Aurora 4x

C# Aurora => C# Utilities => Topic started by: Froggiest1982 on September 18, 2020, 07:20:03 PM

Title: Aurora Government Simulator [OBSOLETE, USE UE]
Post by: Froggiest1982 on September 18, 2020, 07:20:03 PM


This is a Government Simulator with strong RP ties for Aurora C#.

It is designed to work with the latest Libre Office which is free to download here

I recommend reading the Lore and Rules prior to use as this will help you understand the concept behind it. While being a very simple file it does have a great RP power. I have been enjoying testing and playing Aurora C# with it but it is obviously not for everyone. If you are after a fancy simulator integrated into Aurora C# that does not require your intervention to function please don't use it as you will be disappointed.

This file's not a mod but a tool to be used along with Aurora C# and your RP abilities.

Please note: This project is an extract of a bigger project of mine called Aurora C# Dashboard of which I am happy to share with the community the government part. Because of that, the final layout seen in the screenshots may change at release. Please also note the full Aurora C# Dashboard will be for my use only as to make it user friendly it will require too much work.

Off-Topic: show
The Concept
Please note: the Lore was written when the project started and many changes happened after that. Even if the Lore remains a good place to understand the core mechanics of the file, please always refer to the rules section on the file to have an updated view of the status of the project and how to use the file.
Starting from the ground up all democratic (and non) electoral systems are based on the electorate. The electorate in this sheet is the population in Aurora C#.
After having identified the electorate I have identified the actual eligible voters from the pool of the population. All modifiers are based on current real-world data and to achieve the final vote percentage the following applies:
Percentage of underage (18 years old or younger) population which does not possess the right to vote in pretty much all government and cultures.
Percentage of Male and Female population which is used to identify Patriarchal and Matriarchal governments.
Percentage of eligible voters who do not exercise their right to vote.
Percentage of Privileged classes (the famous 2%) needed for other forms of government.
Percentage of Spoil Votes which are present in all elections due to spelling errors, white sheets, etc.

All the above give us the number of voters. All these people will vote then for some parties that represent their idea or their wishes for the political agenda, so I have proceeded to create 6 macro groups that are common in all cultures. Once this was done I had to acknowledge that each voter is different and can vote based on 2 different factors:
The personal background
The current political landscape

To achieve the personal background the Race Traits modifiers from Aurora C# have been included in the calculation. This will simulate the preference of a party over another from a voter due to the cultural race profile. The current political landscape it is shaped daily by political decisions. In Aurora C# this will be our expansion policies, if we favour to build something over something else and obviously our relationship with aliens and other humans if you do play a multi-race start.
Available Governments
Based on my research the most common forms of governments are:
Democracy, Republic, Federation, Oligarchy.
There may be others but I thought that these 4 were enough to start. I will put them into an Aurora C# concept later in this post. It is worth to note that despite the macro government forms are pretty much the same across the globe some do evolve considering other factors so, again, based on real-world history and data I have added the following micro-forms:
Patriarchal, Matriarchal, Elective.
Later I am planning to add a Presidential form which is now present only in a soft version for the Republic. Added from 2.0 onward
Each government form needed then its own particular rules to be represented properly and with enough variety to justify one over another. For instance, an Oligarchic Government will be easier to set towards bellicose purposes than a Democracy which will require a vote over every matter of the state. However, with the right setup, even a Democratic government can be quite aggressive from time to time. Below a list of all Government and their conditions with a brief explanation of the concept as well. Eventually, changing the form of Government needed to be possible, so under special conditions, it will be possible for the player to move from a Government to another.
The Democracy conditions are the hardest to shake as you are allowed to attempt changing the rules only once every 2 years. I have adopted this limitation because as you know it is way harder to change the rules when many people with different ideas are involved especially if these changes are towards less freedom. Also, a high number of seats and the fast government is to ensure and protect this freedom. The Democracy is the only government that does not have (for now) a variant form as it has to be more inclusive as possible.
The Republic is a form of government very similar to Democracy. Because of its easier manipulation the players could favor this form over the others, however, it does come with great danger as it could lead to a rebellion and a switch to an Oligarchic System that comes with great limitations assuming the player is willing to play by the rules (more on this later on the rules section).
The Federation is probably the most dangerous form of Government you could get stuck with. Under the proper circumstances, it will lead to entire planets to escape your lead. There is a more exclusive form of Federation available as well:
The Elective version of the Federation is even more dangerous as the number of Separatists needed is way less and in an election where all parties are evenly split they could end up with more seats than expected.
The Oligarchy is a system where the power it is not decided by the number of voters but by the power each Ministry or Ruler is able to collect and exercise. Because of that, it could require time for you to move away from it and mostly to change its policies. Because the balance of power is always shifting elections are frequent, so providing the right political landscape, the possibility to adopt another form of government should sooner or later be possible. Also, its nature is favouring only the Elite classes of society.
The Limitations
After established the government forms I had to introduce some limitations with which every structure is forced to deal. These limitations are called Constitutional Reforms. Ultimately a constitutional reform is always needed to shift a government if no events have been triggered. However, you will never be able to shift from a Patriarchal System to a Universal one without changing first the Gender Equality part of your constitution. There are currently 5 Constitutional reforms available:
Civil Rights, Media Freedom, Police Power, Justice System, Gender Equality. reworked from 2.1 onward
Every Government form comes with its own minimal settings for you to set up at the beginning of each game. After that, you will have to let history do its course.
Based on the rules (more under the rules section), in the attempt to switch government the player should always change the basic constitution to match the minimum requirements of the preferred form prior to allowing a successful switch.

Off-Topic: show
4 Main forms of government - Democracy, Republic, Federation, and Oligarchy plus 7 sub Government (like a Matriarchal form for instance)
Each Government has its own structure and parameters so the same results could lead to different majorities depending on the Government adopted
Dynamic switch of government through Constitutional reforms: the current ladder is Democracy, Republic, Federation, Oligarchy, and can progress up and down. So Oligarchy could lead to any government, democracy could lead to the Federation or Republic and Federation or Republic could lead back to Oligarchy or Democracy or either Federation or Republic.
Each voter pool is simulated based on the latest real-world parameters in terms of turn out at elections, spoil votes, male and female. Underage (18) cannot vote.
Current voting systems are Universal, Elective, Patriarchal, and Matriarchal.
Polling system so that Parties are getting random votes based on the race parameters at the time of election so that any election will be different and could lead to unexpected results but still in line with what people feel. Basically greater the number of people voting the higher will be the uncertainty of the election. Current Parameters are Number of Colonies, Number of Naval Shipyards, Number of commercial Shipyards, Total number of Academies, Number of research Facilities, Level of Training, Mineral Shortage, Ruins, At War or Not, Number of Friendly Alien races, Unrest.
Racial values are elements to define voters. For instance, xenophobia impacts the amount of militarists party voters.
5 Different Constitutional reforms to define your government and also mandatory to adopt any preferred form: Civil Rights, Media Freedom, Police Power, Justice System, and Gender Equality
Rigged elections Feature

Reworked formulas to use Race Traits
Reworked UI entirely with more data and fewer entries needed by the player
Reworked main page Graphics
Reworked some entries on Race Information Tab
Reworked War
Reworked Ruins
Added Spoil Votes into voting formulas
Added Dynamic Race Trait System
Added EVENT - Discovered Ruins: once active this will provide Malus and Bonus to different factions. These will be till the end of the playthrough
Added EVENT - First Contact: once active this will provide Malus and Bonus to different factions. These will be till the end of the playthrough
Added EVENT - Dangerous Galaxy: once active this will provide Malus and Bonus to different factions. These will be till the end of the playthrough
Added MODIFIER - Civilian Casualties: once active this will provide Malus and Bonus to different factions. These will be active until a new election is held
Added MODIFIER - Military Casualties: once active this will provide Malus and Bonus to different factions. These will be active until a new election is held
Added CHANCELLOR election
Added PRESIDENT election
Added new government form DEMOCRACY PRESIDENTIAL
Added CLOSE ELECTION modifier to simulate not clear leadership in case of a close victory
Added new rules
Added new race entry percentage of race population to introduce the alien concept
Added new CONSTITUTIONAL REFORM Race Equality to deal with mixed races
Fixed several spelling errors
Fixed different errors in the formulas
Fixed bug that led to having negative numbers of Seats

Balanced DEMOCRACY War Military Ops formula
Balanced DEMOCRACY Industrial Military formula
Balanced DEMOCRACY PRESIDENTIAL War Military Ops formula
Balanced DEMOCRACY PRESIDENTIAL Industrial Military formula
Reworked Production Rules
Reworked Civilian Casualties Rule
Reworked Military Casualties Rule
Reworked Federation Rules
Reworked ELECTORAL FRAUD Unrest now related to Militancy Value
Reworked UI to account for new Constitutional change and cleaner look with less double data
Reworked MATRIARCHAL system to be integrated within the constitution
Reworked PATRIARCHAL system to be integrated within the constitution
Reworked ELECTIVE system to be integrated within the constitution
Reworked ELECTIVE MATRIARCHAL system to be integrated within the constitution
Reworked ELECTIVE PATRIARCHAL system to be integrated within the constitution
Added Minimum amount of voters when EVENT Dangerous Galaxy Y MILITARY FACTION
Added Minimum amount of voters when EVENT Dangerous Galaxy N PACIFIST FACTION
Added Minimum amount of voters when EVENT First Contact Y MERCANTILE FACTION
Added Minimum amount of voters when EVENT First Contact N FEDERALIST FACTION
Added Minimum amount of voters when EVENT Discovered Ruins Y SCIENTIST FACTION
Added Minimum amount of voters when EVENT Discovered Ruins N NATIONALIST FACTION
Added UNREST modifier to population excluded from eligible pop for vote
Added Auto calculation for the winner of Presidential and Chancellorship Election, no more need to manually switch
Added Auto calculation of the 5% for Close Election, no more need to manually switch
Added Auto Chancellorship YES or NO selection depending on Government selected, no more need to manually switch
Added Auto Presidentialism YES or NO selection depending on Government selected, no more need to manually switch
Added CANDIDATE PROFILE WINDOW to better paste and copy candidates names
Added formulas for prestige level to increase chances of the population to vote for the party of provenience
Added Hawks and Doves Grand Coalitions shall any Federation Coalitions have not the majority in the Senate

Balanced FEDERATION formulas
Balanced REPUBLIC formulas
Balanced all formulas to avoid double up elements on the same values
Reworked Mineral Shortage now to include FUEL
Reworked War modifiers
Reworked UI entirely
Reworked Unrest to be dynamic - no need for the player to manually insert a value
Reworked Naval Shipyard Tonnage now as Automated Alert Levels System
Reworked Commercial Shipyard Tonnage now as Automated Economy System
Reworked Separatists
Added New GUI to make data easy to access and read
Added Leadership - Will contribute to keeping the unrest from rising if leader has been elected with a good margin, however, if election was contested or a close then the population will lose faith in the leadership causing unrest
Added Military Organization: Will determine the level of preparation of the military providing the relative bonuses
Added Population Wealth: Will determine the level of wealth of the population providing the relative bonuses
Added Racial Pro Capita Income Tech to work in pair with Population Wealth Modifier
Added Society: Will determine how the population feel towards freedom and such providing the relative bonuses
Added Population Status (under new Unrest area): Will determine the population morale providing the relative bonuses
Added At War (Attacked) modifier to impact militarists votes
Added At War (Declared) modifier to impact democratic votes
Added At War (Justified) modifier to make possible war declared with causus belli are treated as defensive wars
Added Dynamic Society Traits (Currently Under Constitution)
Added Constitutional Reform EDUCATION to help Scientists movement mid-game struggles - Dynamic Society Traits
Added Constitutional Reform SLAVERY - Dynamic Society Traits
Added Focus mechanic - possibility to boost one racial trait
Added Race Policies which will provide bonuses or malus to different Dynamic Values
Added Race Policy Conscription
Added Race Policy Xeno Laws
Added Race Policy Civilian Academies
Added Race Policy Consumer Benefits
Added New Oligarchy Government kind Monarchy
Added New Oligarchy Government kind Corporate
Added New Oligarchy Government kind Totalitarian
Added New Oligarchy Condition Birthright
Added New Oligarchy Condition Confidence
Added New Oligarchy Condition Elective
Added New Oligarchy Condition Life
Added New Leader Mechanics for Oligarchy
Removed Home Page
Fixed error in SEPARATISTS formula on FEDERATION which led to Separatists always in power coming from DEMOCRACY
Fixed error in Unrest Formula
Fixed multiple errors in some Formulas

Fixed Sync Problem on the Oligarchy GUI
Fixed Oligarchy GUI look to be consistent with other GUIs
Fixed an error that led to display N/A Characters on the Oligarchy GUI despite being disabled

Fixed sync for motion vote

Off-Topic: show



Known Issues: Images could be displayed in the wrong position at first start. If that is the case just align them, save, and close the file. They will be displayed properly at the restart.
Title: Re: Aurora Government Simulator - WORK IN PROGRESS
Post by: Gram123 on September 21, 2020, 07:41:43 AM
This looks super interesting.

Looking forward to were you take this to, and also if you will open up for modifications, as just these screenshots spawned quite a few ideas in my mind...
Title: Re: Aurora Government Simulator - WORK IN PROGRESS
Post by: rtyler on September 21, 2020, 08:37:20 AM
OMG This looks amazing.  Exactly something I would use to add an elemental of RP to the game (since lets be honest, that's the best part of Aurora).  Can't wait to see what you put together for a release
Title: Re: Aurora Government Simulator - WORK IN PROGRESS
Post by: Froggiest1982 on September 22, 2020, 04:37:11 PM
This looks super interesting.

Looking forward to were you take this to, and also if you will open up for modifications, as just these screenshots spawned quite a few ideas in my mind...

Well, it is an excel file at the end. Actually ods as I use libre office, not sure it will be translated well onto .xlsx or such. If you manage to get into my head (which is very messy atm) and modify the relative parameters without breaking any formula I don't see why you shouldn't be able to modify the file. All I am keeping for myself it's the full dashboard, but for that, I have a separate code, the government part it's just a port.

OMG This looks amazing.  Exactly something I would use to add an elemental of RP to the game (since lets be honest, that's the best part of Aurora).  Can't wait to see what you put together for a release

Yes RP it's the base because at the end this "simulator" it's just a fancy (not even that fancy) sheet. But I do consider Aurora a very Fancy spreadsheet, so I thought it's in line with the expectations.  ;D
Title: Re: Aurora Government Simulator - WORK IN PROGRESS
Post by: Warer on September 23, 2020, 01:35:02 PM
This is why modders are great.
Title: Re: Aurora Government Simulator - WORK IN PROGRESS
Post by: Froggiest1982 on September 23, 2020, 03:25:42 PM
This is why modders are great.

It's not a mod but a tool to use with Aurora and very simple. But it may give you that extra challenge or feel that now is only in your mind if you RP this aspect of the game.

There are ways to expand and I am already thinking on where to go from here but I hope the feedback and the ideas of the community will help me in expanding the project.
Title: Re: Aurora Government Simulator 1.0
Post by: Froggiest1982 on September 27, 2020, 11:21:53 PM


Working on phase one which is the addition of the candidates, this was the easy part as all was already prepared to do now is balancing the numbers and it will require at least a playthrough (so some time). I am also into adding another modifier for those elections ending very close (see capture1) as I think it should carry some penalties due to the virtual unrest such situation could cause. I am actually deciding if the above should indeed cause unrest or simply some bonus/malus to the factions. Unrest will be interesting as currently it is the only factor easy to keep under control or even always at 0%.

If you have any feedback/ideas I am all hears.

current version WITHOUT DLC is available here or by checking the first post on this page.
Title: Re: Aurora Government Simulator 1.0
Post by: Rich.h on September 28, 2020, 03:39:29 AM
As a suggestion further updates, instead of us entering racial traits. Could they be determined via the govrnment types and such? It would be great to suddenly see something like a warmongering or ultra capatalist party take power and radically change your entire culture.
Title: Re: Aurora Government Simulator 1.0
Post by: Froggiest1982 on September 28, 2020, 05:00:35 AM
As a suggestion further updates, instead of us entering racial traits. Could they be determined via the govrnment types and such? It would be great to suddenly see something like a warmongering or ultra capatalist party take power and radically change your entire culture.

Interesting idea. Potentially you can do that changing racial traits by SM through RP however, I guess we could explore a way to add some modifiers considering the government history and such.

I could apply the modifiers to actually change the racial traits dynamically on the file based on events and conditions to meet.

I'll play with it while testing the presidential expansion.

EDIT: I could add some increase or decrease values based on the Policies. This will work the other way round of what currently a player should do; meaning: atm you can SM a change in your culture modifying the values of your race as you wish. Reversing this concept you could actually change the Values of your race based on a calculation of the sheet. As the game progresses each value will slowly increase or decrease election by election with you updating the Race Information every time creating a dynamic situation. Finally, you could then keep updating Aurora C# to ensure the culture does also influence the game values or leave it and just follow the narrative. Updating Aurora should always be preferred as not doing so could create a fracture from what the player does and how the NPRs perceive us. implemented for next version
Title: Aurora Government Simulator 2.0 Presidential Expansion - RELEASED
Post by: Froggiest1982 on October 04, 2020, 07:09:23 PM

After a deserved break I could finally just enjoy a short game and some family time.

As usual, it's when you play just for fun that the most interesting things happen which lead you back to work, sigh!

So in my short game I had to conquer a world of an undeveloped NPR which left me with 2 main issues that the file did not touch at all:

1 - Alien Population
2 - Slavery

Obviously, I had to tackle that right away or I would miss the opportunity to balance an aspect of the game that does not come around that fast or easily (we all know what a pain is the ground combat). The first iteration led me to add the Race Equality Constitutional Reform with the below options:

Equal, humans and aliens are treated equally.
Humans Only, where aliens are excluded from the voting system causing an increase in Nationalism sentiments and Xenophobia.
Alien Slavery Allowed, where the player will be able to build Forced Labor buildings in exchange of higher Xenophobia and, of course, unrest that is already calculated through Aurora.

The above led me to a complete overhaul of the Race information layout to be firstly usable and mostly easy to find all in one place (Aurora C# Race Information Tab). This also led me to another change which was long overdue that consists in changing the amount of Shipyard with the Amount of Tonnage. This is not only because the info is in the Tab therefore easier to find/fill but also because the number of shipyards means nothing. For instance 1 race could have 10 Naval shipyards and 10 Commercial Shipyards providing the same bonus with the old structure while now the same 10 shipyards might be 1,000,000 naval and only 500,000 commercial (5,000,000 divided by 10) providing then the right bonuses. I have attached a screenshot of the new UI in the main post.

Reworked formulas to use Race Traits
Reworked UI entirely with more data and fewer entries needed by the player
Reworked main page Graphics
Reworked some entries on Race Information Tab
Reworked War
Reworked Ruins
Added Spoil Votes into voting formulas
Added Dynamic Race Trait System
Added EVENT - Discovered Ruins: once active this will provide Malus and Bonus to different factions. These will be till the end of the playthrough
Added EVENT - First Contact: once active this will provide Malus and Bonus to different factions. These will be till the end of the playthrough
Added EVENT - Dangerous Galaxy: once active this will provide Malus and Bonus to different factions. These will be till the end of the playthrough
Added MODIFIER - Civilian Casualties: once active this will provide Malus and Bonus to different factions. These will be active until a new election is held
Added MODIFIER - Military Casualties: once active this will provide Malus and Bonus to different factions. These will be active until a new election is held
Added CHANCELLOR election
Added PRESIDENT election
Added new government form DEMOCRACY PRESIDENTIAL
Added CLOSE ELECTION modifier to simulate not clear leadership in case of a close victory
Added new rules
Added new race entry percentage of race population to introduce the alien concept
Added new CONSTITUTIONAL REFORM Race Equality to deal with mixed races
Fixed several spelling errors
Fixed different errors in the formulas
Fixed bug that led to having negative numbers of Seats
Title: Re: Aurora Government Simulator 2.0
Post by: Ostar on October 14, 2020, 09:24:23 PM
This is obviously a labor of love for you, so thanks for sharing it.

Some questions, please.
First.  do you need a specific version  of the ods reader? When I opened it in what I thought was the latest download of Open Office (4. 1. 7) it said the file had been created in a newer version and may have some missing functionality.

second, I ask above because I can't get the Federation elections to take place with the F9 key.  I believe I have filled in all the Race info properly.  Is there some code that may be failing to run?
Title: Re: Aurora Government Simulator 2.0
Post by: Froggiest1982 on October 14, 2020, 10:47:33 PM
This is obviously a labor of love for you, so thanks for sharing it.

Some questions, please.
First.  do you need a specific version of the ods reader? When I opened it in what I thought was the latest download of Open Office (4. 1. 7) it said the file had been created in a newer version and may have some missing functionality.

second, I ask above because I can't get the Federation elections to take place with the F9 key.  I believe I have filled in all the Race info properly.  Is there some code that may be failing to run?

I use Libre Office because the new version 7 has higher features and specs then open office. It is still free so may be worth trying however, it should any issues and the pop up message should just act as disclaimer to highlight the difference in versions. The spreadsheet does contain only basic formulas as at the beginning was running under Excel but since I am now using Windows 10 I did not want to pay for 365 office licence.

Regarding your specific issue you should firstly select the right form of government (I am using the latest version not uploaded yet so you may notice few different things)


After that you should fill properly the Race Traits against the Race Trait in Aurora C#



You should be able to run the results now. Once having a valid election just paste and copy following the instructions on the sheet and you should be able to have everything under the federation section.

Title: Re: Aurora Government Simulator 2.0
Post by: Ostar on October 15, 2020, 07:25:55 PM
Got it working now, thanks!
I was confused by the small number of actual seats, since I just started a new game.
Title: Re: Aurora Government Simulator 2.0
Post by: Froggiest1982 on October 18, 2020, 04:05:11 PM

I have successfully completed the integration of the Patriarchal and Matriarchal systems into the Constitution and while doing it I have also included the Elective system. Basically, all the government forms are now deleted as they are implied to be existent once we switch from an equal to a male/female empowered reform for instance by adding a variable on the voting source directly into the formula.

Practically, now the Gender Equality has been changed to Voting Rights.

The new mechanic will work with the number of population left out to generate a small amount of unrest to be added at the current electoral unrest factor already present. Obviously, in large populations, this could lead to serious problems adding another layer to your political decisions.
The testing is going well so I am going to refurbish the Republic and Republic Elective to work as intended and more similar to the democracy (the testing game has already provided same data for balance purpose).

Good news is that working on this has actually simplified the UI considerably and reduced the amount of government slides and selection to the base ones.

Overall I am quite happy with the new look and I am sure this will make it easier for people that want to give it a go but were intimidated by the large amount of data on screen.

Below the changelog:

Changed MATRIARCHAL system to be integrated within constitution
Changed PATRIARCHAL system to be integrated within constitution
Changed ELECTIVE system to be integrated within constitution
Changed ELECTIVE MATRIARCHAL system to be integrated within constitution
Changed ELECTIVE PATRIARCHAL system to be integrated within constitution
Reworked UI to account for new Constitutional change
Added UNREST modifier to population excluded from eligible pop for vote.
Title: Re: Aurora Government Simulator 2.0
Post by: Warer on October 18, 2020, 06:43:39 PM
You are a legend.
Title: Re: Aurora Government Simulator 2.0
Post by: Froggiest1982 on October 19, 2020, 02:45:43 AM

I have finished reworking the UI and I have used the spare time to introduce a new feature: the Candidate Profile.

There is a new window you can use to put the name of the candidate and this will be then put into the correct window and with the correct colour for the election. Furthermore, you could use the new PRESTIGE option. As I am moving in into my campaign I have noticed (and compared to previous campaigns as well) that the candidates do not bring anything at the table. Now (if you want, otherwise you can set to 0) you can select a prestige level for each candidate which will produce a bonus considering the level chosen and a series of factors related to the faction.

As I am moving into the final stage I am also working on more QOL features. For the 2.1 I have already introduced:

Auto calculation of the 5% for Close Election, no more need to manually switch
Auto Chancellorship YES or NO selection depending on Government selected, no more need to manually switch
Auto Presidentialism YES or NO selection depending on Government selected, no more need to manually switch
Only the main governments are displayed making it easy to read, less double data and cleaner UI
Title: Re: Aurora Government Simulator 2.0
Post by: Froggiest1982 on October 26, 2020, 05:57:54 PM

Based on my latest playthrough here I have reworked Militancy to be more efficient and growing only in reaction to bigger events such wars. Also I have found out that a couple of markers were swapped, what supposed to be minus was plus and the other way round. I noticed it as even if everything supposed to be quiet Militancy was keep going higher and higher and once I had a big amount of spoil votes was going down.

Now it is working as intended.
Title: Aurora Government Simulator 2.1 - OUT NOW!
Post by: Froggiest1982 on October 26, 2020, 11:04:40 PM
Aurora Government Simulator 2.1 - OUT NOW!

Hi all,

I think we are at a point to release 2.1 as the update is massive and changes drastically many aspects and it is overall easier to use allowing more people to try it out.

Below the changelog

2.1 Changelog
Balanced DEMOCRACY War Military Ops formula
Balanced DEMOCRACY Industrial Military formula
Balanced DEMOCRACY PRESIDENTIAL War Military Ops formula
Balanced DEMOCRACY PRESIDENTIAL Industrial Military formula
Reworked Production Rules
Reworked Civilian Casualties Rule
Reworked Military Casualties Rule
Reworked Federation Rules
Reworked ELECTORAL FRAUD Unrest now related to Militancy Value
Reworked UI to account for new Constitutional change and cleaner look with less double data
Reworked MATRIARCHAL system to be integrated within the constitution
Reworked PATRIARCHAL system to be integrated within the constitution
Reworked ELECTIVE system to be integrated within the constitution
Reworked ELECTIVE MATRIARCHAL system to be integrated within the constitution
Reworked ELECTIVE PATRIARCHAL system to be integrated within the constitution
Added Minimum amount of voters when EVENT Dangerous Galaxy Y MILITARY FACTION
Added Minimum amount of voters when EVENT Dangerous Galaxy N PACIFIST FACTION
Added Minimum amount of voters when EVENT First Contact Y MERCANTILE FACTION
Added Minimum amount of voters when EVENT First Contact N FEDERALIST FACTION
Added Minimum amount of voters when EVENT Discovered Ruins Y SCIENTIST FACTION
Added Minimum amount of voters when EVENT Discovered Ruins N NATIONALIST FACTION
Added UNREST modifier to population excluded from eligible pop for vote
Added Auto calculation for the winner of Presidential and Chancellorship Election, no more need to manually switch
Added Auto calculation of the 5% for Close Election, no more need to manually switch
Added Auto Chancellorship YES or NO selection depending on Government selected, no more need to manually switch
Added Auto Presidentialism YES or NO selection depending on Government selected, no more need to manually switch
Added CANDIDATE PROFILE WINDOW to better paste and copy candidates names
Added formulas for prestige level to increase chances of the population to vote for the party of provenience
Added Hawks and Doves Grand Coalitions shall any Federation Coalitions have not the majority in the Senate
Fixed 2 EVENT formulas linked to incorrect references
Fixed Militancy bug that resulted in Militancy only increasing
Fixed Equal formula bug for Voting Rights
Title: Re: Aurora Government Simulator 2.1
Post by: the obelisk on November 06, 2020, 09:24:33 AM
Is there a specific program I should be using to open this?  Excel seems to give me a warning of missing data or something, and when I proceed and try to follow the election instructions, it results in errors in the values or something.
Title: Re: Aurora Government Simulator 2.1
Post by: Ektor on November 06, 2020, 11:37:19 AM
I downloaded OpenOffice just to use this file, but I don't think it works, at least, I couldn't get it to work.
Title: Re: Aurora Government Simulator 2.1
Post by: Froggiest1982 on November 06, 2020, 03:29:55 PM
I downloaded OpenOffice just to use this file, but I don't think it works, at least, I couldn't get it to work.

Can you describe the issue? I'll try to help.
Title: Re: Aurora Government Simulator 2.1
Post by: Ektor on November 06, 2020, 05:04:25 PM
I choose the drop down menus, enter the values, and when I press election nothing happens. The file comes with a preset nation, so I erased it and tried my own, but the elections didn't work. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.
Title: Re: Aurora Government Simulator 2.1
Post by: Froggiest1982 on November 07, 2020, 02:48:00 AM
I choose the drop down menus, enter the values, and when I press election nothing happens. The file comes with a preset nation, so I erased it and tried my own, but the elections didn't work. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.

May be open office, I will try on it later. Just fyi in the mentime there is a animated gif of the process, maybe thst could help in case it's not a sortware issue.

I use Libre Office, so no sure if there are compatibility issues.
Title: Re: Aurora Government Simulator 2.1
Post by: Rich.h on November 07, 2020, 04:17:33 AM
I could be missing something obvious on this tool, does it allow for simulating an election for an entirely new government?

My main use would be to imput all my current government statistics and then periodically roll an election. This would then give me a result using the defined types already on the spreadsheet. The outcome would give me a new set of things like trad, expansion etc, and I would use SM to alter them ingame.
Title: Re: Aurora Government Simulator 2.1
Post by: Ostar on November 07, 2020, 01:01:24 PM
I tried both Open Office and Libre Office and it only worked correctly for me with Libre.  Libre is free to download as well.
Title: Re: Aurora Government Simulator 2.1
Post by: Ektor on November 07, 2020, 01:15:14 PM
I tried both Open Office and Libre Office and it only worked correctly for me with Libre.  Libre is free to download as well.

I'm going to try it. Hope it works.
Title: Re: Aurora Government Simulator 2.1
Post by: Froggiest1982 on November 07, 2020, 02:13:23 PM
I tried both Open Office and Libre Office and it only worked correctly for me with Libre.  Libre is free to download as well.

I will update on main post after testing
Title: Re: Aurora Government Simulator 2.1
Post by: TheTalkingMeowth on November 07, 2020, 02:47:12 PM
I didn't even realize OpenOffice was still being updated. I thought a lot of the maintainers had gone over to LibreOffice and it died.
Title: Re: Aurora Government Simulator 2.1
Post by: Ganmero on December 28, 2020, 09:44:40 AM
I love this simulator.  Makes everything a bit more challenging. 
RNGesus is quite strong with this one.

Low chance of a vote being rejected? It WILL fail at some point so better have a second plan ready.  And if that has a low chance of rejection. . .  come up with a third plan just in case.

Or spend 30 minutes smoking and drinking coffee to come up with something
Title: Re: Aurora Government Simulator 2.1
Post by: Froggiest1982 on January 04, 2021, 10:28:46 PM

Hi all,

I must say to have a break was nice and I am now back with a doubled effort. During these holidays I have analyzed the many messages on the features many people wanted to see and or know if they could be implemented. You will be glad to know that except for a few things I managed to put them all in the new update. In the end, I also had the time to look at the Totalitarianism and Oligarchy overhaul. I had to put my AAR on hold because of that as a lot of testing was required (at least one playthrough per modification). I expect to keep working on minor fixes during the next 2 or 3 weeks, but I will do that while keep updating the Political Story, so if you are one of the many readers (400 per post estimated, really really a huge thank you!) rest assured there are going to be some updates soon, probably this week already.

Back to the update: what's new? Well...EVERYTHING! This is why it did make no sense to call the update 2.3 and we have jumped straight into the 3.0 which will include the OLIGARCHY DLC.

The news from the ex 2.3 base simulator first.

There is an entirely new UI which is a rework of the government page and the Home Page (which is now obsolete and deleted). I noticed that I spent more time on the Government Page anyway and the graphics were the only thing that kept me going there, so why not merging them? Done. In doing that a lot of double entries and N/A have been replaced with a blank space and merged into a unique line. In some cases, new tooltips will appear to let you know what is the problem. Cannot vote a motion? Tooltip with cause, etc.

A new Set graphic has been included as well. These are adding to other additions, fixes, and rework posted in the past 2 or 3 months. Literally, every aspect has been refined, polished, and balanced, effectively completing the 2.0 iteration.

Now the new contents and the expansion.

The Oligarchy was the only government form that I couldn't fully test and thanks to many other player feedback who do prefer this system I could collect enough data to actually expand this mechanic without needing to put too much thinking into it. I did have an idea which I have obviously kept while writing the code and designing it and then I have integrated all the suggestions and balances around that.

An oligarchy is a form that mostly revolves around 1 important figure. That could be a King as could be a Totalitarian leader. To recycle the prestige would have not been enough. I always wanted to use the Aurora generated traits somehow and guess what? I did it. Over 150 traits have been all included and they all generate a positive or negative buff. I have ripped off the database, found them, checked the groups, the opposites, and more. I also ensured that the total of the buffs will end up with a big fat 0 to avoid unbalances.

Oligarchy will be then split into 3 main doctrines: Monarchy, Corporate, and Totalitarian. You will also have to decide what is the criteria for the leader to be in power between Birthright, Confidence, Election, and (of course) Life. Election time and other minor things will be automated. I am going to add a small gif for you to see, but I am really proud of this update. I am actually enjoying playing it myself! There is so much into it in terms of roleplay and all it takes if for you to paste and copy the data from Aurora.

Currently, you have 1 Ruler and can nominate up to 3 Successors so that any sort of plot will be doable. A king which sees his realm threatened by his 3 children, a CEO who is losing grip against another 2 or 3 managers, or a Falling Dictator stubbed on the back by his right hand. You name it, you (hopefully) getting it.

There is so much that to actually write the changelog I will have to write a separate post.

Good news: it's completed! So you can expect a release during the weekend.

Thanks, everybody for your messages and constant ideas on how to improve the file, I really appreciated it, please do carry on!

Title: Re: Aurora Government Simulator 2.1
Post by: RougeNPS on January 05, 2021, 12:00:40 AM
Ah yes i love it so much. Thank you for the expansion. Now i finally dont need to contend w/elections. Long live the king!  ;D
Title: Re: Aurora Government Simulator 2.1
Post by: Froggiest1982 on January 05, 2021, 12:37:34 AM
Long live the king!

Until a new king comes along...  ;D
Title: Re: Aurora Government Simulator 2.1
Post by: Gyrfalcon on January 05, 2021, 01:18:43 AM
or a Falling Dictator stubbed on the back by his right hand.

Don't you just hate it when your treacherous lieutenant tries to murder you with a rubber knife? Why'd he use a rubber knife? Well, it turns out the treacherous lieutenant had his own treacherous right hand looking to move up in the world...
Title: Re: Aurora Government Simulator 2.1
Post by: RougeNPS on January 05, 2021, 07:15:16 AM
Long live the king!

Until a new king comes along...  ;D

Thats what secret police is for.  ;)
Title: Re: Aurora Government Simulator 2.1
Post by: brondi00 on January 05, 2021, 10:52:03 AM
How do you decide who the successors or important should be.  I currently just pick a high ranking person from each job (scientist, general, admiral, admin).

Any ideas from the people here?
Title: Re: Aurora Government Simulator 2.1
Post by: RougeNPS on January 05, 2021, 11:27:11 AM
I mean i would just make an heir since i would do a monarchy anyway. Legal heir takes precedence. Then his brother or other of age male relative. Agnatic Succession works best in my opinion. If you would like females to be able to do it. Agnatic-Cognatic Succession. Imagine CK2's succession system. Thats basically what i think about with this kind of thing. Its actually similar to the system in CK2.
Title: Re: Aurora Government Simulator 3.1
Post by: Froggiest1982 on January 07, 2021, 02:39:16 AM
Aurora Government Simulator 3.1 - OUT NOW!

Hi all,

the update 3.0 is now complete. It is an update that has changed all the UI, added a GUI, and expanded or fixed all aspects of the file. I hope you'll enjoy it.

Below the changelog and link to download (otherwise head back to the main post)

Balanced FEDERATION formulas
Balanced REPUBLIC formulas
Balanced all formulas to avoid double up elements on the same values
Reworked Mineral Shortage now to include FUEL
Reworked War modifiers
Reworked UI entirely
Reworked Unrest to be dynamic - no need for the player to manually insert a value
Reworked Naval Shipyard Tonnage now as Automated Alert Levels System
Reworked Commercial Shipyard Tonnage now as Automated Economy System
Reworked Separatists
Added New GUI to make data easy to access and read
Added Leadership - Will contribute to keeping the unrest from rising if leader has been elected with a good margin, however, if election was contested or a close then the population will lose faith in the leadership causing unrest
Added Military Organization: Will determine the level of preparation of the military providing the relative bonuses
Added Population Wealth: Will determine the level of wealth of the population providing the relative bonuses
Added Racial Pro Capita Income Tech to work in pair with Population Wealth Modifier
Added Society: Will determine how the population feel towards freedom and such providing the relative bonuses
Added Population Status (under new Unrest area): Will determine the population morale providing the relative bonuses
Added At War (Attacked) modifier to impact militarists votes
Added At War (Declared) modifier to impact democratic votes
Added At War (Justified) modifier to make possible war declared with causus belli are treated as defensive wars
Added Dynamic Society Traits (Currently Under Constitution)
Added Constitutional Reform EDUCATION to help Scientists movement mid-game struggles - Dynamic Society Traits
Added Constitutional Reform SLAVERY - Dynamic Society Traits
Added Focus mechanic - possibility to boost one racial trait
Added Race Policies which will provide bonuses or malus to different Dynamic Values
Added Race Policy Conscription
Added Race Policy Xeno Laws
Added Race Policy Civilian Academies
Added Race Policy Consumer Benefits
Added New Oligarchy Government kind Monarchy
Added New Oligarchy Government kind Corporate
Added New Oligarchy Government kind Totalitarian
Added New Oligarchy Condition Birthright
Added New Oligarchy Condition Confidence
Added New Oligarchy Condition Elective
Added New Oligarchy Condition Life
Added New Leader Mechanics for Oligarchy
Removed Home Page
Fixed error in SEPARATISTS formula on FEDERATION which led to Separatists always in power coming from DEMOCRACY
Fixed error in Unrest Formula
Fixed multiple errors in some Formulas


Fixed Sync Problem on the Oligarchy GUI
Fixed Oligarchy GUI look to be consistent with other GUIs
Fixed an error that led to display N/A Characters on the Oligarchy GUI despite being disabled


Fixed sync for motion vote

Direct Download here;topic=11908.0;attach=6219
Title: Re: Aurora Government Simulator 3.1
Post by: brondi00 on January 11, 2021, 04:56:17 PM
Are the policies documented anywhere?  Some are self explanatory but I'm wondering about how they relate to the game?
Title: Re: Aurora Government Simulator 3.1
Post by: Froggiest1982 on January 11, 2021, 05:08:21 PM
Are the policies documented anywhere?  Some are self explanatory but I'm wondering about how they relate to the game?

Race Policies provide buffs to different Dynamic Values:

Conscription N - Determination +0.25%,
Conscription Y - Diplomacy -0.25%, Expansion +1.5%, Militancy +0.5%
Xeno Laws N - Diplomacy +0.25%
Xeno Laws Y - Militancy +0.5%, Xenophobia +1%
Civilian Academies N - Xenophobia +0.25%
Civilian Academies Y - Determination +0.5%, Diplomacy +1%, Expansion -0.25%
Consumer Benefits N - Militancy +0.25%
Consumer Benefits Y - Trade +0.5%

They can be used in pair with Race Focus to help countering the growth or drop of a particular trait. Another modifier is related to the 1st and 2nd most voted parties. They receive a 10% and a 5% bonus respectively on their preferred trait:

Federalists - Militancy
Pacifists - Diplomacy
Mercantile And Industrialists - Trade
Scientists - Determination
Nationalists - Xenophobia
Militarists - Expansion

Your Constitution is also affecting the Dynamics.

Please note, dynamic values should be updated before every election as they impact the base pool of electors.
Title: Re: Aurora Government Simulator 3.1
Post by: brondi00 on January 14, 2021, 12:29:26 PM
Related question, what does dangerous galaxy mean, like when should I click it and what does it do?
Title: Re: Aurora Government Simulator 3.1
Post by: Froggiest1982 on January 14, 2021, 02:13:05 PM
Related question, what does dangerous galaxy mean, like when should I click it and what does it do?

I just noticed that somehow all the updates which were discussing how things works have gone, sigh!

Dangerous Galaxy: When you will be fired upon for the first time from a Non Player Race or Spoiler the option should be flagged. Some players do use it only against NPRs, however, that is your choice as the rule and the balance is as per previous line. The goal was to give players more military power in case of Democratic or Republican Starts when the military is quite low or non existent.

These are life changing events and once flagged they stay flagged for the rest of the game.
Title: Re: Aurora Government Simulator 3.1
Post by: Jorgen_CAB on January 16, 2021, 06:08:29 AM
I'm in the work (for 1.13 when that hit) to setup a complex campaign with eight playable human factions on Earth going into space and I planned to use your tool to handle part of the government to help with the role-play a bit as it seem fun even if time consuming for eight factions.

But I have one question as I have not fiddled with it for a while... and not sure there is one thing I understand properly. You are suppose to vote on "Motions" as a Democratic or Oligarch government. But the list of "Motions" seem to be blank?!

I use the latest version of LibreOffice so that should probably not be the problem.

Also... the prestige level of the leading character for each faction is that completely a role-play decision or do you use something like the political value of the character to determine their prestige? I will probably use the medal system to keep track on important character and whether they are one or the other factions and if they held office. Some forms don't allow a person to hold office for more than a limited time for example.
Title: Re: Aurora Government Simulator 3.1
Post by: Jorgen_CAB on January 16, 2021, 09:21:21 AM
A few more questions... regarding race information.

How do I set or influence the items such as Military Organisation, Training, Alert Level, Scientific Community, Economy, Education?

I don't find anything that make me either change them or directly influencing them.

I would also make a suggestion to perhaps include a bit more of a breakdown of population census. Such as capital planets population... both faction and neutral population and even total population for multi-faction Earth campaigns. I'm pretty sure that if 90% of the population live on the capital then having 10 populated colonies are not the same as of 90% of the population live on the colonies with 10 total populated colonies.

Have you ever thought of having the tool reading the database directly... perhaps even change stuff in it to some degree... would make things way simpler and the tool could be made even more powerful with even more political options and interactions?

You could look at the colonies  individually and colonies could have their own local political climate and there could be a small event system where colonies make demands on federal/imperial funds etc... too much or too little people with no job could pose problems. Most colonies should demand being more and more self sufficient the more population they have etc... many interesting things you could potentially do...  ;)
Title: Re: Aurora Government Simulator 3.1
Post by: Froggiest1982 on January 16, 2021, 02:18:46 PM
But I have one question as I have not fiddled with it for a while... and not sure there is one thing I understand properly. You are suppose to vote on "Motions" as a Democratic or Oligarch government. But the list of "Motions" seem to be blank?!

When you chose Democracy on A6 (Top of the Table), tge democracy area and option will be enabled, if tgey don't perhaps I have done some errors. I don't have my pc on hand now, however, I remember to have tested it so I am sure it's the tab selection the issue. Oligarchy vote is available only for corporate governments. Again on A6 you have Oligarchy and tgen in the Oligarchy sub menu you can select Corporate and the option will be enabled.

Also... the prestige level of the leading character for each faction is that completely a role-play decision or do you use something like the political value of the character to determine their prestige? I will probably use the medal system to keep track on important character and whether they are one or the other factions and if they held office. Some forms don't allow a person to hold office for more than a limited time for example.

You are correct. Atm is Role Play. I use your same metrics currently.

I am pondering to use a similar structure to the Oligarchic system, however I think democratic forms suffer less the personality cult of leadership than oligarchic ones, hence the 2 different options.

How do I set or influence the items such as Military Organisation, Training, Alert Level, Scientific Community, Economy, Education?

I don't find anything that make me either change them or directly influencing them.

The values are dynamic and influenced by a several number of other factors and works in a point system. Once you reach the points for the modifier to switch it will. The reason why apparently you cannot influence them is because you are testing it in a "static" environment. If you play and update the file every turn of election properly you will see the change.

If you want to simulate that you need to change policies, constitution and racial traits.

I would also make a suggestion to perhaps include a bit more of a breakdown of population census. Such as capital planets population... both faction and neutral population and even total population for multi-faction Earth campaigns. I'm pretty sure that if 90% of the population live on the capital then having 10 populated colonies are not the same as of 90% of the population live on the colonies with 10 total populated colonies.

Have you ever thought of having the tool reading the database directly... perhaps even change stuff in it to some degree... would make things way simpler and the tool could be made even more powerful with even more political options and interactions?

You could look at the colonies  individually and colonies could have their own local political climate and there could be a small event system where colonies make demands on federal/imperial funds etc... too much or too little people with no job could pose problems. Most colonies should demand being more and more self sufficient the more population they have etc... many interesting things you could potentially do...  ;)

I 100% agree with you. At tge beginning the file was including more data entry that I have actually automated as I needed something more "simple" for the people less hard core.

The population breakdown was one of them.

The problem is that I really wish I had the tools/ability to get the data to update from tge DB as you said, because there is so much I would like to do and add and many of the formulas and mechanics are already there so it wouldnt even take that long to update.

Maybe an help in this department will be required
Title: Re: Aurora Government Simulator 3.1
Post by: Jorgen_CAB on January 16, 2021, 03:41:41 PM
I have two sheets in my document which are Government and Rules.

If I select Democracy and then expand the Democracy part and select the "Democracy Motion Vote" drop-down the list is empty. In the box it says "War - Military Ops" but the drop down is empty.

The same is true for the Oligarchy. If I choose that government type... the drop-down list for voting on the "Corporate Board Vote" it also is empty and the text in the box says "Peace - Peace Ops"

I have also run some imaginary election with the a mega corporation and yes I can see values changing as policies and other things are changed as well as the traits change. So I think I understand how it all are meant to work now... ;)
It seem to work really well... this corporate faction seem to act and respond in a way one of my faction I intend to use should work. In general they will avoid physical conflict and use trade/information as a weapon with other factions. They will happily sell military equipment too whoever needs it so building military ships and components to sell them seem something they truly can do with the types of people on corporate board of directors.
Title: Re: Aurora Government Simulator 3.1
Post by: Jorgen_CAB on January 16, 2021, 04:10:18 PM
As for working directly with the database file you can use SQLite to connect to the database using LibreOffice... it should be easy enough to find guides on the net how to do this. Everyone who run the tool would obviously also need to run SQLite when using the tool as well so it become a bit more complicated to set up and start using the tool but it could do so many more things and get data from the db file dynamically.

Once the SQLite is setup you can easily set up a new database connection and both read and write data from the game file. You might want to have a separate database for the tool though as you might not want to add tables to the game db... depend on how Steve saves the data, but I suspect he create the whole db file from the game. If you save your own data in tables you should then read that from the backup db (or your own db perhaps is better) the game creates and import that into the new db and that should be fine. But you also could have a separate db for some information, but some tables is easier to have in the game db as you can query that information directly with game information.

It would be quite fun to have an extensive list on what factions each character in the game are voting for, the game could automatically generate the leaders for the parties and many other fun stuff. You could easily role-play how a high ranging Federalist sympathising Admiral is thrown into Jail for conspiring against the Corporate state... there are so many fun things you could do. But how loyal are the captains in his command if this happens... will it inspire a revolution?!?
Title: Re: Aurora Government Simulator 3.1
Post by: Froggiest1982 on January 16, 2021, 04:58:50 PM
I have two sheets in my document which are Government and Rules.

If I select Democracy and then expand the Democracy part and select the "Democracy Motion Vote" drop-down the list is empty. In the box it says "War - Military Ops" but the drop down is empty.

The same is true for the Oligarchy. If I choose that government type... the drop-down list for voting on the "Corporate Board Vote" it also is empty and the text in the box says "Peace - Peace Ops"

Okay, it seems like a problem in the validation data entry when I have translated the file from my dashboard. It's an easy fix. I will post soon a new update.
Title: Re: Aurora Government Simulator 3.2
Post by: Froggiest1982 on January 16, 2021, 05:17:27 PM

Fixed sync for motion vote

Direct Download here;topic=11908.0;attach=6219
Title: Re: Aurora Government Simulator 3.2
Post by: Jorgen_CAB on January 16, 2021, 05:42:50 PM
Yes... it now works.

Title: Re: Aurora Government Simulator 3.2
Post by: Jorgen_CAB on January 16, 2021, 06:07:30 PM
Another question... would it not be more appropriate to use the Population per Capita value for the wealth of a faction rather than the racial one which are mainly about how many levels of wealth you researched?!?

Or perhaps both should be modelled into the overall state of the wealth of the population as well as the number of wealth in storage versus the income generated during the last year.
Title: Re: Aurora Government Simulator 3.2
Post by: Froggiest1982 on January 16, 2021, 06:16:27 PM
Another question... would it not be more appropriate to use the Population per Capita value for the wealth of a faction rather than the racial one which are mainly about how many levels of wealth you researched?!?

Or perhaps both should be modelled into the overall state of the wealth of the population as well as the number of wealth in storage versus the income generated during the last year.

I ran tests with both values, at the end I've found out that Racial Wealth is pretty much the base for everything and the value pro capita changes only based on the bonus you are getting from Sector Commander and Governor. There are no other factors involved and I found that not satisfying for the purpose.

So I ended up considering the main Tech Plus the Trade ability as good benchmark to evaluate the economy status (along with other factors) in a greater scope of things indipendent of a single man that once gone makes everybody poor again. Generally racial pro capita per planet is too volatile data.
Title: Re: Aurora Government Simulator 3.2
Post by: Jorgen_CAB on January 16, 2021, 06:40:41 PM
Yes sure... that is what the population per capita means... though it was tied more with wealth income and spenditure but realise that is it not. Anyway wealth spenditure versus income and the stored wealth versus income should perhaps have some impact on overall wealth distribution though. Perhaps worth considering.

Sorry for more questions but I just am trying to figure out how to configure stuff for multiple factions.. Should I probably use the "Dangerous Galaxy" and fill in the other human factions into friendly aliens category as long as they are not at war with each other? There is no category of number of hostile aliens as well?!?

Not sure how we consider limited versus all our wars in this form... but that probably have something to do with the Defcon level I assume, not sure how that one will change over time in a war situation?
Title: Re: Aurora Government Simulator 3.2
Post by: Froggiest1982 on January 16, 2021, 06:53:15 PM
Sorry for more questions but I just am trying to figure out how to configure stuff for multiple factions.. Should I probably use the "Dangerous Galaxy" and fill in the other human factions into friendly aliens category as long as they are not at war with each other? There is no category of number of hostile aliens as well?!?

Dangerous galaxy will be activated only once you are being fired upon. Once on stays on. So it should be off.

If a multi-start of humans, I would consider Humans as Humans and keep the friendly aliens to 0, but you could change that (there is a cap of 15% for that value so at a certain point having 5 or 100 friends wouldn't matter).

Same goes for the first contact option. A multi start I would keep it off until a true Alien is discovered. Once on, stays on for the faction.

The above could be interesting as it opens up to "political" destabilization for a race to know and release such discovery.

Not sure how we consider limited versus all our wars in this form... but that probably have something to do with the Defcon level I assume, not sure how that one will change over time in a war situation?

Yes, the defcon level will change applying relative buffs depending on the situation. You can flag both wars options and receive buffs for the relative option: being attacked and also attacking without a reason. Otherwise you are using one only: be attacked or attack with causus belli, or attack without cause (8 december surprise)
Title: Re: Aurora Government Simulator 3.2
Post by: Jorgen_CAB on January 16, 2021, 07:47:20 PM
Ok... I presume I will leave the known aliens at zero and only switch on the dangerous galaxy once the faction is involved in any violence.

I'm just trying to figure out some settings to represent for example the EU as a coalition of federated (Federal Government) states and I'm not sure how the different coalitions should be role-played as it is not that apparent which political faction is supporting each coalition and what their agenda is suppose to be.

In my current version the EU would be quite pacifistic and consider diplomacy and trade above most things and have an Expansion focus and also Consumer Benefit enabled from the start.

Beginning racial traits:
Determination: 65
Diplomacy: 75
Expansion: 55
Militancy: 35
Trade: 75
Xenophobia: 40

The Senate is... after the first election:
Federalists: 16
Pacifists: 51
Merc & Ind: 55
Scientists: 75
Nationalists: 37
Militarists: 0

The coalition is the Nationalists at 191 with the Democrats a close second at 181.

My question is how do I know from this what decisions I should pass forward and focus on. Not really sure which political faction support the Nationalists aside from the Nationalists that is... I suppose the Federalists as well.

To be honest I sort of feel that I would like a bit more examples on what the different factions and political blocks stands for. Some are quite obvious others a bit more in a grey area.
Title: Re: Aurora Government Simulator 3.2
Post by: Froggiest1982 on January 16, 2021, 07:59:43 PM
To be honest I sort of feel that I would like a bit more examples on what the different factions and political blocks stands for. Some are quite obvious others a bit more in a grey area.

My AAR is a good place to start for this.

The grey area is meant. I did not want the player to play by my fixed rules. If it helps, I play this way:

Pacifist oppose Militarists
Federalists oppose Nationalists
Scientists and Industrialists are Neutral in the political scope but still favors one or another party depending on the situation (the file does it for you when you select options)

In your case Nationalist agenda will favor internal social politics, however, they are not the majority. Looks like you have a Nationalist idea. So the "people" want you to focus on civilian and trade research and industry and this is the way I would play it.

The RNG can be quite punishing so without seeing the "base" value is very difficult for me to tell you what story has been told.
Title: Re: Aurora Government Simulator 3.2
Post by: Jorgen_CAB on January 16, 2021, 08:27:48 PM
To be honest I sort of feel that I would like a bit more examples on what the different factions and political blocks stands for. Some are quite obvious others a bit more in a grey area.

My AAR is a good place to start for this.

The grey area is meant. I did not want the player to play by my fixed rules. If it helps, I play this way:

Pacifist oppose Militarists
Federalists oppose Nationalists
Scientists and Industrialists are Neutral in the political scope but still favors one or another party depending on the situation (the file does it for you when you select options)

In your case Nationalist agenda will favor internal social politics, however, they are not the majority. Looks like you have a Nationalist idea. So the "people" want you to focus on civilian and trade research and industry and this is the way I would play it.

The RNG can be quite punishing so without seeing the "base" value is very difficult for me to tell you what story has been told.

I will read up on your AAR so I get some ideas... I just thought that some sort of general ideas and indication what the different political factions generally stand for and how the coalitions in general should be interpreted as wanting to achieve would be useful to start thinking about how to progress the role-play surrounding the different factions.

The above was basically a starting faction after the first election so the racial traits was basically the starting values and the result of the senate after the first election at day one. Racial traits that are droping are Xenophobia, Miltancy and Expansion.

I'm probably mostly confuse about the Nationalist and Federalist polarity issue. I suppose the Nationalist is more of a conservative and inward looking group while the Federalist are more for social equality over the borders and more inclusive of other factions and possibly even aliens?!?
Title: Re: Aurora Government Simulator 3.2
Post by: Froggiest1982 on January 16, 2021, 08:35:11 PM
To be honest I sort of feel that I would like a bit more examples on what the different factions and political blocks stands for. Some are quite obvious others a bit more in a grey area.

My AAR is a good place to start for this.

The grey area is meant. I did not want the player to play by my fixed rules. If it helps, I play this way:

Pacifist oppose Militarists
Federalists oppose Nationalists
Scientists and Industrialists are Neutral in the political scope but still favors one or another party depending on the situation (the file does it for you when you select options)

In your case Nationalist agenda will favor internal social politics, however, they are not the majority. Looks like you have a Nationalist idea. So the "people" want you to focus on civilian and trade research and industry and this is the way I would play it.

The RNG can be quite punishing so without seeing the "base" value is very difficult for me to tell you what story has been told.
I suppose the Nationalist is more of a conservative and inward looking group while the Federalist are more for social equality over the borders and more inclusive of other factions and possibly even aliens?!?

You are correct.
Title: Re: Aurora Government Simulator [v3.2]
Post by: xenoscepter on January 26, 2021, 08:37:23 AM
 - Lol, you used the symbols from the Pokemon TCG Energy Cards.
Title: Re: Aurora Government Simulator [v3.2]
Post by: Froggiest1982 on January 26, 2021, 01:29:00 PM
- Lol, you used the symbols from the Pokemon TCG Energy Cards.

gotta catch em all
Title: Re: Aurora Government Simulator [v3.2]
Post by: Titus Groen on March 14, 2021, 12:26:37 AM

I'm excited to try this out! Just to be sure, is it meant to look like this? The purple bar on the right side is so large that it makes me worried that parts of the file have been shoved too far left.   
Title: Re: Aurora Government Simulator [v3.2]
Post by: Froggiest1982 on March 14, 2021, 01:23:57 AM
Yep, that's correct. Just Zoom in.

I have attached a screen so you can see that once zoomed in you don't see the sides, just don't mind that is different as I run a custom version of the file while the one I release is for the public release.
Title: Re: Aurora Government Simulator [v3.2]
Post by: Titus Groen on March 15, 2021, 02:32:23 AM
Quote from: froggiest1982 link=topic=11908. msg149806#msg149806 date=1615706637
Yep, that's correct.  Just Zoom in.

I have attached a screen so you can see that once zoomed in you don't see the sides, just don't mind that is different as I run a custom version of the file while the one I release is for the public release.

Thanks! And thanks for making this!
Title: Re: Aurora Government Simulator [v3.2]
Post by: Vivalas on March 22, 2021, 12:18:08 PM
Looks really cool. Question: what does "expand if this is your current government type" mean for the various rows. Does that affect calculations at all? And how do I do that

EDIT: I also don't know how to, for example, do a constitutional restructure vote. Pressing F9 only runs the main election.
Title: Re: Aurora Government Simulator [v3.2]
Post by: Froggiest1982 on March 22, 2021, 02:08:47 PM
Looks really cool. Question: what does "expand if this is your current government type" mean for the various rows. Does that affect calculations at all? And how do I do that

EDIT: I also don't know how to, for example, do a constitutional restructure vote. Pressing F9 only runs the main election.

Those are the sections where you have more options. The top part is the general election and data entry while in the expanded sections there are more specific options for the government type.

For instance you will find the motions vote system under democracy or the whole council/board UI for Oligarchies.
Title: Re: Aurora Government Simulator [v3.2]
Post by: Vivalas on March 22, 2021, 03:00:33 PM
Looks really cool. Question: what does "expand if this is your current government type" mean for the various rows. Does that affect calculations at all? And how do I do that

EDIT: I also don't know how to, for example, do a constitutional restructure vote. Pressing F9 only runs the main election.

Those are the sections where you have more options. The top part is the general election and data entry while in the expanded sections there are more specific options for the government type.

For instance you will find the motions vote system under democracy or the whole council/board UI for Oligarchies.

I see, maybe I'm doing something wrong but they already all seem to be expanded. Is pressing F9 for restructure vote supposed to do something or no?
Title: Re: Aurora Government Simulator [v3.2]
Post by: Froggiest1982 on March 22, 2021, 03:18:56 PM
Looks really cool. Question: what does "expand if this is your current government type" mean for the various rows. Does that affect calculations at all? And how do I do that

EDIT: I also don't know how to, for example, do a constitutional restructure vote. Pressing F9 only runs the main election.

Those are the sections where you have more options. The top part is the general election and data entry while in the expanded sections there are more specific options for the government type.

For instance you will find the motions vote system under democracy or the whole council/board UI for Oligarchies.

I see, maybe I'm doing something wrong but they already all seem to be expanded. Is pressing F9 for restructure vote supposed to do something or no?

Are the conditions met? Restructure is possible only under specific circumstances.
Title: Re: Aurora Government Simulator [v3.2]
Post by: Vivalas on March 22, 2021, 07:04:19 PM
Ah, no, it's not. I was just pressing F9 to test the vote. I thought it was also used for constitutional modifications after the "free" one but I suppose that is more of an RP thing.
Title: Re: Aurora Government Simulator [v3.2]
Post by: Froggiest1982 on March 22, 2021, 08:06:49 PM
I suppose that is more of an RP thing.

You are correct
Title: Re: Aurora Government Simulator [v3.2]
Post by: Froggiest1982 on May 19, 2021, 09:31:27 PM
Just so you guys know, I am into a massive restructure and revisit of this file (5.3 and counting)

A lot of the systems have been introduced and made available for all government forms. I will most likely post it in a new page as the final result is quite impressive and very different from the previous file.

The thing that took me long was obviously try the file more. I've found out that was easy to go under a similar structure and end up in a loop if not careful: peaceful government, more balanced federalism, psychotic military hegemony, peaceful government again. There are now then more tools to keep your society under a more rigid structure that will take several years (if not decades) for the wind to shift.

Also the use of multiple sheets (each government will have one to keep calculations under the hood) will allow to get the main UI more tidy and simpler (maybe) to use without the need of scrolling up and down. The UI will change when a government is selected like partially does now.

The main issue so far was Libre Office. Every time there is an update or somebody uses a different version the risk of losing sync between data is extremely high. In the past I have limited this removing many of the graphics aids such graphs, pictures, etc. I always hated that part though so I was thinking to switch to a new editor. When I tried to port all into excel was a disaster as some functions are different/not present so this is the only hold up currently. I have been told to use google sheet but the amount of missing functions there as well forced me to use 3 different lines of code for the same operation and honestly the amount of mistakes that could occur are so high that I gave up right away.

So as son as I made up my mind I may go for a soft release with only 1 form of government and perhaps then release the full file.

Finally, I have looked into data catching from the DB but I have realized I don't have the time to commit to learn the code required to perform the action (without also considering that people would refrain to use a sheet file with macros in it) or it will require all to be ported on Java which I have zero knowledge of.
Title: Aurora Government Simulator 2 (preview)
Post by: Froggiest1982 on September 10, 2021, 04:25:12 AM
I am getting there finally...I may need some ideas for more legislation I have 16 more I can add. Same for the Events, I could still fit an extra 5! Any ideas are welcome.

Particular attention has been put into modding the file. Everything is extremely clear and easy to find. You can have a look here:


The final result is the one below. All is tidy and on one unique screen. The new file is then easier to use, understand and, eventually, mod.


Current Status: Democracy and Republic are active. Moving into Oligarchies (Totalitarism, Monarchy, and Corporate) and Federation. UI is completed at 95%, only some graphics are missing. All formulas are ready and tested for a very long time so the balance will not be an issue at least not at the start as the last file. Ultimately, I am still deciding how to add the economic mechanics. I have scrapped entirely the automatism of the latest file as it was killing the RP part, but I still think the economy must play a role somehow.

The file will be released with an extensive tutorial this time as I understood that many may not follow an AAR (which will come still).
Title: Re: Aurora Government Simulator [OBSOLETE, USE UE]
Post by: Titus Groen on November 11, 2021, 11:09:13 PM
Wow this looks fantastic!
Title: Re: Aurora Government Simulator [OBSOLETE, USE UE]
Post by: Froggiest1982 on November 11, 2021, 11:21:59 PM
Wow this looks fantastic!

please use the updated version here: