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Music For Aurora:

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Hello all,

I tend to make elaborate soundtracks for my creative endevours and idle distractions. I thought I'd share the music I listen to while playing aurora. There are some youtube links to music as well.

I'd like to know what everyone else is listening to.

Brian Eno
Brian eno is one of the fathers of synthesized music. He's got an incredible variety of music, but he does a lot of astronomy-themed compositions that really capture the feelings associated with deep space: sorta loneliness, wonder, and dread rolled together.
Among stars: He did a really cool compilation where he wrote a song that "sounds like" each of the major equatorial stars, I really like Altair:
This is the sorta music one could make first contact to. It's all vaguely unsettling AND serene.

Mark Knopfler
most people think of thim as this sorta obnoxious-rock-and-roll guy because his band, Dire Straits, performed one number which decidedly is, however most of  his individual stuff is very mellow, and they has some pretty cerebral themes. Some of his songs are about explorers:
Sailing to Philadelphia: brothers in arms:
Music from the voyager golden record:
You guys can look up what that is on your own time, sufficed to say, the original CD that had all the songs is VERY hard to find (though some kind soul has uploaded them all to youtube, I have no idea who he is  ::) ) . Anyone trying to play a campaign with an "international" vibe should listen. Some of my favorite songs:
Sounds of earth: list=PLD392704803CB75C5
chakrulo: list=PLD392704803CB75C5
navajo night chant: list=PLD392704803CB75C5
cranes in their nest: list=PLD392704803CB75C5
dark was the night: list=PLD392704803CB75C5

Also, why not some mongolian music?

Those tracks sound really good!

I mostly hear the Starbound Soundtrack while playing Aurora and those fit right in with the tracks by Brian Eno you posted.
Link: https://soundcloud. com/curtis-schweitzer/sets/starbound/

Do you maybe know where to buy songs from Eno, preferred in a digital way? The youtube quality isn't great and rips from there don't sound good :/

I tend to throw on a Pandora station and let it roll for a while, usually Great Big Sea, but I'll go with Daft Punk or just a classic rock mix on occasion as well.


--- Quote from: Panopticon on February 26, 2014, 11:32:33 AM ---I tend to throw on a Pandora station and let it roll for a while, usually Great Big Sea
--- End quote ---

have done similar. I love those guys.


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