C# Aurora > General Discussion

What's Going On In Your Empire: C# Edition

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Didn't see an equivalent for the VB6 thread so I thought that I'd start it up.

Recently the Solar Dominion began it's expansion into three of it's neighboring systems, allocating two Gaia class terminating stations to a single planet in each system. All of these planets are host to a number of different mineral deposits, notably Alpha Centauri A-1 which has 5 million tons of accessibility .8 Gallacite. In anticipation of the increased demand for naval garrisons shipbuilding has sped up, with 4 Minotaur Heavy Cruisers being laid down along with 12 Gemini Destroyer Escorts that will be spread among the growing colonies. Current fleet tonnage is around 180,000, most of it in the aforementioned Minotaurs, which mix an impressive missile salvo depth of 25 size 8 SERAPH anti-ship missiles and a passable point defense suite. In the event of a actual battle, however, it's armor is it's greatest asset. 12 layers of protection make the occasional missile leak essentially irrelevant, making operations independent of escorts viable. In the event of a war it is expected that these cruisers will form the bulk of Dominion force projection. A light cruiser design, designed to harass in enemy territory before the main force of the fleet arrives, has begun to be considered as well, though no shipyard is capable of beginning construction for at least a year. Given the inflexibility of current fleet doctrine, which is simply using the large salvoes of Minotaur to deal as much damage to opposing fleets before Gladius Destroyers, armed with lasers, clean up the rest, the NAV-WAR office considers it essential that new avenues be explored as quickly as possible.

Well, it seems that Humanity's expansion in my universe is slow but steady.
Earth's natural resources have been depleted, but several nearby systems now house proud humans that supply the homeworld with a steady stream of minerals.

The strong state is supported by numerous private companies that mine the astroids of Sol, Proxima Centauri and Cygnus.
Three planets, including Mars have been terraformed to better support human settlers.

The true challenge for humanity comes in the form of the Hershell 5173 System though.
No less than SEVEN worlds that are capable of supporting humans with little or no terraforming required.
Couple that with 5 low gravity worlds that also look very hospitable and you have a veritable New Eden for humanity.

The only trouble in paradise are the pesky aliens that seem to inhabit the sixth moon of the third planet.
These egotistical bastards are truly unreasonable and refuse to share their system with us.
What's more, their technology seems to be leaps ahead of ours.

The proud human navy was sent back to Sol in tatters and the High Admiral has been imprisoned for his incompetance.
A new fleet, with long range missiles is being assembled right now...

What is going on in my empire is a lot of testing for this mysterious god known as "youtube" but in all seriousness, I have unfortunately not been able to do another AAR or game due to the need for tutorials and IRL, I hope to start up a new AAR in 1.9

The first system I explored out of Sol had deserted intact cities from a tech level 4 civilization.

Still over 1500 installations left to recover. I don't expect this to be a challenging start :P


--- Quote from: SpaceMarine on April 26, 2020, 02:41:16 PM ---What is going on in my empire is a lot of testing for this mysterious god known as "youtube" but in all seriousness, I have unfortunately not been able to do another AAR or game due to the need for tutorials and IRL, I hope to start up a new AAR in 1.9

--- End quote ---

And don't you dare stop making them ;)
I still have lots to learn regarding combat.


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