VB6 Aurora > Aurora Chat

Hello and this is really cool

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Roger Hanna:
Its been a while since I played Starfire and the other day I was moving my games into a new room and sat down with Imperial Starfire. . .  and lost 4 hours.  Next thing I knew I was reading Stars at Wars and wondering where my copy of Steve's diary had gone.  That lead me here and now I got the itch again. 

So. . .  is anyone playing the 3R/UTM with or without SFA any more? IS there a game I can get into?

And. . .  Aurora? How is it awesome? How is it lame? Is it Starfire like or Starfire light or just different? Easy to install and/or play (from Wiki looks like a steep learning curve. . . )?

I've been mucking around with Squadron Strike as a basis for a universe for a book but this looks like fun.  I will dive in as I can. 

OH: Hi Steve! Long time, no chat. . .  and to the rest of the group from 3rdR I recognize from the fiction authors, Hello! I haven't looked at those yet. . .  trying to find my old 3rdR fiction lines first.  Question. . .  Anyone EVER hear from Mik again?

See you around. . .  I hope :)


Erik L:
Aurora is very Starfire like. But more complex. But then a lot of that complexity is consumed by the computer. Very easy to install. If you've played Starfire and/or Star Fleet Battles, the Aurora curve is not as great as others.

A good place to ask specific questions and get advice is the discord, if you're at all interested! https://discord.gg/VjNxJ9

Erik L:

--- Quote from: JustAnotherDude on March 12, 2020, 03:59:47 PM ---A good place to ask specific questions and get advice is the discord, if you're at all interested! https://discord.gg/VjNxJ9

--- End quote ---

I will say there are different design/play philosophies between the forum community and the discord community. This is not to say one is better than the other.


--- Quote from: Roger Hanna on March 11, 2020, 07:54:30 PM ---Its been a while since I played Starfire and the other day I was moving my games into a new room and sat down with Imperial Starfire. . .  and lost 4 hours.  Next thing I knew I was reading Stars at Wars and wondering where my copy of Steve's diary had gone.  That lead me here and now I got the itch again. 

So. . .  is anyone playing the 3R/UTM with or without SFA any more? IS there a game I can get into?

And. . .  Aurora? How is it awesome? How is it lame? Is it Starfire like or Starfire light or just different? Easy to install and/or play (from Wiki looks like a steep learning curve. . . )?

I've been mucking around with Squadron Strike as a basis for a universe for a book but this looks like fun.  I will dive in as I can. 

OH: Hi Steve! Long time, no chat. . .  and to the rest of the group from 3rdR I recognize from the fiction authors, Hello! I haven't looked at those yet. . .  trying to find my old 3rdR fiction lines first.  Question. . .  Anyone EVER hear from Mik again?

See you around. . .  I hope :)


--- End quote ---

I'm fiddling around with a 3rdR/SA campaign for a bit now.  If it continues I'll probably do some write-ups. 

Not that I don't believe Steve when he talks about C#'s availability, but I figure before I start a full on campaign I'll let him work on it a bit more. 



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