C# Aurora > C# Bug Reports

Bug Reporting Guidelines (please read before posting bugs)


Steve Walmsley:
Please post bugs in the official bugs thread for the version you are using. Please check the version number in the Misc tab of the tactical map as there have been bug reports from previous versions in the current thread.

Please check the Known Issues post before posting so see if the problem has already been identified. 'Me too' posts for unresolved bugs are fine as it shows they are affecting more than one person. Any extra information you can provide in 'me too' posts is very welcome.

When you post, please post as much information as possible, including:

* The function number
* The complete error text
* The window affected
* What you were doing at the time
* Conventional or TN start
* Random or Real Stars
* Is your decimal separator a comma?
* Is the bug is easy to reproduce, intermittent or a one-off?
* If this is a long campaign - say 75 years or longer - let me know the length of the campaign as well


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