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Why not sell Aurora commercially / fund Steve to work on it more?



--- Quote from: Steve Walmsley on December 23, 2017, 11:33:47 AM ---In terms of Steam, selling the game, etc., I want Aurora to be a hobby, rather than a job. As soon as I start trying to sell it, then I have certain obligations to support the customer base. I try to do that now but I don't have to. From my perspective, as soon as you have to do something, it is a job or a chore. When you can choose to do it, it is a hobby. Besides, if my goal was money, there are a lot easier ways to make money than developing a niche game for a relatively tiny audience :)

I know it might seem that full-time game developer would be fun. However, I've have been a professional musician (in the 1980s) and a professional poker player (from about 2004 - 2010), two jobs which were a lot of fun initially, but after a few years I eventually got bored of both and moved on to something else. I've also been a full-time developer before (C++ in the early nineties) and again I moved on to something else. Keeping Aurora as a hobby, and only having limited time to develop and play it, is what keeps me interested. I am very concerned if I worked on it full time, I would eventually lose interest.

BTW, if anyone wants any more details on the background and inspirations for Aurora, I did an interview with Rock, Paper, Shotgun a few years ago.

--- End quote ---

Short and straight to the point. I'm amazed this had to be stickied.


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