Author Topic: Real World 21st Century Ground Unit Templates  (Read 18628 times)

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Offline Garfunkel (OP)

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Real World 21st Century Ground Unit Templates
« on: July 08, 2018, 01:48:32 PM »
Steve confirmed here: that it is possible to have Ground Unit templates. So I suggest that to ease his workload and to improve future player experience, let's knock heads together and make proper templates for all 21st Century major Earth powers. This means both individual equipment templates as well as unit composition templates as well as formation templates. I went through pinned Screenshots Only thread but couldn't find the new ground unit screenshots. Does anyone remember where they are? Once we have those copy pasted here, we can start working.


Here is a link to the latest list of weapon/gear and for which platforms they are available, as well as their size/cost/bombardment range and so on:

I'll also hotlink to it:
Off-Topic: show

Since Steve added the Long Bombardment which is Medium Bombardment with extended rage similar to Heavy Bombardment, I need to modify some stuff that doesn't really fit well.

ALSO ALSO: note that HQ's are now modular - they can be customized exactly to what is needed and thus you can safely ignore those 9 HQ modules in the list.
« Last Edit: November 20, 2019, 11:57:49 AM by Garfunkel »

Offline Hazard

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Re: Real World 21st Century Ground Unit Templates
« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2018, 06:16:05 PM »
Check the Replacing PDCs thread

There are a few things to keep in mind during template design; size of independent units, integrated support and the logistics trail. If we can define technology levels as well we should consider different introduction 'dates' for new technologies, like power armoured infantry. Between the cost and risk of such potentially redefining technologies not all nations will introduce them at the same rough tech level, but might instead do so a level later.

Another major constraint will be shipping. This means that early ground unit design will by necessity be smaller.

Offline Garfunkel (OP)

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Re: Real World 21st Century Ground Unit Templates
« Reply #2 on: July 09, 2018, 02:14:42 AM »
Thanks, it was that thread after all.
Unit screen:

Formation screen:

Possible components of an unit:
« Last Edit: July 12, 2018, 11:54:01 AM by Garfunkel »

Offline Hazard

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Re: Real World 21st Century Ground Unit Templates
« Reply #3 on: July 09, 2018, 12:23:34 PM »
Third picture did not render for me.

Offline Garfunkel (OP)

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Re: Real World 21st Century Ground Unit Templates
« Reply #4 on: July 12, 2018, 12:02:02 PM »
Thanks, fixed it.

So with these tools it should be possible to start putting together equipment lists and formation templates.

For example:

The M1 Abrams tank - various versions exist, that doesn't matter for Aurora. It would be a Heavy Vehicle with Heavy Anti-Vehicle and Crew Served Anti-Infantry weapons.


Offline Steve Walmsley

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Re: Real World 21st Century Ground Unit Templates
« Reply #5 on: July 12, 2018, 02:07:52 PM »
Thanks, fixed it.

So with these tools it should be possible to start putting together equipment lists and formation templates.

For example:

The M1 Abrams tank - various versions exist, that doesn't matter for Aurora. It would be a Heavy Vehicle with Heavy Anti-Vehicle and Crew Served Anti-Infantry weapons.

If we use size as a guide (60 tons), Abrams would be Vehicle with Medium Armour, Medium AV and Crew Served AP. Although Abrams is 'heavy' in the current Earth sense, it probably would not be in Aurora terms. A heavier version could be developed as larger vehicles become available.

Possible Bradley configuration:

If replicating current combat formation is in demand, I could add more granularity to ground weapon types and even have different qualities of 'conventional' armour below Duranium.

Offline Hazard

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Re: Real World 21st Century Ground Unit Templates
« Reply #6 on: July 12, 2018, 02:13:55 PM »
More granularity at the ground unit level for Conventional level tech is not desirable.

Steve, do you have a master list of what components and armor types can be attached to what unit types? The pictures are nice, but plain text can be copied and pasted.

Offline Steve Walmsley

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Re: Real World 21st Century Ground Unit Templates
« Reply #7 on: July 12, 2018, 02:15:14 PM »
Here are some screenshots of current options for reference. Generally as size increases, more options are available.


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Re: Real World 21st Century Ground Unit Templates
« Reply #8 on: July 12, 2018, 02:28:17 PM »
Thanks Steve.

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Re: Real World 21st Century Ground Unit Templates
« Reply #9 on: July 12, 2018, 05:30:10 PM »
Right, some unit templates.


Garrison Troop.
Armour: Light Infantry Armour (AR1)
Slot 1: Light Personal Weapons (Size: 4, AP 5, Dmg 10, Shots 1)
Special Training: None

Generally comes in three types of formations; large garrison formations on low priority worlds that should still have a dedicated garrison force to either quell the threat of riots or as insurance, smaller formations that can be carried by troop transport ships for the purpose of pacifying newly conquered worlds, and finally as security for early TN high value unit like STO units and Bombardment units. These troops are cheap, quick to train, and numerous, making them excellent at freeing up more valuable units for frontline duty. Once Power Armour becomes available it's common for these units to be replaced in the security role by line infantry.

Line Infantry
Armour: Light Infantry Armour (AR1) or Powered Infantry Armour (AR2)
Slot 1: Personal Weapons (Size 5, AP10, Dmg 10, Shots 1)
Special Training: Uncommon

The most common combatant of the various militaries, a decent all rounder but no real specialty. These make up the bulk of any deployed force. Although equipping all of them with cutting edge power armour technology is too expensive to be sensible, as such technology develops it becomes more available. Forces intended for specific planetary theaters may find themselves with specialist training programs for unusual combat conditions.

Weapons Team
Armour: Light Infantry Armour (AR1) or Powered Infantry Armour (AR2)
Slot 1: Crew Served Anti-Personnel (Size 12, AP 10, Dmg 10, Shots 6) or Heavy Crew-Served Anti-Personnel (Size 20, AP 20, Dmg 10, Shots 6) or Light Anti Vehicle (Size 16, AP 20, Dmg 60, Shots 1) or Light Bombardment (Size 20, AP 10, Dmg 10, Shots 3) or Light Anti Air (Size 20, AP 10, Dmg 20, Shots 1)
Special Training: Uncommon

A grouping of support units for infantry formations, you usually find these integrated with the formation they are working with, except for Bombardment units which may be detached into a smaller formation due to game mechanics. There's usually no more than 1 Weapons Team per dozen infantry units, and often less than that, but at least 1 per 50 except for Garrison Troops, which may have fewer.

Special Forces
Armour: Light Infantry Armour (AR1) or Powered Infantry Armour (AR2) or Heavy Powered Armour (AR3)
Slot 1: Any infantry weapon
Special Training: At least 1, often more.

The expensive but very competent option, these forces usually operate in the best armour available and have been trained for expected unusual combat conditions. They otherwise generally reflect their military's infantry doctrines in their operation and organisation. Formations with more than 3 specialties are very unusual as they are very expensive, but the flexibility may be worth it.

Forward Observer
Armour: Light Infantry Armour (AR1) or Powered Infantry Armour (AR2) or Heavy Powered Armour (AR3)
Slot 1: Forward Fire Direction (Size 60, Special)
Special Training: As embedded formation

Forward Observers guide the fire from Bombardment units and ships, and are usually attached straight to the relevant HQ section.


Armed Transport
Light Vehicle (Size 12)
Armour: Light Vehicle Armour (AR2)
Slot 1: As Weapons Team, swap Light Bombardment for Light Autocannon

A common sight on the modern battlefield, various forms of armed transports are used to quickly move troops around to respond to shifting battlefield conditions. Most are armed with a crew served anti-personnel weapon mounted on top, but it's not unusual to find light anti armour or anti air weapons mounted on them instead. Although Garrison formations usually have few to none of these vehicles (instead using unarmed and unarmoured vehicles that are sufficiently a liability in combat they are not rendered in the engine), other infantry formations will have 1 for anywhere between 5 and 20 infantry units.

HQs are inserted as necessary. It's presumed that only 1 HQ is needed of a given rank. Although the Artillery Formations call out the size of their security section, it's presumed that Battalion HQs have a platoon sized security section (30 infantry, 3 weapon teams and 5 Armed Transports) and higher HQs have a security section the size of a Company

Garrison Company
HQ 1250
160 Garrison Troops
4 Crew Served Anti Personnel Weapons Teams
4 Armed Transport with Crew Served Anti Personnel
Total Size: 814

Garrison formations fluctuate considerably in size, but should for ease of counting be considered to be made up of discrete chunks of 40 Garrison Troops, a Weapons Team and an Armed Transport, which is approximately Size 200. Garrison formations are unlikely to have dedicated anti vehicle, anti air or bombardment weapons. It's just generally not needed or too heavy to use in the sort of engagements garrison troops get involved in. If the sort of opponent is expected where such weapons are needed it's preferred to shift dedicated front line combat troops in as reinforcements instead.

Garrison Battalion
HQ 5000
800-1000 Garrison Troops
20-25 Weapons Teams
20-25 Armed Transports

Garrison Regiment
HQ 20k
3000-4000 Garrison Troops
80-100 Weapons Teams
80-100 Armed Transports

Garrison Corps
HQ 250k
30 000-50 000 Garrison Troops
750-1250 Weapons Teams
750-1250 Armed Transports

Garrison Army
HQ 4m
200 000 - 800 000 Garrison Troops
5 000- 20 000 Weapons Teams
5 000- 20 000 Armed Transports

Garrison Armies are unlikely to be seen in any game, but could be found on densely populated planets occupied by a high militancy government away from the frontlines. Most other governments would keep smaller garrisons.

Line Infantry
Line Infantry Formations come in two varieties; generalists, and those specialized for 1 or 2 terrain features (Mountain/Jungle is always popular). While modern day thinking would consider forces specialized to fight, for example, in the mountains as a special force unit, I'm fairly arbitrarily making a distinction here between 'line units with special training' and 'special forces.'

Line Infantry Company
HQ 1250
80 - 140 Line Infantry
8 - 14 Weapons Teams (at least half with AP, remainder mixed anti vehicle and anti air)
8 - 14 Armed Transports (Mix)

I am presuming a mix of 10 Line Infantry, a Weapons Team and an Armed Transport as a basic unit, giving a range of 86-102 as its size.

Line Infantry Battalion
HQ 5000
320 - 560 Line Infantry
32 - 56 Weapons Teams
32 - 56 Armed Transports
1 Forward Observer

Line Infantry Regiment (Artillery heavy)
HQ 20k
960 - 1680 Line Infantry
96 - 168 Weapons Teams
96 - 168 Armed Transports
3 Forward Observers
Attached Artillery Company

Line Infantry Regiment (Artillery light)
HQ 20k
1280 - 2240 Line Infantry
128 - 224 Weapons Teams
128 - 224 Armed Transport
3 Forward Observers

Line Infantry Division
HQ 50k
2000 - 3000 Line Infantry
200 - 300 Weapons Teams
200 - 300 Armed Transports
5 - 8 Forward Observers
Attached Artillery Company
Potential attached heavier artillery battery (4 - 12 Vehicle/Static Medium Bombardment assets)

Generally no heavier Formations than this will be expected to operate independently, such formations are likely to be more ad hoc, attaching Division and lower units to an existing core of a high ranking HQ, it's immediate security and its own support assets, including heavy weaponry formations.

Motorised Artillery Company (Size about 950 max)
HQ 1250
40 Garrison Troops/Line Infantry (Security section)
4 Weapons Teams (2 anti personnel, 1 anti vehicle, 1 anti air)
12 - 18 Weapons Teams Bombardment
10 - 13 Armoured Transports (Mix of anti personnel, anti vehicle, anti air, auto cannon.)

Mechanized Artillery Company (Size about 1200 max)
HQ 1250
40 Garrison Troops/Line Infantry (Security section)
4 Weapons Teams (2 anti personnel, 1 anti vehicle, 1 anti air)
8 Armoured Transports (Mix of anti personnel, anti vehicle, anti air, autocannon)
14 - 22 Armoured Transport (Light Bombardment)

Special Forces
Special Forces are unusual for two reasons; for one, they are always specialized in some way and have access to the equipment to cope well in such circumstances. For another, Special Forces Formations are designed around much heavier firepower and expect access to even more when necessary. And for good reason, they usually get stuck with the worst jobs in the worst places.

Special Forces Company
HQ 1250
1 - 2 Forward Observer
80 Special Forces (Personal Weapon)
16 Special Forces Weapons Team (Mix)
16 Armed Transport (Mix of anti personnel, anti vehicle, anti air and autocannon)

Yes, Special Forces get Forward Observers at the lowest level that can be depicted in Aurora.

Special Forces Battalion
HQ 5000
4-8 Forward Observer
240 - 320 Special Forces (Personal Weapon)
48 - 64 Special Forces Weapons Team
48 - 64 Armed Transport
Attached Artillery Battery (4-12 guns)

Offline Garfunkel (OP)

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Re: Real World 21st Century Ground Unit Templates
« Reply #10 on: July 13, 2018, 07:09:57 AM »
Those are good generic templates for Player Race.

For Conventional granularity, I disagree with Hazard - while it would be use of in only niche cases, it would still be quite useful if it's not too much work. There is, after all, quite a difference between the steel plates of WW2 tanks and the specialized & reactive armour of modern MBTs.

I will not put in model numbers, as that would be pointless.

American vehicles:
M1 Abrams
Medium armor
Medium Anti-vehicle
Crew-served Anti-personnel

M2 Bradley IFV
Light vehicle
Light armour
Light Auto-cannon

M3 Bradley Scout
Light vehicle
Light armour
Light Anti-vehicle

Light vehicle
Light armour
Long bombardment

M109 Paladin
Medium vehicle
Light armour
Medium bombardment
No second slot use

M4 Bradley Battlefield Command Post
Light vehicle
Light armour
Headquarters - Size 1250

M6 Bradley Linebacker
Light vehicle
Light armour
Light Anti-aircraft

M7 Bradley FIST-V
Light vehicle
Light armour
Forward Fire Direction

M1 Assault Breacher
Medium vehicle
Medium armour
Construction equipment
Crew-served Anti-personnel / or no second slot usage if this makes no sense due to Aurora mechanics

British vehicles:
Challenger 2 MBT
Medium vehicle
Medium armor
Medium anti-vehicle
Crew-served Anti-personnel

AS-90 L131
Medium vehicle
Light armour
Medium bombardment
No second slot used

FV107 Scimitar IFV
Light vehicle
Light armour
Light autocannon

Stormer HVM
Light vehicle
Light armour
Light Antiaircraft

FV105 Sultan
Light vehicle
Light armour
Headquarters - Size 1250

FV103 Spartan
Light vehicle
Light armour
Light anti-vehicle

FV433 Abbot
Light vehicle
Light armour
Light bombardment

FV514 Warrior
Light vehicle
Light armour
Forward Fire Direction

Medium vehicle
Light armour
Construction equipment
No second slot used

German vehicles:
Leopard 2 MBT
Medium vehicle
Medium armor
Medium Anti-vehicle
Crew-served Anti-personnel

Puma IFV
Light vehicle
Light armour
Light Autocannon

PzH 2000
Medium vehicle
Light armour
Medium bombardment
No second slot used

Light vehicle
Light armour
Long bombardment

Wiesel 2 Ozelot
Light vehicle
Light armour
Light Antiaircraft

Wiesel 2 ATM HOT
Light vehicle
Light armour
Light Anti-vehicle

Wiesel 2 Befehlsttelle
Light vehicle
Light armour
Headquarters - Size 1250

Wiesel 2 JFST
Light vehicle
Light armour
Forward Fire Direction

Medium vehicle
Light armour
Construction equipment
No second slot used

Russian vehicles:
T-14 Armata
Medium vehicle
Medum armor
Medium Anti-vehicle
Crew-served Anti-personnel

BMPT Terminator
Light vehicle
Light armour
Light Autocannon

2S5 Giantsin
Medium vehicle
Light armour
Medium bombardment
No second slot used

BM-27 Uragan
Light vehicle
Light armour
Long bombardment

Pantsir S-1
Light vehicle
Light armour
Light Antiaircraft

Light vehicle
Light armour
Light Anti-vehicle

Light vehicle
Light armour
Headquarters - Size 1250

SBA-60K2 Bulat
Light vehicle
Light armour
Forward Fire Direction

Medium vehicle
Light armour
Construction equipment
No second slot used

Chinese vehicles:
Type 99
Medium vehicle
Medum armor
Medium Anti-vehicle
Crew-served Anti-personnel

Type 04
Light vehicle
Light armour
Light Autocannon

Type 05
Medium vehicle
Light armour
Medium bombardment
No second slot used

Type 82
Light vehicle
Light armour
Light bombardment

Type 92
Light vehicle
Light armour
Light Antiaircraft

Type 89
Light vehicle
Light armour
Light Anti-vehicle

Type 08
Light vehicle
Light armour
Headquarters - Size 1250

Type 85
Light vehicle
Light armour
Forward Fire Direction

Type 59
Medium vehicle
Light armour
Construction equipment
No second slot used

Japanese vehicles: -confusingly both China and Japan use the  Type XY scheme. I don't know if using the alternative Chinese method would make things any easier.
Type 10
Medium armor
Medium Anti-vehicle
Crew-served Anti-personnel

Type 89
Light vehicle
Light armour
Light Auto-cannon

Type 87
Light vehicle
Light armour
Light Anti-vehicle

M270 MRLS (not a typo, even though it's built under licence in Japan, they call it M270 too)
Light vehicle
Light armour
Light bombardment

Type 99
Medium vehicle
Light armour
Medium bombardment
No second slot use

Type 82
Light vehicle
Light armour
Headquarters - Size 1250

Type 87
Light vehicle
Light armour
Light Anti-aircraft

Type 99/73
Light vehicle
Light armour
Forward Fire Direction

Type 92/91
Medium vehicle
Medium armour
Construction equipment
No second slot used

I'll keep updating this list with other nations as time goes by. Formation compositions will be in another post.
« Last Edit: November 20, 2019, 12:00:04 PM by Garfunkel »

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Re: Real World 21st Century Ground Unit Templates
« Reply #11 on: July 13, 2018, 07:42:33 AM »
There shouldn't be more than one type of conventional. I don't think transdimensional railgun rounds would be any less effective against modern armor than WW2 armor.

Offline Steve Walmsley

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Re: Real World 21st Century Ground Unit Templates
« Reply #12 on: July 13, 2018, 10:52:13 AM »
There shouldn't be more than one type of conventional. I don't think transdimensional railgun rounds would be any less effective against modern armor than WW2 armor.

They would be equally effective given the huge difference in TN vs conventional. I think this is more that there should be some differences for conventional vs conventional.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2018, 12:07:28 PM by Steve Walmsley »
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Re: Real World 21st Century Ground Unit Templates
« Reply #13 on: July 13, 2018, 11:57:10 AM »
Because TN tech is such a leap forward over Conventional technology and because Conventional tech is something you will leave behind as fast as possible even on a Conventional start there's really no point to it.

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Re: Real World 21st Century Ground Unit Templates
« Reply #14 on: July 14, 2018, 08:02:35 PM »
Right, let me take a shot at vehicles.


Before we get started on statting out the various vehicles, something very important has to be realized; vehicles have much more options than infantry does, and not all of them are freely available from the start. There are 5 different potential options for vehicles, and while I expect Heavy Vehicle to be available from the start along with Light and (medium) Vehicle, Super and Ultra Heavy are IIRC research locked. It doesn't help that there's a variable amount of options for both the components and the armours, although the armours at least don't impact the Size of the unit. On the other hand, there's also a variation on how many components can be chosen. This makes determining Formation Size much harder.

As such, while for the Infantry it was possible to stat everything as a rule of thumb that applied on basically all tech levels, it's probably best to consider different levels of technological sophistication and their impact on formation structure. An armour unit from the early fission era will likely have a vastly different force structure from one in the antimatter era. I am deliberately not using Light Vehicles in this listing; those are described under the Infantry section.

Early TN-tech
Vehicle or Heavy Vehicle (Size 18 or 36)
Medium or Heavy Vehicle Armour, using the heaviest available. (AR4 or AR6)
Weaponslot 1: Medium Anti Vehicle or Heavy Anti Vehicle (Size 32 or 48)
Weaponslot 2: Heavy Crew Served Anti Personnel or Light Autocannon (Size 20 or 24)

Tanks are unlikely to see much change throughout the changing field of battle, but they will adapt over time. The task of the modern tank is simple; to find any enemy armoured vehicle and kill it, while also supporting the infantry. The advent of Super Heavy and Ultra Heavy vehicles, their thick armour and the possibility of that armour being backed by shields as well as their vast supply of weapons will diminish the prominence of the tank but not remove it entirely. Such vehicles will simply be too expensive to be fielded in such numbers that the tank will be replaced.

Fire Support Vehicle
Vehicle (Size 18)
Light or Medium Vehicle Armour
Weaponslot 1: Light Autocannon (Size 24)
Weaponslot 2: Light Autocannon (Size 24)
Cheaper, smaller, faster, still hard hitting. Although no replacement for an actual tank, the volume of fire offered by the light autocannon offers excellent protection from infantry assault and lightly armoured enemy vehicles.

Dedicated AA
Vehicle (Size 18)
Light Vehicle Armour or Medium Vehicle Armour
Weaponslot 1: Light AA or Medium AA (Size 20/40)
Weaponslot 2: Light AA, Medium AA or Light Autocannon (Size 20/40/24)
Anti Air is a critical combat role on the battlefield when loss of air control can mean your units are detected and engaged with impunity. Anti Air units are not really supposed to be caught by ground units, but gun based AA units are often capable of it and a little better armoured as a result. Although their shells are too small to threaten well armoured enemies, the sheer volume of fire shreds infantry formations. This is why the second Weaponslot has the option for Light Autocannon, to represent turning the gun to engage ground targets. AA units equipped with Medium AA in slot 1 will have either Medium or Light AA in slot 2.

Mechanized Artillery
Vehicle (Size 18) or Heavy Vehicle (Size 36)
Light Vehicle Armour
Weaponslot 1: Light Bombardment, Medium Bombardment, Heavy Bombardment (Size 20, 40, 60)
Weaponslot 2: Same as 1
Artillery remains an important component of battle even in a time and place where so many supermaterials are discovered. As artillery is meant to stay well back of engagement armour is light, but the impact is anything but. Artillery barrages are of limited use against anything but infantry and vehicles with the thinnest armour, and even for that you need fairly heavy bombardment assets, but as at this time most infantry is poorly armoured if armoured at all most artillery assets will use Light and Medium Bombardment.

Forward Observation Vehicle
Vehicle (Size 18)
Light Vehicle Armour or Medium Vehicle Armour
Weaponslot 1: Forward Fire Direction (Size 60)
Weaponslot 2: Heavy Crew Served Antipersonnel or Light Autocannon (Size 20/24)
Expecting heavier incoming fire due to being part of armoured formations it's necessary for a heavier fire direction option to call the shots.

Non-Combat Vehicles
An important subsection that is not likely to change much as technology develops. All units in this section are not supposed to get into a fight, and instead are kept well back in entirely separate units.

Survey Vehicle
Vehicle (Size 18)
Light Vehicle Armour
Weaponslot 1: Geosurvey Equipment (Size 100)
Weaponslot 2: Geosurvey Equipment (Size 100)
Big, ungainly, staffed by civilians and luxurious by most military standards, Survey Vehicles are moved around the galaxy to follow up on spaceborne scans. Planets are big, so these vehicles are often deployed in large numbers.

Construction Vehicle
Vehicle (Size 18)
Light Vehicle Armour or Medium Vehicle Armour
Weaponslot 1: Construction Equipment (size 150)
Weaponslot 2: Construction Equipment (Size 150)
Staffed by engineering crews these are not nearly as roomy as their size would imply. There's just too much equipment. Most of these vehicles are unarmoured beyond their environmental sealing, but some are hauled around as part of the support equipment of a military formation and as such can expect to face incoming fire. The latter vehicles therefore are better armoured.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2018, 05:33:38 PM by Hazard »