Author Topic: 7 Dictators- Players  (Read 15898 times)

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Offline Maharava (OP)

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7 Dictators- Players
« on: March 23, 2013, 10:16:17 PM »
This is where the Rules will be posted, discussions may be held about them and issues resolved. Players may also talk to each other via this forum (for 'above the board' communications) and talk about the events in the game.
This is not for joking, off-topic chat etc. about the game. For that, try 7 Dictators Community Game.


First Draft of the Community Game '7 Dictators'

There will be 6 player-controlled Admirals and a single player-controlled President.
6 Sectors will exist, each containing one system and at least one inhabited planet. The President will reside on Earth (Capital Sector) and each Admiral will have control of one Sector's defenses, military and Navy.
Admirals are not required to like each other.

Responsibilities – Admiral

An Admiral is charged with defending their Sector from aliens, insurgents and other Admirals (should there be civil war). An Admiral may make a policy once every 6 months: a policy may be 'Increase number of PDC's on all planets', 'Improve weaponry technology', 'Construct additional missile ships' etc. They may not give direct orders, except in battle.
An Admiral may design new ships based on technology known to the Empire at the time. As an Admiral is not a Scientist, they may not ask for specific technologies (i.e., they cannot say 'Research the next level of Capacitor Recharge', instead they can say 'Improve Energy Weapons'. This is to keep fairness between players of varying skill levels, add a level of realism and help keep things moving).
An Admiral may class a design as Public or Secret. Public designs will immediately be known to all players: Secret Designs will only be known to the Admiral and his immediate underlings (the Vice Admirals). If they choose to sell the design, they may. In addition, the ships of other Admirals may spot or scan the 'Secret' vessel, and it's possible the information may just get leaked.
Admirals may promote or dismiss any player-controlled officers in their sectors. Dismissed officers may either appeal to another Admiral for a job or create a new character.
Admirals may order exploration and attempt to increase the size of their Sector. Doing so will open up further mining options and, ultimately, improve an Admirals fleet.

Responsibilities – President

The President is, essentially, charged with keeping the Admirals from killing each other. The President has no territory, however he can be declared interim governor if an Admiral is dismissed. The President can make a policy every 6 months, such as 'Improve the Civilian Economoy', 'Subsidise new Shipping Lines', 'Improve our Engine Technologies' etc. A President may not request Technology from the Energy Weapons, Defensive Systems, Missiles/Kinetic tree.
A Presidents main job (other than to keep the Admirals together) is improving expansion of the Empire. He may order extra Colony Ships, Freighters, Terraformers etc – not exact numbers (due to time constraints, would take too long to work out material costs etc.) but can certainly request extra Asteroid Miners. Presidential policies are enacted Empire-wide (eg, a policy of 'Boost Mining' will result in more Asteroid Mining, further research into Mining Production, etc.)
A President may also limit the number of research labs to which the Admirals have access – however, this limit cannot be lower than 25% (So a planet with 100 labs will have 25 set aside for military research) and all Admirals have the same limit (you can't give one Admiral 25% and another 50%). This is a percentage, so an Admiral with less labs in his sector will still be in a weaker position.

Game time will be advanced in 6-month intervals for the Players, so policies may be changed or added to every 6 months. Players are encouraged to plan ahead etc. A list of known technology will be provided and you may always ask for more information, including screenshots of systems. I will run the game according to the wishes of the players and post results so we don't have to bother with uploads/downloads and excessive waiting. That will also allow us some more freedom in things as I'm an unconflicted Space Master that can throw aliens at you for the hell of it (MWA HA HA). Players are strongly encouraged to SM their own Game World and give themselves the same techs or planets so they can properly design ships or strategies (think of them as Military Simultion rooms where you can test an idea before having it enacted)

If you disagree with these rules or wish to modify/add, please post your idea. Understand that while the game is young, we don't want too much complexity – a game that runs slowly dies.


Universe - Me
President - Panopticon
Admiral - Shininglight (Damien James Winter), Admiral of Proxima Centauri Sector
Admiral - Icecoldblood(Ramon Petrovsky), Admiral of Alpha Centauri
Admiral - 3_14159 (Alan Kepler), Admiral of Capital Sector
Admiral - Gidoran (Mikhail Mikoyan), Admiral of Epsilon Indi
Admiral - MagusXIX (Michael Dekker), Admiral of Sirius
Admiral - Nighstar, Admiral of Barnards Star

Admiral 666, stationed in Epsilon Indi, Vice Admiral
Cripes Amighty stationed in Capital Sector, Vice Admiral Saburo Sato
interstellarshadow, Vice Admiral Steven "Sherlock" Taliette, stationed in Alpha Centauri

The Six Sectors

Capital Sector - (Sol System, Inhabited planets: Earth)
Alpha Centauri Sector - (Alpha Centauri System, Inhabited Planets: Alpha Centauri-A IV)
Barnards Star Sector - (Barnards Stat System, Inhabited Planets: Barnards Start-A II)
Epsilon Indi Sector - (Epsilon Indi System, Inhabited Planets: Harvest)
Proxima Centauri Sector - (Proxima Centauri System, Inhabited Planets: Proxima Centauri-A I)
Sirius Sector - (Sirius System, Inhabited Planets: Sirius-A III)

« Last Edit: March 26, 2013, 03:25:21 AM by Maharava »
Australia, home of the over-paid minion

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Offline MagusXIX

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Re: 7 Dictators- Players
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2013, 07:52:57 AM »
Trying to wrap my head around this set up a little better.  Is this set up with all of the players in one faction?  Or are each of the sectors their own separate faction and under an alliance with trade rights, etc., in the game's settings?

Offline Maharava (OP)

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Re: 7 Dictators- Players
« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2013, 08:00:26 AM »
Good question! Currently, you're all the same faction though I HIGHLY doubt that will last too long. While we're setting up and expanding, and while the Admirals build fleets etc., you should all remain one faction. Later, however, I would be disappointed if we didn't have at least ONE renegade...

There's no specific rank for an Admiral of a Sector (closest is Civ Administrator) so you're all just 'Admirals' that I'm moving to station on your respective planets. While I toyed with the idea of simply making your characters Sector Governors, I think the ability to design and command your own, personal Capital Ship is just too good an RP opportunity to pass up.
Australia, home of the over-paid minion

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Offline MagusXIX

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Re: 7 Dictators- Players
« Reply #3 on: March 24, 2013, 09:14:55 AM »
Sounds like a good way to start, imo.  Any chance we admiral-types can get maps and relevant strategic information?  It'd be nice to know who's connected to who, where all of the planets are, what's on them, what sort of resources we have available, and that sort of thing.  It'll make strategerizationing much easier.   8)

Offline Maharava (OP)

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Re: 7 Dictators- Players
« Reply #4 on: March 24, 2013, 09:20:11 AM »

That word should be taught on Playschool XD

All such information will, naturally, be given out. i'll most likely upload the game for you all to download (tomorrow, it's past midnight in Australialand). For now, i've written down all the techs that pertain to war (i.e, not Terraforming Module) so please have a look in the Designs and Research topic and by all means start designing. EIther post a new Design there as a 'public' one or PM it to me as a Private design


Please be as specific as possible when telling me designs (just send me a copy of what you've cooked up) as everyone plays differently. As an example, I don't use missiles very often in my game, so if you say 'A standard point-defense missile' I'll just roll dice for all the numbers (which MAY make the God of all Missiles, but probably just make a Firecracker)
« Last Edit: March 24, 2013, 09:22:38 AM by Maharava »
Australia, home of the over-paid minion

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Offline MagusXIX

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Re: 7 Dictators- Players
« Reply #5 on: March 24, 2013, 12:05:27 PM »
Pathfinder class Deep Space Survey Ship    800 tons     20 Crew     164 BP      TCS 16  TH 5.5  EM 0
687 km/s    JR 1-50     Armour 2-7     Shields 0-0     Sensors 1/1/1/0     Damage Control Rating 1     PPV 0
Maint Life 12.11 Years     MSP 128    AFR 5%    IFR 0.1%    1YR 2    5YR 24    Max Repair 100 MSP
Intended Deployment Time: 60 months    Spare Berths 0   
Cryogenic Berths 200   

J800(1-50) Military Jump Drive     Max Ship Size 800 tons    Distance 50k km     Squadron Size 1
Nosferatu 10.8 EP Ion Drive (1)    Power 10.8    Fuel Use 3.83%    Signature 5.4    Exp 3%
Fuel Capacity 10,000 Litres    Range 58.7 billion km   (989 days at full power)

Gravitational Survey Sensors (1)   1 Survey Points Per Hour

This design is classed as a Military Vessel for maintenance purposes

Cartography boat of Sirian design.  Meant to discover pathways to new solar systems as discreetly as possible.  Purely a cheap and quiet cartography vessel, not meant for any sort of reconnaissance beyond map-making. Shared freely with the rest of humanity (or I wouldn't have posted it here!  ;D )

There will be more designs coming after I know what sort of map we're playing on, and what kinds of shipyards we have to start with.

Offline Maharava (OP)

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Re: 7 Dictators- Players
« Reply #6 on: March 24, 2013, 06:16:15 PM »
It's the Stevefire.mdb I need to upload, right?
Australia, home of the over-paid minion

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Offline Nightstar

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Re: 7 Dictators- Players
« Reply #7 on: March 24, 2013, 07:23:28 PM »
Yep. A word of warning: If you're using windows vista/7/8 and installed in program files, the stevefire.mdb you want is off in
c:\users\[user]\appdata\local\virtualstore\program files (x86)\aurora
appdata is a hidden folder.
I backed up the wrong file twice before I figured that out. Not a fun mistake to make. Any other install directory and it's more obvious.

Might want to try compressing the database if it's very large .

Offline Maharava (OP)

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Re: 7 Dictators- Players
« Reply #8 on: March 24, 2013, 07:26:03 PM »
Shouldn't be too big and I have it saved on the Desktop, not installed :D I'll upload tonight, let everyone have a chance to name themselves

ALL ADMIRALS, I need at least Standing Orders (those orders I enact when we can't get ahold of you) ASAP. Also, if anyone has there first game tuen (6-month) policy (or policies), PM or post them here (though I understand if you want to look at the game file first)

To give you an idea (before I upload), all planets have the exact same stuff (minerals, shipyards, labs, etc) except for Earth which starts off a fair bit ahead (logically, but I don't think it gives the Admiral an advantage as there is nowhere for him to expand his sector)
« Last Edit: March 24, 2013, 07:33:50 PM by Maharava »
Australia, home of the over-paid minion

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Offline Shininglight

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Re: 7 Dictators- Players
« Reply #9 on: March 24, 2013, 08:12:32 PM »
Edit: So then my orders for basic startup are as follows:

Focus on expanding shipyards till i have 3 shipyards of 10000 tons, 3 shipyards of 20000 tons, and 3 shipyards of 7000 tons. Once i've got three of each of those begin adding slipways to them till i have at least 5 or 6 slipways for any less than 20000 tons.

Research should be directed towards missile weapons tech and engines. Sensor research should be based around range of missiles. Defensive systems are another priority.

I would like at least 4 geo/grav survey vessels with 4 years worth of maintenance life and fuel which i'll put up a design of as soon as we get the save and i can use my tech.

Any contact with an npr will result in an IMMEDIATE pull back to the entry jp if the ships haven't been detected yet. If it seems reasonable that they have they are to close with the new ship and try to get a detailed scan with actives before retreating back through the jp.

Fleet doctrine is to have any and all combat vessels training as near to a jp as possible at any point 100 % fleet training is a necessity and should be achieved before any fleet is sent into a dangerous situation.

If i can't contact anyone i'm hoping to soon have a second in command for you to contact who should be able to take up the reins of power temporarily.

Any contact with an alien species should show every attempt at being peaceful and diplomatic.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2013, 10:01:13 PM by Shininglight »
Admiral Damien James Winter, Defender of the Proxima Gate.

Offline Nightstar

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Re: 7 Dictators- Players
« Reply #10 on: March 24, 2013, 08:48:13 PM »
Waiting for the save to give real standing orders, but...

Keep making military hardware/expanding SY/doing stuff as per my last orders.
Explore/gravsurvey systems. Closest to Banard's Star by distance (km, not JPs) first.
If encountering an NPR with a survey ship, try to get active scans of their main fleet, then retreat.  (I don't want to write a new invasion doctrine every time I change my fleets.)
If I can't be reached for more than one update, or you really need a decision, my appointed second gets temporary control.
In absence of other tech requests/components to design: Engines.
If diplomatic problems, try to delay until I can be reached. If things escalate to armed conflict/fleets start heading to Banard's star, execute the defense orders I'll be PMing you.

Offline Maharava (OP)

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Re: 7 Dictators- Players
« Reply #11 on: March 24, 2013, 09:42:14 PM »
However you wish to post them Shining, the more detailed the better :L)

Sorry about the delay on the saves, but I'd rather have all the Admirals in the game before we really get started, if that makes sense
Australia, home of the over-paid minion

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Offline Nightstar

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Re: 7 Dictators- Players
« Reply #12 on: March 24, 2013, 10:03:45 PM »
So we're not getting the save until...?

Offline Maharava (OP)

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Re: 7 Dictators- Players
« Reply #13 on: March 25, 2013, 12:10:27 AM »
I'm going to give them till tonight my time (about 6 hours from this post). Most of you seem to live in alternate time zones to me, and I have work tomorrow, so if I upload it tonight, by the time I get home tomorrow you should all have had enough time to plan your initial move for the first 6 months
Australia, home of the over-paid minion

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Offline icecoldblood

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Re: 7 Dictators- Players
« Reply #14 on: March 25, 2013, 12:21:24 AM »
Alright, standing orders:
Survey Ships continue surveying discovered systems. DO NOT ENTER UNEXPLORED JUMPPOINTS.
If encounter aliens, initiate comunications, abandon survey and head for entry jumppoint. If pursued, jump immediately. Recall all training ships.

Thats all for now, waiting to see the game first.