Author Topic: Very old spaceship simulator (like bridge commander)  (Read 3727 times)

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Offline jocan2003 (OP)

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Very old spaceship simulator (like bridge commander)
« on: July 08, 2010, 09:50:49 PM »

Im trying to find back a very very old game it was multiplayer and it was like a MUD but not quite a mud. There was a spot for each player, each player had a role to play, one was the bridge commander, there was a medical officer with his own set of command, another one was security officer wich was giving command access to officers ( player ) a tactical officer for combat, navigator for moving the ship and so on. The graphic was nearly inexistant exept for a map. The game was using coordinate, vector and all the tralala. Power management, reactor management, repairs and so on, in emergency if there was not enough sterilized tool for the medical officer he could ask the engineer to overheat the reactor to sterilised tool and so on.

There was some online documentation too and i tried printing it.... after 120+ page printed i stopped due to lack of ink...... But each officer had a very detailed documentation and possibilities.

I remeber playing it like 10 year ago if not more. If anybody got a clue it would be awesome.