New Players > C# Tutorials

Where do 'supply points' come from for a ground unit?

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I am planning to add extra supply to my ground units, but I assume that too will get used up. Probably my drop force will go down carrying not much more than a week of supply.  How do you keep them supplied? What is the source of the supply? Will I have to manually create a supply chain and move those supplies?

Sorry for all the questions. I hope they are useful for other newbies (such as mysefl).


--- Quote from: Panpiper on January 17, 2021, 02:24:00 PM ---I am planning to add extra supply to my ground units, but I assume that too will get used up. Probably my drop force will go down carrying not much more than a week of supply.  How do you keep them supplied? What is the source of the supply? Will I have to manually create a supply chain and move those supplies?

Sorry for all the questions. I hope they are useful for other newbies (such as mysefl).

--- End quote ---
This post from the C# Change List covers ground force logistics

Edit: Also, I think these questions are suppose to go in the Academy section of the forum (

Thank you. I'll post such questions there in the future.

Ok, I read the article in question very carefully. From what I can see is that supply points come, quite simply, by 'consuming' supply trucks. Like they get used up and disappear. The actual physical truck and or infantry actually gets consumed. Is this correct?

I also understand that there is currently no way to repair a unit's losses other than manually, though I am not sure doing that mechanically is even possible. Is this also correct?

If this is so, then it is 'clearly' an extremely bad idea to embed supply deeper inside the hierarchy of one's troop organization, as it will require vastly more micromanagement to go in there and manually re-add them (again, if that is even mechanically possible).

In general you want to keep all logistics units in a formation that is put in the rear echelon and which can supply any units beneath them in the structure. There really are very little point in embedding logistic into combat units unless they are suppose to fight independently, some Marine units on amphibious assault ships might want to use that for example.

Steve added an automatic system for deploying replacement to troop formation in the 1.12 update... you find how that work here...


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