Infrastructure
  31. Large Quasar Groups
  32. Google Maps 100,000 stars
  33. Boeing Successfully Tests Microwave Missile
  34. Planet with four suns discovered
  35. Interstellar Carriers
  36. Asteroid mining and why it might not work at all
  37. Magnetoplasma drive
  38. Lasers have reached their potential
  39. Curiosity landing "Life"
  40. Possible new planet in our solar system
  41. Near Earth Asteroid Mining Venture
  42. Hubble Reveals a New Class of Extrasolar Planet
  43. FTL FTW!
  44. Planetray "X-ray"
  45. Potentially Habitable planet located
  46. 40% of stars have planets
  47. Life supporting Exoplanet?
  48. New particle
  49. Star torn apart by black hole
  50. Precursors and Mars