Author Topic: Game 3 Beta  (Read 6242 times)

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Offline Haegan2005 (OP)

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Game 3 Beta
« on: April 26, 2009, 07:57:18 PM »
We have begun game 3. Below is my power.

Power Creation

1250 NP

Biology/Organics 5 or higher 50 SPs

Planetary Data 656564P

___ Large Terran worlds, size 6 (0 SP) - Size 6:  7927-9512.4
___ Normal climate, temperature 5 (0 SP)
___ Continents, water 6 (0 SP)
___ Normal conditions, atmosphere 5 (0 SP)
___ Normal Volcanic Activity, tectonic 6 (0 SP)

Biology/Physiology  0 SPs

___ Dextro Amino Acid DNA, Standard earthlike DNA (0 SP)
___ Dinosauria (warm-blooded lizards)
___ Omnivorous (0 SP)

Species Abilities  32 SPs

___ You Just Made a Mistake Bub, ssshhhcckk! (2 SP) allows +1 slot free cost free Melee Weapon cap to infantry only.
___ Increased Combat Agility (5 SP) grants a slot-free cost-free speed cap to non-mechanized infantry only.
___ Increased Acetelcoline Output (5 SP) allows +10% RP bonus to RPs spent on R&D, maximum of four levels.
___ Highly Innovative (5 SP) Gives +5% to RPs spent on Tech Level research.
___ Efficient Bureaucrats (5 SP per level) +1 to Governor creation rolls; limited to two levels.
___ Increased Aptitude (5 SP per cap) +1 to Commander creation rolls; limited to two caps. 10 sp (2 caps))

Species Attitudes  15 SPs

___ Careful (0 SP) no particular attitude-based penalties.
___ Shipwrights Local 101 (5 SP per cap) -5% to Naval construction costs. (2 caps used(10sp))
___ Rose Colored Glasses (5 SP per level) -5% to pop upkeep.

Species Disadvantages  +2 SPs

___ Prime directive (+2 SP) cannot have relations with non-space-faring cultures.

3 sp left. convert to 150 PP for units.


Council of Haloar, Meritocracy 2B, 1D

Benificial: Research Initiative(x2), Loyalty, Free Trade, Command Initiative

Detrimental: Poor Production - Subtract 2% Production Points from the Total Empire value of all star systems during the turn. Do NOT change the value of any star system; subtract the Production Points from the Empire total for the turn.

Self Determination: 7



Space Dweller- 20pts  (15 space terrain points)
Large Population – 5pts
Heavy Industry – 5pts
High finance – 5pts


Nuke Free Zone + 30pts



Technological         Mechanological
Biology         850                       Organic        000
Chemistry         850                        Explosive      000
Engineering     850                         Metallic       000
Physics/Math   850                                  Æthernautics   000
Psychology         850                      Psykological   000

TL 8.5 x5 = -425 NP = 820 NP

Population: 160 million – cost NP 80pts (large pop advantage doubles it.)
Housing(infrastructure): 86 million - cost NP 86pts
Industry Production Bonus: 43 (infrastructure/2) paid through Infrastructure cost.
BE Draft Pool: 2000 BE's


Land Terrain:  8 NP for 2 Npss + 16 free NPs from housed pop.  = total 18 NPs.

Planet - Ring  Segment  Planetary Data

Northern Hemisphere (default planet size)

North Polar Region: water, not surveyed

N-1: water, not surveyed

N-2: Mountain, settled

N-3: super, settled

N-4: super,settled

N-5: water, not surveyed

N-6: water, not surveyed

Southern Hhemisphere (default planet size)

S-1: water, not surveyed

S-2: super, settled

S-3: water, settled

S-4: Super, settled

S-5: Super, settled

S-6: water, not surveyed

South Polar Region: water, not surveyed

Space Terrain:   15 STP, 2 = total spent.

Orbital Space: 0 stp cost

1 space, for station and base and yards. over N-3

Lunar Name - Planet's Moon - Planetary Data  Colony Cost =

Cost:                2 sTerrain Points
Industrial Development:    20 Industry + (Bonus x2)
Living Space:              3 Population Points + Bonus
Defensive Value:           2

13 stp converts to 7.5 Np


Industrial Production(IP): 70 (1 per NP spent) per month
IUU: 350  (5x RE stockpiled at start)

Resource Extraction(RE): 70 (1 per NP spent) per month
Raw Materials(RM):350 (5x base RE stockpiled at start)

Wealth Production(WP): 85 Wealth Units (1 per NP spent)
Wealth Units: 425 WU (5x WP stockpiled at start)

Research Points(RP):100 RP per Month (1 per NP spent)
Research Units (RU): 500 (5x RP stockpiled at start)

Fuel Production(FP): 70 FU (1 per NP spent) per month
Fuel Units(FU): 350 FU (5x base FP stockpiled at start)

Farms: 130 food (1 per 0.5 NP spent)
Food Units (FD): 1300 (10x base FDP stockpiled at start)

Energy Production (EP): 70  (1 per 1 NP spent)
Energy Units (EU): 350 (5x base EP stockpiled at start)

Space - 35 NP

Industry 10 (10 stp)
sIUU: 50
RM  10 (10 stp)
sRM: 50
Starport 5 (5stp)
Mag Lev RR 2 (10 stp)

Transport Net Planetary:

Unpaved Roads:                 0    ( NP)
paved roads:                   20   (5 NP)
Interstate Highway             40   (20 NP)
primitive rail:                40   (10NP)
Standard Railroad              40   (20 NP)
Advanced Railroad              40   (40 NP)
Mag Lev RR                     2    (10 NP)


Inf Depot                      1    (0 NP, Pre-Game Setup)
Ship Yard                      1    (0 NP, Pre-Game Setup)
Star Yard                      5    (4 NP, Pre-Game Setup, total of 6 slips)
Tac Air Manu.                  1    (0 NP, pre-game setup)
Star Ftr Manu.                 1    (0 NP, Pre-Game Setup; with space ads, only 1 is free)
IoHLs                          5    (4 NP, Pre-Game Setup; only 1 is free)
Army Base                      1    (0 NP, Pre-Game Setup; only 1 is free)
Naval Base                     1    (0 NP, Pre-Game Setup; only 1 is free)
Air Base                       1    (0 NP, Pre-Game Setup; only 1 is free)
Star Base                      1    (0 NP, Pre-Game Setup; with space ads, only 1 is free)
Star Base                      2    (0 NP, Pre-Game Setup; with space ads, only 1 is free)
rocket manu                    1    (1 NP)
Sea Ports                      2    (10 and 2 NP)
Sub yard                       1    (1 NP, none free)

65.5 NP left

3 sp to 150 PP
65.5 np is converted to 655 PP for pregame units. plus 871 PP from INfra Calculation is 1676 PP

In Production Military Builds

10 ground templates, 10 wet navy warship templates, 10 starship templates, 5 civilian templates, 10 base templates and 10 (star)fighter templates



20 Aero Freighter,             35 PP, 700 PP
1 Aero Freighter               35 PP,  18 PP (50% built)
4 Super Space Freighter,       35 PP, 140 PP

1 Exploration Light Cruiser,  155 PP, 155 PP
1 Exploration Light Cruiser,  155 PP,  78 PP (50% built)
1 Space Escort Carrier,        45 PP,  45 PP
1 Space Frigates,              55 PP,  55 PP

3 Super Freighter              35 PP, 105 PP
2 Super Fishing Freighters     35 PP,  70 PP
1 Sub Freighters               35 PP,  35 PP

1 Wet DD                      105 PP,  53 PP (50% built)

1 Regiment HQ                  44 PP,  22 PP (50% built)
2 Army Infantry                40 PP,  80 PP

1 Space Sensor AWACS           24 PP,  24 PP
1 Space Fighter                80 PP,  80 PP

2 Explorer unit                 4 pp,   8 PP
2 Prospectors                   4 PP,   8 PP


Super Freighter: 300,000 CC
102 WU/35 PP/Iron  4 mos Prod  +4 PP
AR 0/0 DR 0/1 AM 0/1
Industrial Upkeep: .1, Wealth Upkeep: .1, Fuel Upkeep: .1
TL 8.5, +1 cargo

Super Fishing Freighter: 400,000 CC
102 WU/35 PP/Iron  4 mos Prod +4 PP
AR 0/0 DR 0/1 AM 0/1
Industrial Upkeep: .1, Wealth Upkeep: .1, Fuel Upkeep: .1
TL 8.5, +1 cargo(food)

Sub Freighter(using freighter template): 30,000 CC
68 WU/35 PP/Iron  4 mos Prod +2 PP
AR 0/0 DR 0/1 AM 0/0
Industrial Upkeep: .1, Wealth Upkeep: .1, Fuel Upkeep: .1
TL 8.5, +1 cargo, +3 submersible

Torpedo Gunboat:
46 wu/ 45 PP/ Iron 5 mos Prod
AR 1/1 DR 1/2 AM 0/0, +1 PP
Industrial Upkeep: .1, Wealth Upkeep: .1, Fuel Upkeep: .2
TL 8.5, +1 Fast, +1 torpedo, +1 agility

Torpedo Gunboat Leader: (6 command rating)
46 wu/ 45 PP/ Iron  5 mos Prod
AR 1/1 DR 1/2 AM 0/0, +1 PP
Industrial Upkeep: .1, Wealth Upkeep: .1, Fuel Upkeep: .2
TL 8.5, +1 Sensors, +1 torpedo, +1 Communications

Gunboat Tender:
106wu/ 55PP/ Iron  7 mos Prod
AR 0/1 DR 1/2 AM 0/0, +4 pp
Industrial Upkeep: .1, Wealth Upkeep: .1, Fuel Upkeep: .2
TL 8.5, +1 Cargo, +1 Speed, +1 Stealth
Cargo Capacity: 12,00 CC
The transport capacity is 2 Gunboat Class Squadrons(12 GB total).

100 wu/105 PP/ Iron,  12 mos Prod
AR 3/4 DR 3/4 AM 1/1  +5 PP
Industrial Upkeep: .1, Wealth Upkeep: .1, Fuel Upkeep: .1
TL 8.5

Heavy Cruiser: (10 command rating)
146 wu/200 PP/ Iron 23  mos Prod
AR 5/4 DR 4/3 AM 3/3  +15 PP
Industrial Upkeep: .1, Wealth Upkeep: .1, Fuel Upkeep: .1
TL 8.5, +1 sensors, +1 Fast Fire, +1 Fleet Command Ship

Escort Carrier: (2 command)
106 wu/45 PP/ Iron  5 mos Prod
AR 0/0 DR 1/1 AM 0/0, +5 pp
Industrial Upkeep: .1, Wealth Upkeep: .1, Fuel Upkeep: .1
TL 8.5, +1 Stealth, +1 Communications, +1 Sensors
Deck Capacity of 2 Aircraft Squadrons

HK sub using Heavy Cruiser:
152 wu/190 PP/ Iron, 22 mos Prod.
AR 0/4 DR 4/3 AM 3/3 +15 PP
Industrial Upkeep: .2, Wealth Upkeep: .1, Fuel Upkeep: .1
TL 8.5, +1 stealth, +1 torpedo, +1 missile, slot free +3 Submersible

Battleships: (5 command)
220 wu/ 245 PP/ Iron,  28  mos Prod
AR 10/6 DR 7/4 AM 10/10  +12 PP
Industrial Upkeep: .4, Wealth Upkeep: .4, Fuel Upkeep: .7
TL 8.5, +4 Armor, +4 weapons, +2 point defense.

Fleet Carriers: (5 command)
206 wu/130 PP/ Iron  15  mos Prod
AR 0/1 DR 2/3 AM 2/2, 16 pp
Industrial Upkeep: .2, Wealth Upkeep: .2, Fuel Upkeep: .2
TL 8.5, +2 PD, +1 Deck Capacity, +1 Rapid Launch
Deck Capacity of 15 Air/Spacecraft Squadrons
Cargo Capacity: 50,000


Regiment HQ: 3 Bn controlled
20 WU, 1 be, 44 PP 5 months
AR 0/0, DR 0/0
Industrial Upkeep: .1, Wealth Upkeep: .1, Fuel Upkeep: .1
TL 8.5, slot free +1 Communications.

Brigade HQ: 7 Bn controlled
36wu/95pp/1BE/Bn 7 mos Prod
AR 0/0, DR 0/0
Industrial Upkeep: .1, Wealth Upkeep: .1, Fuel Upkeep: .1
TL 8.5   +1 Sensors, +1 TOC, +2 Communications(first point was free)

Air Mobile Brigade HQ: 7 Bn +2 Sqdns controlled
36wu/95pp/1BE/Bn DP 2  9 mos Prod
AR 0/0, DR 0/0
Industrial Upkeep: .2, Wealth Upkeep: .1, Fuel Upkeep: .2
TL 8.5   +1 Sensors, +1 Deck Capacity, +2 Communications(first point was free)

Army Infantry:  (Skilled)
25wu/40pp/1BE/Bn 4 mos Prod
AR 2/2, DR 2/2
Industrial Upkeep: .1, Wealth Upkeep: .1, Fuel Upkeep: .1
TL 8.5

Engineers Infantry:  (Skilled)
27wu/45pp/1BE/Bn  10 mos Prod
AR 2/2, DR 2/2
Industrial Upkeep: .1, Wealth Upkeep: .1, Fuel Upkeep: .1
TL 8.5: +1 Engineering

Marine Infantry: (elite)
54wu/70pp/1BE/Bn  8  mos prod
AR 4/4, DR 3/3
Industrial Upkeep: .1, Wealth Upkeep: .1, Fuel Upkeep: .1
TL 8.5 +1 Initiative, +1 weapons

Mechanized Infantry Bn
102wu/75pp/1BE/Bn  8 mos prod
AR 3/4, DR 3/4
Industrial Upkeep: .1, Wealth Upkeep: .1, Fuel Upkeep: .1
TL 8.5 +1 Anti-Tank Weapons (TOW ATGM)

Reconnaissance Forces:  M-3 Scout Brads wquiv.
52wu/30pp/1BE/Bn  4 mos prod
AR 1/1, DR 1/1
Industrial Upkeep: .1, Wealth Upkeep: .1, Fuel Upkeep: .1
TL 8.5 +1 Stealth, free +1 Sensors

Main Battle Tanks:
104wu/90pp/2BE/Bn  10 mos prod
AR 4/9, DR 2/3
Industrial Upkeep: .2, Wealth Upkeep: .2, Fuel Upkeep: .2
TL 8.5 +1 Weapon, +1 Fast Tracking Weapons

SF Rangers:
56wu/75pp/1BE/Bn  16 mos prod
AR 3/5, DR 2/4
Industrial Upkeep: .1, Wealth Upkeep: .1, Fuel Upkeep: .1
TL 8.5 +1 Initiative, +1 weapons, +1 Infiltration

Self-Propelled Artillery:
50wu/50pp/1BE/Bn  11 mos prod
AR 4/1, DR 4/1
Industrial Upkeep: .1, Wealth Upkeep: .1, Fuel Upkeep: .1
TL 8.5

Logistics Vehicles:
17wu/15pp/1BE/Bn  2 mos prod
AR 0/1, DR 0/1
Industrial Upkeep: .1, Wealth Upkeep: .1, Fuel Upkeep: .1
TL 8.5, +1 cargo
Cargo Capacity:6000 for TL 7(normally 4000)


HQ Air Group: 20 WU, 1 be, and 10 PP.  2 mos prod
A Group Headquarters may only have attached 4 Squadrons of the same type.  Has a slot free +1 Communications.
Final PP Cost = {Total AA + Total GA + Total EW} + {variable PP cost} + {Total Cap Multipliers} x {Overall TL/2} x {Size}

Medium Airlift Transports:
34 WU/ 112 PP/ -  13 mos prod
AA 0/0 GA 0/0 EW 0/0, Size 2, +12 PP
Industrial Upkeep: .2, Wealth Upkeep: .2, Fuel Upkeep: .2
TL 8.5, +2 cargo
Cargo Capacity:800cc

Light Aviation Transport(copter): 36 copters
162 WU/ 132 PP/ - 19 mos prod
 AA 0/1 GA 2/2 EW 0/0, Size 3, +4 PP per Squadron
Industrial Upkeep: .3, Wealth Upkeep: .3, Fuel Upkeep: .3
TL 8.5, +1 cargo, +1 Ordinance
Cargo Capacity: 360

Sensor AWACS(Heavy Airlift): 10 Command rating
56 WU/ 95 PP/ -      6 mos prod
AA 0/0 GA 0/0 EW 0/0, Size .5 +16 PP
Industrial Upkeep: .05, Wealth Upkeep: .05, Fuel Upkeep: .1
TL 8.5, +2 sensors, +1 Command aircraft

79 WU/ 84 PP/ -   10 mos prod
AA 3/6 GA 2/4 EW 0/0, Size 1, +4 PP
Industrial Upkeep: .1, Wealth Upkeep: .1, Fuel Upkeep: .1
TL 8.5, +1 multi-role, +1 weapon

Super Fighter:
106 WU/ 132 PP/ - 19 mos prod
AA 5/9 GA 1/3 EW 3/2, Size 1. +10 PP
Industrial Upkeep: .1, Wealth Upkeep: .1, Fuel Upkeep: .1
TL 8.5, +1 weapons, +1 stealth, +1 ECM

Space Sensor AWACS(Naval fighter):
40 WU/ 24 PP/ -   3 mos prod
AA 0/0 GA 0/0 EW 0/0, Size .5, +6 PP
Industrial Upkeep: .05, Wealth Upkeep: .05, Fuel Upkeep: .1
TL 8.5, +2 sensors, +1 communications, -1 space only

Space Super Fighter:
111 WU/ 68 PP/ -  8 mos prod
AA 6/10 GA 1/3 EW 2/1, Size .5, +10 PP per Squadron
Industrial Upkeep: .05, Wealth Upkeep: .05, Fuel Upkeep: .05
TL 8.5, +2 weapons, +2 stealth, +2 Agility, -1 space only

Space Fighter(Naval fighter):
78 WU/ 80 PP/ -  8 mos prod
AA 3/6 GA 2/4 EW 0/0, Size 1, +4 PP
Industrial Upkeep: .2, Wealth Upkeep: .1, Fuel Upkeep: .1
TL 8.5, +1 Multi-role, +1 weapon, -1 space only


Super Space Freighter: 400,000 CC
104 WU/35 PP/Iron  4 mos prod
AR 0/0 DR 0/1 AM 0/1, +4 PP
Industrial Upkeep: .1, Wealth Upkeep: .1, Fuel Upkeep: .2
TL 8.5, +1 Internal Fission Solid Core, +2 cargo, -2 High visiblility

Passenger Space Freighter: 40,000 CC(people)
62 WU/15 PP/Iron   2 mos prod
AR 0/0 DR 0/1 AM 0/1, +2 PP
Industrial Upkeep: .1, Wealth Upkeep: .1, Fuel Upkeep: .2
TL 8.5, +1 Internal Fission Solid Core, +1 cargo(Special), -2 high visibility

Aerodynamic Space Freighter: 40,000 CC
68 WU/35 PP/Iron  4 mos prod
AR 0/0 DR 0/1 AM 0/0, +2 PP
Industrial Upkeep: .1, Wealth Upkeep: .1, Fuel Upkeep: .3
TL 8.5, +1 Internal Fission Solid Core, +1 Aerodynamic, +2 cargo

Space Torpedo Gun Boat:
46 wu/ 45 PP/ Iron  5 mos prod
AR 1/1 DR 1/2 AM 0/0, 1 pp
Industrial Upkeep: .1, Wealth Upkeep: .1, Fuel Upkeep: .2
TL 8.5, +1 Internal Fission Solid Core, +1 torpedo, +1 agility

Space Torpedo Gun Boat Leader: 4 command rating
46 wu/ 45 PP/ Iron  5 mos prod
AR 1/1 DR 1/2 AM 0/0, 1 pp
Industrial Upkeep: .1, Wealth Upkeep: .1, Fuel Upkeep: .2
TL 8.5, +1 Internal Fission Solid Core, +1 torpedo, +1 Communications

Space Frigate:
62 wu/55 PP/ Iron,  7 mos prod
AR 3/3 DR 2/3 AM 0/1, +3 PP
Industrial Upkeep: .1, Wealth Upkeep: .1, Fuel Upkeep: .2
TL 8.45, +1 Internal Fission Solid Core, +1 weapons, -1 high visibility, -1 Reduced Tech

Space Destroyer:
106 wu/120 PP/ Iron,  14 mos prod
AR 4/5 DR 3/4 AM 1/1, +5 PP
Industrial Upkeep: .1, Wealth Upkeep: .1, Fuel Upkeep: .2
TL 8.5, +1 Internal Fission Solid Core, +1 stealth, +1 weapons

Space Light Cruiser: (9 command)
128 wu/155 PP/ Iron 18  mos Prod
AR 4/5 DR 6/6 AM 2/2, +10 PP
Industrial Upkeep: .1, Wealth Upkeep: .1, Fuel Upkeep: .3
TL 8.5, +1 Internal Fission Solid Core, +2 PD, +2 Communications

Space Escort Carrier: (4 command)
106 wu/45 PP/ Iron  5 mos Prod
Industrial Upkeep: .1, Wealth Upkeep: .1, Fuel Upkeep: .2
AR 0/0 DR 1/1 AM 0/0, 4 pp
TL 8.5,, +1 Internal Fission Solid Core, +1 Deck Capacity, +1 Sensors
Deck Capacity of 3 Aircraft Squadrons

Exploration Light Cruiser: (5 command)
128 wu/ 155 PP/ Iron, 18 mos prod
AR 4/4 DR 3/2 AM 2/2, 10 pp, +10 PP
Industrial Upkeep: .1, Wealth Upkeep: .1, Fuel Upkeep: .3
TL 8.5,, +1 Internal Fission Solid Core, +2 Improved Science Instruments, +2 Sensors
Deck Capacity of 1 Aircraft Squadrons

Pollei-1 Class Interplanetary Probe
103wu / 25pp / Rocket, Build Time 3 Mos, Speed 12.4 m/sec
AA 0/0 GA 0/0 EW 0/0, Size 1, 4 PP
Industrial Upkeep: .1, Wealth Upkeep: .1, Fuel Upkeep: .1
TL 8.5: +1 Size P-Dat Sensor, +1 Temperature P-Dat Sensor, +1 Hydrographic P-Dat Sensor, -2 Expendable, -1 High Visibility

Pollei-2 Class Interplanetary Probe
101wu/25pp/Rocket, Build Time 3 Mos Speed 12.4 m/sec
AA 0/0 GA 0/0 EW 0/0, Size 1, 4 PP
Industrial Upkeep: .1, Wealth Upkeep: .1, Fuel Upkeep: .1
TL 8.5: +1 Tectonic P-Dat Sensor, +1 Atmospheric P-Dat Sensor, -2 Expendable, -1 High Visibility


Gyre Class Exploration Team
106wu / 4pp / .1BE 3 months
AR 0/0 DR 0/0  Size 1
Industrial Upkeep: 0, Wealth Upkeep: .1, Fuel Upkeep: 0
TL8.5    +3 Exploration

Geo Prospector Class Team
106wu / 4pp / .1BE 3 months
AR 0/0 DR 0/0  Size 1
Industrial Upkeep: 0, Wealth Upkeep: .1, Fuel Upkeep: 0
TL8.5    +3 Prospecting
« Last Edit: May 02, 2009, 01:49:59 AM by Haegan2005 »

Offline Þórgrímr

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Re: Game 3 Beta
« Reply #1 on: April 29, 2009, 03:50:54 PM »
The United States of Terra

Homeworld 656554P

Large Terran world, size 6 Diameter 7917 (0 SP)
Normal climate, temperature 5 (0 SP)
Large Continents, water 6 (0 SP)
Normal Conditions, atmosphere 5 (0 SP)
Normal Tectonic Activity, tectonic 5 (0 SP)

Biology/Physiology 0 SPs
Dextro amino acid biology, Standard earthlike DNA (0sp)
Omnivore (0 SP)
Hominidae (human-like) (0 SP)

Species Abilities -65 SPs
Expansive colonization program (5 SP per cap) (three levels) 15 SP
Increased Acetelcoline Output (5 SP per cap)
Expert Deductive Skills (5 SP per cap)
Excellent Practical Application Techniques (5 SP per cap)
Excellent Theoretical Techniques (5 SP per cap)
Yankee Capitalists (5 SP per level) (three Levels) 15 SP
Hardcore Work Ethic (5 SP per level) (two levels) 10 SP
Have I got a deal For you (5 SP)

Racial Disadvantages - +15 SPs
Free Society (+5 SP)
Taxpayers Revolt! (+5 SP)
The Economy Must Expand! (+5 SP)


A legislature with its members Elected.
+4 to all Governor Loyalty Ratings.
-1 from number of rebelling regions.
+1 WU per world.
+1 to all Formation Commanders Training Levels.
+10% to all Mil Wu & PP costs.

The United States of Terra

Space Cadets -5 NP
To the Stars! -10 NP
Ginormus Population –10 NP
Heavy Industry –5 NP
High finance –5 NP
Green Fields -50 NP
Fanatical Population -50 NP

Nuke Free Zone +30 NP
Patent Office +5 NP
Fourth Law +10 NP
True Species +10 NP
Not Invented Here +25 NP


Code: [Select]
Technological Mechanological
Biology          700 Organic        000
Chemistry  850 Explosive      000
Engineering  850 Metallic       000
Physics/Math      850           Æthernautics   000
Psychology  700 Psykological   000


Population: 320 million – cost 32 NPs (Ginormus pop advantage 10x it.)
Housing (infrastructure): 80 NPs
Draft pool: 20,000 Raw BE's


LAND TERRAIN:  13 NPs + 10 free NPs from housed pop. 23 total points spent.

Terra - Ring 3 Segment 9 Planetary Data 656554P


North Polar Region Very Difficult Ice Shelf (GM placed 0NP)

Intervening Terrain - North Atlantic Ocean Mid-Oceanic Ridge - Northern Hemisphere Region N-1 (GM placed 0NP)

United States Super Open Cultivated - Northern Hemisphere Region N-2 (7NP)

Intervening Terrain - North Pacific Ocean Abyssal Plain - Northern Hemisphere Region N-3 (GM placed 0NP)

China/Japan Special Terrain Wastelands Col Cost 5 - Northern Hemisphere Region N-4 (GM placed 0NP)

Central Asia Very Difficult Mountain - Northern Hemisphere Region N-5 (7NP)

Europe Super Open Cultivated - Northern Hemisphere Region N-6 (7NP)


Intervening Terrain - South Atlantic Ocean Continental Shelf - Southern Hemisphere Region S-1 (GM placed 0NP)

South America Very Difficult Jungle Southern Hemisphere Region S-2 (GM placed 0NP)

Intervening Terrain - South Pacific Ocean Abyssal Plain - Southern Hemisphere Region S-3 (GM placed 0NP)

Oceania Open Islands - Southern Hemisphere Region S-4 (1 NP)

Intervening Terrain - Indian Ocean (1 NP) -  Southern Hemisphere Region S-5 (GM placed 0NP)
Africa Very Difficult Desert (1NP) - Southern Hemisphere Region S-6 (1NP)

South Polar Region Very Difficult Polar Mountain (GM placed 0NP)

SPACE TERRAIN: 15 STP (10 from space cadets) 5 NP Spent.

Freedom One Skyway Very Crowded: In Orbit around Terra (0 STP) 1 mil pop, 3 ind, 1 rp (5 STP)

LUNA - Terra's Moon - Planetary Data 00000TP Colony Cost = 5

Fort Armstrong Lunar Polar North Polar Region (1 STP) Level 2 Lunar Command Center, Level 1 (Star)Port, 2 mil pop, 2 ind, 2 rm (9 STP)

Very Difficult Dust Plains Central Lunar Region 1 (GM placed 0NP)

Very Difficult Lunar Highlands Central Lunar Region 1 (GM placed 0NP)

Very Difficult Lunar Polar South Polar Region (GM placed 0NP)


Industrial Production (IP): 50 (1 per NP spent) per month (50 NP)

Resource Extraction(RE): 75 (1 per NP spent) per month (75 NP)
Raw Materials (RM): 375 (5x RE stockpiled at start)

Wealth Production(WP): 75 Wealth Units (1 per NP spent) (75 NP)
Wealth Units (WU): 375 WU (5x WP stockpiled at start)

Research Points(RP): 75 RP per month (1 per NP spent) (75 NP)
Research Units (RU): 375 RU (5x RP stockpiled at start)

Fuel Production(FP): 75 FU (1 per NP spent) per month (75 NP)
Fuel Units (FU): 375 FU (5x base FP stockpiled at start)

Food Production (FDP) Farms: 180 (2 per NP spent) per month (90 NP)
Food Units (FD): 1800 FD (10x base FDP stockpiled at start)

Energy Production (EP): 100 (1 per NP spent) per month (100 NP)
Energy Units (EU): 500 EU (5x base EP stockpiled at start)


Code: [Select]
Unpaved Roads:                80    (10 NP)
Paved Roads:                  72    (18 NP)
Interstate Highways:          40    (20 NP)
Primitive Railroads:          80    (20 NP)
Standard Railroads:           40    (20 NP)
Advanced Railroads:           20    (20 NP)


Code: [Select]
(Star)Ports:                   2    (1 NP, 1 STP)
Harbors:                      25    (25 NP)
Inf Depot                      1    (0 NP, Pre-Game Setup)
Sub Yard                       1    (1 NP)
Star Yard                      1    (2 NP, 1 Pre-Game Setup 4 slipways)
Ship Yard                      1    (1 NP)
Star Base                      1    (0 NP, space cadets)
Veh. Manu.                     1    (0 NP, pre-game setup)
Tac Air Manu.                  1    (0 NP, pre-game setup)
Rocket Manu.                   2    (2 NP)
Star Ftr Manu.                 1    (0 NP, pre-game setup)
IoHLs                          5    (4 NP)

No pre-game unit builds
« Last Edit: February 26, 2013, 03:40:42 PM by Þórgrímr »
Sic vis pacem, para bellum
If you want peace, prepare for war

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Re: Game 3 Beta
« Reply #2 on: May 03, 2009, 07:31:00 PM »
Power Creation



Size:                  Large Terran World (6)   
Temperature:               Normal Climate (5)
Water:                  Continents (7)
Atmosphere:               Normal (5)
Tectonic Activity:            Normal Volcanic activity (6)

Biology/Physiology  SPs         Dextro amino acid Biology: Standard earth DNA   
                  Humanoid / Omnivore

Species Abilities  SPs            Risk Takers & Heart Breakers -1 (5% targeting and defense                   bonuses for gunboat squadrons)
                  I can use that!   (can recover IUU’s from battle sites)
Shipwrights Local 101-1 (-5% to Naval construction costs)
Real Life Takers-1 (5% to targeting and defense bonuses for all ground troops)   
Tactical aptitude-1 (5% targeting bonus, 5% boarding combat Attack Roll and Defensive Roll bonus)

Species Attitudes  SPs            Back Off Bub!

Species Disadvantages  SPs         Let the Others Tremble!


Initial Government Type:         Monarch (1b/1d)  [Current Monarch : Olaf  Erlingsson]
How is the Ruler Chosen:         chosen by Omen or Oracle
Self Determination:            4

Benefits               Loyalty
                  Command Initiative

Detriments               Cost Overruns


Advantages            Elite Armed Forces   
Large Population                        Fanatical Population                        (105)

Disadvantages            Pariah   


Biology                800      
Chemistry            850    
Engineering              850       
Physics/Math               850          
Psychology              850      

Population:   NPs                         60 000 000 population (120 PU)                   N-1[20] N-3[90] N-5[8]
               (120 000 000 with Large Pop Bonus)      Space Station [1] Luna[1]
               4 000 000 Slaves (4 PU)         N-3[4]

Housing:  NPs            60 Housing Units            N-1[10] N-3[45]N-5[5]
               4 Slave Housing Units                       N-3[4]
Draft pool:            200

SP Conversions:         
               15 extra Ground Unit designs                          (3)
               10 extra Air unit designs                           (2)
               800 extra PP for units              (16)


Land Terrain:            0+ 12  = 12

Planet - Ring  Segment  Planetary Data

Northern Hemisphere (default planet size)

North Polar Region:

N-1: Ingófr (Very Difficult Terrain: Scattered Islands)         1 TP

N-2: Intervening Ocean

N-3: Heilagr Heima (Super Terrain: Open)(Huge Mountain Special Terrain)6 TP

N-4: Intervening Ocean

N-5: Munarvágr (Very Difficult Terrain: Scattered Islands)      1 TP

Southern Hemisphere (default planet size)

S-1: Intervening Ocean

S-2: Aurvangar (Open Terrain: Plain lands)               1 TP

S-3: Eikinskialdi (Difficult Terrain: Forest)               1 TP

S-4: Intervening Ocean

S-5: Intervening Ocean

South Polar Region:

Space Terrain:  STP + NP = total spent.

Orbital Space:

Empty Space

Lunar Name - Planet's Moon - Planetary Data Colony Cost =

Moon- Yggdrasill


Industrial Production (IP):         60            N-1 [10] N-3 [40] N-5[10]

Resource Extraction (RE):         40            N-3[40]
Raw Materials (RM):        225
(5x RE stockpiled at start)

Wealth Production (WP):         80            N-1[5] N-3[35] N-5[15]
Wealth Units (WU):           400
(5x WP stockpiled at start)

Research Points (RP):         50            N-1[10] N-3[40]
Research Units (RU):        225
(5x RP stockpiled at start)

Fuel Production (FP):         70             N-1[15] N-3[45] N-5[10]
Fuel Units (FU):           350
(5x base FP stockpiled at start)

Food Production (FDP):         120            N-1[10] N-3[80] N-5[30]
(60)NP (2 per NP spent)
Food Units (FD):           1200
(10x base FDP stockpiled at start)

Energy Production (EP):         70             N-1[10] N-3[50] N-5[10]
Energy Units (EU):           350
(5x base EP stockpiled at start)

Transport Net

Unpaved Roads:                       0
Paved Roads:                         10                N-1[4] N-3[4] N-5[2]
(5) NP
Interstate Highways:                 10                N-1[1] N-3[8] N-5[1]
(10) NP
Primitive Railroads:                 0    
Standard Railroads:                  10                N-1[3] N-3[5] N-5[2]
(10) NP
Advanced Railroads:                  10                N-5[10]

Hyper-Advanced Railroads:         0    
Mag-Lev Railroads:                  0    


Inf Depot                            3                N-1[1] N-3[1] N-5[1]
(2 NP, Pre-Game Setup)
Ship Yard                            1                N-3[1]
(0 NP, Pre-Game Setup)
Star Yard                            1                N-3[1]
(0 NP, Pre-Game Setup)
Tac Air Manu.                        1                N-3[1]
( pre-game setup)
Air Lift Manu            1            N-3[1]
               (1 NP)
Aviation Manu         1            N-3[1]
               (1 NP)
Rocket Manu            1            N-3[]
Vehicle Manu            1            N-3[1]
               (1 NP)
Artillery Manu         1            N-3[1]
               (1 NP)
Super Veh Manu         1            N-3[1]
               (1 NP)
Military Academy         1            N-3[1]
               (1 NP)
Spy Academy            1            N-3[1]
               (1 NP)
Explorers Club         1            N-5[1]
               (1 NP)
Assay Office            1            N-5[1]
               (1 NP)
WMD Manu            1            N-3[1]
               (1 NP)                  
IoHLs                                5                N-1[1] N-3[4]
(4 NP, Pre-Game Setup; only 1 is free)
Army Base                            1                N-3[1]
(0 NP, Pre-Game Setup; only 1 is free)
Garrison Post            2            N-1[1] N-5[1]
               (2 NP)
Naval Base                           1                N-3[1]
(0 NP, Pre-Game Setup; only 1 is free)
Naval   (wet) Squadron Depot      1            N-3[1]
               (1 NP)
Air Base                             1                N-3[1]
(0 NP, Pre-Game Setup; only 1 is free)
Air Fields             2            N-1[1] N-5[1]
               (2 NP)
Harbour            3            N-1[1] N-3[1] N-5[1]
Orbital Station(Hilda)   Level 5 with 1 housed population, 3 Industry Infrastructure and 1 Space Sqn Depot.
   (9 NP)
Luna Colony(LC-1)   Luna Command Centre, Lvl 2 Luna Colony, 1 housed population, 1 Research Infrastructure.
   (4 NP)

In Production Military Builds      

(24 Templates Used)

Militia Battalion
15 wu/20pp/Ground, 3months
Industrial Upkeep:0.1, Wealth Upkeep:0.1, Fuel Upkeep: nil
AR: 1/1   DR: 1/1  
TL8.5      Size 1

Combat Engineer Battalion (Militia Bn)
19 wu/35pp/Ground, 4months
Industrial Upkeep:0.1, Wealth Upkeep:0.1, Fuel Upkeep: nil
AR: 1/2   DR: 1/1  
TL8.5        Size 1, +1 Engineer, +1 Close Combat Weapons

Infantry Battalion
25 wu/40pp/Ground, 4months
Industrial Upkeep: 0.1, Wealth Upkeep: 0.1, Fuel Upkeep: nil
AR: 2/2   DR: 2/2  
TL8.5      Size 1

Elite Infantry Battalion
50 wu/60pp/Ground, 7months
Industrial Upkeep: 0.1, Wealth Upkeep: 0.1, Fuel Upkeep: nil
AR: 3/3   DR: 3/3  
TL8.5      Size 1

Marine Battalion (Elite Infantry Bn)
54 wu/80pp/Ground, 9months
Industrial Upkeep: 0.1, Wealth Upkeep: 0.1, Fuel Upkeep: nil
AR: 3/4   DR: 3/4  
TL8.5      Size 1, +1 Close Combat Weapons, +1 Enviro Training (Water)

Orbital Marine Battalion (Elite Infantry Bn)
56 wu/100pp/Ground, 11months
Industrial Upkeep: 0.1, Wealth Upkeep: 0.1, Fuel Upkeep: nil
AR: 3/4   DR: 4/5  
TL8.5      Size 1, +1 Close Combat Weapons, +1 Enviro Training (Space), +1 Armour, +1 Compact

Special Forces Battalion
50 wu/60pp/Ground, 6months
Industrial Upkeep: 0.1, Wealth Upkeep: 0.1, Fuel Upkeep: nil
AR: 2/4   DR: 2/4  
TL8.5      Size 1

Tactical Assault Group (SF Bn)
58 wu/110pp/Ground, 12months
Industrial Upkeep: 0.1, Wealth Upkeep: 0.1, Fuel Upkeep: nil
AR: 2/6   DR: 3/7  
TL8.5         Size 1, +2 Close Combat Weapons, +1 Armour, +1 Stealth

Secret Police Battalion
29 wu/30pp/Ground, 4months
Industrial Upkeep: 0.1, Wealth Upkeep: 0.1, Fuel Upkeep: nil
AR: 1/1   DR: 1/1  
TL8.5      Size 1, +1 Loyalty Training, +1 Riot Suppression

Motorized Security Battalion (Secret Police Bn)
25 wu/35pp/Ground, 4months
Industrial Upkeep: 0.1, Wealth Upkeep: 0.1, Fuel Upkeep: nil
AR: 1/1   DR: 1/1  
TL8.5         Size 1, +1 Added Mobility (Infantry Vehicles), +1 Loyalty Training, +1 Riot Suppression

SP Artillery Battalion
50 wu/50pp/Ground, 5 months
Industrial Upkeep: 0.1, Wealth Upkeep: 0.1, Fuel Upkeep: 0.1
AR: 4/1   DR: 4/1  
TL8.5      Size 1

Air Defence Battalion (SP Artillery Bn)
54 wu/60pp/Ground, 6months
Industrial Upkeep: 0.1, Wealth Upkeep: 0.1, Fuel Upkeep: 0.1
AR: 4/1   DR: 4/1  
TL8.5           Size 1, +1 AA Weapon, +1 ECM

Logistics Battalion
15 wu/10pp/Ground, 4 months, 3500 CC
Industrial Upkeep: 0.1, Wealth Upkeep: 0.1, Fuel Upkeep: 0.1
AR: 0/1   DR: 0/1  
TL8.5      Size 1

Construction Engineer Battalion (Logistics Bn)
17 wu/15pp/Ground, 4 months, 3500 CC
Industrial Upkeep: 0.1, Wealth Upkeep: 0.1, Fuel Upkeep: 0.1
AR: 0/1   DR: 0/1  
TL8.5        Size 1, +1 Engineer

Recon Battalion
54 wu/30pp/Ground, 4 months
Industrial Upkeep: 0.1, Wealth Upkeep: 0.1, Fuel Upkeep: 0.1
AR: 1/1   DR: 1/1  
TL8.5      Size 1, +1 Sensors, +1 Stealth

Mech Infantry Battalion
100 wu/75pp/Ground, 8months
Industrial Upkeep: 0.1, Wealth Upkeep: 0.1, Fuel Upkeep: 0.1
AR: 3/4   DR: 3/5  
TL8.5      Size 1

Lt Armoured Battalion
50 wu/55pp/Ground, 6months
Industrial Upkeep: 0.1, Wealth Upkeep: 0.1, Fuel Upkeep: 0.1
AR: 2/6   DR: 1/2  
TL8.5      Size 1

MBT Battalion
100 wu/80pp/Ground, 9months
Industrial Upkeep: 0.1, Wealth Upkeep: 0.1, Fuel Upkeep: 0.1
AR: 3/8   DR: 2/3  
TL8.5      Size 2

Very Heavy Armour Battalion
150 wu/120pp/Ground, 13months
Industrial Upkeep: 0.1, Wealth Upkeep: 0.1, Fuel Upkeep: 0.1
AR: 5/12 DR: 3/4  
TL8.5      Size 3

Broadsword HBT Battalion (Very Heavy Armour Bn)
131 wu/145pp/Ground, 16 months
Industrial Upkeep: 0.1, Wealth Upkeep: 0.1, Fuel Upkeep: 0.1
AR: 6/12 DR: 4/4  
TL8.5      Size 3, +1 Main Gun, +1 Battle Computer, +1 Armour

Broadsword II HBT Battalion (Very Heavy Armour Bn)
133 wu/165pp/Ground, 18 months
Industrial Upkeep: 0.1, Wealth Upkeep: 0.1, Fuel Upkeep: 0.1
AR: 6/13 DR: 4/5  
TL8.5      Size 3, +1 Main Gun, +2 Battle Computer, +1 Armour,+1 Close Combat Weapons

Regiment HQ
24 wu/65pp/Ground, 7months
Industrial Upkeep: 0.1, Wealth Upkeep: 0.1, Fuel Upkeep: 0.2
TL8.5      +2 Communications, +1 Tactical Operations Command Vehicle

Brigade HQ
34 wu/90pp/Ground, 10months
Industrial Upkeep: 0.1, Wealth Upkeep: 0.1, Fuel Upkeep: 0.2
TL8.5      +2 Communications, +1 Tactical Operations Command Vehicle

Division HQ
54 wu/268pp/Ground, 28months
Industrial Upkeep: 0.1, Wealth Upkeep: 0.1, Fuel Upkeep: 0.3
TL8.5      +3 Communications

(19 Templates Used)

75 wu/130pp/Air, 14months
Industrial Upkeep: 0.2, Wealth Upkeep: 0.2, Fuel Upkeep: 0.2
AA 2/5 GA 0/2 EW 0/0
TL8.5      Size 2

80 wu/170pp/Air, 18months
Industrial Upkeep: 0.2, Wealth Upkeep: 0.2, Fuel Upkeep: 0.2
AA 8/2 GA 0/0 EW 0/1
TL8.5      Size 2

80 wu/200pp/Air, 21months
Industrial Upkeep: 0.2, Wealth Upkeep: 0.2, Fuel Upkeep: 0.2
AA 0/1 GA 4/8 EW 1/0
TL8.5      Size 2

Super Fighter
100 wu/130pp/Air, 14 month
Industrial Upkeep: 0.1, Wealth Upkeep: 0.1, Fuel Upkeep: 0.1
AA 4/8 GA 2/4 EW 1/1
TL8.5      Size 1

Naval Fighter
75 wu/65pp/Air, 7months
Industrial Upkeep: 0.1, Wealth Upkeep: 0.1, Fuel Upkeep: 0.1
AA 2/5 GA 0/2 EW 0/0
TL8.5      Size 1

Naval Strike
80 wu/100pp/Air, 11 months
Industrial Upkeep: 0.1, Wealth Upkeep: 0.1, Fuel Upkeep: 0.1
AA 0/1 GA 4/8 EW 1/0
TL8.5      Size 1

Naval Super Fighter
100 wu/130pp/Air, 14 months
Industrial Upkeep: 0.1, Wealth Upkeep: 0.1, Fuel Upkeep: 0.1
AA 4/8 GA 2/4 EW 1/1
TL8.5      Size 1

Medium Airlift Transport
30 wu/120pp/Air, 13months, 850CC
Industrial Upkeep: 0.2, Wealth Upkeep: 0.2, Fuel Upkeep: 0.2
AA 0/0 GA 0/0 EW 0/0
TL8.5      Size 2

Heavy Airlift Transport
50 wu/160pp/Air, 17months, 1700CC
Industrial Upkeep: 0.2, Wealth Upkeep: 0.2, Fuel Upkeep: 0.2
AA 0/0 GA 0/0 EW 0/0
TL8.5      Size 2

Sub Orbital Dropship
100wu/290pp/Air, 31months, 2000CC
Industrial Upkeep: 0.1, Wealth Upkeep: 0.1, Fuel Upkeep: 0.1
AA 2/3 GA 2/5 EW 3/3
TL8.5      Size 1

75wu/300pp/Air, 32months
Industrial Upkeep: 0.3, Wealth Upkeep: 0.3, Fuel Upkeep: 0.3
AA 0/2 GA 2/8 EW 1/1
TL8.5      Size 3

Medium Aviation Transport
60wu/135pp/Air, 13months, 1530CC
Industrial Upkeep: 0.3, Wealth Upkeep: 0.3, Fuel Upkeep: 0.3
AA 0/1 GA 1/1 EW 0/0
TL8.5      Size 3

Space Interceptor
80 wu/170pp/Air, 18months
Industrial Upkeep: 0.2, Wealth Upkeep: 0.2, Fuel Upkeep: 0.2
AA 8/2 GA 0/0 EW 0/1
TL8.5      Size 2

Space Naval Fighter
83 wu/105pp/Space, 12months
Industrial Upkeep: 0.1, Wealth Upkeep: 0.1, Fuel Upkeep: 0.2, IUU Upkeep: 0.1
AA 3/7 GA 0/2 EW 1/0
TL8.5      Size 1, +1 Stealth, +1 Agility, +1 Weapons, +1 ECM

Space Naval Strike
88 wu/135pp/Space, 15months
Industrial Upkeep: 0.1, Wealth Upkeep: 0.1, Fuel Upkeep: 0.1
AA 0/1 GA 4/9 EW 2/1
TL8.5      Size 1,  +1 Stealth, +1 ECM, +1 Ordinance, +1 ECCM

Group HQ
20 wu/50pp/HQ, 6months
Industrial Upkeep: 0.1, Wealth Upkeep: 0.1, Fuel Upkeep: 0.1
TL8.5      Size 1, +1 Communications

Wing HQ
50 wu/250pp/HQ, 27months
Industrial Upkeep: 0.2, Wealth Upkeep: 0.2, Fuel Upkeep: 0.2
TL8.5      Size 2, +1 Communications

Air Division HQ
100 wu/500pp/HQ, 53months
Industrial Upkeep: 0.3, Wealth Upkeep: 0.3, Fuel Upkeep: 0.3
TL8.5      Size 3, +1 Communications

Airforce HQ
200 wu/1000pp/HQ, 106months
Industrial Upkeep: 0.4, Wealth Upkeep: 0.4, Fuel Upkeep: 0.4
TL8.5      Size 4, +1 Communications

Wet Naval Units
                  (10 Templates Used)

60 wu/8pp/Ship, 4months, 20000CC
Industrial Upkeep: 0.1, Wealth Upkeep: 0.1, Fuel Upkeep: 0.1
AR 0/0 DR 0/1 AM 0/0
TL8.5      Size 1

Marine Landing Ship
68 wu/20pp/Ship, 4 months, 30000CC
Industrial Upkeep: 0.1, Wealth Upkeep: 0.1, Fuel Upkeep: 0.1
AR 0/1 DR 0/1 AM 0/0
TL8.5      Size 1,  +1 Cargo Capacity, +1 Bombardment Weapons, +1 Anti Aircraft Weapons, +1 Secondary Weapons

Super Freighter
100 wu/15pp/Ship, 4 months, 200000CC
Industrial Upkeep: 0.1, Wealth Upkeep: 0.1, Fuel Upkeep: 0.1
AR 0/0 DR 0/1 AM 0/1
TL8.5      Size 1

40 wu/15pp/Ship, 4months
Industrial Upkeep: 0.1, Wealth Upkeep: 0.1, Fuel Upkeep: 0.1
AR 1/1 DR 1/2 AM 0/0
TL8.5      Size 1

Type 1 FAC (Gunboat)
48 wu/25pp/Ship, 4months
Industrial Upkeep: 0.1, Wealth Upkeep: 0.1, Fuel Upkeep: 0.2
AR 1/1 DR 1/2 AM 0/0
TL8.5      Size 1, +1 Speed , +1 Agility, +1 Stealth, +1 Torpedos

100 wu/53pp/Ship, 6months
Industrial Upkeep: 0.1, Wealth Upkeep: 0.1, Fuel Upkeep: 0.1
AR 3/4 DR 3/4 AM 1/1
TL8.5      Size 1

Air Warfare Destroyer
108 wu/68pp/Ship, 8months
Industrial Upkeep: 0.2, Wealth Upkeep: 0.1, Fuel Upkeep: 0.1
AR 5/7 DR 3/5 AM 1/1
TL8.5      Size 1, +2 Weapons, +1 Secondary Weapons, +1 Anti Aircraft Weapons,

Light Cruiser
120 wu/68pp/Ship, 8months
Industrial Upkeep: 0.1, Wealth Upkeep: 0.1, Fuel Upkeep: 0.1
AR 4/4 DR 3/2 AM 2/2
TL8.5      Size 1

Gunboat Tender
100 wu/20pp/Ship, 4months, 8000 CC
Industrial Upkeep: 0.1, Wealth Upkeep: 0.1, Fuel Upkeep: 0.1
AR 0/1 DR 1/2 AM 0/0
TL8.5      Size 1

Escort Carrier
100 wu/20pp/Ship, 4months, 10000 CC/5 DP
Industrial Upkeep: 0.1, Wealth Upkeep: 0.1, Fuel Upkeep: 0.1
AR 0/0 DR 1/1 AM 0/0
TL8.5      Size 1

Space Units
(10 Templates Used)

System Freighter
66 wu/15pp/Space, 4months, 30000CC
Industrial Upkeep: 0.1, Wealth Upkeep: 0.1, Fuel Upkeep: 0.2
AR 0/0 DR 0/1 AM 0/0
TL8.5      Size 1, +1 System Drive Reaction: Internal Fission Solid Core, +1 Aerodynamic, +1 Cargo

System Super Freighter
102 wu/18pp/Space, 4months, 200000CC
Industrial Upkeep: 0.1, Wealth Upkeep: 0.1, Fuel Upkeep: 0.1
AR 0/0 DR 0/1 AM 0/1
TL8.5      Size 1, +1 System Drive Reaction: Internal Fission Solid Core

System Gunboat
48 wu/25pp/Space, 4months
Industrial Upkeep: 0.2, Wealth Upkeep: 0.1, Fuel Upkeep: 0.2
AR 1/1 DR 1/2 AM 0/0
TL8.5      Size 1, +1 System Drive Reaction: Internal Fission Solid Core, +2 Torpedo, +1 Fast

System Cargo Dropship
48 wu/25pp/Space, 4months, 4000CC
Industrial Upkeep: 0.2, Wealth Upkeep: 0.1, Fuel Upkeep: 0.2
AR 1/1 DR 1/2 AM 0/0
TL8.5      Size 1, +1 System Drive Reaction: Internal Fission Solid Core, +1 Aerodynamic, +2 Cargo

System Stealth Gunboat
48 wu/25pp/Space, 4months
Industrial Upkeep: 0.2, Wealth Upkeep: 0.1, Fuel Upkeep: 0.1
AR 1/1 DR 1/2 AM 0/0
TL8.5      Size 1, +1 System Drive Reaction: Internal Fission Solid Core, +2 Torpedo, +1 Stealth

System Destroyer
102 wu/55pp/Space, 6months
Industrial Upkeep: 0.1, Wealth Upkeep: 0.1, Fuel Upkeep: 0.1
AR 3/4 DR 3/4 AM 1/1
TL8.5      Size 1, +1 System Drive Reaction: Internal Fission Solid Core

System Gunboat Tender
106 wu/33pp/Space, 4months, 8000CC
Industrial Upkeep: 0.1, Wealth Upkeep: 0.1, Fuel Upkeep: 0.1
AR 0/2 DR 1/3 AM 0/0
TL8.5      Size 1, +1 System Drive Reaction: Internal Fission Solid Core, +1 Secondary Weapons, +1 AA Weapons

System Marine Assault Ship
68 wu/20pp/Space, 4months, 40000CC
Industrial Upkeep: 0.3, Wealth Upkeep: 0.1, Fuel Upkeep: 0.3
AR 0/0 DR 0/1 AM 0/0
TL8.5      Size 1, +1 System Drive Reaction: Internal Fission Solid Core, +2 Assault ship, +2 Cargo

System Escort Carrier
108 wu/30pp/Space, 4months, 10000CC/ 5DP
Industrial Upkeep: 0.1, Wealth Upkeep: 0.1, Fuel Upkeep: 0.1
AR 0/1 DR 1/2 AM 0/0
TL8.5      Size 1, +1 System Drive Reaction: Internal Fission Solid Core, +1 Secondary Weapons, +1 AA Weapons, +1 Rapid Launch

System Light Cruiser
122 wu/70pp/Space, 8months
Industrial Upkeep: 0.1, Wealth Upkeep: 0.1, Fuel Upkeep: 0.1
AR 4/4 DR 3/2 AM 2/2
TL8.5      Size 1, +1 System Drive Reaction: Internal Fission Solid Core

(5 Templates Used)

Heavy Lift Rocket
150 wu/75pp/Rocket, 8months, 15000CC/3 IUU
Industrial Upkeep: 0.1, Wealth Upkeep: 0.1, Fuel Upkeep: 0.1
AA 0/0 GA 0/0 EW 0/0
TL8.5      Size 1, -2 Expendable

Single Stage to Orbit
200 wu/125pp/Rocket, 14months, 25000CC/5 IUU
Industrial Upkeep: 0.1, Wealth Upkeep: 0.1, Fuel Upkeep: 0.1
AA 0/0 GA 0/0 EW 0/0
TL8.5      Size 1, -2 Expendable

Cruise Missile
100 wu/100pp/Rocket, 11months
Industrial Upkeep: 0.1, Wealth Upkeep: 0.1, Fuel Upkeep: 0.1
AA 0/0 GA 0/* EW 0/0
TL8.5      Size 1, -2 Expendable

Interplanetary Probe
108 wu/40pp/Rocket, 5months
Industrial Upkeep: 0.1, Wealth Upkeep: 0.1, Fuel Upkeep: 0.1
AA 0/0 GA 0/0 EW 0/0
TL8.5      Size 1, +1 Size P-Dat Sensor, +1 Temperature P-Dat Sensor, +1 Hydrographic P-Dat Sensors, +1 Atmospheric P-Dat Sensors

Space Plane
300 wu/250pp/Rocket, 27months, 10000CC/2 IUU
Industrial Upkeep: 0.1, Wealth Upkeep: 0.1, Fuel Upkeep: 0.1
AA 0/0 GA 0/0 EW 0/0
TL8.5      Size 1,

(3 Templates Used)

Fleet Base
56 wu/34pp/ Fortification, 12 months
Industrial Upkeep: 1.0, Wealth Upkeep: 1.0, Fuel Upkeep: 1.0
AR 0/0 DR 3/6 AM 7/7
TL8.5      +1 Command Post, +2 Armour

National Capitol Fortress
812 wu/132PP/Fortification, 36 months
Industrial Upkeep: 1.0, Wealth Upkeep: 1.1, Fuel Upkeep: 1.0
AR 12/12 DR 12/12 AM 22/22
TL8.5      +2 Command Post, +2 Armour, +2 Point Defence

Medium Space Fort (per 2)
100 wu/17pp/ Fortification, 8 months, 100000CC/25DP
Industrial Upkeep: 1.0, Wealth Upkeep: 1.0, Fuel Upkeep: 1.0
AR 3/3 DR 3/6 AM 3/3



1st Reserve Infantry Regiment            [N-3]
- Regiment HQ (Reserve)
- 1/1st Infantry Battalion (Reserve)
- 1/2nd Infantry Battalion (Reserve)
- 1/3rd Infantry Battalion (Reserve)

2nd Reserve Infantry Regiment            [N-1]
- Regiment HQ (Reserve)
- 2/4th Infantry Battalion (Reserve)
- 2/5th Infantry Battalion (Reserve)
- 2/6th Infantry Battalion (Reserve)

3rd Reserve Infantry Regiment            [N-5]
- Regiment HQ (Reserve)
- 3/7th Infantry Battalion (Reserve)
- 3/8th Infantry Battalion (Reserve)
- 3/9th Infantry Battalion (Reserve)

Miðgarðr Orbital Marine Brigade            [N-3]
- Brigade HQ
- 1st Orbital Marine Battalion


Reserve Group                  [N-3]
- Group HQ (Reserve)
- 101st Fighter Sqn (Reserve)
- 102nd Fighter Sqn (Reserve)


Wet Navy

Reserve Naval Squadron               [N-3]
- VS “Burr” Gunboat Tender (Reserve)
- “Burr” Gunboat Flotilla:
   - “VS 01” Type 1 FAC (Reserve)
   - “VS 02” Type 1 FAC (Reserve)
   - “VS 03” Type 1 FAC (Reserve)
   - “VS 04” Type 1 FAC (Reserve)


Civilian Shipping
12 Freighters

Space Navy

Troop Lift Squadron                  [Orbital Station]
- VSS “Eiríkr” System Marine Assault Ship
   - “01 Eiríkr” Sub Orbital Dropship Sqn

System Defence Sqn                  [Orbital Station]
- VSS “Eyfura” Gunboat Tender
- “01 Eyfura” Gunboat Squadron
   - “VSS 01” System Stealth Gunboat
   - “VSS 02” System Stealth Gunboat
   - “VSS 03” System Stealth Gunboat
   - “VSS 04” System Stealth Gunboat
   - “VSS 05” System Stealth Gunboat
   - “VSS 06” System Stealth Gunboat


Civilian Shipping
2 System Freighters
2 System Superfreighter
Move foward and draw fire

Offline Haegan2005 (OP)

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Re: Game 3 Beta
« Reply #3 on: May 04, 2009, 07:02:39 PM »
We are up to Turn 8 for the slowest player(me) and one year for the fastest. As a side note, Unhoused population have an expensive upkeep so try to have as few unhoused population as possible!

Offline Þórgrímr

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Re: Game 3 Beta
« Reply #4 on: May 04, 2009, 08:24:31 PM »
As a side note Haegan and Backstab are going to slam into the labor shortage wall REAL soon. While I on the other hand am having to look into building arcologies to house my excess population. My wealth maintenance for population alone in the first year is 246 Wus!  :shock:

Cheers, Þórgrímr
« Last Edit: May 04, 2009, 08:24:31 PM by Þórgrímr »
Sic vis pacem, para bellum
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Offline waresky

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Re: Game 3 Beta
« Reply #5 on: May 05, 2009, 12:37:30 PM »
This game can be downloaded?
And where?

Awesome work..but it's playable?:))

Offline Þórgrímr

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Re: Game 3 Beta
« Reply #6 on: May 05, 2009, 12:57:35 PM »
Quote from: "waresky"
This game can be downloaded?
And where?

Awesome work..but it's playable?:))

It's not currently availble to the public yet. It currently is playable, but we are still playtesting it to make sure it is as bug-free as we can make it. But if you would wish to join the playtesting group leave me a PM with your email address and we can discuss you joining the testing.  :D

Cheers, Þórgrímr
Sic vis pacem, para bellum
If you want peace, prepare for war

Offline Haegan2005 (OP)

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Re: Game 3 Beta
« Reply #7 on: May 05, 2009, 06:32:51 PM »
Buddy, I would like to start posting fiction based off of BTS! May I recommend making a thread or sub forum for this? Can we make a sub forum for this? Or should we post it in the Auroa fiction fora?

Offline Þórgrímr

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Re: Game 3 Beta
« Reply #8 on: May 05, 2009, 07:28:23 PM »
Quote from: "Haegan2005"
Buddy, I would like to start posting fiction based off of BTS! May I recommend making a thread or sub forum for this? Can we make a sub forum for this? Or should we post it in the Auroa fiction fora?

Eric would have to set up a subfora for the fiction. As for posting in the Aurora fiction section, we are not Aurora so it would be best to keep the fiction seperate and not mixed.  :D

Cheers, Þórgrímr
Sic vis pacem, para bellum
If you want peace, prepare for war

Offline Erik L

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Re: Game 3 Beta
« Reply #9 on: May 05, 2009, 07:52:28 PM »
Quote from: "Þórgrímr"
Quote from: "Haegan2005"
Buddy, I would like to start posting fiction based off of BTS! May I recommend making a thread or sub forum for this? Can we make a sub forum for this? Or should we post it in the Auroa fiction fora?

Eric would have to set up a subfora for the fiction. As for posting in the Aurora fiction section, we are not Aurora so it would be best to keep the fiction seperate and not mixed.  :D

Cheers, Þórgrímr

Tis done. Check the top of the page when you are in this forum.

Offline Þórgrímr

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Re: Game 3 Beta
« Reply #10 on: May 05, 2009, 08:07:33 PM »
Quote from: "Erik Luken"
Tis done. Check the top of the page when you are in this forum.

Erik, thanks much bud. Haegan and I have been working on some fiction set in the Beyond the Stars! 'verse.  :D

Cheers, Þórgrímr
Sic vis pacem, para bellum
If you want peace, prepare for war