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The Academy / Re: ground forces - what to build and how to organize
« Last post by alex_brunius on August 27, 2024, 04:14:37 PM »
So if you create a unit of 7500t size, Aurora will assume that it should have a Lieutenant-Colonel commanding it.

If you create a unit with HQ capacity above 75,000t then Aurora assumes it should have a Major-General commanding it.

You can of course change these things as you see fit.
Thank you so much!
I love how this game makes you go:

Hmmm there should be a button to do X that I want to do... and when you actually search for it you find that 100% invisible button that you didn't see through hours and hours of staring at the UI  ;D ;D ::)

Apparently there is a button to Change the Rank of a formation Template! Who knew! (well duh apparently you did  :P)
The Academy / Re: ground forces - what to build and how to organize
« Last post by Louella on August 27, 2024, 01:30:09 PM »
Is there a handy list somewhere showing how many tons HQ capacity each commander rank can handle maximum?

There is no max capacity for rank, but the game assumes a rank based on unit size and/or HQ capacity.

Quote from: Demonius on the aurora discord
Unit size
<=5000 Major
<=10000 LtColonel
<=20000 Colonel
>20000 Brigadier
HQ Size
>75000 Mj. General
>250000  Lt. General
>1000000 General

So if you create a unit of 7500t size, Aurora will assume that it should have a Lieutenant-Colonel commanding it.

If you create a unit with HQ capacity above 75,000t then Aurora assumes it should have a Major-General commanding it.

You can of course change these things as you see fit.
The Academy / Re: ground forces - what to build and how to organize
« Last post by Andrew on August 27, 2024, 08:07:53 AM »
AFAIK Commander rank makes no difference to what size unit they can command, it is the size of the HQ that determines what forces can be commanded
The Academy / Re: ground forces - what to build and how to organize
« Last post by alex_brunius on August 27, 2024, 07:19:16 AM »
Is there a handy list somewhere showing how many tons HQ capacity each commander rank can handle maximum?
C# Tutorials / Re: Transfering medals from one game to another
« Last post by Kiero on August 27, 2024, 02:05:21 AM »
Show this exported excel file.
The Academy / Re: help with supply ships
« Last post by joeclark77 on August 26, 2024, 11:07:37 AM »
My problem was lack of cargo shuttles.
The Academy / Re: help with supply ships
« Last post by clew on August 26, 2024, 09:46:29 AM »
There is not a "maintenance transfer system" like for fuel or ordinance. However, you need to make sure the "Supply Ship" option is checked on the class design screen and that it has cargo shuttles.
The Academy / help with supply ships
« Last post by joeclark77 on August 26, 2024, 06:55:37 AM »
I've built supply ships with lots of MSP storage, but they aren't resupplying their fleetmates, either automatically or when I give them explicit orders.  What might I be missing?  Is there a "maintenance transfer system" like there is for ordinance and for fuel, because I'm not seeing it?  Do I need shuttles?
The Academy / Re: diplomacy how-to
« Last post by Froggiest1982 on August 25, 2024, 04:21:21 PM »
It is worth noting that any race with 80+ xenophobe trait, it's pretty much impossible to keep pleased, and your only option is either war or containment.

What defines your option is their expansionist trait, as sooner or later they will want to get into your sphere of influence when that trait is higher than 70, so you may need to build some large military outposts in the neighbouring systems with a decent strike force ready for when war inevitably breaks up.

Below a guide for you to understand likelihood of peaceful existence:

Racial Characteristics
Xenophobia: A rating from 1-100 showing the fear of other races or governments
Diplomacy = A rating from 1-100 showing the ability to persuade other races. This is used to offset the Xenophobia of another race
Militancy = A rating from 1-100 showing the likelihood this race will choose military force to achieve its goals.
Expansionism = A rating from 1-100 showing the desire of this race to increase its territory
Determination = A rating from 1-100 showing the determination of this race to proceed with a chosen course of action despite setbacks.
Trade = A rating from 1-100 showing the willingness to trade with other races and to establish/allow trading posts
Translation Skill = -25 to +25 A modifier to communication attempts
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