I have been playing with the idea of creating a huge solar system 400b+ km with 4 stars planets and no JPs.
I want to create lots of habitable worlds, think of the Verse in the Firefly series
https://firefly.fandom.com/wiki/Maps_of_the_%27Verse?file=Verse.png My plan is to create my human race and seed it all over the worlds then release them as independent races.
Give each world the same amount of installations and pops and let them fight it out,
How I see the campaign going is NPC and me take over one another in the smaller sun systems and grow in strength absorb the populations. Then with improvements to engine range, ships can reach other suns for more conquest.
Suns will hopefully be around 100B+ km away to force fighting between direct neighbors first.
Will this work?
Does the AI have the capability to build ships with huge range or will I have to go to them?
Can you absorb the human population like I want or will they just be separate races once conquered?
Is there any show stoppers to my plan that im not aware of?