Starfire > Starfire Rules

Raiding Rules?


Hi All,

One of the things I've been curious about is the CFN/raiding rules. They're teased a lot in SM2, but I don't actually have these. I was hoping that the Unified Rules would have a copy, but it seems I won't get to read them now.

Is anybody able to give any perspective on them?

The raiding rules were published in Imperial Starfire, but I am not sure they even got an update with SM2. (at least not without rereading). Raiding in Starfire is difficult as unobserved point of contact usually only happened with closed WPs.

Yeah, SM#2 suggests there were revised raiding rules in the pipeline, but they were dropped from the final production due to space constraints. I was jus curious what section 23.xx had to say in the Unified Rules, if anybody's able to comment :)

Well, as the unified rules never got published I can't say, unfortunately.

What do the later SF rules editions say? (I've never got them as the tech trees and hundreds of dice resolutions didn't quite appeal to me. Also lack of SF assistant).

Paul M:
I'll have a look at my 4th edition rules again.  Basically it got reduced to random die rolling if memory serves.


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