Author Topic: Radiant Dawn - Aurora 4X C# Community Roleplaying game  (Read 11563 times)

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Offline alex_brunius (OP)

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Radiant Dawn - Aurora 4X C# Community Roleplaying game
« on: January 16, 2022, 07:39:13 AM »
What is it they say? Better late than never...  ::) ;D

During the mid 2020s it became apparent that neither pandemics, climate change nor terrorists was the most urgent threat to the western way of life. It started with semiconductors but soon spread to even more basic resources and goods. Shortage of critical resources all over the world became extremely serious as hundreds of millions consumers in China, India and South Americas begun living the same quality of life as the rest of the western world. In what is now called the great collapse of 2026, prices on Oil, transport, food and most goods started skyrocketing shutting down businesses and causing mass unemployment. November 2026 saw the Stock exchanges crash on a scale even worse then the great depression in 1929. The old economic system suffered a total failure, since it was built upon the false assumption of infinite growth.
That fantasy was brutally stopped by the very finite resources of our globe.

It turned out humanity had learned nothing from the history of the 1930s, so history was to repeat itself once more.
In the second great depression and the desperate times following we saw that populistic, nationalistic and radical leaders had little trouble to convince the population how other nations were to blame for their misery. The armies and armadas of USA, China, India, Europe and Russia all mounted desperate crusades to fight for the few last oil fields remaining in operation in South Americas and Middle East. Africa, India and China was also turned into major Battlefields in the struggle for precious metals and other strategic raw materials.
India and Pakistan both hungry for resources to supply it's large populations stepped up their rethoric and all out conflict broke out. China saw it's chance and crossed the border into India from the other direction, and in South America it was imperialism all over again as USA and Europe sought to secure oil while smaller conflicts between most nations erupted over what major power blocks they sided with.

It did not take long before the nuclear missiles also started flying, first only small tactical devices but gradually larger as the conflicts escalated and spread over the world.

When the world war finally ran out of steam (literally speaking) no nation had escaped impacts in major cities, and the little oil that was left had been burned almost to the last drop by machines of death and destruction. Most of the deaths however were not due to the nuclear detonations themselves, but due to the nuclear winter impacting food production causing mass starvations, as well as collapse of all existing logistics and infrastructure without access to cheap oil. It was pure luck that most of the vast nuclear stockpile from the cold war was impossible to use due to rust and old age, otherwise humanity as a whole or at least modern society would probably be extinct.

The worst impact was on already war-torn nations thus resulting in the diminishing of Brazil, India and China as influential nations.
Large parts of the middle east, South America, India and China is still radiated and uninhabitable, even if some efforts to clean up has been conducted.

The human population in 2030 was estimated less than half remaining compared to 10 years earlier, but no one can tell exactly.
From the ashes four major Powers remained:

Russia, With most smaller central Asian powers absorbed.
America, including Canada and central America
Europe, Most of the European nations as well as Israel
Pacific, A union of Pacific nations led by Japan and containing Korea, Taiwan and most of Southeast Asia

In 2037 the big turning point occurred, scientists discovered several special materials with miracular, almost magical properties. These were called "Trans-Newtonian elements".
Early indications were extremely promising:

Duranium. Much like iron/steel, but many times lighter and more durable. Promising uses in almost all fields.
Neutronium. A very dense material possible to use for orbital shipyards, construction tools, advanced armors and railguns.
Tritanium. Useful in missiles and in the construction of ordnance factories.
Boronide. The primary material used in the construction of power systems, fuel refineries, capacitors, logistics systems and Terraforming facilities.
Uridium. Opens up possibility of building Faster Then Light (FTL) sensors and fire control systems.
Corbomite. Used in financial centers. Might be possible to use for advanced future stealth and electronic warfare systems (countering uridium based sensors).
Corundium. Very useful for building mines, automated mines and energy based weapons.
Mercassium. Used for Research Facilities, infrastructure and life support systems.
Vendarite. Used in the construction of small craft (space fighters).
Gallicite. Used in trans newtonian wake drives for spacetravel at higher speeds (ship stops if engines are turned off), and crew is unaffected by acceleration forces.
Sorium. Possible to refine in fuel refineries to produce high energy fuel for Gallicite based engines.

Since these elements were located mostly in the core of the planet no nation could claim them, and due to the promise of a bright future unlocking room for endless expansion (and thus resources) among the stars all four major powers cooperated in quickly developing deep core mining technology. A new United Nations was set up in one of the few untouched cities with a working large airport, Dubai to act as a forum for diplomacy and peacekeeping, as well as coordinate these efforts.
It is called The Federation of Nations (FoN).

It's now January 1:st 2042 and large scale extraction has just begun in all major powers. Most of the conventional industry is made obsolete and needs to be upgraded to Trans-Newtonian standards. A new Radiant Dawn is about to engulf mankind as it harness the power and technology behind the Trans-Newtonian elements and ascends to the stars.

How this story unfolds is up to you, the players choosing to engage in the stories of one of the nations.
Can new homes and resources be found among the stars before history repeats itself and space and new resources are once again depleted on Earth?
Can mankind avoid yet again turning the even more destructive powers unlocked against each-other?
Are we alone?

What is this about? ( Introduction )
Aurora 4x C# probably doesn't need a detailed introduction on this forum  ;D. I will be controlling the simulation as the game master and interpret the orders delivered so you need no Aurora knowledge to participate, but ofcourse you can still join if you already have some knowledge or even alot. Or you can leave all the details to me or others and provide general orders, but rest assure we will have a powerful engine running in the background to deliver detailed results. This will be the first time I attempt something like this so please be patient and let's figure out how to best run a game like this together!

I plan to crosspost most of the big updates on both discord and this thread, but for details and flowing discussions I think discord is a better format. I'll ofcourse still read and answer questions on this forum but might not monitor it constantly.

Discord link ( more details on the game here, join to request a supporting advisor role or follow the story closer ):
« Last Edit: February 12, 2022, 02:15:01 PM by alex_brunius »
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Offline Garfunkel

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Re: Radiant Dawn - Aurora 4X C# Roleplaying game
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2022, 08:08:47 AM »
Interesting setup! Do you plan to use any house rules? What are the other game settings or are those a secret? Also, the Google docs link is broken.

Offline alex_brunius (OP)

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Re: Radiant Dawn - Aurora 4X C# Roleplaying game
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2022, 08:17:13 AM »
Interesting setup! Do you plan to use any house rules? What are the other game settings or are those a secret? Also, the Google docs link is broken.

Good catch, fixed it. Yeah there will be both house rules and some special mechanics. Specifically surrounding the Federation of Nations which acts like a sort of soft truce countdown / ban on nukes near Earth. Here is a bit more info on setup ( even more info is already posted on the linked discord ):

Each nation starts with:
360 Million population
700 Conventional Industry (CI)
150 Construction Factories
100 Mines
100 Financial Centers
16 Research Facilities
3 Ground Force Training Facilities
+ 24 Ground Support FTR ( 12 can support each Regiment ) ( 10x size 0.1 Pod, 0.2 engine, 0.1 MFC )
+150k-180k ton Ground Forces ( 8 Garrisons, 5-8 Infantry and 2 Armor Regiment of 10k ton each )
2 - 5 Assault Fleets able to move 1 Regiment each across one seazone per turn/year ( Russia starts with most ground forces and America with most fleets )

The above is then modified by what policies are selected during startup:

WW3 Policy:
- Shelters and Food focus = +45 million starting population (+12%), +5 Starting Prestige
- Protection of Wealth focus = +12 Financial Centers (+12%) and +10000 starting wealth
- Defense of Industrial base = +88 Conventional Industries (+12%)
- Protection of Knowledge = +2 Research Facilities (+12%)
- Nuclear Armageddon = All other major nations -22 million starting population (-6%), -20 Starting Prestige

Industry Policy:
- Industry focus = 50 Construction Factory (worth 6000 Buildpoints)
- Mining focus = 50 Mines (6000 BP)
- Space Mining focus = 1 Commercial Shipyard + 15 Automated Mines (6000 BP)
- Military focus = 1 Military Academy + 1 Military Shipyard + 4 Tracking Stations (6000 BP)
- Civilian focus = 1 Commercial Shipyard + 20 Financial Centre + 10 Construction Factory (6000 BP)
- Exploration focus = 1 Commercial Shipyard + 1 Military Shipyard + 4 Tracking Stations (6000 BP)
- Power Projection focus = 1 Military Shipyard + 20 Fighter Factories + 24 more Ground Support FTR + 2 more Assault fleets (~6000BP)
Technology Policy:
- Production = Construction Rate 3000 RP (+20% construction) and Fuel Production 48k Liters 3000 RP (+20%)
- Logistics = Cryogenic Transport 1000 RP and TN Cargo Shuttles 5000 RP
- Sensors = Geological Survey Sensors 1000 RP, TN Sensors Research unlocked
- Defensive Systems = High Density Duranium Armour ( +2 previous levels ) 3625 RP and Infantry + Medium Tank designs that make use of it 50+352 RP
- Energy Weapons = Basic Laser 1500 RP, TN Energy Weapons Research unlocked
- Missiles & Kinetic Weapons = Basic 10cm Railguns 2092 RP, TN Missile & Kinetic Weapons Research unlocked
- Power & Propulsion = Fuel Consumption 90% 1000 RP, TN Power & Propulsion Research category unlocked
- TN Physics and Science = Research Rate 240RP/labyear (+20%) 5000RP cost, Small increased chance to unlock other categories each turn.

Note: The nation also gets a guaranteed Scientist with +30% bonus in the appropriate field.
Border Policy:
- Open borders    = +72 million starting population (+20%) and 40 more Conventional Industry from all war refugees, but widespread poverty and financial strain resulting in 40 less
                                    Financial Centers and 40 less Construction Factories. Full refugees of war population gain from future conflicts. +5 Starting Prestige
- Restricted           = Half refugees of war population gain from future conflicts.
- Closed borders  = -36 million starting population (-10%) but starts with 8 extra Garrison Divisions, 3 extra Infantry Divisions and two extra Ground Force
                                     Training Facility ( 5 total ). +5000 starting wealth but No refugees of war, -5 Starting Prestige
Economy Policy:
- Free Market         =    120 less CI but 60 more Financial Centers and 20 more Construction Factories ( Not available for Closed Borders )
- Mixed economy  =    No Change
- State controlled  =    120 more CI and 60 less Financial Centers, 20 less Construction Factories
« Last Edit: January 16, 2022, 08:23:07 AM by alex_brunius »
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Re: Radiant Dawn - Aurora 4X C# Roleplaying game
« Reply #3 on: January 16, 2022, 08:56:55 AM »
Yeah this seems interesting, weird how there's so many of these on the Something Awful forums and not here but ehh.

Offline nuclearslurpee

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Re: Radiant Dawn - Aurora 4X C# Roleplaying game
« Reply #4 on: January 16, 2022, 09:25:06 AM »
Yeah this seems interesting, weird how there's so many of these on the Something Awful forums and not here but ehh.

People have tried community games here back in the VB6 days, but it requires a combination of a very dedicated game master (a lot of work goes into this) and a large, active commenter/player group to keep the game going. On this forum, while the community is dedicated it is not large and the subset of people who are very interested in the fiction aspect is an even smaller subset of that small community, so it is hard to keep player numbers high enough for a robust community game.

The SA forums on the other hand have a pretty large user base and every Aurora LP attracts dozens of commenters if not hundreds, so it is a lot easier to keep a game going at least until the GM inevitably burns out or has real life happen to them.
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Offline alex_brunius (OP)

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Re: Radiant Dawn - Aurora 4X C# Roleplaying game
« Reply #5 on: January 16, 2022, 12:16:22 PM »
I'm hoping to attract a few players from various different places and gather them all using discord as a tool to get around the lack of interested players, and to use some of discords nifty features like hidden channels to enable diplomacy, trade and espionage fun sneakiness.

So if you know of any other place not yet mentioned I might have missed that has seen some games like this and would be interested feel free to either plug the game or let me know so I can do it myself!
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Re: Radiant Dawn - Aurora 4X C# Roleplaying game
« Reply #6 on: January 17, 2022, 03:30:15 AM »
Hello there, to reply to the comment above regarding some information.

I actually ran a series called shattered empire that was similar but obviously video format with stuff done on discord, it does not feature multiple races like this but instead people as a whole working in an empires government to accomplish a set of objectives that change the outcome of episodes, while I probably do not have time myself as i still need to restart said series am sure others on my discord may be interested.

you can find the series here:

and the discord is in the description.

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Re: Radiant Dawn - Aurora 4X C# Roleplaying game
« Reply #7 on: January 17, 2022, 09:59:53 AM »
I'm hoping to attract a few players from various different places and gather them all using discord as a tool to get around the lack of interested players, and to use some of discords nifty features like hidden channels to enable diplomacy, trade and espionage fun sneakiness.

So if you know of any other place not yet mentioned I might have missed that has seen some games like this and would be interested feel free to either plug the game or let me know so I can do it myself!

I can't think of any other've posted here, Pdox forums, and SA forums so I don't know where else Aurora players even congregate these days. Reddit, maybe?

I expect the initial returns will be pretty slow, as most people who hang out on those forums prefer forums to Discord for any number of reasons. One of the best things you can do to bump recruitment in the long term will be to post periodic updates about the game progress in the places you are recruiting from, as people may become interested enough by the worldbuilding and game state to come to Discord in spite of their preferences.
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Offline alex_brunius (OP)

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Re: Radiant Dawn - Aurora 4X C# Roleplaying game
« Reply #8 on: January 17, 2022, 03:28:43 PM »
March 3:ed 2041, Colonel Silva, Astro Environment lab of VLT Atacama Desert, Chile
Julia Silva was on her fifth cup of coffee, The report was due tomorrow and she would personally fly to the Federation of Nations Headquarters in Dubai to deliver the speech in front of the leaders of the major nations that had gathered for the Peace and Prosperity Conference. Her Keynote was one of the few that was not exclusively about the new Trans-Newtonian (TN) materials research and their amazing properties, but it was still thanks to them that her team's scientific results had been possible to reach. Her thoughts floated away back to how the twist of faith had brought her here. Only a few years ago she was living a miserable life on the streets barely able to find food for the day, and now an established scientist doing important research for the FoN in a promising field in one of the few surviving research facilities in South America.  For the last 18 months she had been heading research on defining the need of human long term settlement on other bodies then Earth, something that the last years had gone from being almost impossible to almost something your average joe would be able to afford as soon as the shipyards and colony ships being planned would be finished. For this purpose she could wish for no better site than the Atacama Desert. Remote and devoid of life enough for studying settlement on say Mars or the Moon, while equipped with upgraded telescopes and sensors sensitive enough to study geography on the moons of Jupiter. In fact the Atacama desert had been one of the old space organizations top sites for field tests of rovers and equipment.

Longer term impacts on everything from atmospheric and oxygen requirements to gravity itself were now also possible to investigate thanks to some very exotic new TN technology. Julia and her team had worked closely with privately funded experts and companies from across the world that focused on testing and development of new duranium/mercassium based infrastructure habitat modules. Part of their mutual research was also about making such modules as light, compact and standardized as possible while still being flexible enough to be of maximum use in a wide variation of temperature and atmospheric pressures. She paused to watch the beautiful clear night sky overhead, so clear the milkyway could be seen by the naked eye. It was really something special out here with no artificial lights or cities for miles. A single light moved gracefully across the sky. Clearly one of the Orbital Shipyards under construction that would soon get to work cranking out new TN Spaceships to carry the modules she helped develop all over the solar system. What a magnificent thought it was indeed.

Report of Colony Suitability Survey of SOL System.
In SOL system there are 8 bodies except Earth of types and gravity that can somewhat support human life if enough infrastructure is delivered to provide protection from temperature and provide a suitable atmosphere.

The Environmental Tolerances for Human Colonization of Space as established by this study:
Gravity between 0.1 and 1.9 times Earths.
Oxygen pressure between 0.1 and 0.3 times Earth's total atmosphere (Earth has 0.2)
Average Surface Temperature between -10 and +38 degree Celsius
Total Atmospheric Pressure between 0.33 and 4 times that of Earths.
Water availability of between 20% and 95%

All of the 8 bodies lack a breathable atmosphere and thus have 2.0 as minimum colony cost even if suitable temperature has a cost below this (the highest cost is always used).

They were divided into two main categories:

Feasible in near future:
Luna ( The moon ) 2.00 infrastructure units / 10000 inhabitants
has a colony cost of 0.33 based on -18 degrees C average surface temperature.
has a colony cost of 2.00 based on lack of Atmosphere
has a colony cost of 2.00 based on no water being available
has a capacity for 890 million population based on available land area

Mars 2.12 infrastructure units / 10000 inhabitants
has a colony cost of 2.12 based on -61 degrees C average surface temperature
has a colony cost of 2.00 based on lack of Atmosphere
has a colony cost of 1.00 based on 10% water being available (although frozen)
has a capacity for 3410 million based on available land area

Feasible longer term:
Mercury 3.21 infrastructure units / 10000 inhabitants
has a colony cost of 3.22 based on 424 degrees C average surface temperature
has a colony cost of 2.00 based on lack of Atmosphere
has a colony cost of 2.00 based on no water being available
has a capacity for 351 million based on available land area
Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto (4 largest moons of Jupiter) 6.30 infrastructure units / 10000 inhabitants
has a colony costs of 6.30 based on -161 degrees C average surface temperature
has a colony costs of 2.00 based on lack of Atmosphere
has a colony costs of 2.00 based on no water being available
has capacities for between 726 to 2047 million based on available land areas

Titan (largest moon of Saturn) 6.97 infrastructure units / 10000 inhabitants
has a colony cost of 6.97 based on -177 degrees C average surface temperature
has a colony cost of 2.00 based on lack of Atmosphere
has a colony cost of 2.00 based on no water being available
has a capacity for 1958 million based on available land area
There was actually one more potential body if massive investments are made, but Julia didn’t even mention it in the report more than in a brief passing as it seemed all but impossible to terraform or settle due to the extreme climate:

Venus 25.00 infrastructure units / 10000 inhabitants
has a colony cost of 24.53 based on 627 degrees C average surface temperature
has a colony cost of 25.00 based on crushing Atmospheric pressure
has a colony cost of 2.00 based on no water being available
has a capacity for 10805 million based on available land area

There were also massive numbers of smaller bodies that would be possible to colonize using specialized low gravity (LG) infrastructure that would need to be developed, and which would be probably at least twice as expensive as the regular one that they were working on. All of these had vastly lower population capacity than the larger moons and bodies with only Ceres and some of Saturn's moons having more than 50 million capacity while still not being so far from the sun as to being prohibitively cold.

Where humanity and the larger nations did choose to expand out in the solar system would of course also depend just as much on the availability of these precious TN resources as it did on habitability. She had worked hard to solve half of the puzzle she could, and if the report tomorrow was well received then who knows, maybe her dream of helping survey the planets could one day come true…
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Re: Radiant Dawn - Aurora 4X C# Roleplaying game
« Reply #9 on: January 19, 2022, 06:17:49 PM »
Wish I had time to participate but alas, I don't want to commit and then have to flake out in a month. Good luck!

Offline alex_brunius (OP)

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Re: Radiant Dawn - Aurora 4X C# Roleplaying game
« Reply #10 on: January 19, 2022, 06:35:52 PM »
Wish I had time to participate but alas, I don't want to commit and then have to flake out in a month. Good luck!


Everyone is also welcome to join the discord either just to follow setup, chat and player debates, questions + RP more closely ( in case not all players post RP in all forums where I crosspost ), or after the 4 main players are selected you can also ask for a minor role to get involved with as much or as little time as you want. Currently most signed up are actually neither from these forums nor especially experienced Aurora 4x veterans so there will be a need for skilled advisors and ship designers for sure down the line!

I'll be announcing the 4 main roles on Friday so if anyone is still on the fence make your signup within the next 24 hours for it to be considered.

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Re: Radiant Dawn - Aurora 4X C# Roleplaying game
« Reply #11 on: January 19, 2022, 08:26:05 PM »
and ship designers

I know I said I didn't have the time but now I sorely want to start up the Cornucopia Design Bureau and sell "expert-quality" ship designs to the player factions from a shady headquarters on 2 Pallas.

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Re: Radiant Dawn - Aurora 4X C# Roleplaying game
« Reply #12 on: January 19, 2022, 11:39:19 PM »
Why Pallas and not Ceres? Because of the orbital inclination?

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Re: Radiant Dawn - Aurora 4X C# Roleplaying game
« Reply #13 on: January 20, 2022, 10:34:59 AM »
It is a joke in reference to the "Coldest War" LP on the Something Awful forums, a UN vs. neo-Soviet federation campaign from way back in like 2011 when Aurora was on the version 5s. Probably the longest continuously-running Aurora LP or AAR in the history of the game, certainly it had the page count to claim that title. Spoilers for that LP: At one point a few of the thread players break off an independent faction named "Cornucopia" on the asteroid 2 Pallas, self-styled as something of a libertarian Tortuga, causing all kinds of chaos and confusion largely by just existing and letting the other players' imaginations run wild with perhaps some slight encouragement. It's a fun read I will say that much.  :P

458 pages found here for those desiring reading materials... For those unfamiliar with the SA forums be warned that you can expect occasional forum drama in between your irregularly-scheduled Aurora posts, for some this might be a detraction while for others it is part of the unique charm of the SA forums.
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Re: Radiant Dawn - Aurora 4X C# Roleplaying game
« Reply #14 on: January 20, 2022, 09:07:14 PM »
Hmm, that does give me an idea for my 1890 game... some sort of freebooter/buccaneer/privateer/pirate faction based on Pallas or Vesta.

I do remember reading some of that years ago, someone must have linked it here when it was only 1-2 years old.