C# Mechanics / Re: Max Stars
« Last post by Froggiest1982 on Today at 12:20:07 AM »I was wondering if anyone knew how the max stars in the new game settings work with NPR's, the new system Steve put in place for advanced multi system NPRS and in general.
Lets say i want a death match style game with a max of 25 stars.
Is the game limited to 25 stars or will it create additional stars beyond that limit to make room for NPRs?
Lets say in that 25 max stars game, i add 2 advanced NPRs with multi systems, is that taken in account for the max or how will that work?
If I am not mistaken, that is not a hard cap but a number after which new systems won't generate new connections. This means that if you are at 24 and surveying 2 systems that have been previously discovered these will have connections to other systems, however, as soon as you jump in the new system hitting your 25 limit, then that system and any other system discovered after that will not have any connection. Long story short, you may end up exactly at 25, or even 50 for that matter.
Does real stars vs generated stars really matter in a star limit due to distances?
Garfunkel replied to this for you.