Other Games > Beyond the Stars!

Map Style

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I like the cartesian maps a bit more, they seem a bit easier to understand.

Conscript Gary:
Aye, providing a reference for the coordinate system actually being used trumps what amounts to, essentially, a fancy-looking overlay.


--- Quote from: MrAnderson on February 07, 2013, 05:38:24 PM ---I like the cartesian maps a bit more, they seem a bit easier to understand.

--- End quote ---

Unless you are responsible for the math, I think Cartesian Maps are much more good looking. Mainly due to their not being restrained by an artificial hex grid. However, if you are responsible for the math...  :P

MrAnderson, thank you for your input.  ;)

Cheers, Thor


--- Quote from: Conscript Gary on February 07, 2013, 06:26:48 PM ---Aye, providing a reference for the coordinate system actually being used trumps what amounts to, essentially, a fancy-looking overlay.

--- End quote ---

Conscript Gary, I wholeheartedly agree. The one benefit a hex map, in my humble opinion, has over a Cartesian Map is the ease of use. Since the distances are artificially constrained and already laid out, it makes movement much easier.  ;)

Conscript Gary, thank you for your input.  ;)

Cheers, Thor

I admit I prefer the squares as i can estimate distances easy(i know, i'm weird), but I am so used to the hex that it is difficult to imagine using anything else. I guess that is from too many Battletech and starfleet battles games!


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