Author Topic: Halo Alternative Universe - 2170 - C# 1.3 - Updates (ARCHIVED)  (Read 3443 times)

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Offline SpaceMarine (OP)

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This is the archived run that I did in 1.3, the new one is in 1.51, so do not expect updates here.
« Last Edit: April 19, 2020, 03:15:38 AM by SpaceMarine »
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Re: SpaceMarines Halo - Alternative Universe - C# Aurora V1.3
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2020, 04:23:12 PM »

Year: 2170

The year turned out to be a surprise, as we had expected no less from our first true journey into the stars, on mercury a startling discovery was found a ruined settlement, we had somehow missed it for thousands of years and only when we landed on the planet we actually found it, Commander Brenton Wehrheim of the 2nd Survey Group himself landed after hearing reports from his survey crew, he has thus been awarded with the Colonial cross for being the first human to discover extraterrestrial life.

Due to this discovery ship production quotas have been pushed up and one more carrier strike group is on the way, there is great uncertainty in the UEG high command as the fact an alien settlement was on mercury must mean they have visited this solar system and if that is the case then they could still be in the system for all we know or nearby, as such it was the first directive of the President John Lasky to immediately order the excavation and study of the ruined settlement so we may battle understand the aliens that inhabited mercury.

On the 6th of may the UNSC Magellan along with it strike group set off for mercury, in its holds it carried twenty excavation vehicles and sixty men bound for the alien colony on the planet, once landed they began immediate preparations to analyse and recover the alien ruins.

In other news: The solar system is more than halfway surveyed with all but asteroids left to geologically survey and the gravitational survey has been complete revealing six jump points, once the main geological survey has been completed, the survey groups will depart, high command has ordered for the UNSC Sigma and its taskgroup to provide assistance where required in case these aliens from mercury appear.

160 Automated mines were dropped on venus as it was shown to have vast quantities of minerals and useful supplies.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2020, 06:04:41 PM by wren »

Offline SpaceMarine (OP)

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Re: SpaceMarines Halo - Alternative Universe - C# Aurora V1.3
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2020, 06:14:11 PM »
Year: 2171-2172

In the Year 2171 the first slip space jump was made and direct transit to the system designated "Centaurus" while it was a successful test it was also a disappointing find for the first system, it contained a singular G7-V star and nothing else as such the 3rd Survey Group started immediate gravitational survey operations.

Three more Systems were discovered, Tau Ceti, Proxima centauri and sigma draconis, only one of these systems contained a planet with likely prospects for terraforming and that was Proxima Centauri II, it had a hydrosphere, an annoying helium hydrogen atmosphere but was 0.74 of earth gravity and 15,000 in diameter, while it would not be the most ideal colony it would be a start and could sustain a human population without requiring extreme effort,  Colonial command then ordered a jump tender to the jump point and freighters through to begin delivering infastructure

In other news: the first colonists arrived on Luna after infrastructure was delivered by UNSC Logistic Command, these brave sols were now the first colonists to land on another world, and would begin preparations to build a life on luna, while that was happening high command ordered terraformers be sent to Luna and immediately water vapour began being added to the atmosphere, it would take a little less then 5 years to terraform the planet.

In the Year 2172 the infrastructure finally to proxima centauri and the planet was therefore designated "New Eden" Colonists would arrive by the end of the year and preparations were made to begin immediate deployment of a garrison force to planet for the foreseeable future.

On the 4th of August the UNSC Bunker hill and the UNSC Clearidas entered orbit of New Eden and the platoon of marines immediately began landing preparations and set foot on the planets surface for the first time, commanding the marine contingent on the ground was Lieutenant Colonel Vance Sandburg, while unusual for a platoon to be commanded by a lieutenant colonel since this was the first extrasolar colony, the UNSC Decided it was important to send an experienced officer.

Eight days later a galaxy class vessel entered orbit and provided the UNSC Destroyers stationed their support and maintenance, with the platoon of marines delivered and two UNSC Destroyers in orbit the planet was firmly secured, and as this happened planetary governor Bryon Blorn arrived with the first wave of colonists, landing in the middle of the newly constructed colony and began immediate preparation for a permanent settlement.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2020, 06:37:55 PM by wren »

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Re: SpaceMarines Halo - Alternative Universe - C# Aurora V1.3
« Reply #3 on: April 14, 2020, 07:25:47 PM »
Year: 2173

During the year the following systems were discovered: Hector, Epsilon Indi, Shaka, Epsilon Eridani.

Shaka and Epsilon Eridani would prove to be the most interesting, Shaka had vast planets capable of supporting colonies and also massive minerals reserves though at somewhat of a low yield, it was also near the preexisting colony of New Eden, due to these reasons it was decided that the colony of Tannenberg, named after the survey ship that discovered it, be made and following this order freighters and jump tenders got to work.

During these discoveries the shipyards of earth continued turning out more commercial ships as it was not expected for any alien threats to be close to the sol system, and more commercial ships were needed to continue colonial efforts, this would prove to be a  mistakes however as the survey ship the UNSC - General Lee commanded by Gerardo Knippel and Science Officer Lieutenant Commander Darron Stander would be the first humans to find proof of living alien life, when they pulled close to Epsilon Eridani-A IV, interesting to the Commander was that the alien contact detected was hovering above it since it was a super jovian and not habitable, it was also only 7535 tons which is quite small, so the best guess was this was a survey vessel of some kind that was surveying the super giant for sorium.

Either way he had to make a decision, he decided against contacting the aliens are hoping that they did not notice him instead he would make for the sol jump point and immediately report back to the UNSC what happened, it was impossible at this point to send a communication to the UNSC due to distance the planet was light years away even with the advanced communications suite it would take at least thirty days to get a response, as such Commander Gerardo ordered the UNSC - General Lee to begin immediate preparations to the jump point.


Offline SpaceMarine (OP)

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Re: SpaceMarines Halo - Alternative Universe - C# Aurora V1.3
« Reply #4 on: April 14, 2020, 08:28:15 PM »
Year: 2174

At the end of last year the UNSC - General Lee reported an alien contact, he has since made it back to the UNSC lines and UNSC high command has ordered the carrier strikegroup as well as the Light Attack Strike Group to move immediately to investigate and understand its purpose, leading theories suggest it could be a remnant of the mercury colony, as such the UNSC is bringing all the weapons as only one contact was detected but there could be more in system.

The Strike Group moves towards the IV planet in the system where it was detected, at this point it has not moved and as such Captain Jeff Helfrich of the 1st Carrier Strikegroup and leader of this expedition orders that the Light Strike group move to gain sensor lock and investigate, eventually the Light Strike Group make contact, as they do they come under no fire and decide to wait, no other forces are detected.

The Captain not knowing how best to handle this situation decides that the carrier group shall remain and attempt to initiate communications if possible while the Light Strike group continue following it and staying in contact.

As the order is given, the Alien ship moves off and towards the sol jump point, at this point Commander Arturo of the UNSC Calcutta leads the strike group and orders it to follow as ordered by the captain, as the alien ship approaches the sol jump point they have to choose what to do, either allow this to happen or open fire and possibly damage relations forever, with no ability to contact anyone but inside the strike group within a reasonable amount of time, commander Arturo Uterback not willing to risk the location of sol and its defences opens fire with two vessels, the UNSC Calcutta and UNSC Pike, both carry a heavy hitting MAC cannon capable of smashing a ship to pieces, even though the taskgroup contained 16 vessels, she decided it would be wise if possible to capture and maybe save some force or at the very least fire warning shots forcing them to retreat, neither happened.

On the 13th of January at approximately 3:53AM the UNSC Pike and UNSC Calcutta Opened fire, becoming the first ever time a human vessel fired upon an alien craft, the main MAC cannons coiled up and within five seconds two MAC rounds went straight into the side of the alien vessels dealing heavy damage and slowing it to 1 km/s, it is estimated that at this time the engines were either destroyed or it was hit so hard by shock damage the crew were not able to issue commands properly, before the enemy ship could change course, the UNSC Pike opened up with its point defence cannons at point blank range and the enemy ship was engulfed in flames, the vessel falling to pieces as life pods launched.

Even the Commander had no expected to destroy the ship and as it did he just sat their looking out of his command bridge shocked, as the UNSC has some honour they immediately began to launch shuttles to at the very least recover some of the escaped, this would also be useful as they could provide further information on their now enemies capabilities and their race.

It was just moments after when Captain Jeff Helfrich saw the explosions off in the distance and ordered an immediate communication to the UNSC Calcutta, it would be too late though, after the engagement, the captain immediately ordered  the commander of the UNSC Calcutta questioned and he also requested all survivors of the alien ship transported to his flagship the UNSC - Sigma.

Offline SpaceMarine (OP)

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Re: SpaceMarines Halo - Alternative Universe - C# Aurora V1.3
« Reply #5 on: April 15, 2020, 01:11:24 AM »
Due to the release of Aurora C# 1.4 and some crashing issues I am restarting  with the same stuff but in 1.4 and fixing a few minors issues in my last save, think of this as one of the alternative universes, so to the next one!, as such do not expect an update for a while as I need to set everything up again and it took me around 8 hours to do so last time, though it should be quicker since i have already done it previously, all the background stuff should be identical so do not worry about that.
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