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Offline plugger (OP)

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Some Assistance Required
« on: January 18, 2010, 05:35:42 AM »

I've wandered over here from the Wargamer forums courtesy of Steve's excellent AAR.

I'm having some trouble getting everything up and running. I see from a bit of reading here that you don't want to be hassled by nongs who can't be bothered to check the basics.

So I'll raise my right hand and state that I've done my due diligence before posting.

I've installed v4.75 on a high-spec 32 bit Vista box using full admin priviliges, a non-program files directory and all the usual suspects switched off at time of installation.

Install appears to be good and did all the required steps as per the relevant forum post.

I can start up a new game and can access a whole bunch of various screens. Moment I try F3 (system view) I get the following...

"Runtime error 339
Component TABCTL32.OCX or one of it's dependencies isn't correctly registered: a file is missing or invalid"

Aurora crashes and exits.

Wiped Aurora (via control panel), reinstalled twice. No change.
Checked /windows/system32 and found TABCTL32.OCX present and accounted for (Active X ?)
Shut down virus checker, etc.  No change.
Searched this forum for similiar error message. No joy.

Any assistance here to point me in the right direction would be appreciated.

I'd have posted this in the Installation forum but for some reason couldn't do it. Do new forum members not have authority to post there ? Kind of tricky if that's the case.

On a seperate note I'd say the reason I'm interested in playing Aurora is Steve's Tutorials that he recently posted. I looked at it earlier but was put off by the need to trawl forums in order to get playable info but the tutorials sealed the deal second time around.

I think they have struck just the right note of being informative, giving the hard data (formula) and some strategy advice while being presented in an entertaining manner. Well done.


Offline Steve Walmsley

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Re: Some Assistance Required
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2010, 03:24:33 PM »
I have seen errors of this nature before but not for that particular file. It usually means that while you have this particular file present on your PC it isn't correctly registered for some reason. I did a quick search on Google and came up with this Microsoft page that might help you


Offline plugger (OP)

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Re: Some Assistance Required
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2010, 10:30:19 PM »
Goodaye Steve,

Thanks for the help but no luck. File is confirmed as registered (manually registered it just to be sure) and I have full admin/security access priviliges.

I'm perservering here as I'd like to dwelve into the interesting looking world that you've created.

Had a look at your install log (setup.lst) and ran a few checks.

All the files in the install log are on my PC, all are where they should be and I have full access to the lot.

Found a few interesting things that might be possibilities. A number of the files that your installer wanted to load up onto my PC were already onboard - typically the MS Jet dbase stuff - where I chose to keep the more up-to-date versions rather than overwrite with yours. I'm guessing no big deal.

However a couple of other files might be.

dao360.dll (MS Access stuff again?)
msdxm.ocx (windows media file components) (version 11.0.6002.18065)
comdlg32.ocx (version

All of these were 2009 or thereabouts versions that I chose to keep versus your 10+ year old versions in some cases. Man, you're loading up some ancient junk onto my nice new box here!

If I'm striking problems with an .ocx file could it be that the older versions that your installer put onboard aren't on speaking terms with the newer ones I already had?

Same situation with the VB6 files but I'm assuming that everything would be backwards compatible here.

I'm not keen on wiping my existing newer versions as the're used by other programs.


Offline metalax

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Re: Some Assistance Required
« Reply #3 on: January 19, 2010, 02:27:15 AM »
One thing to try that worked for me even though it seem like its a crazy idea is to UNregister the file. I was having the same problems with comdlg32.ocx and this solved it for me.

Offline plugger (OP)

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Re: Some Assistance Required
« Reply #4 on: January 19, 2010, 04:07:07 AM »
Goodaye Metalax,

One thing to try that worked for me even though it seem like its a crazy idea is to UNregister the file. I was having the same problems with comdlg32.ocx and this solved it for me.

That did the job!

regsvr32 /u  tabctl32.ocx

Talk about intuitive.

Many thanks as I would never have figured that one out. Bizarre.

Just how did you manage to come up with that idea? In my experience computers and crazy ideas are a lethal combination. I'm impressed.


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Re: Some Assistance Required
« Reply #5 on: January 20, 2010, 05:32:32 AM »
Heh, It came about because I'd already tried replacing and registering the file 3 times. So I decided to start from scratch by unregistering and removing the file and seeing if aurora threw up any different error. The idea was to then work through the process of installing and registering the file checking to see what errors were given at each stage. I was surprised to find it worked after simply unregistering the file.

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Re: Some Assistance Required
« Reply #6 on: March 22, 2014, 11:11:47 AM »
Post from FAQ thread that really belongs here:


Really sorry to up this old topic but it seems to be the right one, and I can't create a new topic in the bug section.

I am concerned about a friend of mine trying to install Aurora 6.30 (the portable version here :,5663.0.html) for the first time on Windows 7 64 bits. He seems too shy to post himself, I hope you can help :
- he cleaned the register with all aurora stuff after uninstalls
- he installed the 6.30 portable version directly on D:\ (so not in C:\Program Files since I have read it could be an issue)
- he gets a 339 error when launching the AW_Aurora.exe in administrator mode
- he sets the US or UK version (with . decimals, or spaces) (I thought it was unnecessary now in 6.30, but he tried, by the way we are frenchmen)
- by launching aurora.exe with no admin rights the game starts but by clicking on F5 he gets "error OCMT232.ocx missing". He noticed that he had not that one in regsvr32 or 64, so he downloaded and installed it on both registres. But he still gets that same message by clicking on F5

Thanks for him

I asked if the friend had tried un-registering, and requested further posts go in this thread.


Offline saintjust

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Re: Some Assistance Required
« Reply #7 on: March 22, 2014, 12:06:43 PM »
I am the friend of Gobbopathe.
Sorry for my broken english. . .
So I tried almost every advices i Read on the forum.
I've done a last install from version 6. 3 and whenever I launch with admin right I 've gotten the same answer "erreur 339. . . . " in french !
Curiously when I launch aurora. exe alone without admin right, the game starts but crashes when I test the F3 button .
I think It's a great game I would like to play with. . . maybe not made for my PC which turns with W7 64b and without any pb with all others games or programs.
I have to say that I am the only user of the PC with a lone session.
Am I condamned to watch only the "let's play"?

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Re: Some Assistance Required
« Reply #8 on: March 22, 2014, 01:11:18 PM »
I am the friend of Gobbopathe.
Sorry for my broken english. . .
So I tried almost every advices i Read on the forum.
I've done a last install from version 6. 3 and whenever I launch with admin right I 've gotten the same answer "erreur 339. . . . " in french !
Curiously when I launch aurora. exe alone without admin right, the game starts but crashes when I test the F3 button .
I think It's a great game I would like to play with. . . maybe not made for my PC which turns with W7 64b and without any pb with all others games or programs.
I have to say that I am the only user of the PC with a lone session.
Am I condamned to watch only the "let's play"?

I can state that Aurora does run on Win 7 64bit, as that is what I am using. But then I've also got VB6, VS2008, and VS2010 installed. So maybe I'm not a good test case :)

Offline MarcAFK

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Re: Some Assistance Required
« Reply #9 on: March 23, 2014, 01:02:30 AM »
Windows 7 64 bit here, Aurora runs well, except for some odd effect it has on the font of firefox's menus.
I'll tell you that there was somethings i needed to install to get Aurora working well, one was that simple shutdown times which people recommend in order to get a certain file visual basic 6 needs to work.
Other things I may have installed I'm not sure, I would have to assume that I've installed visual basic at some point.

Can I ask if You have aurora installed in program files? Take it out and put that folder anywhere else.
Other than that, I'm not sure, but that error 339 means a file is missing.
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". . .  We know nothing about them, their language, their history or what they look like.  But we can assume this.  They stand for everything we don't stand for.  Also they told me you guys look like dorks. "
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Offline saintjust

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Re: Some Assistance Required
« Reply #10 on: March 23, 2014, 05:54:31 AM »
actually I think I maybe solved my pbs. . .
I simply DL missing DLL and ocx found in the web and install them inside my system32 registry !
When I reboot the game, it works apparently without any bug !
But I can ONLY launch the game through the auro. exe never  by the aw_aurora. exe!
May I patch my 6. 3 version without any risk?