New Players > C# Tutorials

Tankers and Sorium Harvesters

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Fuel storage on colonies is unlimited though. Or do you mean more tankers for transport? 'bunkerers'?

i meant ill have to start dumping fuel at other colonies pretty soon.  the fuel factories on earth have no sorium available, but like i said the harvesters qare doing very well.


--- Quote from: gamemonger56 on January 12, 2023, 01:17:25 PM ---i meant ill have to start dumping fuel at other colonies pretty soon.  the fuel factories on earth have no sorium available, but like i said the harvesters qare doing very well.

--- End quote ---

You should move sorium minerals from your mining colonies to earth so they can convert it to fuel. Or you can move your fuel refineries to colonies that mine sorium... either way works well.


using sorium mines would be great.  i just started and the mines on earth are all emptied.  Saturn has sorium whiuich is where the harvesters are parked.  Nothing else in the system.

4 wps explored so far, no planets in one, and no sorium whatsoever in the other 3.  I'm assuming a jump point stabliser is the C# equivelent of a gate? because ive always thought putting jump drives on cargo vessels was dumb. . . .

You don't need jump drive on your cargo vessel... you could also build a "gate station"... basically a large station with just a commercial jump engine on it. This is enough for commercial ships that you control to go between systems as if there was a stabilized connection. Your civilian ships will not be able to use them though, only your own commercial designs in your control.


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