Author Topic: Aurora Government Simulator UE  (Read 17620 times)

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Aurora Government Simulator UE
« on: October 01, 2021, 03:06:25 AM »

This is a Government Simulator with strong RP ties for Aurora C#. It started here

It is designed to work with the latest Libre Office which is free to download here
It has been reported that the new libre office makes the compatibility with OPENOFFICE easier and that currently, the file seems to work under that software as well. While not suggested then, it may still be possible to use the file with OPENOFFICE

I recommend reading the tutorial to understand its rules. If you are after a fancy simulator integrated into Aurora C# that does not require your intervention to function please don't use it as you will be disappointed.

This file's not a mod but a tool to be used along with Aurora C# and your RP abilities.

On the contrary to the previous iteration of the file, I am writing an extensive tutorial plus a handy checklist of actions to perform before running an election. I trust that this, plus more information on the screen will guide the player much better than before making it all clear and easy to use and understand.

This new file has also been built keeping modders in mind, so all information will be easily accessible on the relative tab and to edit or add a few features should be easy for a person familiar with basic/advanced excel skills. For instance, adding a new government form should be very easy to achieve providing the modders respects the structure on the DATA sheet.

Download at the end of the post or fast download here:;topic=12763.0;attach=8316

Known issues and fixes:
cell M4 Police Powers REQUIRED is locked on "Regulated and Above"
fix here:

cell M5 when Monarchy is the Government selected it said "State controlled or below", when in practice it requires "State controlled or above"
fix here:

Off-Topic: show

1.0 RELEASED 01/10/2021

- Removed Pacifists Coalition and replaced with Federalists Coalition
- Balanced standard coalition system to increase chances of custom coalitions
- Small UI improvements
- Fixed some errors


Important info prior to starting: The player should fill only the white cells. Editing and or writing on other cells may cause issues breaking the file. To leave the modding option on, I cannot lock the cells so it is up to the user to abide by the recommended rules.


The first thing to do once the file is open is to set up the RACE INFORMATION and the BASE RACIAL TRAITS. This information is available on Aurora C# under the Race Information window.

  • Total Population – Total Population of your empire as per Race Information window
  • % of Race Population – Percentage of Race Population of your empire as per Race Information window
  • Government Form (current) – Current Government form of your Race. See GOVERNMENTS section for more info
  • Term Length – This is automated depending on the Government Form of your choice
  • Legal Age – The age your population is allowed to vote
  • Determination – Determination level of your Race as per Race Information window
  • Diplomacy – Diplomacy level of your Race as per Race Information window
  • Expansion – Expansion level of your Race as per Race Information window
  • Militancy – Militancy level of your Race as per Race Information window
  • Trade – Trade level of your Race as per Race Information window
  • Xenophobia – Xenophobia level of your Race as per Race Information window

The racial traits determine the political landscape of your population and the ideals each voter has. There are 5 main ideas tied to 5 traits. The traits will change over time depending on the actions of your government. See LEGISLATION section for more info

  • Determination – Federalists Modifier
  • Diplomacy – Pacifists Modifier
  • Expansion – Militarists Modifier
  • Trade – Trade Modifier
  • Xenophobia – Nationalists Modifier

A special trait is instead used to simulate how many people feel voting is important

  • Militancy – The higher the number the more people will turn up to vote on election day


Another important part to set up are LEADERS. To get the best out of this it is preferred to use real characters from your Aurora C# game. All available characters are under the Aurora C# Commanders window.

  • Name Surname – Name Surname of your selected Character as per Commander window
  • Background – Depending on the Character’s Job as per Commander window
  • Party – The Character’s party affiliation. Player choice
  • Status – The Character’s Status during the election
  • Trait – Traits of your selected Character as per Commander window
  • Promotion Points – Promotion Points of your selected Character as per Commander window

To make every leader feel different, their traits and promotion points will actually impact how much people are supporting and voting for them. For instance, a Born Leader will generally attract more votes than one that Yields to Others. Scientists and Civilian Leaders have their promotion points determined by their Admin Level multiplied by 1,000.

Special Rules
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If the player would like to play without the traits activated, it is possible to set them all to None. If the player would like to play without the promotion points activated, it is possible to set them all to 0 (zero). If the player would like to play with less than 3 leaders, the status of the leader can be set to none.

Once completed, it is time to move into the CONSTITUTION.


If the player is just starting and have selected a government of choice, it is time to align the constitution with the government ideals. The available choices are under the required section. A good indication the player’s choices are correct is if there are no red warnings under Race Equality (like in the picture).

The constitution is divided into 2 branches: Primary and Secondary. The primary constitution can be changed only by one slot up or down. So for instance, if you open Civil Rights and they are set as Limited, during a constitutional reform you will be able to choose only Full or Few. See VOTE section for more info
The secondary constitution can be changed as the government wish without any limitation. So for instance an Equal status on the Voting Rights could be moved to Elite directly if needed.

Once everything has been set please ensure NO EVENTS or LEGISLATION are active and proceed to new elections.


At the start of the game and every 1st of January of the election year, elections are due. Elections take place every number of years depending on the government form selected. To run the election, the player must push F9 and visualize the green message and follow the instructions, otherwise, the player shall read the red message and act accordingly.

If elections are valid just paste and special copy – unformatted text on the relative cell. It is very important to use unformatted text, otherwise, the file may get damaged. If elections are not valid they may lead to the special Electoral Fraud rule which will influence the amount of Nationalists, Federalists, and Militarists ideals.

Once copied into the relative cells, the new data will generate updated government houses or powers which will proceed to the election of the new government leader.

Rules and options vary depending on the government form adopted. See GOVERNMENTS section for more info

If the player is running new elections, flags to Electoral Fraud, Custom Coalitions, Veto Rights, and Reforms must be removed if in use. Leaders should be Re-Activated if required.

Special Rules
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If the player would like to play with Dynamic Racial Traits, the player shall update the BASE TRAITS with the value of the ACTUAL TRAITS.
Note that the actual trait value will still change after updating the base value. This is WAI and the player shall update the value only once per election.

The player shall also update the LEADER section before running any new election and, after having updated the racial traits (if dynamic racial traits are used) along with resetting all flags, the EVENTS section shall be filled as well.


Events are particular situations that could influence your race ideals.

Currently, there are 12 available events:

  • At War (Declared) – The player shall activate it if a war was declared by the player and still ongoing
  • At War (Attacked) – The player shall activate it if a war was declared against the player and still ongoing
  • Mineral Shortage – The player shall activate it if reckons that mineral shortage is influencing production and decisions. For instance, not producing fuel at refineries due to lack of Sorium
  • Budget Deficit (1 Year) – The player shall activate it if the Expenditure in the Aurora C# Economics window under the Wealth / Trade tab is higher than the Income in the One Year filter
  • Ruins Available – The player shall activate it if there are any available ruins not exploited yet
  • First Contact – The player shall activate it if during the term any new race was encountered
  • War Casualties (1 Year) – The player shall activate it if in the year prior to the election any lives were lost during a war
  • Widest Ideals Federalists – The player shall activate it if the party with the highest number of seats during the term was the Federalists
  • Widest Ideals Pacifists – The player shall activate it if the party with the highest number of seats during the term was the Pacifists
  • Widest Ideals Trade – The player shall activate it if the party with the highest number of seats during the term was the Trade
  • Widest Ideals Nationalists – The player shall activate it if the party with the highest number of seats during the term was the Nationalists
  • Widest Ideals Militarists – The player shall activate it if the party with the highest number of seats during the term was the Militarists

Important: All the war events are subjected to the player. Spoiler races may be not considered to declare a war alert, however, bigger operations against planets with full-scale battles could be considered as mini-wars. The concept should be fluid and used carefully as it may lead to extreme militaristic societies.


There are 32 different legislation available. Each one influences one or more ideals and racial traits. It is up to the player to discover what does what, as some may work only in combination with others or if used in a particular government could lead to new parties or ideas.

A government may change one only at the start of each term.


There is more information about the player’s race that can be found on the screen.

The VOTING POPULATION is a more detailed view of your voting platform. Some government forms allow only a restricted amount of people to vote increasing unrest. Unrest straightens the opposition of your government through more support given by a surprising number of people that decided to turn up for a vote last minute. This is added to the already calculated RGN of the base election poll. Having too much opposition to your government can lead to severe consequences that vary from terroristic attacks to government reform with consequent loss of power.
Currently, the unrest value is hidden and I may consider making it visible later.

The LEADER CURRENT APPEAL is the likelihood a leader would be voted by the relative party member with the same ideals. This is good to know while ruling as a leader and could help with the RP decisions. It is reasonable to expect a leader highly supported by the military faction to favour a resolution that could advantage such faction and so on. The player should also take into account the size of the party in question. A 20% of preference of a party counting 30 seats is higher than 50% of a party counting 5 seats. However, increasing the chances such a party could get more seats may result in more votes. It is up to the player to decide the strategy.

The VOTE BY IDEALS is divided into 3 groups.

First, you can see the Poll by base value. This is the likelihood the party will get voted without any events or legislations influence. This is valuable later if the player is trying to understand why there aren’t enough militarists for instance. Perhaps the base Expansion value is too low and legislation to raise it over time may be needed.

Then you have the Poll Min which will highlight the minimum amount of votes a party will get. In any case, the RNG will generate a number lower than that.

Lastly, you have the Poll Max which will work as the Min but with the maximum of votes possible.


Every government is subjected to a voting system. Even a Totalitarian entity must deal with the small council or generals that supports him or her. The same goes for a Monarch and so on.

To vote is easy and there are different kinds of vote:

  • Diplomacy – Used for any diplomatic decision
  • Industrial Commercial – Used to approve Industrial Commercial or Civilian projects
  • Industrial Military – Used to approve Industrial Military projects
  • Peace or Peace Ops – Used for any peaceful decisions like make peace, trade deals or colonization and mining operations
  • Research Commercial –  Used to approve Commercial or Civilian research projects
  • Research Military – Used to approve Military research projects
  • War or War Ops – Used for any military decisions like declare war, and any other military operation

Important: The player could decide to vote for every single operation or for packages. For instance, it is possible to vote for changing the percentage of a given construction or simply for a series of constructions independently of the percentage allocated. A vote could be held for a single military operation or for a bigger one that entails the conquest of an objective and so on.


There are also other votes available:

  • Defend Constitution – Used to vote for a change to the constitution in favour of current Government ideals. See CONSTITUTION section for more info
  • Reform Constitution – Used to vote for a change to the constitution against the current Government ideals. See CONSTITUTION section for more info
  • Reform Government – Used to change government form

There is a limit to the number of times a reform can be put up for a vote. Every time a vote for such reform is called, the player shall thick the relative box. Once they all depleted for the kind, no more votes are possible until the next term.
Also, prior to voting for the government reform, the player shall choose the new government formation in the appropriate section.

If the government reform succeeds, a new election shall be taken and the new government elected shall be in power for the number of years indicated in the term length starting from the 1st of January of the current year.

Important: It will not be possible to change government form until the constitution matches the one of the new government selected. The player shall then try first to reform the constitution and then the government.


Each Leader can use their political credit to express a veto to a particular vote. Once the maximum number of vetoes is reached or the Leader’s political credit is exhausted no more vetoes are possible. Eventually, a veto could be expressed to force a resolution that was approved to be rejected but also one that was rejected to be approved. This is particularly handy when the player faces situations where a 0% chance or a 100% chance are present for a given vote.

However, some government forms may not allow for the Leader to express veto rights. See GOVERNMENTS section for more info

Important: No veto can be used for reforms.


When government popularity falls or the forces in power are not aligned with the current government ideals severe events could happen. These go from a simple terrorist attack to a more serious leader assassination.

If the UNEXPECTED EVENTS are available, the player shall run at least 1 event per year and act accordingly to the result. This part is entirely RP so it is up to the player to use it following the 1 per year rule or even extend it to 2 or 3 or more events per year.


There are currently 6 Governments forms available:

  • Democracy
  • Republic
  • Federation
  • Totalitarian
  • Corporate
  • Monarchy

Each one has its own advantages and disadvantages. Each prefers an ideal over another and favour only some legislations or events.


Originating in Ancient Greece, democracy means ‘rule of the people. The term today refers to a political system in which the people or their elected representatives govern themselves, rather than being governed, so everyone has an equal say in the decisions affecting their lives. Everybody can vote to elect parliamentarians which number is defined by the number of eligible voters. Once elected parliamentarians will reunite in a parliament with a capped seat amount of 5000 and a minimum of 100.

Each parliamentarians vote count as one. After the motion is discussed a vote takes place and to be approved a majority vote of the attending voters is required. As the parliamentarians represent the people they are often busy or travelling to visit their pool of voters making promises. For this reason, the amount of undecided votes per motion is always higher than any other government form.

The Parliament is led by the President which acts as head of the government and of the executive branch that is separate from the legislative branch. The President is elected by the Parliament. To reform the constitution all parliamentarians are required to vote with a majority set to 2/3 of the parliament.

Due to the nature of the legislative form, the President cannot express any Veto Right to any motion. However, only the President can present motions to any matter of the state for the parliament to discuss. Obviously, the action and pressures of bigger parliamentarians groups often lead to a prompt motion by the President.


The Republic is a government whose authority is based on citizen voters, which are represented by elected or nominated officials chosen in free elections to be part of the Senate. The amount of seats is determined by the number of eligible voters and it is capped at 2,000 and a minimum of 50.

The most important figure of the Senate is the Chancellor which is elected directly from the Senate. After the election of the Chancellor, a majority is needed to rule and only the coalition of powers with the 50%+1 seats in total are able to govern and present motions. To reform the constitution the motion will have to be approved by 2/3 of the Senate.

If the coalitions presented prior to the election cannot win a majority the Chancellor can select a custom majority to rule during the term.

To select a custom majority the player shall flag the join coalition to all parties he wishes to involve until more than 50% of the Senate is reached.


A Federation can be defined as a political organisation characterised by the union of small states, groups or parties, which are self-governed in internal affairs and are united under a central government. The division of power among the states and the central governing body is typically constitutionally entrenched.

A federal government having a constitutional structure that can be considered the opposite of a unitary state system. Because of that, these kinds of governments are usually very unstable. During elections, the number of seats is determined by the Federation strength and is uncapped with a minimum of 25 representatives.

Once the representatives are elected they will join one of the House of Representative's coalitions based on the population priorities. The coalitions with the majority of members usually lead the government policies with motions approved through a classic 50%+1 majority of the votes. The same applies to all reforms.

If no coalitions in the House can win a majority the President can select a custom majority to rule during the term.

To select a custom majority the player shall flag the join coalition to all parties he wishes to involve until more than 50% of the Senate is reached.


Oligarchy is from the Greek term for “rule of the few.” It is a form of the power structure in which power effectively rests with a faction of persons or families. The people that form the ruling group are usually a group of distinguished people in terms of wealth or power who pass their influence from one generation to the next. This Elite group is the only one able to vote for the election of the Senate with a number of seats determined by the number of eligible voters.

An Oligarchy can exist till the majority supports its ideals. If this support ends, then a revolution may take place to replace the current government with a new a more democratic one.

There are 3 Oligarchies available:

  • Monarchy
  • Corporate
  • Totalitarian

In the Monarchy a person, the Monarch, is head of state for life or until abdication. In most cases, the succession of monarchies is hereditary (Birthright), often building dynastic periods, however elective and self-proclaimed monarchies are possible. The political legitimacy and authority of the monarch may vary and can expand across the domains of the executive, legislative and judicial.

In the Corporate the government-run primarily like a business, involving a board of directors and executives, in which all aspects of society are privatized by a single or small groups of companies. The ultimate goal of this state is to increase the wealth of its shareholders, and the government acknowledges its status as a corporation. Utilities, including hospitals, schools, the military, and the police force, would be privatized. Social welfare is carried out by corporations in the form of pensions and benefits to employees, instead of the state.

In Totalitarianism, the concept is to prohibits opposition parties, restricts individual opposition to the state and its claims, and exercises an extremely high degree of control over public and private life. Political power has often been held by autocrats who employ all-encompassing campaigns in which propaganda is broadcast by state-controlled mass media along with extensive political repression, a complete lack of democracy, widespread personality cultism, absolute control over the economy, massive censorship, and mass surveillance.

Other aspects include the use of labour camps, fraudulent elections (if they take place), and possible possession of weapons of mass destruction.


  • Update Population
  • Update % Population
  • Update Racial Traits
  • Update Events
  • Update Leaders and Re-Activate if necessary
  • Remove Flags from Electoral Fraud, Custom Coalitions, Veto Rights, and Reforms
Run new election with F9. See ELECTIONS section for more info
« Last Edit: September 12, 2024, 06:00:07 PM by Froggiest1982 »
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Offline idefelipe

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Re: Aurora Government Simulator
« Reply #1 on: October 01, 2021, 03:23:09 PM »
Amazing work as usual!!

One question, do you know if it works with Openoffice? (instead libreoffice).

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Re: Aurora Government Simulator
« Reply #2 on: October 01, 2021, 04:12:41 PM »
Amazing work as usual!!

One question, do you know if it works with Openoffice? (instead libreoffice).


You can try, but based on previous experiences I would say it could have some small bugs now and there. Some of the formulas I use are not possible (or the syntax is different) in Excel or Open Office. It should be the easiest to translate though. If I have time I'll see if I can do a soft port. I already know that with Excel I'll have to rewrite all, just if other people are reading and wondering.

Offline idefelipe

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Re: Aurora Government Simulator
« Reply #3 on: October 02, 2021, 03:19:22 AM »
Ok, thanks for the reply! :)

Offline Aloriel

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Re: Aurora Government Simulator
« Reply #4 on: March 06, 2022, 11:01:43 AM »
Firefox/Windows Defender reports this as potential malware, whereas other downloads related to Aurora do not. I do not know why it is reported as such, but I thought the original author would like to know why their utility isn't being used much... ;)
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Offline Froggiest1982 (OP)

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Re: Aurora Government Simulator
« Reply #5 on: March 06, 2022, 12:18:43 PM »
Firefox/Windows Defender reports this as potential malware, whereas other downloads related to Aurora do not. I do not know why it is reported as such, but I thought the original author would like to know why their utility isn't being used much... ;)

Thanks, to be honest it's the first time I heard about it. It is a spreassheet with no Macros, so tbh I have no idea why it is reported as malware. You can scan the file on some of the web platform available and double check.

Offline Aloriel

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Re: Aurora Government Simulator
« Reply #6 on: March 06, 2022, 12:28:32 PM »
Good thought... Tested as Clean. Not sure why it was reported. I suspected it was a false positive in the first place.

Also, apparently it loses a lot when opened in Excel. Getting LibreOffice.....
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Re: Aurora Government Simulator
« Reply #7 on: March 06, 2022, 01:38:04 PM »
Hmm... I am trying to use the dynamic racial traits, but I don't seem to be able to edit traits in my save of Aurora. Was it an option I should have selected at the start of my Aurora session? Or is there just a method for editing them that I am not seeing? (besides the obvious editing of the database!)

EDIT: Found it! I should have guessed Spacemaster....
« Last Edit: March 06, 2022, 01:42:49 PM by Aloriel »
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Re: Aurora Government Simulator
« Reply #8 on: March 21, 2022, 11:10:34 AM »
Noticed an error in the spread sheet.

Under Constitution, Police Power does not properly show what is required for different government forms. It *always* shows "Regulated or above". I checked the cell, and it just has that as a literal, while all of the others have code that dictates which it should display.
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Re: Aurora Government Simulator
« Reply #9 on: March 21, 2022, 03:37:10 PM »
Noticed an error in the spread sheet.

Under Constitution, Police Power does not properly show what is required for different government forms. It *always* shows "Regulated or above". I checked the cell, and it just has that as a literal, while all of the others have code that dictates which it should display.

Thanks. fix here:

=IF(D4="Republic","Regulated or above",IF(D4="Democracy","Bound by Law",IF(D4="Federation","Regulated or below",IF(D4="Corporate","Internal Affairs",IF(D4="Totalitarian","Unlimited",IF(D4="Monarchy","Regulated or above",0))))))

Just paste and copy on cell M4 of the GOVERN sheet

Off-Topic: show
If you want to change something the table is on GOVERN DATA cell A683 and below. When you reach 6 points you have the minimum requirements for the government reached. Obviously, you will have to modify all requirements cells manually in the GOVERN sheet.

Modifiers for the formula are:

Highest tier 2.5%
Mid-High tier 1.25%
Mid-Low tier -1.25%
Lowest tier -2.50%
« Last Edit: March 21, 2022, 03:45:24 PM by Froggiest1982 »

Offline Aloriel

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Re: Aurora Government Simulator
« Reply #10 on: March 21, 2022, 06:36:35 PM »
Thanks for the quick fix!
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Offline charlietrev

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Re: Aurora Government Simulator
« Reply #11 on: May 21, 2022, 08:46:13 AM »
First of all thanks for this! It's a lot of fun and fixes the lack of any government flavor on the game.

Small bug - when there is a tie between two candidates (using Republican government) one of the two gets repeated on the chancellor election.

I also noticed the number of max seats is different from the senate election votes, not sure if this is a bug or not.

Finally, could you clarify if the winning chancellor should be considered before or after you change the CUT to None?

Offline Froggiest1982 (OP)

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Re: Aurora Government Simulator
« Reply #12 on: May 21, 2022, 01:51:24 PM »
First of all thanks for this! It's a lot of fun and fixes the lack of any government flavor on the game.

Thanks, glad you enjoying it.

Small bug - when there is a tie between two candidates (using Republican government) one of the two gets repeated on the chancellor election.

I am aware and does not happen often, I never fixed as due to the cut function is not relevant. I may get to it when Aurora 2.0 comes out.

I also noticed the number of max seats is different from the senate election votes, not sure if this is a bug or not.

This is wai, the max seat are determined by the population and spoil votes do not contribute to reaching the quota. I used max seat to let the player know that is the max value and not fixed amount. The formula allows for that, so the final results are not impacted by the lack of councelors.

Finally, could you clarify if the winning chancellor should be considered before or after you change the CUT to None?

After if none of the candidates have less than 50.01% of the preferences.
« Last Edit: May 21, 2022, 02:29:01 PM by Froggiest1982 »

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Re: Aurora Government Simulator
« Reply #13 on: May 21, 2022, 02:19:02 PM »

At the top of the first post, after "This is a Government Simulator with strong RP ties for Aurora C#," add 1-2 sentences about what this tool actually does.
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Re: Aurora Government Simulator
« Reply #14 on: June 28, 2022, 12:05:12 PM »
Small problem:
At the place of Required Police power (MN4) There is justly "Regulated or above". Nothing dependent on government type.

Here's the fix:
Code: [Select]
=IF(D4="Republic";"Regulated or above";IF(D4="Democracy";"Bound by Law";IF(D4="Federation";"Regulated or below";IF(D4="Corporate";"Internal Affairs";IF(D4="Totalitarian";"Unlimited";IF(D4="Monarchy";"Regulated or above";0))))))
I also found a little error in Required Justice system (MN5). At monarchy it said "State controlled or below", when in practice it requires State controlled or above, so i fixed it as well:
Code: [Select]
=IF(D4="Republic";"State Controlled or above";IF(D4="Democracy";"Independent";IF(D4="Federation";"State Controlled or below";IF(D4="Corporate";"State Controlled";IF(D4="Totalitarian";"Martial Court or below";IF(D4="Monarchy";"State Controlled or above";0))))))
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