Aurora 4x

VB6 Aurora => VB6 Mechanics => Topic started by: Steve Walmsley on April 08, 2012, 12:30:31 PM

Title: Minor Changes for v5.70
Post by: Steve Walmsley on April 08, 2012, 12:30:31 PM
I'll use this thread to post minor updates for v5.70 that don't merit their own thread.

If one construction project ends and a new is moved from the production queue, that now generates an event.

If you encounter an alien race that has the same homeworld, you automatically know the Race name and how to communicate. This saves a lot of messing around in the Alien Race window for multi-Earth starts

The SM can now set a fixed relationship toward an alien race using a new checkbox on the Alien Race window. If he sets this checkbox, the relationship will not change during the normal 5-day cycle. This is a way to prevent political status changes during a multi-Earth start, if desired.

Title: Re: Minor Changes for v5.70
Post by: Garfunkel on April 08, 2012, 12:57:02 PM
Ah, thanks, these are really helpful for my current game.
Title: Re: Minor Changes for v5.70
Post by: Steve Walmsley on April 09, 2012, 11:35:00 AM
Cross-post from Suggestions

I have added a new "Load/Unload Minerals to Reserve Level" order. This will first attempt to unload every mineral type but only up to the colony reserve level for that mineral and then attempt to load every mineral type above the reserve level. If there is no loading or unloading at the destination, the fleet will move on to the next order.

I've also added a "Load/Unload Fuel (To Set Level)" order. You specify a reserve fuel level as part of the order. The fleet's tankers will either unload fuel to bring the colony up to the reserve level or attempt to load excess fuel above that level.

Finally, I've added a "Load/Unload Supplies (To Set Level)" order. You specify a reserve maintenance supply level as part of the order. The fleet's supply ships will either unload supplies to bring the colony up to the reserve level or attempt to load excess supplies above that level.

All of the above are intended to aid in automating your Empire-wide logistics network

Title: Re: Minor Changes for v5.70
Post by: Lav on April 09, 2012, 04:35:56 PM
Thanks, Steve, those will be quite useful.  Thank you, as well, for all the other changes coming up!
Title: Re: Minor Changes for v5.70
Post by: Arwyn on April 10, 2012, 12:08:17 PM
Cross-post from Suggestions

I have added a new "Load/Unload Minerals to Reserve Level" order. This will first attempt to unload every mineral type but only up to the colony reserve level for that mineral and then attempt to load every mineral type above the reserve level. If there is no loading or unloading at the destination, the fleet will move on to the next order.

I've also added a "Load/Unload Fuel (To Set Level)" order. You specify a reserve fuel level as part of the order. The fleet's tankers will either unload fuel to bring the colony up to the reserve level or attempt to load excess fuel above that level.

Finally, I've added a "Load/Unload Supplies (To Set Level)" order. You specify a reserve maintenance supply level as part of the order. The fleet's supply ships will either unload supplies to bring the colony up to the reserve level or attempt to load excess supplies above that level.

All of the above are intended to aid in automating your Empire-wide logistics network


Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! That makes things A LOT simpler from a logistics standpoint! :)
Title: Re: Minor Changes for v5.70
Post by: Garfunkel on April 11, 2012, 03:18:20 PM
Would it be possible to get a function to print race-specific event logs? I'm running a community game with 11 factions, all managed by different players and it would easy up my workload immensely if, at the end of the year, I could just push one button and Aurora would spit out "AU.txt", "Brazil.txt", "China.txt" and so on which I could then just send to players.
Title: Re: Minor Changes for v5.70
Post by: Five on April 11, 2012, 10:31:53 PM

Just curious if you were also going to change shipyards also? I remember it being mentioned ither in the A2 or NA thread, about them being built in componets...hub, slip, and i think some partion or something. Just curious.

Title: Re: Minor Changes for v5.70
Post by: Thiosk on April 12, 2012, 01:51:06 AM
Cross-post from Suggestions

I have added a new "Load/Unload Minerals to Reserve Level" order. This will first attempt to unload every mineral type but only up to the colony reserve level for that mineral and then attempt to load every mineral type above the reserve level. If there is no loading or unloading at the destination, the fleet will move on to the next order.


Ooo just realized

what happens if no reserve level is set? does it load that mineral, or ignore it?
Title: Re: Minor Changes for v5.70
Post by: Steve Walmsley on April 12, 2012, 02:08:18 PM
Ooo just realized

what happens if no reserve level is set? does it load that mineral, or ignore it?

If you haven't set it, the reserve level is zero.

Title: Re: Minor Changes for v5.70
Post by: schroeam on April 12, 2012, 04:34:45 PM

I was thinking you may want to start a thread called "Major Changes for v5.70" ;D

Title: Re: Minor Changes for v5.70
Post by: Steve Walmsley on April 13, 2012, 04:01:32 PM

I was thinking you may want to start a thread called "Major Changes for v5.70" ;D


Yes, it is getting that way. What started off as mainly a solar system update I intended to handle over Easter is becoming a little larger :)

Title: Re: Minor Changes for v5.70
Post by: Owen Quillion on April 13, 2012, 05:50:08 PM
I'd like to add to the chorus of all these fantastic changes.

Speaking of the Easter update, any ballpark estimates for how much longer you'll take on 5.70? I was about to start a big fiction-heavy campaign when I heard 'this weekend' and figured I'd wait 'til that was out. Given all the shiny new toys I'm definitely saving that campaign for 5.70, but I'm considering starting a 5.60 game in the meantime and I'm curious if I should expect that to last days, weeks, or indefinitely.  :)
Title: Re: Minor Changes for v5.70
Post by: Steve Walmsley on April 13, 2012, 06:01:12 PM
I'd like to add to the chorus of all these fantastic changes.

Speaking of the Easter update, any ballpark estimates for how much longer you'll take on 5.70? I was about to start a big fiction-heavy campaign when I heard 'this weekend' and figured I'd wait 'til that was out. Given all the shiny new toys I'm definitely saving that campaign for 5.70, but I'm considering starting a 5.60 game in the meantime and I'm curious if I should expect that to last days, weeks, or indefinitely.  :)

I'll be making some changes to crew quarters and adding something along the lines of morale or fatigue when ships are deployed longer than their accomodations warrant. I haven't pinned down the mechanics yet. I'll also be looking to add mechanics for undermanning and for a ship being abandoned if all the crew are killed (as suggested in the thread about "better wrecks").

Finally, I wouldn't mind adding civilian fuel harvesters, so civilians would establish harvesting outposts at likely gas giants and you can buy fuel from the civilian sector, or tax them for selling it. Maybe even tie that into the civilian harvesters supplying the fuel for the civilian freighters and colony ships.

Plus some stuff I am sure will occur to me while handling the above :), plus some testing.

It will depend on how much free time I have over the next few weeks, which includes moving house in about a month (although perhaps I could ask my wife to handle that without me :)). So you probably have time for a v5.60 game that will last a few weeks. My estimates are historically not very accurate though which is why I tried to avoid making them :)

Title: Re: Minor Changes for v5.70
Post by: Lav on April 13, 2012, 06:07:51 PM
Civilian fuel harvesters AND a market to buy/sell from? Yes! I'll just start up another 5. 60 game here for the meantime. . .
Title: Re: Minor Changes for v5.70
Post by: dgibso29 on April 13, 2012, 06:26:20 PM
Maybe we'll get those improved civies we've always wanted and you've always hinted at? :)
Title: Re: Minor Changes for v5.70
Post by: Owen Quillion on April 13, 2012, 07:16:02 PM
Heh, I know any estimates are rough, but if nothing else it's nice to have a list of planned features to get excited and speculate about. Funnily enough I was more concerned about something coming down the pipe this weekend or so, so I guess I should thank you for packing the next release full of stuff.  :)
Title: Re: Minor Changes for v5.70
Post by: Zed 6 on April 13, 2012, 08:29:00 PM
I'm willing to wait till next Easter as long as your willing to keep making changes and fixes.    ;D    Keep up the great work.
Title: Re: Minor Changes for v5.70
Post by: xeryon on April 13, 2012, 09:30:25 PM
What these guys said +1,

I was waiting to start a new campaign for the new Sol system. I kept running home from work to check the homepage hoping to see a 5.7 download for over a week now.  Looks like it will take a shade longer.

Needless to say, I am excited about all the new changes.
Title: Re: Minor Changes for v5.70
Post by: dgibso29 on April 13, 2012, 09:33:17 PM
I was waiting to start a new campaign for the new Sol system. I kept running home from work to check the homepage hoping to see a 5.7 download for over a week now.  Looks like it will take a shade longer.

Haha good to know I'm not the only one!

If it takes a year... I wouldn't mind a few interim releases  ;)
Title: Re: Minor Changes for v5.70
Post by: Five on April 17, 2012, 05:21:36 AM
Cross-post from Suggestions

I have added a new "Load/Unload Minerals to Reserve Level" order. This will first attempt to unload every mineral type but only up to the colony reserve level for that mineral and then attempt to load every mineral type above the reserve level. If there is no loading or unloading at the destination, the fleet will move on to the next order.

I've also added a "Load/Unload Fuel (To Set Level)" order. You specify a reserve fuel level as part of the order. The fleet's tankers will either unload fuel to bring the colony up to the reserve level or attempt to load excess fuel above that level.

Finally, I've added a "Load/Unload Supplies (To Set Level)" order. You specify a reserve maintenance supply level as part of the order. The fleet's supply ships will either unload supplies to bring the colony up to the reserve level or attempt to load excess supplies above that level.

All of the above are intended to aid in automating your Empire-wide logistics network



Will we be able to contract the civvies to move our minerals, or keep them at reserve level like we can contract them to move buildings?

Title: Re: Minor Changes for v5.70
Post by: Corik on April 17, 2012, 06:23:47 AM

Will we be able to contract the civvies to move our minerals, or keep them at reserve level like we can contract them to move buildings?


+1, would be great.
Title: Re: Minor Changes for v5.70
Post by: Thiosk on April 17, 2012, 02:49:03 PM

Will we be able to contract the civvies to move our minerals, or keep them at reserve level like we can contract them to move buildings?


I begged for the quoted options to enable us to at least set up logistical supply paths without needing any reprogramming of the AI to do so.  While it might be nice to get after an overhaul of the civ industry, the ability to set up logistical supply chains at all is wonderful.
Title: Re: Minor Changes for v5.70
Post by: madpraxis on April 29, 2012, 10:23:59 AM
Erp erp...wait, I did some digging earlier when I was bored...does this mean I won't be able to have this mental image of you programming aurora on a laptop while in CUCKOO WOODS? I CRY! On that note, good luck with the move :D

On a serious note, while pondering those changes...FLAGS. For in you can tick the box on a colony 'open for civilians' so you can have a minor amount of control over where the pukes go. For instance, this way you could set up a colony with just enough population to run some maintenance facilities  on the outskirts of your empire without having the nasty chav traders mess it all up. This would tie in well with your idea of the civilian gas mining. Add another box to tick next to the first on that colony and let them go to town. Which leads to you being mr fancy pants and applying the flag to the creation of CMCs too...With the caveat that the unions are strong, if you let them get started somewhere you can't just make them go away....So you have a choice of minerals/money from CMC's or claiming all the minerals for yourself, which could be tied into the CMC's being run by in game companies instead of apparently the illuminati...But..flags...easy peasy my well endowed mentally friend, when calculating a trade run check for variable 'oh no you don't', if found, skip to next ;)

Eagerly awaiting my next fix, so get that wife working at a big company so you can apease your't let her read that...
Title: Re: Minor Changes for v5.70
Post by: Steve Walmsley on April 29, 2012, 10:35:21 AM
Erp erp...wait, I did some digging earlier when I was bored...does this mean I won't be able to have this mental image of you programming aurora on a laptop while in CUCKOO WOODS? I CRY! On that note, good luck with the move :D

I'm afraid you're going to have to give me a hint on that one. I have no idea about the Cuckoo Woods reference or even where that is.

Title: Re: Minor Changes for v5.70
Post by: madpraxis on April 29, 2012, 11:01:17 AM
.....I had process explorer open and I saw the name of your company...and thought 'wow, what a damn cool name' because well, thats back then I want to think about when I was but a wee (or not so wee) one poring over d&d materials :D
So I typed it in google :D
TRY will find...yourself! Where it says you are located in Stevenage...just east of a hospital and immediataly south of some woods...called 'Cuckoo Woods'. And you also apparently gave up your company name, thought I'm rather hazy on the wacky brit way of doing it being american and all...wait, I have that backwards...I'm rather hazy on what is probably the sane way of doing it compared to the wacky american way.

*as an aside edit here, if that is not where you are located, please don't tell me and let me live with my happy delusional thought of aurora being programmed in cuckoo woods, for it brings me much happy and joy inside, for I <3 spreadsheats in space :D*