Author Topic: Extra-Galatic Invaders messing with time increments  (Read 1385 times)

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Offline GhostOfGod (OP)

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Extra-Galatic Invaders messing with time increments
« on: March 21, 2012, 01:36:17 AM »
This may be or may not be a bug, but it surely is annoying.  In several of my past games I would invariably reach a point, typically within 5 years, where something would happen way out in the void of space. . . and suddenly my time increments are limited to 1 day sub-pulses.

 At first I thought I had misclicked, but then it continued even when I knew there was no error on my part.  After a little less than a year of this day by day toil I bowed my head in defeat and made a new game.  Much to my chagrin I found my time slowed again, this time within the first year.  My eyes narrowed and I thought, "What is this nonsense that plagues me?" For a third time that day I found myself looking at the Create New Game screen, wondering what it could be that was causing my time to slow.  This time I left everything set to the default, knowing in my beginning games nothing like this had ever occurred.

Before I started, though, I read through the forums.  Searching reading the most relevant posts should they already contain the answer to my mystery.  Most of the suggested causes were NPR combat, or possibly even an Precursor ship spawned in the same system as an NPR.  But in my case the time was consistently 1 day at a time, never any 5 seconds of combat spam.  Finally I read somewhere to turn on space master and read my events and by the gods did I find my answer.

Going back to my original two games with this issue I found that spacemaster as limiting time to 1 day as I had expected, but it was because of an incoming fleet.  For 340 days a fleet had been approaching someone, the same had happened in my second game.  Further investigation revealed the source of the issue to be Extra-Galatic Invaders, which is disappointing because I wanted to see/fightbe horribly murdered by them.  So should I just disable them until mid-late game then. . . well wait I guess?

Extra-Galatic Invaders seem to cause some rather intense waiting periods when they're flying to wipe someone off the face of the universe.  Can I make them go any faster or just leave them disabled until I want to suck it up and wait?

Offline xeryon

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Re: Extra-Galatic Invaders messing with time increments
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2012, 06:50:52 AM »
You can enable then later in your game when you are wanting to add that challenge.

Offline Garfunkel

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Re: Extra-Galatic Invaders messing with time increments
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2012, 05:30:02 PM »
Bad luck mate - I've had them on in all of my six games and never encountered this issue, so far.

Offline wedgebert

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Re: Extra-Galatic Invaders messing with time increments
« Reply #3 on: March 22, 2012, 11:34:35 AM »
When this happens to me, it's always because a couple of Invader ships are encountering large fleets of missile armed NPRs. The NPRs are almost always armed with just anti-missile missiles and what seems to be a ton of them. Thus ensues long stretches of the NPR closing in on the Invaders (which lowers pulse length due to "two fleets approaching"), followed by the NPRs launching what seems like endless waves of AMM salvos, which never seem to actually penetrate the shields. Finally, any surviving NPR ships fly off to rearm and make the same attack run soon after.

However this always lowers by sub-pulses to the hour or minute range, very rarely am I limited to just 1-day pulses.

Offline IveGotNoIdea

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Re: Extra-Galatic Invaders messing with time increments
« Reply #4 on: March 24, 2012, 08:48:23 AM »
I think how some systems are created might be the cause, I just found a system with a planet 2 LIGHT YEARS away from local star, it would take years if not decades for invaders to get to a colony on such planet, hence 1 day increments.