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Offline Garfunkel

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Re: Into the Stars!
« Reply #15 on: October 15, 2014, 12:21:08 AM »
Holy House Rules, Batman!

I don't think I've ever seen such comprehensive and restrictive house rules. Will definitely make for a different game. I'm loving your style so far, I'm always a sucker for history book style stuff and skipping over the daily grind doesn't matter, especially with a conventional (or near one) start.

Offline Jorgen_CAB (OP)

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Re: Into the Stars!
« Reply #16 on: October 15, 2014, 03:06:33 AM »
Holy House Rules, Batman!

I don't think I've ever seen such comprehensive and restrictive house rules. Will definitely make for a different game. I'm loving your style so far, I'm always a sucker for history book style stuff and skipping over the daily grind doesn't matter, especially with a conventional (or near one) start.

Yes... I like them for two reasons. One is that if forces every faction to make long terms investments and strategies, which also makes the game easier to handle with so many factions. It also forces more interesting here and now choices since there are no waiting for that next juicy technology. It also make applied technology more realistic where larger more complex components will take more time (not RP) to develop and thus have to really be considered before starting work on since it is much harder to rush research. I also find that technology and development in average will increase in a more sane pace, especially in the early game.

There are most likely more house rules being added as I find I will need them to produce a more "realistic" and interesting narrative for the story.  :)

I also use old trusted "dice" when factions or leaders/officers make important decisions. I set a probability on their decisions based on their traits, skills and former experiences. I do this so I really can't control all that happens in the game. I obviously don't do this for every minute detail, but I do when there is an important decision to be made that can have a great impact on the overall story. This also help when I as a player have perfect knowledge and sometimes it is hard to favour a side or personality and subconsciously try to skew factors in one or another direction.  ;)

My intention with the story is to present an overarching historical description and then dive into particular details at times, such as taking a closer look at a specific faction/country and its standing at that particular time, describe things such as goals, politics, capabilities etc.. Sometimes I might do a description of some important historic person or important event. War will usually produce more significant events worth writing about than peace of course. If humans will ever find aliens they will only ever be described in the eyes of how humans view them, but different factions might see them differently though.

I think that is how this story will unfold.
« Last Edit: October 15, 2014, 03:12:01 AM by Jorgen_CAB »

Offline Tanj

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Re: Into the Stars!
« Reply #17 on: October 15, 2014, 09:38:01 AM »
Looking very interesting. Definitly going to be keeping my eye on this  :D

Offline Jorgen_CAB (OP)

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Re: Into the Stars!
« Reply #18 on: October 16, 2014, 11:18:03 AM »
Looking very interesting. Definitly going to be keeping my eye on this  :D

Good... :)

There will be a small update today if all goes well...

This is a long term project so it will not progress very fast and having so many factions tend to slow things down, hopefully there will be enough action and events to keep it interesting as the story unfold.

The way I see it there will be another ten to twenty years before any real exploration and colonization will occur.

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Re: Into the Stars!
« Reply #19 on: October 16, 2014, 01:01:30 PM »
A study of future conflict in space

08-23-2068 - Made by the British institute of Space Research & Exploration

Due to current hostilities by China and their unfounded claim of several asteroids in the belt it has been proposed to conduct a theoretical study into the difficulties of military conflict in space.

Through other reports it has been concluded that China will be able to launch its first nuclear powered vessel in space by 2072 and a military version in the next five to ten years.

On the basis on this information this report have been composed to foresee the possible nature of a military space program to protect British interests in space.

What would we expect a military space force to protect and to what extent would this force operate?

The most important asset in space, that has to be protected at all costs, would be our capacity to build and maintain military assets. The second priority would be to secure and protect any mining operations, either on Venus or in the Asteroid belt. We are estimating that all our mining facilities will be operated by drone facilities so there will be no actual people to protect at these sites, save for the occasional maintenance crews. Our third objective would be any freighter ships in transit between these locations.

It has been concluded that the only solution to obtain any of these goals is to build a remote naval base and colony where any future naval yards can be operated and protected from enemy forces. Any yard in orbit of Earth will be vulnerable against too many types of aggression.

A new military organization must be formed to meet all the new requirements and logistical problems faced with forming a military force in space.

This new organization must be formed and given the power and means to construct a new naval space headquarters.

The organization need to contain four different branches of operational brigades which would be Naval Fleet Brigade (NOB), Amphibious Operations Brigade (AOB), Naval Auxiliary Brigade (NAB) and Systems Command & Operations (SCO).

NOB would be in charge of overseeing all organization and movement of military fleet assets in open space. They would organize fleet training, reconnaissance, battle manoeuvre tactics and would  be tasked with overall command in offensive operations.

AOP would be in charge of ground forces in a space dominating role. They will be responsible for development of tactics, equipment of ground forces and all the logistics and training of all forces. They would also be responsible for organizing invasion plans in case such tactics would become necessary. As in if a belligerent country would land troops on a British colony or mining site and had to be removed by force.

NAB will be responsible for any and all movement of logistical vessels, they will also be responsible of their protection and both strategic and tactical deployment. It would also be the responsibility of the NAB to support fleet or amphibious operations in case of a war. They would also be responsible to coordinate their forces with other brigades in support of their needs, be it for training or live operations.

SCO would be responsible for coordinating all the other brigades and to organize the defence of naval bases. This branch of the new military would make the final decisions on strategic goals and resource allocations. SCO will have no tactical or other operational authority over the other branches of the British Royal Space Navy (RSN).

How will conflict in space be conducted and what are the weapons that will dominate a space defence force?

Allot of studies has lately shown that large missiles would be the most probable primary offensive weapon, mainly because of the huge distances of space where high energy beam weapons just don't have enough range to be efficient.

Although, high energy beam weapons will be needed as a defensive measure of both missiles and platforms that approaches within beam weapons range of high valued targets. Since missiles is a rather expensive weapon and limited in numbers a powerful beam weapon will be necessary to defend both bases and vessels in space.


British researches has made some progression on future technologies, more specifically on a missile design codenamed Barracuda. It is based on projected capabilities in about five years from now.

The Barracuda torpedo would weigh in at about 20 tonnes and carry a nuclear Sorium based engine for high speed and performance. Its range would be about an astonishing 20-25 million km, mostly limited by its electronics and guidance systems and not fuel. Its warhead would be a powerful nuclear package which is necessary in attacking any structure based on any form of Duranium alloy. The Barracuda tracking and targeting systems would allow the missile to intercept a target at speeds around 1000km/s with a good accuracy.

Research into missiles capable of intercepting a missile such as the Barracuda has so far proved to be very difficult and the most promising defensive technology so far has been long range high powered laser beams that could target a missile at a distance between 60-80.000 km.

High powered beam weapons

Beam weapons require enormous amount of energy to attain the destructive power to cut through a Duranium hull, but recent research show that it is possible. British research have so far looked at a first generation of lasers with a focal size of about 100-120mm using the visual light spectrum.

Such beams could be constructed to engage and destroy missiles as their primary function. A secondary function would be the use against enemy vessels to cut through their hull at ranges closer than missile range.

A practical laser range would be about 60-80.000 km.

It would be projected that a single system including a fire-control of a turret operating two laser beam would have a weight of about 450 tonnes per turret and 300 tonnes for the fire-control. Each turret would also need about 100 tonnes of power plant to feed enough power into the arrays.

It would be reasonable to conclude that an escort vessel could mount two laser turrets and one fire-control.

Some ships might also use one or several laser arrays for self defence against enemy ships, such lasers would not need as elaborate fire-controls or space for fast tracking systems and would be considerable smaller. Such systems should be mounted on guided missile vessels for protection at close range and can also be used to engage enemy missiles for additional defence.

It is believed that there will be need for quite a few different platforms in order to operating an efficient space fleet in the next ten to fifteen years.

The first platform should be a small but fast platform to deliver a powerful blow with short range beam weapons. This platform should have a weight of 600-800 tonnes. It's role would be to catch and destroy enemy missile platforms so it has to be very fast, we believe that a speed of about 3000km/s would be possible to build with today's technology. The range of these ships should be somewhere about 300-500 million km.

The second platform should be some form of fast vessel to efficiently and quickly be able to carry torpedoes. These torpedoes would mainly be used against larger and slower platforms. Torpedoes will not be very effective against smaller and faster platforms. This platform would need a size of 700-1000 tonnes and have a speed at least in excess of 2000km/s while their range would be 300-500 million km.

A third platform would be some form of surveillance and reconnaissance vessel and would need to have a size of at least 1500-2000t. It should have advanced electronics and intelligence gathering systems. It would most likely be unarmed so it would need to have a decent speed to avoid confrontation with enemy ships. Speed for this ship would be estimated at about 1250-1500km/s
The ship would also need a much longer deployment and range so it can perform its surveillance role.

The next generation of ships would be larger vessels capable of several functions at the same time or specialized to perform specific functions. There will, for example, be a need of some form of escort vessel to escort and protect civilian ships and troop transport ships. There will also be a need of some form of space superiority vessel that can hold and control areas in space without the need of a naval base nearby. Such a vessel will need to be much bigger and hold more space for both defensive and offensive weapons as well as sophisticated electronics.

An escort vessel would most likely need to have a size of around 3-3500 tonnes while a space superiority ship would need to be at least 5-7000 tonnes in size. Both of these vessels would need to have roughly the same speeds and we estimate that less space can be used for engines and they would most likely attain speeds of 800-1000km/s, while range would be estimated in billions of km. Their defence are mainly going to be stealth, reconnaissance and pure power projection and not speed, they will never be able to compete at speed with smaller vessels anyway. In competition with an enemy space superiority fleet knowledge of the enemy would far outweigh the benefit of speed according to military analyses.

It is the recommendation of this report that the goal for the next ten to fifteen years is made in preparation for establishing a naval base somewhere in the solar system in an isolated enough location that it can easily be defended but also close enough to be efficient in protecting our interests in space.

There should be an initial focus in localizing a good place and start preparing to colonize it and build up a local industry that will care for and maintain itself and the majority of our naval vessels.

It is estimated that in order to achieve this goal in a 20-25 year period we will need to divert about 10% of our yearly budget for project related to this goal.
« Last Edit: April 05, 2015, 04:11:57 AM by Jorgen_CAB »

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Re: Into the Stars!
« Reply #20 on: April 01, 2015, 05:10:58 AM »
Into the Stars 2071-75

The new Cold War

In 2071 relation between US and Chine seriously deteriorated after US accused China for industrial espionage. It was believed that plans on the new Boeing Nuclear Thermal star engines had been stolen. It was clear that by 2072 the new line of Chinese survey ships was clearing space dock and enter service.

As a result of this several nations declared economic sanctions on China and stopped most of there research cooperation. This included the US, UK, all the EU members and the Asian Star Union.

A new space exploration era
In may of 2071 the US launch their new Voyager class ship with the brand new Boeing B124 Nuclear Thermal powered engine. This new star-drive system could propel ships in speed in excess of 1000km/s in contrast of the meager 60km/s for the older ships. This ushered a new era where voyages could be countered in weeks and months rather than years.

In the year that followed other nations would launch new ships using similar technologies... either produced on license from the UK engine technology or through cooperative work on the same principal knowledge.

Through the new generation of ships the outer layer of the solar system was finally in reach, by the end of 2075 almost the entire solar system had been mapped by most of the major nations of the world. Several new mineral rich locations had been found and claimed.

United Space Federation
In February of 2074 USF was instigated by the worlds nation as a new part of the UN. It's purpose is to legislate on everything that is outside of the UN mandate that has to do with humans in space.

All of the legislation decided by the UN in regard to space operations had now been transferred to the new organization.

One of the most important legislation in the new charter was the prohibition of nuclear weapons in space within a distance of ten million kilometers of Earth.

The race begins
At the end of 2075 it was now confirmed that the Chinese had started the initial prototyping of their first armed space ship.

Chinese delegates had assured the USF senate that this ship was no threat to anyone and that its beam weapons was only meant to be used against asteroids who may threaten any colonies that was planned by the Chinese government.

Obviously most other nations though of this as mere nonsense. US officially presented their own "asteroid protection" platform a few months later, although this was more a station than a ship. The official reason for the new platform was the defense of US and UK shipyards against larger "asteroids" that might threaten their Shipyards above earth.

Another long term project presented by US and UK official was a larger patrol frigate type platform... design ideas had been leaked to the media in late 2075. The ship seemed to indicate a ramp up in the military aspect of space exploration efforts and a strong indication to start protecting assets claimed in space with force.

Patrol ship concept drawing...
« Last Edit: April 01, 2015, 05:36:49 AM by Jorgen_CAB »

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Re: Into the Stars!
« Reply #21 on: April 01, 2015, 05:13:59 AM »
This campaign is ongoing yet slowly so... but steady going forward.

I will fix previous pictures and move them to my Dropbox instead of web server... they are currently not viewable so I apologize for that.


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Re: Into the Stars!
« Reply #22 on: April 01, 2015, 05:24:09 AM »
Macro Data as of the end of 2075

POP = Population
FWP = Federal Wealth Production
FWE = Federal Wealth Expenditure
FME = Federal Military Expenditure
YRP = Yearly Resource Production
II = Industrial Index
RI = Research Index

Asian Star Union

POP: 500m
FWI: 10.3T CR
FWE: 8.1T CR
FME: 3.8%
YRP: 26k Ton
II: 6.57
RI: 5.1

Chinese Star Federation

POP: 518m
FWI: 10.6T CR
FWE: 6.6T CR
FME: 10.5%
YRP: 21.6k Ton
II: 3.3
RI: 4.7

French Space Agency

POP: 312m
FWI: 7.2T CR
FWE: 4.5T CR
FME: 5.5%
YRP: 17.8k Ton
II: 3.4
RI: 4.4

German Space Agency

POP: 393m
FWP: 9.1T CR
FWE: 6.6T CR
FME: 4.6%
YRP: 21.9k Ton
II: 3.3
RI: 5.2

Indian Star Agency

POP: 391m
FWP: 7.9T CR
FWE: 5.0T CR
FME: 9.2%
YRP: 12.4k Ton
II: 3.2
RI: 4.2

Russian Space Agency

POP: 300m
FWP: 7.7T CR
FWE: 6.5T CR
FME: 4.3%
YRP: 17.2k Ton
II: 4.9
RI: 5.4

UK Space Agency

POP: 251m
FWP: 6.4T CR
FWE: 5.5T CR
FME: 4.9%
YRP: 16.6k Ton
II: 3.9
RI: 5.4

US Space Agency

POP: 467m
FWP: 12.1T CR
FWE: 7.8T CR
FME: 9.6%
YRP: 25.7k Ton
II: 4.4
RI: 6.0
« Last Edit: April 01, 2015, 05:28:39 AM by Jorgen_CAB »

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Re: Into the Stars!
« Reply #23 on: April 02, 2015, 12:36:31 AM »
Awww yess. :D
" Why is this godforsaken hellhole worth dying for? "
". . .  We know nothing about them, their language, their history or what they look like.  But we can assume this.  They stand for everything we don't stand for.  Also they told me you guys look like dorks. "
"Stop exploding, you cowards.  "