Astra Imperia > Sematary's Community Game

Build Rate Adjustment

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Erik L:
On page 59 of the PDF, in table 88, it gives standard build rates for various items. This table is for a shipyard's build rate.

The missile/drone/fighter rates seem a bit low. So now it is:

Mines/Missiles = 200cp/turn + 10cp per grade
Drones = 100cp/turn + 5cp per grade
Small Craft = 8/turn + 1 per grade

Excess build rate is convertible. If you have 50 tons left on a ship, then you can dedicate the remainder to missile/drone/small craft production. In this case 100cp of missile, 50cp of drones or 4 small craft.

Sounds good, we can see how the new adjustments work.

something that may become useful later on, shipping crated missiles/drones, smallcraft/fighters in cargo holds might be something to think about as well

Erik L:

--- Quote from: boggo2300 on May 04, 2014, 02:23:28 AM ---something that may become useful later on, shipping crated missiles/drones, smallcraft/fighters in cargo holds might be something to think about as well

--- End quote ---
Missiles and drones I can see. Small craft, not so much. A cargo shuttle has a cargo capacity of 200tons. So you are talking at least 400-500 tons just for one shuttle.

There is also the fact that Erik and I talked about shuttles being about the size of 747s with cargo shuttles being close to twice that size. Shuttles are really big.


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