VB6 Aurora > VB6 Mechanics

Change for v6.30

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Steve Walmsley:
I am going to put all the various posts covering updates for v6.30 in this thread

So far:

Added four new buttons to the task groups window. Active On and Active Off turn active sensors on/off for the whole task group. GRV and GEO, which are small buttons next to the Default, Conditional or Escort orders section on the 1st tab will set default orders for the fleet of Survey Nearest Survey Location and Survey Next Five System Bodies respectively (without having to go to tab 2 and select them from a list).

The cargo field on the 1st tab of the task groups window now shows the current and maximum fuel of the fleet in litres.

When one ship destroys another, the kill is recorded in the ship history and in the history of the ship commander. Both ships and commanders will maintain running totals for the tonnage of military and comercial ships they have destroyed. The ship that made a kill is also included in the events log.


Steve Walmsley:
Minimum Contact Range

For resolution 1 sensors, I have added an extra item to the summary for the sensor. MCR shows the range at which this sensor will detect a contact of minimum size (Size 6 missile or less).

Missile Detection Sensor (1)     GPS 189     Range 20.8m km    MCR 2.3m km    Resolution 1

Steve Walmsley:
Automatic Lagrange Point Jumps

There is now an option on the Fleet window for Lagrange point jumps to be added automatically when they result in a shorter distance than moving directly to the destination. Default for this is On.

For example, if you plot an order to drop off some colonists on a planet, Aurora will check if the distance can be shortened by inserting an LP jump before the drop off order. If you plot a pickup, then several transits and then a drop-off, Aurora will check at each stage whether inserting LP jumps will shorten the individual legs. This saves time and effort because you won't need to work out the shortest route and add the extra orders.

Steve Walmsley:
Correct Alien Class Names

At the moment you see the correct alien class name if you have friendly or allied relations with the alien race, or if you share the same homeworld. In v6.30 you can override this and automatically see the correct class names for a specific alien race. Useful for situations such as multi-race starts in the same system :). You probably wouldn't want to use this normally though as it might give away information on Precursors, etc.

Having the correct alien class names option on will also provide you with the correct alien ship names. So if you are playing USA and there is a Russian race for which you have activated this option, you will see actual class name and ship names of all Russian contacts. That still won't tell anything other than the name though - you won't know the capabilities of that class.

There is a new button on the Tactical Intelligence window that allows you to replace all alien class and ship names with the correct names. Useful for same system starts or if you establish friendly relations. It can be used at player discretion for those types of situation - or you can continue to use the current fog-of-war for non-friendly races.

Steve Walmsley:
Removal of Precusor Minefields

Precursor Minefields are causing a lot of interrupts. This is usually because they have not been detected by the player and are causing interrupts every time a player ship enters the system in which they are located. I've removed them for v6.30 and it has resulted in a significant reduction in interrupts.


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