New Players > C# Tutorials

Tankers and Sorium Harvesters

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If you are able to produce enough fuel from harvesting gas giants you should idle your refineries.  Refineries convert sorium to fuel, but you also need sorium for some ship components like jump point stabilization modules.  I often create a boneyard on a near-earth asteroid to hold excess refineries (they employ population even when turned off).  I also create a colony on an inner moon of gas giant that is being harvested and plant a refueling station there.  That way the harvesting ships only have a short hop to offload, and can go back to harvesting.  You can then use tankers to draw from those fuel dumps and deliver to other colonies.

A jump point stabilizer modifies the jump point to make it stable.  Jump points that are stabilized can be used by any ship.  if the point has not been stabilized a ship will need to use a jump drive to get through.  Jump tenders supply the drive for other ships - they are basically "gate stations". 


ill try that


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