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Chto-to poshlo ne tak - kirillica v tele posta ne postitsya. Nadeyus', Eric naydet prostoe reshenie.

test line:

Steve Walmsley:
Google translate not really helping, but I think you meant there is no Cyrillic text in the body of the message, even though there is in the header.

I tried and it came out as question marks and emoticons.


--- Quote from: Steve Walmsley on January 17, 2021, 05:03:58 AM ---Google translate not really helping, but I think you meant there is no Cyrillic text in the body of the message, even though there is in the header.
--- End quote ---


Google translate cannot deal with "translit" (russian words, writen with latin alphabet transliteration).

Steve Walmsley:
I had to learn a little Russian for work a few years ago, although lost almost all of it now. Grammar is pretty horrific :)

Speaking of languages...

I had a Mandarin teacher here on the Isle of Man for a while. A very difficult language. It's tonal, with the meaning of a word changing based on how you pitch your voice. You can have a flat tone, a downward tone, an upward tone or a U-shaped tone where you pitch down and then back up. There are also rules about changing the tone based on adjacent words, so you can't have three U-shaped tones in a row for example - the middle becomes flat. A classic example is the word ma, which can mean mother, horse, scold or hemp depending on the inflection. Mandarin has no pitch-up for a question, as is done in many European languages, so you have to ignore your natural inflection instinct in questions or it changes the meaning of the word. I only lightly dabbled in Mandarin, but still a fascinating language. I wouldn't mind going back to it at some point.

In the last couple of years, I have picked up a little Hebrew, because it is spoken quite a lot in the office, although that hasn't been a problem recently :). That is relatively straightforward to learn - probably on a par with Italian or Spanish - apart from some of the pronunciation.

By the way, I have tried just now to put translit on google translate - and it works quite fine!
The last time I have tried - it was long ago, though - there was a mess.

As for Mandarin - I had a textbook only, but it was fascinating indeed! Isolating grammar, tonal syllables, complicated system of measure words and so on, conservative cross-cultural hieroglyphics, exotic things all around!


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