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unable to see board icons

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Nothing I did, but I appreciated that you dug up a possible solution for Erik. No idea if he went ahead and implemented it, though.

If anyone is reading it seems to have broken again.

I have no idea why. Everything has stayed the same at my end.

Are you accessing over http or https?

Last Thread about this

see below see above, Chrome Win10 switches randomly from being able to see images to not being able to see them without my doing anything, currently if I set the URL to http://~ it still loads https://

dont know why for sure but maybe its because Chrome responds to something serverside forcing HTTPS

on the HSTS preload checker site, currently gets a warning for unecessary HSTS header and two other error warnings which are related to not redirecting to HTTPS which is probably what we need but I wonder if the unecessary HSTS header might be triggering Chrome to go HTTPS, or something ?

I think there must have been a recent server adjustment of some kind which reverted it to how it was before whatever tweak made it work again, I havent done anything, am hoping it can be tweaked back

--- Quote from: boolybooly on February 21, 2023, 12:10:49 PM ---
--- Quote from: Garfunkel on February 21, 2023, 06:47:48 AM ---My Chrome has no problem staying on the http version :o

--- End quote ---

Neither did mine until a few days ago :( It automatically reverts to HTTPS whatever I do. Is OK in Incognito though if I remove the s.

Query of in Chrome Domain Security Policy page for HSTS/PKP returns a list of policies including ...

"dynamic_upgrade_mode: FORCE_HTTPS"

Delete function does not work, meaning it is preloaded.

So if admins want to do something about that it looks like you can remove a domain from the preloading list. Scroll down for the removal form link.

--- End quote ---

hold your horses I seem to have just fixed it my end using a tip from stack overflow

--- Quote ---Type in: chrome://net-internals/#hsts in address bar of chrome. At the bottom place the domain to delete from HSTS.
--- End quote ---,domain%20to%20delete%20from%20HSTS.&text=Save%20this%20answer.,-Show%20activity%20on

the domain name is ""

I just entered that in the bottom field, exited Chrome via the three dots top right and restarted Chrome and bingo it worked!

PS I think what happened is I used an old bookmark with https in the URL and it rejigged Chrome back to https and borked, so now I am checking and editing my bookmarks to use http only for


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