Other Games > Beyond the Stars!

Beyond the Stars!: Dawn of the Space Age Game One Events

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--- Quote ---October 15th - Cape Canaveral (INN)

Today Director Dickinson announced a large schedule of launches beginning in January of next year. The Director stated that NASA - The National Aeronautics and Space Administration - will be launching one satellite per month, beginning in January and ending in October of 1957.

The Director stated the reason for so many launches is that with a large amount of satellites in orbit transmitting data they will help push the boundaries of orbital science even further.

When the Director was asked to comment about the Japanese announcement that they too were going to launch a satellite he had this to say: "We welcome any peaceful exploration of space, and hope the Japanese launch is a successful one."
--- End quote ---

David Richlen
Science Desk, International News Network


--- Quote ---October 23rd - Tokyo (INN)

Tokyo, Japan -- The Japanese Prime Minister, Ichiro Hatoyama, held a press conference today announcing the successful launch of a Japanese communications satellite.

"Japan has joined the space age." was Prime Minister Hatoyama's triumphant message to the gathered press. "We have successfully launched and deployed a Tengu-Maru communications satellite aboard a Noboritaiyo-B rocket from our Tageshima launch facility. With this launch we have shown the drive and determination of the Japanese people to rise above the past and peacefully explore our world and its surroundings alongside the United States and other space faring nations."

Minister Hatoyama went on to say that Japan is fully committed to space and its exploration and exploitation for peaceful purposes. There is a great deal we do not yet know about space and we are eager to learn more. It is the hope of the Japanese people that all nations might be able to peacefully explore space and bring a new age of enlightenment and international cooperation to the world.

The speech ended with the Prime Minister affirming that Japan plans on being ambitious in their space program and to expect more successes in the future.
--- End quote ---

Tsunayoshi Amagawa
Tokyo Desk, International News Network


--- Quote ---November 3rd - Tokyo (INN)

Tokyo, Japan -- Outgoing Japanese Prime Minister Ichiro Hatoyama today announced that Japan plans to launch four new communications satellites in January of next year, one per week, and will continue to launch thereafter at a rate of not less than one mission a month though the year.

When asked if this was a response to the American announcement to launch a communications satellite every month through next year Minister Hatoyama replied "The Americans are ambitious in their study of space, just as we are. We welcome the progress of the United States NASA program and hope that we can both share our discoveries and research in this new endeavor. But Japan is not a follower of America, we are here equals in this. We have had long range plans in place for some time now to do this and it is merely a fortunate coincidence that NASA is following a similar strategy."

He further went on to announce that Japan would like to share its communications capacity and infrastructure with all of their neighbor nations. They will be discussing terms on an individual contract basis but they look forward to the improvements in communications and relations that such cooperation will bring.

--- End quote ---

Tsunayoshi Amagawa
Tokyo Desk, International News Network

YEAR 1957

--- Quote ---January 6th - Cape Canaveral (INN)

Cape Canaveral, Florida -- Director Dickinson, Director of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) gave a short press conference today about the scheduled launch yesterday.

"Yesterday, the fourth stage of the Juno rocket failed to fire, and in so doing did not insert Explorer-2 into its proper orbit. In consequence the satellite re-entered the earths atmosphere where it burned up and we lost all telemetry from it."
--- End quote ---

David Richlen
Science Desk, International News Network

Step Two: Orbital Insertion Burn Failure.


--- Quote ---January 18th - Tageshima (INN)

Tageshima, Japan -- NASDA announced today the loss of their fourth Tengu satellite in a catastrophic launch failure. The launch facility at Tageshima was damaged, but no injuries were reported. The launch scheduled for January 24th will go forward as planned.
--- End quote ---

Tsunayoshi Amagawa
Tokyo Desk, International News Network

Step One: Launch Failure


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