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tags not working? need permissions?

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Hi, I would like to make a post with some screenshots of an Aurora4x clone I am making but it seems [ img ] tags are not working?

Or can I be granted permissions if that's the issue?

Example image, can't see it:
[img]https://www. google. com/images/branding/googlelogo/1x/googlelogo_color_272x92dp. png[img]

You need to make at least ten posts for the forum not to automatically break any of your links, even in image tags.

Gotcha, thanks!

I'm having the very same issue, but I have 75 posts. 

So does this requirement mean 10 posts for the whole entire message board, or 10 posts for each individual topic forum?  Because if it's the latter (as it seems to be)... that's stupid.  There is no way that I should be required to spam a board just so I can post an image.

Surely there is a way around this?

It should be ten posts total, anywhere at all.
What happens exactly when you try to post a link or an image?


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