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RPG Part 2.
« on: January 18, 2008, 10:46:30 AM »
The game I've been working on has 3 main archetypes as "classes". These are Combat, Stealth and Magic. Each archetype has a number of specializations. The character is allowed 3 specializations with a lot of their main functionality being derived from the Primary Specialization. Advancement in the Secondary and Tertiary Specs are slower, and provide reduced benefits as opposed to the Primary.

Now that that is out of the way... One of the main features are Maneuvers. These are in effect class abilities. There are 4 classes of Maneuvers; Perks, Combat, Stealth and Magic. The last three split along the specializations, i.e. Melee Spec gets to pick from Melee Maneuvers. Now, Some of the categories are a tad light in maneuvers. Any suggestions would be appreciated to flesh out the areas. Of particular interest for suggestions are the Stealth and Magic maneuvers.

Some maneuvers are classed as Perks. Perks are passive maneuvers. They can be selected at anytime a new maneuver may be selected.

Perk List
Dodge Adds +3 to defense.
Athletic Adds +5 to athletic (run, jump, climb, swim) skill checks
Social Bonus adds +5 to social skills.
Underworld Bonus adds +5 to underworld skills
Craft Bonus Adds +5 to craft skills
Knowledge Bonus Adds +5 to Knowledge skills.
Survival Bonus Adds +5 to survival and forage skills.
Business Bonus Adds +5 to Business skills.
Travel Bonus Adds +5 to Travel Skills.
Heightened Reflexes Adds +5 to agility checks.
Heightened Willpower Adds +5 to willpower checks.
Heightened Constitution Adds +5 to stamina checks.
Heightened Strength Adds +5 to strength checks.
Heightened Speed Adds +5 to speed checks.
Heightened Intelligence Adds +5 to intelligence checks.
Heightened Perception Adds +5 to perception checks.
Toughness Adds to health. Characters with this maneuver add twice their Stamina to Health instead of Stamina.
Ride Allows riding a mount in adverse conditions.
Armor Use (Light) Allows use of light armor
Armor Use (Medium) Allows use of medium armor
Armor Use (Heavy) Allows use of heavy armor
Armor Use (Shield) Allows use of shields
Armor Use (Exotic) Allows use of exotic armors.
Weapon Use (Simple) Allows use of simple weapons.
Weapon Use (Common) Allows use of common weapons.
Weapon Use (Martial) Allows use of martial weapons.
Weapon Use (Exotic) Allows use of an exotic weapon. This perk must be taken for each exotic weapon to be learned.
Weapon Use (Ranged Common) Allows use of common ranged weapons.
Weapon Use (Ranged Martial) Allows use of martial ranged weapons.
Weapon Use (Ranged Exotic) Allows use of exotic ranged weapons.

Combat Maneuvers
Combat Reflexes Allows extra attacks based on agility. The character may make an additional attack per 2 Agility. Prerequisite of +1 Agility.
Arrow Deflection Allows a chance to deflect arrows. The character may make a defense roll to deflect an arrow. The number of arrows able to be deflected is equal to the Agility.
Weapon Focus Grants a +5 bonus to hit with a particular weapon type.
Quick Draw Allows the character to draw a weapon while disadvantaged.
Brawl Allows for unarmed attacks.
Martial Arts Allows for improved unarmed attacks. Requires Brawl. Attacks made with Martial Arts are +2 to hit and +2 damage.

Melee Maneuvers
Dual Strike Allows a second strike with a main-hand weapon. This strike suffers a -10 penalty to attack.
Parry allows the chance to parry a blow. An additional defense roll is made if the attack hits.
Riposte allows a counterattack. Requires Parry. The riposte attack MUST be preceded by a successful parry.
Shield Bash Allows an attack with a shield. Requires Armor Use-Shield.
Dual Wield Allows 2 weapons to be used at once. Off-hand attacks are made at -10 to hit.
Block Allows increased chance to block a blow with a shield. Requires Armor Use ? Shield. Grants the shield?s armor value as a bonus to defense.
Defensive Stance increases defense at the expense of attack. Attacks are reduced by 10, while defense is increased by 5.
Offensive Stance increases attack at the expense of defense. Defense is reduced by 10, while attacks are increased by 5.
Berserk Stance Increases attack and damage at the expense of defense. Defense is reduced by 15. Attacks are increased by 5, and damage is increased by 5.
Neutral Stance no modifiers to attack/damage/defense.
Disarm Attack does no damage, but will disarm the target. Defender gets an opposed Strength check to resist. The weight of the attacking weapon acts as a stat modifier to the attacker?s roll.
Feint make a false attack to gain a substantial attack bonus next round. Defender gets an opposed Perception roll against the attack roll of the feint. If the feint is successful, the next attack is at +20 to hit.
Grapple allows a grappling attempt. If successful, the target is held. Requires Brawl.
Trip ? makes an attack that will render the target prone. Defender gets an opposed Agility/Attack roll to resist the trip.
Mounted Combat Allows combat from a mount without negative modifiers. Requires Ride.
Strong Strike strike that deals extra damage with a negative to hit. The attack is -10 to hit, and +5 damage.
Dual Wield Defense Grants an increase to defense while dual wielding. Negates the off-hand strike. Requires Dual Wield. Defense is increased by 5 with this maneuver.
Multistrike Allows one strike per target within 5m radius. Requires Dual Strike. Attacks are all made at -5 to hit.
Kick Allows an additional attack that is performed with the feet. Requires Brawl.
Eye Gouge Unarmed attack at the face. May blind target temporarily. Requires Brawl. Attack is made at -10 to hit. Full helmets negate this attack.
Throat Punch Unarmed attack that deals extra damage. Requires Brawl. Attack is made at -10 to hit. Full helmets negate this attack.
Hip Toss Attack that renders a target prone. Requires Grapple. Defender must be grappled. Defender gets an opposed Str/Attack roll to resist.
Circle Kick A kick attack that does increased damage. Requires Martial Arts and Kick. Attack is +5 damage.
Heart Punch A martial art attack that has a chance to stun the target. Requires Martial Arts. Defender gets an opposed Stamina/Attack roll to resist.
Roundhouse Kick A kick that does extra damage with a chance to knock a target prone. Requires Circle Kick. Attack is +10 damage. Defender gets an opposed Agility/Attack roll to resist the knockdown.
Flying Kick Kick attack that does extra damage with a chance to knock a target prone. Also may knock a target back. Requires Roundhouse Kick. Damage of the attack is +10. Defender gets an opposed Agility/Attack roll to resist the knockdown. Damage is applied as a negative modifier to the defender?s Agility check.

Ranged Maneuvers
Far shot Increases the maximum range a shot may be taken at. Increases the maximum range of the shot by 25%.
Point Blank Shot provides bonuses to hit within the point blank range. Attacker gets +20 to hit when the target is within point blank range (0 ? 10m).
Dual Shot Allows two shots at once to the same target in the same round. Second attack is at -5 to hit.
Precise Shot grants an increase in damage with a decrease in to hit. Attack is made at -10 to hit. Damage is increased by 5.
Mounted Archery Allows firing from a mount without penalties. Requires Ride.
Rapid Reload Allows for rapid reloading of ranged weapons, increasing rate of fire. Weapons are +1 rate of fire.
Mobile Shot Allows for a shot while moving. Attacks while moving are made with no penalty.
Deflecting Shot Cover provides ? normal effect.
Penetrating Shot Armor is ? effectiveness. Requires Precise Shot.
Disarming Shot Shot may disarm the target. Requires Deflecting Shot. Target gets an opposed Str/Attack roll to avoid the disarm.
Multi-Shot Requires Dual Shot. Each action fires an additional round, i.e. a normal shot fires twice. Dual Shot actually fires three. This maneuver may be taken more than once, to a maximum of five times. Each time it is taken, the number of shots is increased by 1.

Stealth Maneuvers
Tracking ? Humanoid allows tracking of humanoid creatures.
Stealth ability to conceal oneself.
Detect Traps Ability to notice traps. Characters get +20 to Perception while checking for traps.
Disarm Traps Ability to disarm traps. Requires Detect Traps.

Scout Maneuvers
Tracking ? Natural allows tracking of natural creatures.
Snare Strike strike that reduces the targets movement. Target gets an opposed Agility/Attack roll to avoid the snare. Snared speed is ? normal speed.
Trap Use Allows minor traps to be set.
Trap Creation Allows minor traps to be crafted. Requires Trap Use.

Operative Maneuvers
Hidden Strike strike from stealth that has increased to hit. Requires Stealth. Character must be in stealth to perform attack. Attack is at +20 to hit.
Dual Strike allows two strikes with main-hand weapon. Second attack is made at -10 to hit.
Crippling Strike strike from stealth that does additional damage. Requires Hidden Strike. Character must be in stealth to perform attack. Attack does 2x damage.
Cloak Movement Provides a bonus to defense. Requires a cloak to be worn. Provides +5 defense.
Precise Strike Strike that has a chance of causing a permanent wound. Chance of permanent wound is the damage done as a percentile chance.
Poison Use Used to apply poisons correctly.

Magic Maneuvers
Focus Aids spell casting concentration in combat. Each level of Focus will ?negate? up to 5 points of damage for interruption purposes. May be taken a maximum of 5 times.
Brew Potion Allows advanced potions to be created.
Scribe Scroll allows scrolls to be created.
Boost Spell ? Damage Increases damage of spell at the cost of additional spell slots. Each slot expended for damage adds +5 to the final damage. No more than 5 slots may be expended this way.
Boost Spell ? Range Increases range of spell at the cost of additional spell slots. Each slot expended for increased range doubles the spell range. No more than 5 slots may be expended in this manner.
Boost Spell ? Targets increases the number of targets affected of the spell at the cost of additional spell slots. Each slot expended to increase the number of targets adds 1 target. No more than 5 slots may be expended in this manner.
Counterspell allows a slot to be used to counter an incoming spell.
Magical Aptitude grants a bonus to spell casting. Provides the caster with +10 to spell casting.
Quick Spell reduces the casting time of a spell at the cost of additional spell slots. Each slot expended for quick spell reduces the cast time by 1 round. No more than 5 slots may be expended in this manner.
Spell Mastery allows a spell to be cast at will. Requires Quick Spell, and 2 of the Boost Spell maneuvers. Spells cast with Mastery do not require a casting roll unless they are boosted with a Boost Spell maneuver. Mastered boosted spells have a +25 to the cast roll.

Arcane Maneuvers
Sphere Focus Grants a bonus to cast spells in that Sphere. May be taken twice. May not be taken for opposing Spheres (Fire/Water, Earth/Air, Mind/Body, Nature/Death). Bonus is +10.
Efficient Cast Spells cost less mana to cast. Requires Spell Mastery. Mana cost is reduced by 25%. May be taken twice.
Zero Cast Allows one spell per day to be cast for 0 cost. Requires Efficient Cast.
Aspect Focus Grants a bonus to cast spells with that Aspect. May be taken multiple times, once per Aspect. Aspect bonus is +10. This stacks with Sphere Focus.
Area Effect Grants, or increases current area for spells. Spells with no normal effect are granted a 5? radius.

Divine Maneuvers
Deity Focus Grants a bonus to cast spells in that deity?s influence. Bonus is +10.
Channeling Bonus increases the effect of dice on spells. May be taken up to three times. First level grants a reroll of all 1?s. Second grants a reroll of 1?s and 2?s. Third grants a reroll on 1-3.
Efficient Heal Healing spells are increased 50%. Requires Spell Mastery.
Undeath Focus Grants a bonus to necromancy spells. Bonus is +10.
Undeath Mastery Allows the caster to control or repudiate undead. Requires Undeath Focus.
Enchanting Maneuvers
Enchant Common Material Enchants a common material, prepping it for magic item creation. Used on raw materials only.
Enchant Uncommon Material Enchants a uncommon material, prepping it for magic item creation. Used on raw materials only.
Enchant Rare Material Enchants a rare material, prepping it for magic item creation. Used on raw materials only.
Imbue Common Item Binds a spell to a created common item.
Imbue Uncommon Item Binds a spell to a created uncommon item.
Imbue Rare Item Binds a spell to a created rare item.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Erik Luken »