Author Topic: What's going on in your empire/planet/battlefield?  (Read 283734 times)

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Offline TMaekler

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Re: What's going on in your empire/planet/battlefield?
« Reply #1890 on: September 05, 2018, 10:41:28 AM »
Maybe... But I used 5 in the first 10 days of fighting... Not sure how the program works but they had around C5300 and I C19900 So almost 4-1 but its still going slow... Used my battleships to pick of some targets, in 5 minutes of bombardment the lost around C2000, but its getting really cold on the surface now...
Well, maybe it is not that much overkill... would be interesting to do some testings here. Although, maybe waiting for C# and do it there. Guess, there will be a lot of change in that area...

Offline ExChairman

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Re: What's going on in your empire/planet/battlefield?
« Reply #1891 on: September 06, 2018, 10:12:02 AM »
They are going fast... Between 5-9 each 5 day cycle... Down to less than 40 now... And my enemy is also gaining combat power... I am moving in occupation forces now, but that's only garrison units...
Veni, Vedi, Volvo

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Re: What's going on in your empire/planet/battlefield?
« Reply #1892 on: September 06, 2018, 02:13:19 PM »
16th October 2059 13.13
The sound of silence descends on the planet, the last defenses have been breached and the last rulers of this planet has been taken, dead or alive.
Losses have been severe, mostly on the defending side, suicide bombers have killed many Kingdom soldiers.
But the planet have surrendered, much loot and technical plans have been taken.
Veni, Vedi, Volvo

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Offline jwoodward48

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Re: What's going on in your empire/planet/battlefield?
« Reply #1893 on: September 18, 2018, 12:07:45 PM »
The Brazwell class Jump Scout entered the Delta Pavonis system on the 18th of November, 2036, at 2:00:11 PM.  The 500-ton ship's sensors detected a habitable planet in the inner stellar system, and began traveling at 2512 km/s toward the planet.  Exactly two days later, 34 750-ton ships with a thermal signature of 160 appeared on the Brazwell's sensors just before the Brazwell was destroyed in a barrage of meson strikes.

The Shining Garden has determined that this implies that the Delta Pavonis aliens have exceptional detection and speed, and so have decided to build the response fleet around a doctrine of slow ships with overwhelming defensive firepower.  However, the technology for such a fleet still needs to be researched, so the fleet construction will likely require several years.  It can only be hoped that the Delta Pavonis aliens are not aware of jump point theory, as otherwise Earth would be open and defenseless against the aliens and their meson weapons.

Meanwhile, colonization of the Jovian moons continues on schedule, with 0. 81 million colonists each now on Io and Europa.  The short-term goal is to set up a detection and fleet resupply base, with a secondary purpose of providing markets for interplanetary trade to bolster the Garden's economy.  The long-term goal is to terraform the moons and install hundreds of mines to extract the plentiful duranium, boronide, sorium, corundium, and to a lesser extent gallicite and mercassium.

Offline Viridia

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Re: What's going on in your empire/planet/battlefield?
« Reply #1894 on: October 01, 2018, 02:43:23 PM »
Doom and gloom for the Solarian League. The dangerous inhabitants of Van Maanens Star, first spotted in the Van Maanen's Star system, and later found in Ross 128, linked to Sol by Wolf 359, have also been found in AD Leonis, the other JP leading from Wolf 359. Five of their vessels just followed and destroyed the Jackdaw in Wolf 359 after destroying its two sister ships in AD Leonis. A retribution force of a destroyer squadron is on the way, hopefully it will end better than the last engagement between the aliens and the SLN.

Offline SevenOfCarina

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Re: What's going on in your empire/planet/battlefield?
« Reply #1895 on: October 02, 2018, 07:51:22 AM »
Earth is dead.


Earth was murdered.


Ten billion are dead.

Two hundred million live.

And we promise this :

You. Will. Burn.

« Last Edit: October 02, 2018, 08:17:52 AM by SevenOfCarina »

Offline MasonMac

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Re: What's going on in your empire/planet/battlefield?
« Reply #1896 on: October 08, 2018, 01:22:04 PM »
Famous scientist Alex Lang, considered one of the smartest minds in all time, and who has seen the rise of the UEG, has just passed away at the long age of 88. The United Earth Government is building a memorial for him in the martian city of Possidebit Pax.

Offline Viridia

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Re: What's going on in your empire/planet/battlefield?
« Reply #1897 on: October 09, 2018, 08:09:24 AM »
Finally launched a colony in Ross-154. With plenty of judicious terraforming I've made it perfect for humans, just need to get the ever-growing commercial sector plenty of contracts to shift automated mines into the system. Debating where to locate a new colony, and it's looking to have to be Ross 780 or Tau Ceti due to the combination of low colony costs and plentiful mineral resources in the area.

Still waiting to build new shipyards so I can start building colliers and supply ships to support an offensive through Wolf 359 into Ross 128 and AD Leonis, though I need to be careful as Van Maanens Star is presumably linked to one, given my first encounter with suspected Spoilers was there.

Offline Adseria

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Re: What's going on in your empire/planet/battlefield?
« Reply #1898 on: October 09, 2018, 11:51:49 AM »
"Benjamin Franklin has joined your civilian administration. Administration Rating: 2 Mining Bonus: 5% Population Growth Bonus: 5%"

I'm not exactly short of administrators...

Offline Viridia

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Re: What's going on in your empire/planet/battlefield?
« Reply #1899 on: October 09, 2018, 12:04:45 PM »
Bad times! Spoilers have ventured out of Van Maanen's Star into Alpha Centauri and destroyed a civilian freighter that was en-route to delivery vital infrastructure. Going to have to sit a destroyer squadron on the JP now and see if I can catch the ship.

Oops. Turns out they've penetrated into Sol from Alpha Centauri now. Hopefully that destroyer squadron gets there before my own cargo group gets destroyed.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2018, 12:11:46 PM by Viridia »

Offline Garfunkel

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Re: What's going on in your empire/planet/battlefield?
« Reply #1900 on: October 09, 2018, 09:05:02 PM »
Oops. Turns out they've penetrated into Sol from Alpha Centauri now. Hopefully that destroyer squadron gets there before my own cargo group gets destroyed.
That's always a classic blunder :D I've experienced it many times!

Offline Viridia

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Re: What's going on in your empire/planet/battlefield?
« Reply #1901 on: October 11, 2018, 02:17:24 AM »
That's always a classic blunder :D I've experienced it many times!

Turns out they may well be an entirely different Spoiler to what I'd believed. :-\ Didn't realise I'd had Invaders turned on in the settings.

Offline Erik L

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Re: What's going on in your empire/planet/battlefield?
« Reply #1902 on: October 11, 2018, 10:03:07 AM »
Oops. Turns out they've penetrated into Sol from Alpha Centauri now. Hopefully that destroyer squadron gets there before my own cargo group gets destroyed.
That's always a classic blunder :D I've experienced it many times!

Second only to "Never get involved in a land war in Asia"?

Offline Viridia

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Re: What's going on in your empire/planet/battlefield?
« Reply #1903 on: October 11, 2018, 02:49:59 PM »
Oops. Turns out they've penetrated into Sol from Alpha Centauri now. Hopefully that destroyer squadron gets there before my own cargo group gets destroyed.
That's always a classic blunder :D I've experienced it many times!

Second only to "Never get involved in a land war in Asia"?

Or "Don't invade Russia in the middle of winter"

In other news, I did not have that particular Spoiler enabled, so now I am doubly weirded out.

Offline Viridia

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Re: What's going on in your empire/planet/battlefield?
« Reply #1904 on: October 15, 2018, 02:49:16 AM »
Started a new game for a change of pace. Going quite nicely, only explored three systems but found a massive bounty of 442 installations on a planet in Barnards Star, and also founded a colony in Ross 128 thanks to the millions of tons of minerals in the system.