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Offline Drgong (OP)

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Re: Game discussion
« Reply #15 on: April 07, 2016, 10:11:41 AM »
This is to give some background on what treaties are in existence.  Of course, the teams are more then welcome to make new treaties if the teams are agreeable.   

The UN-Revised Treaty - The UN is now located in Geneva.   It provides a forum for discussion.   

Outer Space Treaty

Treaty of Réunion
After the Réunion crisis of 2097, the three major world powers agreed to not move major land forces on earth till 2110.   However it does not prohibit construction of new units or placing them outside of Earth.  It can be extended if all powers agree.

Off-Topic: show
This is the treaty that prevents land wars till 2110.

In addition, as a note, a backup of the game has been made of the game set before first orders. 
« Last Edit: April 07, 2016, 11:37:56 AM by Drgong »
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Offline Sheb

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Re: Game discussion
« Reply #16 on: April 07, 2016, 12:03:56 PM »
So, I'm thinking: could we maybe have sub-forums for each team? It would make things easier to organize, and would avoid people misblicking and reading the wrong thread.

Offline Drgong (OP)

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Re: Game discussion
« Reply #17 on: April 07, 2016, 12:12:00 PM »
So, I'm thinking: could we maybe have sub-forums for each team? It would make things easier to organize, and would avoid people misblicking and reading the wrong thread.

I do not have that power (that I can see*), I can just make stickies and lock threads or merge threads.  If both teams want this I could ask Erik Luken to see what he has to say.
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Offline Drgong (OP)

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Re: Game discussion
« Reply #18 on: April 07, 2016, 12:28:50 PM »
as a Housekeeping note:  I SMed that all the empires can talk to each other.  Just wanted to make sure that was clear for diplomacy. 
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Offline Shiwanabe

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Re: Game discussion
« Reply #19 on: April 07, 2016, 04:55:46 PM »
On the topic of starting info, I know it might take a bit, but could we get the stats of the Civilian leaders? Also of use would be the Teams/Academy page to see what teams we have enough members to form.

Offline Drgong (OP)

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Re: Game discussion
« Reply #20 on: April 07, 2016, 05:43:20 PM »
On the topic of starting info, I know it might take a bit, but could we get the stats of the Civilian leaders? Also of use would be the Teams/Academy page to see what teams we have enough members to form.

Before I send that info, I assume you would want it to the team vie PM?
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Offline Shiwanabe

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Re: Game discussion
« Reply #21 on: April 07, 2016, 05:44:06 PM »
Before I send that info, I assume you would want it to the team vie PM?

Yes, as I suspect I'm not going to be the one directly making use of it.

Offline Drgong (OP)

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Re: Game discussion
« Reply #22 on: April 07, 2016, 05:49:29 PM »
Yes, as I suspect I'm not going to be the one directly making use of it.

I will send it out before I head to bed.  (so next 6 hours or so)
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Offline Vandermeer

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Re: Game discussion
« Reply #23 on: April 08, 2016, 08:22:06 AM »
Just to add quickly to this: Ok with your espionage system, except one detail: Please work in the primary staff's intelligence officer in some way. Attack or defense, bonus or directly, doesn't matter, but let the officer do something. It would be awesome to have staff personal have more concrete functionality, because as of Aurora vanilla now, you'd only really use operations and survey.

Optionally, something that works out how additional teams influence the score. There is no reason why either a stronger, or spending wise just more focused empire shouldn't be able to intensify the pressure, so that the results don't just exclusively depend on the random individual officer skill that you get.
This might be complex to figure out though, so ok if dropped.
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Offline DIT_grue

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Re: Game discussion
« Reply #24 on: April 08, 2016, 09:15:51 AM »
Just to add quickly to this: Ok with your espionage system, except one detail: Please work in the primary staff's intelligence officer in some way. Attack or defense, bonus or directly, doesn't matter, but let the officer do something. It would be awesome to have staff personal have more concrete functionality, because as of Aurora vanilla now, you'd only really use operations and survey.

But... ? How is that not already the case?

(Targeted Espionage Rating +Intel Staff officer + 1d100) - (Counter Espionage rating + (Intel Staff officer x 1.25) + 1d100) = Espionage Score

In line with the earlier Diplomacy Team suggestion, perhaps PPV should have an influence, if only negatively (i.e. if you don't meet your requested protection values, no one new will trust you to defend them - or their investments in CI).

Offline Vandermeer

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Re: Game discussion
« Reply #25 on: April 08, 2016, 09:40:42 AM »
But... ? How is that not already the case?
Nevermind then. I deliberately looked for this critical, but still didn't see it in my hurry.
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Offline Drgong (OP)

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Re: Game discussion
« Reply #26 on: April 08, 2016, 10:36:01 AM »

Optionally, something that works out how additional teams influence the score. There is no reason why either a stronger, or spending wise just more focused empire shouldn't be able to intensify the pressure, so that the results don't just exclusively depend on the random individual officer skill that you get.

I was thinking the same thing so I am was thinking about adding this.   Additional teams will get rolls, however the defensive bonus is 1.5 and not 1.25.  Thus the team past the first one have tougher hill to climb to earn points. 
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Offline Drgong (OP)

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Re: Game discussion
« Reply #27 on: April 08, 2016, 11:56:39 AM »
Espionage and Diplomacy. 

I will be working some additional gameplay with Espionage and Diplomacy.

These are proposals.


Espionage is lightly built into Aurora, but since I have SM control, and I know both teams want to do espionage, I will have a simple proposal for some added fun to the espionage gameplay.

In addition to the Aurora Espionage, the following is proposed.

Espionage team that is formed and is not targeted is working "Counter espionage"

*Note, in the first two years I will roll this assuming a team of 75 points exists for counter Espionage (unless a higher one exists) as by the luck you might not even have 5 officers with the training at the start.

At the end of each year, I will make the following rolls.

(Targeted Espionage Rating +Intel Staff officer + 1d100) - (Counter Espionage rating + (Intel Staff officer x 1.25) + 1d100) = Espionage Score

I will only use the rating of the highest un-targeted team score to generate the Counter Espionage rating. 
If more then one team is targeting a empire, each gets a roll to see if they collect information.  After the first check the defensive roll will be 1.5, instead of 1.25 for the intel officer.

If the Score is less then 0, nothing happens. (Spying failed)
Wins by 1-10 is equal to 1 point.
Wins by 20-30 is equal to 2 points
wins by 30-70 is worth 3 points
Wins by 70-120 is worth 4 points
wins by 120+ is worth 5 points of espionage.

Even if the spy roll fails, a roll of 90-100 generates 1 point. (for both d100 rolls)   

if points are not spent in the year, 1/2 (rounding down) carry over to the next year.

Team A has a Intel officer rating of 50, and a Espionage team targeting team B with a score of 75.
Team B has a Intel officer rating of 50, and a counter team score of 100.

Example 1
Team A

50+75 + Rolls a 3 = 128

Team B
62.5 + 100 +Roll a 70 = 232.5

Needless to say, team A fails.

Example 2
Team A
50 + 75 + rolls a 89 = 214

Team B
62.5 + 100 + Rolls a 10 = 172.5

Team A gets 3 spy points for that 41.5 point win.

Example 3

Team A
50 + 75 + Rolls a 100 = 225

Team B
62.5 + 100 + rolls a 85 = 247.5

Team A fails, but gets one point for rolling above 90.

How points can be spent.

These are examples.   If  you want to do something ask the admin and I will make a ruling if it not on the list.  I do not want "to blow up a ship" or massive sabotage unless the cold war gets really hot.  But in that case, we have bigger issues to worry about.

1 point

- Reveal one jump point's general location, or one bodies minerals
- Reveal a snippet of general design information about a design of choice (e.g. "Beam/Missile armed", "Long/short range", "Has ECM", "weak armor" etc.)
- List of the staff officers for the side
- Generalized industrial of last year ("had mostly constructed mines,  then some PDC")
- Current area focus (Logistics, Power, etc.)
- 10 regular mines are knocked offline for the rest of the year (I will SM them out and then back in Jan 1)

2 point

- Reveal direction of survey (which systems survey ships are in or heading to)
- Reveal an archeology site or science bonus site (of course, if they don't know a extra site, these points are wasted except you know they don't know)
- Reveal specifics about one part of a ship (Sensor specs, Tube sizes and numbers, magazine size, Powerplant, Number of engines OR power, number and type of beam weapons.)
- Printout of current amounts of mines and factories on a colony
- Exact reading of current research projects
- Inquire about existence of a certain tech ("have they jump gate const. module?")
- reassign a NPC officer

3 point
 - Counter Espionage, remove one point on your empire by spending 3.
 - The current status of the shipyards orbiting one planet.   

4 points

- Gain a chosen technology (Must only be one step, for example, if you are at 10cm laser, and try to steal 15 cm laser, you would get the 12 cm laser.)
- Listing of the summary, Mining, Industry, and research of one colony/home-world

5 points

- Learn the design specs for a class of your choice

All empires start with 2 points vs each empire that cannot be used to knock out mines. 


Diplomacy between the empires will be role-played.  However, the diplomatic teams will focus on the unaligned powers.

at the end of the year I will roll a 1d100.  if I roll under the rating score, the empire will obtain a single win roll on a table to obtain population or conventional industry.  This shows that the diplomatic team convinced people and or industries to join the empire.   
If a diplomatic team has a score over 100, it is a automatic success, 100 points is removed from the rating, and I roll again.  This continues till a roll fails or the rating is below zero. 

A tie is viewed as a success.


Team A has a diplomatic team score of 80.
Team B has a diplomatic team score of 150.

Example 1
Team A rolls a 40.
They get one win roll.

Example 2
Team A rolls a 95
Team A gets zero win rolls

Example 3
Team B gets 1 win roll automatically for being over 100.
100 points is deducted and they roll again.
if Team B rolls under 50 they will get 2 win rolls
if they roll over 50 on the 2nd roll they get 1 win.

Only one diplomatic team to the unaligned powers can be active. 
For the first two years it will be assumed that each empire has a diplomatic score of 100 unless they produce a team with a higher score. 

Win Table

1 - 1 million population
2 - 2 million population
3 - 4 million population
4 - 6 million populaiton
5 - 10 Conventional Industry
6 - 20 conventional Industry
7 - 40 conventional Industry
8 - 60 conventional Industry
9 - 4 million population, 40 Conventional Industry
10 - 6 million population, 60 conventional industry

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Offline Vandermeer

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Re: Game discussion
« Reply #28 on: April 08, 2016, 12:17:10 PM »
I think that with the multiple spy teams will work out.

With the diplomatic teams though there should not be such an absolute value in the win table. If just one win can manage to subtract 1m population of that new tiny Mercury colony they founded, it will be barren instantly, and very unrealistic.

Instead it could be just percentage based, depending on the smaller colony involved, so a tiny Luxembourg cannot suddenly invite 6m new member, but maybe only +2% of their own people count or something, which is to be deducted from the target.(details to be figured out)
Similarly you couldn't drain Luxembourg in just one swoop from outside, but these 2% for example would only reduce them by 10.000 people as of today.

Maybe something comparable with factories.
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Offline Drgong (OP)

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Re: Game discussion
« Reply #29 on: April 08, 2016, 12:23:39 PM »
I think that with the multiple spy teams will work out.

With the diplomatic teams though there should not be such an absolute value in the win table. If just one win can manage to subtract 1m population of that new tiny Mercury colony they founded, it will be barren instantly, and very unrealistic.

Instead it could be just percentage based, depending on the smaller colony involved, so a tiny Luxembourg cannot suddenly invite 6m new member, but maybe only +2% of their own people count or something, which is to be deducted from the target.(details to be figured out)
Similarly you couldn't drain Luxembourg in just one swoop from outside, but these 2% for example would only reduce them by 10.000 people as of today.

Maybe something comparable with factories.

I failed to be clear and that is on me.  My apologies.

Diplomatic play between the three teams will be handled by players not by dice rolls.

The proposed diplomatic rolls is to play the three powers trying to convince non-aligned states  (who do not exist in the game) to  join.   They will be simply added by SM, and not taken away from any group.   These are immigration and company transfers.   
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