Aurora 4x

VB6 Aurora => VB6 Mechanics => Topic started by: WHCnelson on March 17, 2012, 12:41:01 PM

Title: Sector Command
Post by: WHCnelson on March 17, 2012, 12:41:01 PM
   I have seen some things about Sector Command's but still not clear on them  a lvl 1 Sector Command means a radius of 1 {so does that mean 1 system / Jump out ???) and then lvl 2 Sector Command (means two systems / 2 Jumps out ???).   Please clairify what Radius actually means for those of us who are slow....
Title: Re: Sector Command
Post by: Thiosk on March 17, 2012, 01:07:47 PM
You got it.

more levels of sector = bigger sectors.  Theres a button on the menu on the F3 window that opens the sector management window, where you can edit sectors.
Title: Re: Sector Command
Post by: Erik L on March 17, 2012, 02:39:09 PM
It's not linear either. Level 3 does not equal 3 jumps. I believe it is the square root of the level equals the number of jumps. For practical purposes I've found a sector limit of 3-4 jumps is about best.
Title: Re: Sector Command
Post by: sloanjh on March 18, 2012, 12:16:34 PM
Radius = number of jumps (or maybe number of jumps + 1 - I forget).

As Erik said, the radius grows more slowly than the level.  If forget if level(radius) is roughly quadratic (i.e. L = R^2) or roughly exponential (i.e. L = 2^R), but what I do remember is that neither formula is exact - there's some off-by-one stuff going on.

There's an old thread (a year or two maybe? probably in Academy) somewhere where people went through and found the exact relationship experimentally.  So if you want to know the exact relationship (i.e. where the break points are to jump to a new level) you can either search for that thread or temporarily SM new sector commands onto your homeworld one-by-one and see where the radius jumps.

Title: Re: Sector Command
Post by: Steve Walmsley on April 01, 2012, 12:08:44 PM
Each time the level of the sector command doubles, the range increases by 1.

Level 1 = Range 1
Level 2 = Range 2
Level 4 = Range 3
Level 8 = Range 4
