C# Aurora > C# Approved Mods

Info on DB editing

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Hi all,

I am trying to create a game where I have 3 players controlled races starting on 3 different systems. I am familiar with DB editing so probably just ask for "directions" here.

So no problem in having 3 races and all 3 in 3 different systems.

The issue is that In Sol, with the main Human race, I can see all other races systems (I do delete all others leading to them).

Question then: Is there a way to remove from database knowledge of these systems to the human race?

At the moment I have to delete Sol all the times which includes the main race, deal with the errors, save, open DB and cancel the Humans.

I would really like to keep the Humans in play!

Hey Froggiest

You are doing it wrong then  :D  I created 15 races, 14 being NPR and had no issue. Are you sure you are creating them as NPR and that they are not the same race as the others, and that you changed their homesystem? I'm not sure the last 2 questions can do anything though, but felt like mentioning them anyway.

As for fixing the issue after it happened, if you can't create your races properly (not offense intended here!)

a) FCT_RaceSysSurvey lists systems known 'as a whole' by a given race (not surveyed, just entered somehow, you should see one system per race, fix it so it corresponds to the HW and not Sol).

b) FCT_SystemBodySurveys list specific locations surveyed by a given race.


--- Quote from: vorpal+5 on November 12, 2020, 10:38:27 PM ---a) FCT_RaceSysSurvey lists systems known 'as a whole' by a given race (not surveyed, just entered somehow, you should see one system per race, fix it so it corresponds to the HW and not Sol).

b) FCT_SystemBodySurveys list specific locations surveyed by a given race.

--- End quote ---

Perfect, I miss those lines somehow! Thanks

PS: No problem with race creation, the errors appear when you cancel a system with a race in it as the current Aurora model cannot process it. But you can edit DB and remove the race there which is harmless.

But thanks for the concer and the advices though, really appreciated!

If you want to have multiple player races that don't have shared system knowledge, you can do it by using the starting race as a "Spacemaster" race.

Create all 3 races in their separate systems with this race active, then delete its colonies so the Sol system race doesn't have to see it.

Sorry for a... slight (or not so) necro - bringing a dead topic back to life - but, considering the name of this thread, I decided to ask here, rather than start a new one. I remember there were questions about what tools do folks use for DB editing, but I can't find it where...
So anyway - do You folks have any suggestions on database (I think file name is Aurora.db) editing? What tools/program to use?
Obviously first thing to do would be to create a backup...

My goal is to enable Conventional Industry in the game - to make various colonies and planetoids generate at least some sort of value, than just population and (Low gravity) infrastructure.

What was your experience with DB editing? Do you often edit it?

Also, does DB editing counts as modding? if yes, this should make the thread relevant in terms of thread category...


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