Aurora 4x

New Players => The Academy => Topic started by: Haji on May 24, 2020, 04:54:56 AM

Title: Setting race to hostile in C# Aurora
Post by: Haji on May 24, 2020, 04:54:56 AM
I have a problem. I'm playing two sides and I'm trying to perform a planetary invasion against a body defended by STOs. The STOs are not firing. As far as I can determine this is because they see the incoming vessels as neutral and I can't change the race in the relations screen to hostile. If I artificially increase DR score I can choose from many options such as friendly or whatever but now matter what I do I cannot set the other race to hostile. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?
Title: Re: Setting race to hostile in C# Aurora
Post by: Ehndras on May 24, 2020, 05:31:57 AM
need a negative DR score, and you're good to go!
Title: Re: Setting race to hostile in C# Aurora
Post by: Haji on May 24, 2020, 05:45:33 AM
need a negative DR score, and you're good to go!

Thank you but that is not working unfortunately. The score was negative to begin with as the two races were in space combat before with ships lost on both sides. The other side actually perceives this one as hostile. However even if I set the DR to -10 000 nothing changes. If I set DR to 5000 or so I can choose for the sides to be friendly or allied but there is never a neutral or hostile option no matter what I do with DR or communication. In fact the only reason I know the status of those two races is because contacts update tell me whether or not the contacts are hostile or neutral but other than that there is nothing in the diplomacy screen that would indicate status.

Edit: I went ahead and created a couple of races in the game and the options magically appeared. Seems like some kind of a very weird bug. I won't be reporting it however as I did some modifications to the DB and while it had nothing to do with diplomacy, contacts or anything of the sorts I'd rather not risk the bug was due to said modification. Thanks for trying to help anyway :)
Title: Re: Setting race to hostile in C# Aurora
Post by: Ehndras on May 24, 2020, 08:50:10 AM
Uhh... I know there's an option somewhere... Try alien race page?

Edit: Ah, glad it worked out!
Title: Re: Setting race to hostile in C# Aurora
Post by: Father Tim on June 06, 2020, 04:46:25 AM
I have a problem. I'm playing two sides and I'm trying to perform a planetary invasion against a body defended by STOs. The STOs are not firing. As far as I can determine this is because they see the incoming vessels as neutral and I can't change the race in the relations screen to hostile. If I artificially increase DR score I can choose from many options such as friendly or whatever but now matter what I do I cannot set the other race to hostile. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?

Set race A's diplo rating with B to -999, set race B's diplo rating with A to -999, advance time 5 days (or whatever is necessary to trigger a production cycle), tick the box on A's window to set race B as hostile, and the box on B's window to set race A as hostile.

And double-check the origin of the ground forces -- if they were originally commercial (i.e. CMC garrison) they might not be "yours" in the empire sense.
Title: Re: Setting race to hostile in C# Aurora
Post by: Father Tim on June 06, 2020, 04:49:14 AM
need a negative DR score, and you're good to go!

Thank you but that is not working unfortunately. The score was negative to begin with as the two races were in space combat before with ships lost on both sides. The other side actually perceives this one as hostile. However even if I set the DR to -10 000 nothing changes. If I set DR to 5000 or so I can choose for the sides to be friendly or allied but there is never a neutral or hostile option no matter what I do with DR or communication. In fact the only reason I know the status of those two races is because contacts update tell me whether or not the contacts are hostile or neutral but other than that there is nothing in the diplomacy screen that would indicate status.

Edit: I went ahead and created a couple of races in the game and the options magically appeared. Seems like some kind of a very weird bug. I won't be reporting it however as I did some modifications to the DB and while it had nothing to do with diplomacy, contacts or anything of the sorts I'd rather not risk the bug was due to said modification. Thanks for trying to help anyway :)

Wait, so the aliens were showing hostile to your ships, but now are not showing hostile to your ground forces?

Are the aliens definitely in range of an active sensor on your side?  Do you have positive ID of their empire & class types or is some ingormation showing as 'unknown'?