Author Topic: How are you guys doing in light of the Corona Virus?  (Read 12377 times)

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Offline MasonMac (OP)

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How are you guys doing in light of the Corona Virus?
« on: March 15, 2020, 01:38:56 PM »
For me, it feels very strange with how everything is changing so quickly.

Offline Bughunter

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Re: How are you guys doing in light of the Corona Virus?
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2020, 02:50:18 PM »
Just fine as long as the internet stays up.. and even better if Aurora C# is released soon. Did what I can do already so doesn't do much good to worry about things now, will just have to go with whatever happens.

Offline amram

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Re: How are you guys doing in light of the Corona Virus?
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2020, 04:11:22 PM »
Canada here.  We're sorta just getting our feet wet with it—only 310 cases country wide so far— but it hasn't stopped people from going off the deep end with hoarding.

The biggest disruption for me thus far is that I'm not skipping classes anymore....they're all online so I don't have to leave my room to partake.  I'm enough of a hermit that the recommended social distancing measures are less than I already do normally, lol.

Some concern for my family members though, who are not nearly the hermit I am capable of being, especially my grandmother.  Statistically, our family is going to see a case, its just so unlikely we all dodge it, and 3 of the 10 likely to be exposed are in the high risk age group.

For me, it feels very strange with how everything is changing so quickly.

Such is the power of an exponential growth rate.  At one point, it all starts with one person, and then its just a couple people after a couple days.  Wait a few weeks and the same couple days means a few hundred more, instead of just a few, later a few thousand, etc.

That same power cuts both ways. 

Just taking yourself out of the equation means you are less likely to be infected, and if you are not infected, you cannot pass it on, which means no one else to pass it on that would have gotten it from you.  Might they get it from someone else?  Sure, but that's time to grow its numbers that the virus never gets back, the curve that grows from this person is delayed, which means hospitals don't get hit so hard.  If it were possible to measure both outcomes, one person will be a measurable change in the outcome a couple weeks later.

For everyone though, not panicking is the biggest thing.  Panicked people make stupid decisions, forget important details, plan poorly, and they suffer most via self inflicted anxiety, if not also via the consequences of poor decisions/planning/forgetfulness during critical times.  Calm people respond rationally, take the correct steps to success, and generally obtain a better outcome than those who panic.

Second by only a slim margin are the simple steps of stop going out to have fun, stop buying things you don't need, avoid places where lots of people will be at once or over time (theaters, grocery stores, govt offices like a DMV) and step up the not touching things and washing after if you must go there.  The fewer people you are near and things you touch that others touch, the less chance you are exposed, or expose others if you have it by that point.  The more you wash after touching things, the less chance you get infected.

So when c# finally drops, give in to the dark side!  Become a semi-permanent accessory attached to your PC via the keyboard.  Never again are you likely to have the WHO backing you up on ignoring the outside world's existence to play games inside as being the best thing you could do right now.  Until then, start practicing for that day, being a hermit isn't easy for everyone.  A little practice now means a smoother transition into 16/7 aC#!
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Re: How are you guys doing in light of the Corona Virus?
« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2020, 05:01:56 PM »
In New Zealand, all good just few cases all from overseas people and/or Kiwi returned from overseas.

However, I can see self-isolation working better with an Aurora C# release.

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Re: How are you guys doing in light of the Corona Virus?
« Reply #4 on: March 15, 2020, 06:53:39 PM »
In Rochester New York and everything is shutting down.  I work at a University and we are doing remote for the remainder of the semester, kids are out of school, and wife (teacher) is home for the rest of the school year.  Got lots of food, household tasks, and screens to keep us busy. 

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Re: How are you guys doing in light of the Corona Virus?
« Reply #5 on: March 15, 2020, 06:55:34 PM »
I'm in the USA and a pizza delivery driver, so I'll be working and busy until they shut down the restaurant industry, my guess is maybe a week for that. Or until one of my customers ignores the contact free delivery options and coughs directly in my face and I have to quarantine. I'm not in the vulnerable groups for the virus so I'll be fine on that front but if I lose more than a week or two of income and tips I will be having a rough time. So far so good though.

Grocery stores in my area are pretty overwhelmed, but I was able to get most of my usual staples when I shopped, turns out the local asian markets have more stuff in stock than the Safeway's or whatever, will have to make a journey to find toilet paper in a week or so but I think supply will catch up to demand by then.

Offline amram

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Re: How are you guys doing in light of the Corona Virus?
« Reply #6 on: March 15, 2020, 07:14:11 PM »
The asian grocery stores being almost unaffected by the hoarding is a thing up here too. 

I don't know if its just that people aren't aware they exist, or casual racism in assuming they carry nothing they'd want because its an asian grocery store.

Offline Panopticon

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Re: How are you guys doing in light of the Corona Virus?
« Reply #7 on: March 15, 2020, 07:34:38 PM »
The asian grocery stores being almost unaffected by the hoarding is a thing up here too. 

I don't know if its just that people aren't aware they exist, or casual racism in assuming they carry nothing they'd want because its an asian grocery store.

I think it's a bit of both but also there is a fear that since the Coronavirus is from China then anything from Asia might be contaminated. Every day we find ways to be stupider.

Offline QuakeIV

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Re: How are you guys doing in light of the Corona Virus?
« Reply #8 on: March 15, 2020, 08:32:39 PM »
I would have just assumed it has to do with a mostly-asian clientele, with the asians being somewhat more collectively minded and therefore less likely to do things against the interest of the group (like hording a bunch of toilet paper).

I wouldn't really have any samples though, because I don't even know what an asian grocery store would look like and have never seen any signs of such a thing in my area (that I was able to recognize as a grocery store, anyhow).

Offline ExChairman

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Re: How are you guys doing in light of the Corona Virus?
« Reply #9 on: March 15, 2020, 09:44:26 PM »
Sweden have around 1000 known cases and 3 dead. Been home for 6 days and going to probobly stay home a week more, cold symptoms... And having a chronic "fault" and working as a tramdriver might not bee the best way to stay safe. But we have full salery and dont need a paper from the doctor for the first 14 days.
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Offline Akhillis

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Re: How are you guys doing in light of the Corona Virus?
« Reply #10 on: March 15, 2020, 11:15:06 PM »
Mrs Akhillis and I have had colds the last two days.

They're just colds and they're already going away, but its still been worrying. I'm 99.99% sure it wasn't coronavirus, but its hard to get that voice whispering "what if you're wrong?" out of your head.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2020, 11:25:59 PM by Akhillis »
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Re: How are you guys doing in light of the Corona Virus?
« Reply #11 on: March 16, 2020, 01:26:06 AM »
From what i understand is that a lot of young and otherwise healthy people do get it and it only feels like a cold or something, stay home and don't cough on anyone I guess.

Offline Rye123

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Re: How are you guys doing in light of the Corona Virus?
« Reply #12 on: March 16, 2020, 03:30:28 AM »
In Singapore. Our version of the panic going on in the US and Europe I assume happened around a month ago, right now the main issue for us is complacency.

I find most people tend to two extremes: Going crazy and buying a smeg ton of necessities to stock up, and completely dismissing it as a threat.

I would have just assumed it has to do with a mostly-asian clientele, with the asians being somewhat more collectively minded and therefore less likely to do things against the interest of the group (like hording a bunch of toilet paper).

I wouldn't really have any samples though, because I don't even know what an asian grocery store would look like and have never seen any signs of such a thing in my area (that I was able to recognize as a grocery store, anyhow).
Disagree, tons of stuff like hoarding happening here, haha. It started in Hong Kong and Taiwan, where there were false rumours of toilet paper shortages sparking massive panic buys of toilet paper. Then it spread to other countries like Singapore.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2020, 03:34:22 AM by Rye123 »

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Re: How are you guys doing in light of the Corona Virus?
« Reply #13 on: March 16, 2020, 03:58:04 AM »
In Czech Republic. We have around 300 confirmed cases.  Schools and most shops are shut down. Basically you can only leave home to go to work, shopping for food or medications or to go to post office.

Several smaller villages are completely quarantined and patrolled by police.

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Re: How are you guys doing in light of the Corona Virus?
« Reply #14 on: March 16, 2020, 05:43:46 AM »
People are absolute frakking morons, despite the president asking everyone to stay inside as much as possible and only going outside if you really need to, I see a bunch of people milling about in the park from my window. They're not respecting social distancing at all either. I've even seen some chick teaching her kid to rollerskate, is this really the right time? All non-essential shops (cigarettes and booze are apparently essential) are already closed, I can't understand why they haven't enacted total lockdown like in Italy yet. Two regions' hospitals are already swamped, and it's only going to get worse now.
I'd rather see the military and police patrolling and making sure morons are kept safe from themselves, but I think I'll see engineer brigades looking for mass grave spots instead. I'd say that'd be well deserved, but that'll also kill people haven't done anything wrong, because they're incapable of thinking farther than their own little self.