C# Aurora > C# Suggestions

Shipyard Capacity - Only have Continual

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Related to that it would also be nice to have the ability to mothball/reactivate industry sectors by percentage a percentage amount rather than just off or on.


--- Quote from: Steve Walmsley on February 26, 2024, 06:08:33 AM ---
--- Quote from: alex_brunius on February 26, 2024, 05:47:47 AM ---Maybe it would make sense to have shipyards only requires population (workers) based on the size of the ships they are tooled to build (including currently retooling to build)?

That way you could have idle/mothballed shipyards, and they will man up only the moment when you need them to actually build something.

If your making the counterargument that the workers working on shipyard expansion should be modelled too, then they should be modelled for set size expansion as well IMO.

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It's a possibility. I must admit, when I am in trouble population-wise I sometimes tow unused shipyards somewhere else, like in orbit of Venus, and maybe dump fuel refineries there too once I have sufficient harvesters. This is effectively the same thing with less hassle.

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I do wish a similar idea was also extended to teraforming installations. Right now once the teraforming is done, they just take up workers (and provide wealth!) for no reason. Perhaps their worker requirement should only factor in if they are actually in use? Could also do the same thing with fuel refineries.

The main challenge would be maintenance facilities, you would have to at minimum check that
A - They aren't actively producing MSP
B - There are no military ships in orbit that require maintenance

I would however also mention that I care less about maintenance facilities being "optimised" in this way. You don't fire your train technicians because there isn't currently a train waiting for maintenance.


--- Quote from: Droll on February 27, 2024, 04:05:07 AM ---
I would however also mention that I care less about maintenance facilities being "optimised" in this way. You don't fire your train technicians because there isn't currently a train waiting for maintenance.

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Evidence suggest many organisation do fire those technicians and are confused when they have no capacity 3 months later

It's literally how FX companies and game development companies work - they hire staff for a project, then fire them once the project is finished, then hire them and/or new people if/when they get a new project. It's absolutely ridiculous but that's the society we live in.

I don't agree that Terraformers should not require population if they are inactive as now with the new orbital mechanics, it is possible that a planet needs semi-continuous terraforming work. Plus, I like to RP that the atmosphere on terraformed planets need constant maintenance, hence I keep a couple of the installations around for that purpose at each colony. Unless there should be a toggle for them, like with other facilities, where they are 'turned completely off'.


--- Quote from: Garfunkel on February 27, 2024, 07:48:05 PM ---It's literally how FX companies and game development companies work - they hire staff for a project, then fire them once the project is finished, then hire them and/or new people if/when they get a new project. It's absolutely ridiculous but that's the society we live in.

I don't agree that Terraformers should not require population if they are inactive as now with the new orbital mechanics, it is possible that a planet needs semi-continuous terraforming work. Plus, I like to RP that the atmosphere on terraformed planets need constant maintenance, hence I keep a couple of the installations around for that purpose at each colony. Unless there should be a toggle for them, like with other facilities, where they are 'turned completely off'.

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I forgot to consider the elliptical orbit problem.


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