Author Topic: Chapter 4: The Preparations Before The Storm  (Read 4198 times)

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Offline Vynadan (OP)

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Chapter 4: The Preparations Before The Storm
« on: March 11, 2012, 09:58:34 AM »
February 18: The drought takes almost twice as long asusual, with massive rainfalls occuring close to the end of the month. With many activities under the sky barred, the Starfaith finalises its grand plan to purge their ranks without alerting any outsiders.

March 18: The Starfaith purge takes place. Of almost 20,000 followers currently in employment, a mere 9200 remain in service after more than generous evictions occur. Starfaith Command explains its drastical change in personnel with different training procedures implemented in the academies and that every evicted follower may re-enroll for their service if they're willing to start from the bottom.
Behind the scenes, training procedures really are adjusted for better performance, but careful monitoring and regular controls are implemented as standard procedures in all levels of the Starfaith administration.

April 18: Independent from the Starfaith, the Lord-Sovereign conducts a similiar reorganisation of the Nevithian armed forces for similiar reasons. Although no direct desertions or disloyalty had arisen from the ground forces, the rebel's access to powered armour undermines the trust in the current military structure. With a view on planetary operations, the previous military units are entirely disbanded and new, much larger and self sufficient regiments implemented as replacement for the current power armour battalions. The previously full division is now encompassed in four such regiments and unified under a single corps.
Each powered armour regiment holds 20,000 fighting Nevithians and further 4,000 administrative and support personnel as well as further motorised assets. Featuring its own recruitment, training and transport organisation a regiment's strength is supplemented by several thousand of not combat-ready recruits, armoured transports and light armoured combat vehicles. Each regiment can be divided into further four field-regiments of 5,000 soldiers with a shared command, but this level of subdivision is reserved for deployment only.
The 1st Imperial Powered Armour Corps is currently the only of its kind in existence, providing logistic and aerial support for the four regiments it commands. With extensive aerial forces and artillery under construction, the corps adds a further 10,000 soldiers in administrative and support functions.
The greater clans' military are subject to the same guidelines, but struggle to bring their single regiment to full size over the course of the next years. After careful estimations, the military strength of Nevithian ground forces is said to increase by 20%.

August 18: Abundant resource finds in the Turenas system seem to lead the Nevithians into a comfortable future. With most trans-newtonian minerals available in large quantities and ready accessibility, their only struggle seems to be technological and logistical. However, some minerals such as gallicite, corundium and uridium are still rare, with large quantities of sorium only available inside a gas giant. Scientists begin to contemplate a remote mechanism to slingshot minerals from one planet to another by mass drivers, instead of regular pickup runs. Progressive thinkers promote entirely automated mining colonies on the hostile planets of the Nevithian's home system, while others suggest long term terraforming projects on the Third Mother's four terrestial planets.

November 18: Kel Nevath now features fourteen public research facilities and six imperial institutions to conduct research into trans-newtonian technologies. Large scale industrial projects are started, among them the construction of two further shipyards and ground force training facilities for the 1st Imperial Corps to faciliate.

December 18: Professor Ladythoggua publishes a work titled 'The Jmppoint Theory', wherein he delves deep into the implications of trans-newtonian elements for the universe as Nevithians know it. His work focuses especially on potential interstellar star travel between gravitational anomalies around stars and implications for further proplusion system. The work is purely theoretical, but well received.

February 19: The Lord-Sovereign holds council with the Starfaith clergy, with the professor's work the subject. The outcome is the dedication of the imperial research facilities to conduct research into these supposed gravitational anomalies to allow FTL travel for the Nevithian race.

April 19: After several new applicants for the Starfaith personnel were proven rebel infiltrators, the Starfaith Command ponders counter infiltration. Since the last drought, the imperial and Starfaith reorganisation has appeased the public and positive news about science and the famous trans-newtonian minerals has silenced public opposition. The less public opposition evidently still resides on Kel Nevath, because of which the new applicants are allowed entry and carefully monitored careers.
The goal of the Starfaith Command: To monitor and infiltrate the rebel groups on the long run.

July 19: Imperial researchers, under the lead of Dr. Tjaenhebyu, succeed in creating a basic gravitational sensor. Jokingly called an apple among the researchers in the hidden facilities, it lays the foundation for a specialised form of sensor to detect minor anomalies in open space.

September 19: Orbital constructions come along without incidents. No rebels have boarded the shuttles into orbit yet, or at least no reported rebels. One of the new shipyards is geared for commercial purposes and much larger constructions to fit cargo bays and similiar equipment not required for military vessels.

November 19: With increasing diversification and a larger number of imperial projects on Kel Nevath, the Lord-Sovereign assigns an Arbiter to oversee several projects on the planet. Chosen from his close friends, Arbiter Yekugast is beyond loyalty questions and tasked with tending to everything that happens on the Nevithian homeworld, while allowing the Lord-Sovereign to focus on the most important affairs.
The new public figurehead isn't accepted, seen as a break in traditions and a rival to all the greater clans' Sovereigns. A brief council with his 'advisors' has the Sovereigns reaffirmed that no disempowerment is intended. Indeed, with growing aceptance from the official side at least, the overall factory production on Kel Nevath is told to increase by 25% under the care of Arbiter Yekugast, while the Lord-Sovereign tends to the extensive military reorgansations still underway.

May 20: The construction of both orbital shipyards is completed, the swift and secure finish at least partially attributed to the new Arbiter. Orbital lifts are considered for future construction, to remove the logistic stress shuttles pose for orbital construction. The difficulties of such an undertaking will postpone the actual construction for several years, though.
The imperial military, under the focused administration of the Lord-Sovereign, achieves a breakthrough in power armour production during the same month. With new assault infantry in planning, a new kind of military unit will be introduced into the imperial forces. Recruitment rates are at a peak, and the allocation of a second corps is considered. At the same time, greater clan militaries still struggle to fill their single regiment. The superiority of trans-newtonian ground forces are unquestionable, and with the new technology discovered, military thinkers ponder the future of armoured vehicles and tanks.

August 20: Abundant mineral deposits are located on the four terrestial planets of the Fourth Mother. While all trans-newtonian elements seem available in million ton ranges, their accessibility is as bad as it could be. However, the planets become an even riper target for long term terraforming and mining operations. Some Nevithian scientists begin to seriously ponder the possibilities of planetary terraforming, but with the atmospheres of these planets up to thirty times as thick as those of Kel Nevath and entirely hostile, any progress would take centuries even with monstrous efforts.

October 20: Unknown to the public, Dr. Tjaenhebyu completes her research into gravitational survey sensors. With her efforts successful, designs for such survey vessels are contemplated among high command levels.

November 20: Denser armour platings and improved cargo handling systems for spaceships are derived from works of young scientists.

1st February 21: The Illuminator reports that all planets in the Turenas system are now surveyed. It will commence the survey of asteroids scattered across the system, the task that could not be accomplished by the Illuminator Two.

June 21: The next drought descends upon Kel Nevath.

August 21: The drought recredes. The second drought in a row to last much longer than usual.

September 21: With industrial capacity freed after the orbital construction, a new research facilities finishd construction with many more udner construction.

January 22: The asteroids around the Third Mother appear to be as abundant in resources as most of the Turenas system. While smaller in mineral tonnage, they offer a much better accessibility.

July 22: Training of the first assault infantry is completed. With this new addition to the arsenal, the 1st Imperial Corps is reorganised again. Instead of four powered armour regiments, it now encompasses only three of those and an assault section. Each assault section contains 10,000 specialised troops for assault, equipped with assault armour, melee weaponry integrated into their suits and sidearms for short ranged fire. A further 3,000 Nevithians in transport allows them to be a mobile force among the infantry corps, with the majority of administration outsourced to the regiment or corps they belong to.
The 'surplus' regiment of regular power armoured infantry is officially attributed to the second imperial corps, which has yet to be completed.

January 23: Current fuel efficiencies are increased by 10% after throughout research from Professor Ladythoggua. On unrelated news, the first automated mine projects are started on Kel Nevath as a pilot project for unmanned mining colonies throughout the system.

March 23: With new light and heavy weaponry developed by a Dr. Alakagoran, unarmoured infantry is once again considered viable in form of garrison troops. Although their immediate offensive and defensive capabilties are in no way comparable to trans-newtonian infantry, these light forces could efficiently defend a reinforced position or provide a secure base of operations for distant targets.

March 24: Peace since the last drought, no doubt the longest stretch of it since the rise to power of the Lord-Sovereign. Support is as high as never before, with the imperial military forces and Starfaith personnel growing ever stronger. A new kind of engine technology is introduced, with immediat action taken to have the Xolon clan manufacture the new generation for the first interstellar flight of the Nevithians. Much to the dismay of Professor Ladythoggua, the new engine was not developed by him.
Only at this point are news published about the confirmed jumppoint theory, and the public opinion about the Lord-Sovereign rises further. No doubt exists that his reign is finally sufficiently solidified that Kel Nevath and the Nevithians are now truly unified under a single rule.
Code: [Select]
Ascertainer of Light class Gravspector    6,000 tons     578 Crew     1184.4 BP      TCS 120  TH 480  EM 0
4000 km/s    JR 3-50     Armour 1-29     Shields 0-0     Sensors 1/1/3/0     Damage Control Rating 5     PPV 0
Maint Life 3.15 Years     MSP 617    AFR 57%    IFR 0.8%    1YR 94    5YR 1405    Max Repair 400 MSP

Xolon Jumpcore Design-M 120.3     Max Ship Size 6000 tons    Distance 50k km     Squadron Size 3
Xolon Ion Engine Design-Ma (8)    Power 60    Fuel Use 80%    Signature 60    Armour 0    Exp 5%
Fuel Capacity 550,000 Litres    Range 206.3 billion km   (596 days at full power)

Gravitational Survey Sensors (3)   3 Survey Points Per Hour
The new shipyard should be of sufficient size to lay down one such vessel before the next drought.

July 24: Further improvements of shuttle operations reduce the cost and time efforts on shipyard operations by 10%.

2nd May 25: The first Ascertainer of Light class is layed down shortly after the orbital shipyard completes its preparations.

December 25: Again, a drought descends on Kel Nevath. The entire last drougth was dominated by peace and scientific progress, with the populace settling in for their rotuine lifes after turbulent times, and with the Ascertainer of Light under construction, the Nevithians prepare for their first FTL travel. A full inventory of Nevithian progress may list:
The Ascertainer of Light is 23% oompleted and schedule for launch during October '27. The majority of asteroids in the Turenas system are surveyed, although the last scans will still take a while. The automated mining project is already a partial success, as almost thirty fully automated mines are operational on Kel Nevath. The orbital lift project is scheduled to begin construction within a year. Kel Nevath now features thirty research labs.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2012, 01:41:06 PM by Vynadan »

Offline Vynadan (OP)

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Re: Chapter 4: The Preparations Before The Storm
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2012, 09:59:11 AM »
Nevithian Ground Forces

Nevithian ground forces are foremost divided upon conventional and trans-newtonian equipment.

Conventional ground forces are seldomly used anymore, their equipment distributed among police forces and armed forces of minor clans. The only conventional compartment still in active service for the greater clans are heavy armoured vehicles, as currently no trans-newtonian adaption of those exists.
However, trans-newtonian power armoured infantry are considered superior to conventional heavy vehicles. While Nevithian powered armour cannot resist a frontal blow from a heavy tank, their smaller size and agility would provide any infantry with an advantage over their opponent.

The trans-newtonian ground forces are currently divided into light infantry, heavy infantry and assault infantry.
Light infantry is the newest aquisition of trans-newtonian forces and currently not in wide spread employment. Only few of their numbers are equipped with power armour, if any at all. Their role is to remain in fortified positions, either at home or in contested territory, and fire from cover with superior weaponry at any opposing force.
Heavy infantry was the first kind of trans-newtonian ground force developed by the Nevithians and already underwent several advancements in their technology and deployment. Originally, heavy infantry consisted of several small military formations to operate similiar to special operation forces.
Today, heavy infantry is the backbone of the Nevithian military and each soldier is equipped with a suit of powered armour that enhances the soldier's physical powers and durability. They carry a broad range of weaponry, although their usual equipment consists of small arms, supplemented by explosives and heavy weaponry when equired for their task.
Assault infantry is a new form of specialised heavy infantry that heavily features melee weaponry and a custom branch of powered armour with an emphasis on strength, speed and agility. Their primary task is to break enemy lines and involve ranged targets in close combat situations, taking a the role of trans-newtonian shocktroops.
Unlike other infantry units, assault infantry is organised in sections and subsetions that each operate in a small field of operations and depend on a corps or regiment for support, to which they are a subordinate branch. As military tactics currently go, assault infantry is not intended or capable of solitary operations.

The corps is the currently largest organisatory level for the trans-newtonian Nevithian military, with the two existing instances of identical composition:

1st Imperial Powered Armour Corps
- 1st Imperial Powered Armour Regiment
- 2nd Imperial Powered Armour Regiment
- 3rd Imperial Powered Armour Regiment
- 1st Imperial Assault Section

1st Imperial Powered Armour Corps soldiers and assets:
~60,000 Regular power armoured troopers and field officers
~22,500 Drivers, pilots, LACV* and artillery crews
~10,000 Assault troopers
~8,000 Recruits
~4,500 Administrative officers and personnel
Total: ~105,000 Nevithians

6,250 Troop transports
3,000 LACVs
600 Experimental strikefighters**
28 Artillery batteries
Total: 9,250 light vehicles, 600 aircraft, 84 artillery assets

* Light Armoured Combat Vehicle, the Nevithian counterpart to an armoured car. Usually equipped with anti-personnel weaponry in form of machine guns and a single, usually turreted, light anti-tank calibre to escort fast troop transports over only moderatly dangerous terrain or long distances at high speeds.

** Military aircraft have not yet been deployed in any Nevithian conflict. With their technology a novelty on the battlefield, current strikefighters feature bombs and missiles only, their intened function similiar to artillery over longer distances.

Further military:

- 2nd Imperial Powered Armour Corps, identical composition to the 1st Corps
- The greater clans of Darrus, Hil'Suv, Karmen, Torpua and Man'Kerta each support one Powered Armour Regiment
- The greater clans of Veradun and Rediom each support two Powered Armour Regiments