C# Aurora > Development Discussions

Naming Theme Suggestions

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Steve Walmsley:
In the ship name list thread in Aurora Chat, Bartimeus suggested a thread for potential WH40K names: http://aurora2.pentarch.org/index.php?topic=4905.msg115721#msg115721

There are various other naming theme suggested in different threads and sub-fora and I sure I missed some of them or forgot to go back. Therefore, this is now the 'Official' naming theme suggestion thread and has three purposes:

1) Post your complete naming themes here. This only requires a title for the theme and a list of names with one per line (either as a text file or directly in the post). I'll add them to C# Aurora.

2) Requests for names to create a specific theme. For example, using Bartimeus' example, suggestions for one or more genre-appropriate but non-canon names for WH40K ships that can eventually be combined into a theme

3) Making sure I don't forget to include a theme that someone has made the effort to create.

Is this for Commanders, Ships, or Systems? Or all of them?

Steve Walmsley:

--- Quote from: Jovus on August 11, 2019, 11:04:12 AM ---Is this for Commanders, Ships, or Systems? Or all of them?

--- End quote ---

C# Aurora doesn't have separate lists for classes, ships, systems, etc. There is just one set of naming themes for everything. The exception is commander names, which have their own themes. Either is fine on here.

Since it came up, I always had two issues with naming themes, for one that the names always came up ordered, so names repeat between different games using the same themes, and second that lists could run out, which is also annoying.
Could we ensure that names are randomly picked from the lists?

Father Tim:

--- Quote from: Whitecold on August 12, 2019, 04:49:14 AM ---Since it came up, I always had two issues with naming themes, for one that the names always came up ordered, so names repeat between different games using the same themes, and second that lists could run out, which is also annoying.

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Names run out because of a different problem we had: Aurora used to grab the first unused name from the list, which meant that if one wished to skip a particular name (for example, if it appeared on two different lists the empire was using) one had to manually set every single name after it.

- - -

I would love it if we had more options for procedurally-generated naming, such as {descriptor} class name so my Wind-class destoyers could be auto-named Arctic Wind, Bitter Wind, Cold Wind, Desert Wind, etc., and my Dragon-class carriers could be auto-named Red Dragon, Night Dragon, Gold Dragon, Shadow Dragon, etc.

Or even longer strings so that the '{adjective} {noun} of the {adjective} {noun}' format could be used equally well to generate names like Glorious Battle of the First of June or the Dark Crusader of the Mighty Emperor' by correctly specifying the desired lists.

- - -

--- Quote from: Whitecold on August 12, 2019, 04:49:14 AM ---Could we ensure that names are randomly picked from the lists?

--- End quote ---

No, we can not ensure that.  I absolutely do not want my Greek Letter Monitors coming out "Iota, Tau, Sigma, Kappa, Zeta, Psi, etc."  Ordered lists are ordered for a reason.

Now, there is no reason we can't have the option to "Pick randomly from list."  Options are good.


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