Author Topic: Year 2045  (Read 2246 times)

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Offline Destra (OP)

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Year 2045
« on: November 20, 2011, 01:32:25 PM »
The EINS intro plays, a new face appears, an older man, around mid 40s. "Good morning the peoples of Earth and Mars. I'm your host tonight Charles Boone. Amanda Ward is still currently on maternity leave, she will be back next year. Now down to business, we have a full full coverage of the on going war between SV/AD forces and the horde.

 "On February 1st, a combined force of American Dominion and Shadow Veil forces attacked the roving mass of humanity that has been nicknamed the horde. When the attack started everything seemed to be going well, they cut into the outer layers, pealing it like an onion but that's when things started to go horribly wrong. A sudden surge of fighters from deep inside the mass erupted forth spilling death and destruction for the allied forces. Previously unseen or ignored tanks started bombarding allied armor destroying many and routing the rest. Facing a solid wall of fire and high explosives the now unsupported infantry also retreated and dug in several miles away forming a defense line."

 "The next several months saw heavy fighting, pushes and counter attacks by AD forces was common, until on May 23rd the commanders used their entire remaining force to attempt a surgical strike on the nerve center of the horde. It was a trap and they lost most of their soldiers in the ensuing fire fight and were forced to withdraw off the battle line. The remaining Veil forces could only keep up the pressure as they were fighting for their homeland. A continued mass pushes and strikes by Veil forces lasted for months, but slowly the mass of humanity broke the defensive lines and pushed through. The remaining offensive soldiers fell back, over 50% casualties have been reported for all divisions with some having been disbanded and remaining troops, what few that is, have been reported to be merged into other groups. August the 8th marks the first major defeat by Veil forces."

 "At the retreat of the high tech soldiers, the mass surged forth, though they have lost a significant amount of their power. It took a few days of travel, rampaging across the remains of the battlefield, before the last line of defense was hit, and it must have felt like a brick wall to the invading horde. On August 13th, as the mass was charging forward, they were hit with a solid line of defense, far stronger then any they encountered earlier, bunker lines were setup with anti-tank guns, mortars and the remnants of those previous combatants.  August 13th 2044 marked the defeat of their major push, having taken heavy casualties in the attack with no real noticeable effect to the defenders, whoever is leading this horde fell back and seems to be planning a new offensive. So far nothing concrete seems to have been attempted and as of the new year no major fighting has been attempted by both sides. This year will be very interesting as to what exactly happens in this conflict, can the Veil push back their invaders or shall the horde succeed on bringing down a TN Nation? You can be sure the world is watching this development closely."

 "In other news it seems that assassins from NDR have had a busy year. While it is only suspect, police and investigators heavily suspect that NDR assassins are the ones responsible for the killing of the  Ski Lankan Enclave Prime Minister. The Prime Minister was sleeping in his condo during the night of July 7th when cameras caught footage of two people dressed in black entering his room, they appear to have injected him with something that doctors have so far been unable to identify. But whatever it was, it stopped his heart immediately, guards having been alerted burst into the room. A quick firefight ensued and one assailant was killed with the other escaping out the window, so far he or she has eluded local police and hope dwindles of finding this person."

 "The second attempt at killing an important figure happened in Free India. Here NDR forces are also suspect though they failed to kill their target. This attempt was in broad daylight, at a public speech the security  force of President Baha Udeen were tipped off to the location the shooters will be in. They attempted to ambush them as they entered the building but one of the team must have smelled the trap. They started to leave when security attempted to take them, a quick gunfight occured leaving 3 officers dead and 2 wounded with only wounding one assassin. London and the League have issued a statement declairing that if these events continue to take place then they will have no choice but to seize NDR assets."

 "In world economic news, both Trianium and Corundium have offically been mined out on earth, TN powers should start to be concerned with this dwindling resource as without a secondary source their economies will surely collapse. Reports have been spread that resources in the solar system surely will maintain current production levels for many years to come."

 "This has been a big year with quite a bit of change happening, we will of course keep you all apprised of any new developments. I'm Charles Boone, and goodnight."

Offline ardem

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Re: Year 2045
« Reply #1 on: November 20, 2011, 03:37:57 PM »

It much to my regret that Ms Amanda Ward is on maternity leave. This new character likes to flower things up a bit and is not very sexy. Also my nightly ritual of a box of tissue and baby oil left me very unsatisfied. I wish A. Ward the best success of her new baby and I wish if I did not have an AVO out on me, I could congratulate her in person.

Kind Regards,

A. Stalker

Offline shadenight123

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Re: Year 2045
« Reply #2 on: November 21, 2011, 03:25:08 AM »
there are no news concerning neo italy.
this suits the Original, but makes shadenight123 sad.
and the neo-italians are sad.
considering they are now the GNI galactical neo-italians.
people die all the time, it's not a problem.
it is if you're sending them to die.
i'm not. they just need to learn to be better.
they need NOT TO CARE!
my blog (updated 17/12/2011) (updated every saturday):

Offline Vynadan

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Re: Year 2045
« Reply #3 on: November 21, 2011, 10:41:39 AM »
It has been ten years since Avaron Romenel was elected Prime Minister of the Antarctican Harbour by the delegations from the Antarctican cities.

The new election took place among the 39 delegates of the Antarctican cities. These politicians are sent every five years to Sanae to form the High Government, chosen by the local city governments to represent their own agendas.
Romenel's most publicly noticable achievements were the annexation of Brazil and its initial dispute with the American Dominion, the still ongoing maglev project in Antarctica and the early space voyage of the AHN Zambia.
However, while the exact council of the delegates was undisclosed to the public, they apparently did not deem him fitting for the next ten year legislative period.
The new Prime Minister is a Russian-born woman by the name of Natasha Alekseyevna Kuznetsova, who so far is an unknown personality to the public.

Industry in the Antarctican Harbour has been the weakest link in the nation ever since the settlement of the cold continent. Most of the construction corporations and civilian industry is connected with the dome constructions and maglev project - only now are new economic fields developed, with Brazil being a target for several new projects.

The government has increased its industrial capacities significiantly, lately a new shipyard for spacecraft being the marvel of Antarctican news. Further, almost all government-run industry now utilises trans-newtonian minerals in one way or another. Currently, further increasements in the industrial sector are underway.
Although closely kept to the chest of the Antarcticans, the military receives a large budget to further its own technology and keep the various Exclaves of the Antarctican Harbour save and under control.

Antarctica has seen a steady progression of its maglev project since the first connection was established between the capitol of Sanae and the northern Heartlands city of Amucott. From there, the maglev network now connects to Vostok and then again further into the cities of Davis, Casey and McMurdo. New Leningrad is the only city left in this "southern" part of Antarctica not yet connected to the maglev. Further north, Halley, Syowa and Mawson have all been connected to one another with a coastal maglev tunnel below the ice and Halley is constructing a further route through the glaciers to Rothera. The West of Antarctica has seen an innovation since the settlement: The first city not based on one of the former research facilities has begun construction, as a relais for the maglev tunnels.

The city of New Brazil is located in the county of Ellsworth, in the bow of the non-glacier ice, making it the third Antarctican city not directly connected to the sea and Ellsworth the first Antarctican county to possess more than one of the large dome cities.
This new city is also the first to utilise a new method of construction: Instead of erecting the city on top of the ice and doming it, it is instead dug into the surface, the deepest populated part of it currently reaching almost five hundred metre into the ice - half way to the soil of Antarctica. Accountable architects hope for a better control over the dense populations in Antarctican cities and Environmentalists are calmed as the sunken-in city, leaves the surface almost undisturbed, save for the large glassed-over area that forms the new city's ceiling.
Although still under construction - albeit one could argue that all cities are always under enlargment constructions - harbours a populace of 100.000 people and is activly advancing the maglev tunnels towards Rothera and Russkaya from its own location.

Although the maglev network is still far from fully established, the previous assumptions about Amucott and Vostok have been confirmed. Due to their central location they serve as a major maglev station, depot and relais for all kinds of goods, resources and travellers. Debates about the potential settlement of further cities close to the existing maglev tunnels arose, as all of the coastal domes are notoriously overpopulated.

Brazil, save for the Dutch portion and the Dominion's city, has been fully annexed by the Antarctican Harbour. Although initially only the Amazonian Exclave was the Harbour's goal, the thinly spread populace has since been peacefully incorporated into the nation, with several industrial and civilian projects beginning in the easier to access locations. However, the majority of Brazil is so far littered with the ruins of the former age and scarcely used by the Antarctican Harbour.

As several million of Antarctica's inhabitants originated from Brazil and other South American countries, Brazil has seen a surge of settlers coming from the mainland. People inspired to repopulate their formers homes or escape the ice have joined the natives and the 'largest exclave' is prognosticated to strife in the coming decade.
« Last Edit: November 22, 2011, 03:27:31 AM by Vynadan »

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Re: Year 2045
« Reply #4 on: November 21, 2011, 02:08:23 PM »
[ooc]Hey, you forget the AD has a city there too.[/ooc]