Author Topic: Wolf Federation: "The Awakening" (Non-Sol RP AAR)  (Read 4462 times)

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Offline Zekir (OP)

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Wolf Federation: "The Awakening" (Non-Sol RP AAR)
« on: November 27, 2016, 02:54:53 PM »
Hello Everyone,

I've started this on Reddit, but decided I would include it here as well.      If it goes over well I'll probably end up doing a Video Let's Play.      Please comment and let mek know your thoughts, and if you want a character included, just say so!

Question To Regular Forum Users: All My Image Links From Imgur are being broken up and starting with hxxp etc.  Any ideas on why this is?


"This is a role-play oriented Let’s Play of Aurora 4x.      As long as there is interest in it, I will continue these writings, with the aim of a minimum of 1 installment per week, a maximum of 5-7 per week.      Installments will likely vary in length due to time constraints and the amount of activity that occurs in game.      I am big on community involvement, and if you’d like to be included, please post in the comments that you’d like to be a part of this, and whether you’d like to be a Company, Ship/PDC Class, or a personnel member.      If you choose Personnel, please including 3 personality traits so that I can do certain excerpts from your character throughout the series.     

The settings for the Let’s Play, Dubbed “Wolf Federation: The Awakening” can be found in the first linked Imgur photo, [HERE](hxxp: imgur.     com/HWU93nO).      As you’ll see it is a conventional NON-SOL start.      I’ve randomly generated a home system, finding one with some similarities to Earth, but making a new race known as Lupi that have somewhat different tolerances.     

The plot of this role-played story is that the Race, known as Lupi, were (And possibly still are) a space-faring race that had to deal with an incursion of a far greater alien force.      As such colony ships were sent to far unknown systems, landed, and then the expeditionary forces put into cryo-stasis for periods ranging from 100 to 1000 years, and upon the opening of the time-locked cryo chambers, the members of the expeditionary groups were told to rebuild as if they were the only remaining colony, with the hope of eventually re-establishing the Civilization in time.      This particular group was 500 million colonist pods, with a small military and research contingent, placed into the system known as “Minas Tirith”.      The story begins with Artorius Noir, the defacto leader of the group, waking from cryo-stasis.     

First Post will come in 24-48 hours.      If you would like to be in the initial Character batch, get your comments in within the next 24 and I’ll do my best to include you.     

[| Game Settings |]

[| Home System |]

[| Starting Mineral Situation |]

[| Race Info |]
« Last Edit: November 27, 2016, 03:19:38 PM by Zekir »

Offline Zekir (OP)

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Re: Wolf Federation: "The Awakening" (Non-Sol RP AAR)
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2016, 02:58:53 PM »
ENTRY 001: "Return To Trans-Newtonian"

01 JAN 2025
Location: Incipere
Personnel: Artorius Noir, C. O.  Wolf Expeditionary Force 28

   So it begins.  One by one after I stepped out of my own, I saw my people join me back amongst the living.  725 years.  Everything and everyone each of us has known is now gone to us, and even if the Colonies managed to survive the relentless onslaught, we’ve no way of knowing.  I’m thankful that the life-pods held up to the conditions here on the planet, but unfortunately many of the other supplies have been subjected to the forces of nature. 
   I at the age of 25 have been placed at the helm of half a billion souls, with the mission of carrying on the life and customs of the Lupi.  After rudimentary checks, it would seem that most of our research facilities are intact, and with that in mind I have immediately made contact with Mr Gill.  Patrick is by far one of the brightest minds we have here with the expeditionary force.  He’ll be needed, as it seems many of the technologies that we took for granted, the ones that even got us to this very planet, are lost to the sands of time.  We must begin to put back the fragmented documentation into useable data on Trans-Newtonian elements.  Patrick tells me that it won’t be an easy feat, and with our limited resources it could take up to half a decade before we start to see results.  I’ve told him that no cost can be too high, as it is our duty to rebuild.  I’ve given Patrick full control of all our scientific personnel and resources, as this is the first priority.
   After putting a plan in place with the research department, I made my way to the Council.  The council was established to help elect officials for important political, military, and research positions as we re-established ourselves on Incipere.  The first order of business was to Elect a Governor for Incipere, which would be the first of hopefully many colonies to come.  After about 2 hours of deliberation, it was decided that Conor Smart would be elected as the Governor.  While Mr.  Smart was rather unkempt in his appearance, he was a patient and conservative young 24 year old, who was schooled well in Economics, production, and mining facilities.  We set forth that all Governors and key military commanders will be reviewed every 2 years to see if any other official would be better suited for the role moving forward.  We must always have the best and the brightest guiding us into the future. 
   I took my executive authority to elect Gemma Murray as the Fleet Commander.  Not that we have much of a fleet at the moment, but she’s a promising young officer who is by the books, and should be able to begin getting training programs back in place.  I’ve left her in charge of placing commanders within the fleet divisions, and have given the council the authority to handle the annual ground commander rotation.
   After this was taken care of I promptly went to our industrial figureheads, having them begin immediately on doing what we could for mining and refining until such time we were able to begin unlocking our own secrets once again.  The journey ahead will be long, but it is our duty, for possibly the very survival of our race.

01 JUL 2025
Location: Incipere
Personnel: Artorius Noir, C. O.  Wolf Expeditionary Force 28
   It’s been half a year since we awoke on Incipere.  Things are humming along despite our lack of technological prowess.  We are mining the ground for all it’s worth with our limited technology, and forging ahead with research.  The ground Battalions continue training operations while the Fleet HQ staff continues to put into place training protocols and procedure for the eventuality of an actual fleet.  I find myself spending long hours in the shade as the dual suns transit the horizon.  I suppose I should be thankful, as I’m sure other Expeditions have a much harsher climate to deal with. 
   I took some time to speak with Fleet HQ and the first shipyard to come online.  We’ve come to agree that the initial 1000 ton slipway that was constructed will likely not even be enough tonnage for our first Geological Survey vessel.  I’ve therefore ordered 2000 tons be added to the Coles Navy shipyard so that by the time we have researched beyond the dark ages of engine technology, we will be ready to build a ship that can carry out the duties required of it in a timely manner.  The foreman tells me he expects the tonnage expansion of the slipway will take around 2 years to complete.  It would seem that my legacy here won’t be one of glory, but of mundane servitude and guidance with the hopes that future leaders will be able to use the groundwork I’ve built for the betterment and glory of the Colonies.

01 DEC 2025
Location: Incipere
Personnel: WEF 28 Public Announcement Services

It is with great sorrow today we announce that Brigadier General Emie Watkins has passed.  Ms.  Watkins was a bright star amongst us, and served the Colonies with pride.  Her untimely death came during a Hiking expedition to the top of Mt.  Harna, where her climbing equipment malfunctioned and she plummeted nearly 300 feet.  She is survived by her son, Conrad Watkins, aged 4.  Our thoughts and prayers are with the friends of Ms.  Watkins, and we salute you all.

01 JAN 2026
Location: Incipere
Personnel: Artorius Noir, C. O.  Wolf Expeditionary Force 28
   It has officially been a year since we’ve awoken.  As such I think it is time we begin to record everything so that future generations can learn from our triumphs as well as our mistakes.  I’ve ordered all departments to begin annual record-keeping including rations, mineral, and fuel stockpiles as well as various census data.  The engineers recently finished a small monument to the late Ms.  Watkins who we lost last month in a tragic incident.  She was a bright commander and valued member of the council.  I’ve seen to it that her son, Conrad, receives proper care until he’s of age to care for himself.

08 AUG 2027
Location Incipere
Personnel: WEF 28 Public Announcement Services
We are happy to announce today the completion of the 2000 ton slipway expansion of Coles shipyard.  The project had been underway for a little over 2 years, and will likely become the site of our first foray in returning to the stars.  Personnel from the shipyard celebrated well into the night, a most welcomed sight for a job well done!

14 DEC 2027
Location: Incipere
Personnel: WEF 28 Medical Command
   This memorandum hereby recognizes the diagnosis and ongoing treatment of Lt.  Commander Swartout for bronchogenic carcinoma.  Lt.  Commander Swartout has been cleared to continue her duties as divisional commander of Logistics in the Fleet HQ until further notice, but will be under the close supervision of Medical Command personnel.  Lt.  Commander Swartout will no longer be able to participate in the majority of PT exercises, and reasonable accommodations are to be made for her at Fleet HQ.

11 AUG 2028
Location: Incipere
Personnel: Artorius Noir, C. O.  Wolf Expeditionary Force 28
   A great day today! I received an early morning call from Patrick Gill saying that they’d finally finished analyzing the majority of documents about Trans-Newtonian minerals and how we can begin to sue them.  Nearly 4 long years of waiting to unlock the first of many doors that will lead us back into the stars and into glory.  I’ve scheduled a large celebration to take place in light of the accomplishments of Mr.  Gill and his team. 
   After the Celebration I intend to return to my quarters and plan out our next steps.  For so long we’ve been waiting for this moment, and now our one branch of learning must become the trunk from which all other branches grow.  Long live the Colonies!

** There is entry one folks! Out of the comments I didn’t see requests to be named, so I left the personnel names to default.  Please let me know your thoughts.  These earlier entries are obviously fleshed out with a lot of fluff and less “gameplay” as there simply isn’t a lot going on, but I wanted to make sure we had a continual story, even if a bit bland.  Let me know if you like the tone/pace, or if you’d like less text and more progression, more text less progression, etc.  I intend on playing out the next few years this afternoon/evening and should have another post up tonight or tomorrow.  **

Offline Zekir (OP)

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Re: Wolf Federation: "The Awakening" (Non-Sol RP AAR)
« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2016, 03:08:45 PM »
ENTRY 002 "Survey to Survive"

12 AUG 2028
Location: Incipere
Personnel: Artorius Noir, C.  O.   Wolf Expeditionary Force 28
Now that we have the doors of the TN era open to us, I’ve immediately set to work ensuring things get done.   The research team has been split into smaller teams to broaden our knowledge base in a variety of fields.   Scientist Henry Kemp has begun work on Geological Survey Sensors.   Houston Bonasera has begun work on Duranium Armor.   Patrick Gill is working on a Cargo Handling System.   and Connor Swift will be taking over Propulsion working on the Pressurized Water Reactor.   I’ve given Connor 2 of the 5 available labs as getting newer power and propulsion technology will be important moving forward. 
For our industrial sector, I’ve immediately set us into conversions.   Out of our 1000 current facilities in operation, 550 will be retooled as construction factories, 400 as mines, and 50 as refineries.   I’m sure this will not be near enough to meet future needs, but the amount of production we will gain with this conversion will be massive in it’s own right.   Once the conversions are complete, I’ve further ordered the construction of 15 research labs, 2 commercial shipyards, and another 2000 ton expansion of the Coles Naval shipyard slipway. 

01 OCT 2028
Location: Incipere
Personnel: WEF 28 Public Announcement Services
We are sad to inform the citizens of Incipere that Commander Ryan Story was killed today.   His loss will be felt by his many comrades in arms in the WEF Naval Command.   He was aged 32 years and had no relatives here on Incipere. 
01 DEC 2028
Location: Incipere
Personnel: WEF 28 Medical Command

Notice to all essential personnel.   Governor of Incipere, Conor Smart, has developed a long term breathing condition of unknown origin.   While he is able to continue his duties on increased oxygen, it is recommended any and all potential future off-world operations be performed by his Aides, and his station not be transferred to any future colony. 
01 JAN 2030
Location Incipere
Personnel: Artorius Noir, C.  O.   Wolf Expeditionary Force 28
It’s been 5 years.   How the time does fly when you’re having fun, or in our case, grinding your gears.   We are building the foundations upon which future colonies will thrive.   The Council and Fleet Command have just commenced post cycles and rotating commanders now that we have proper training schedules and procedures in place.   I hope that this will see our military be ever-prepared for whatever is to come in the future.   Houston Bonasera has just completed his work in Duranium armor, which is a step in the right direction.   I’ve ordered him to immediately begin work on High Density Duranium armor so that our craft once built can be continually lighter and better defended.   The coming years will be filled with research and producing the ground based facilities that will put us back into the stars. 

01 NOV 2030
Location: Incipere
Personnel: Artorius Noir, C.  O.   Wolf Expeditionary Force 28
A few bits to update in the logs today.   I’ve recently found out that one of our scientists, Henry Kemp, has developed a degenerative muscle disease.   He has expressed his desire to continue work on the Geological Survey Sensors as well as future projects, and I’ve given him the go-ahead despite the urging of some members of the council.   His body may be broken but his mind is still of great value to us and our future.   Our colony is too young and frail to waste anything, or anyone, at this point. 
The Coles Naval yard is now sitting at 5000 ton capacity, which should be adequate for our initial survey vessel designs.   I’ve ordered a 2nd slipway be built so that we are able to provide speedier production once the time comes.   Lastly, we have begun bi-annual purging of officers who are deemed a surplus to the service.   Right now our lack of a Navy, and our pittance of a ground force has left us with more and more officers with nothing to command, and so we have begun a bi-annual culling sending our unused officers into the civilian sector where they may be of more use. 

01 JUN 2031
Location: Incipere
Personnel: WEF 28 Public Announcement Services
Scientist Patrick Gill has completed work on a new and innovative Cargo Handling system, and has set himself and his team to work on equipment for a new and revitalized Garrison Battalion for the colonies. 
01 APR 2032
Location: Incipere
Personnel: WEF 28 Public Announcement Services
We are happy to announce the completion of two excellent research products by the teams working tirelessly to better the Colonies.   Conor Swift and his team have finished work on the Pressurized Water Reactor, and have immediately began work on Nuclear Thermal Engine Technology, which is rumored will power our first vessels as we head back amongst the stars! Equally important, scientist Henry Kemp and his team have completed work on ground-breaking Geological Survey Sensor equipment that will be mounted on some of the first vessels that will be launched, and his team has begun to work on Active Sensor equipment to help detect other life-forms amongst the stars. 
06 NOV 2036
Location: Incipere
Personnel: Artorius Noir, C.  O.   Wolf Expeditionary Force 28
Another 6 years have come and gone like the wind.   But at long last, we have completed the conversion of our thousand legacy facilities into much more useful production platforms.   Work has now begun on the 15 new research facilities, the first of which is already completed.   These should prove invaluable in increasing the rate at which we power through old documentation and at the same time discovery new technologies previously unknown to us.   My only concern is our ability to maintain the production tempo which I’m setting, but only time will tell. 
Patrick Gill has been hard at work the past year working on a Cryogenic transport so that future generations can travel amongst the stars and begin to populate other planets in the name of the Federation.   His work is now complete and he is beginning to work on larger fuel storage abilities for our future ships and complexes.   Perhaps most exciting of all is that Connor Swift has completed his research into the Nuclear Thermal Engine technology, and has handed his work over to several civilian firms.   Out of these firms, Vorden Dynamics has came back with the most promising design concept, capable of providing 75EP while only weighing in at 1500 tons.   This is in line with what we were hoping to be at in order to maintain our total tonnage for our planned survey vessels.   I hope to assign teams in the very near future to work with Vorden and finalize this concept into a usable model, as at that point we should have everything we need to begin design and construction of our first vessel. 

01 JAN 2037
Location: Incipere
Personnel: WEF 28 Internal Communications
Stockpile alert to follow… Personnel have made Command aware that Mercassium stockpiles are down from the last annual report.   The current stockpile is at 11.  1k, down from 11.  8k in the previous annum.   Personnel advise this is due to high production tempo.   End Message. 
01 SEP 2037
Location: Incipere
Personnel: Artorius Noir, C.  O.   Wolf Expeditionary Force 28
I’m pleased to write today announcing that a team led by Elbert Holterman has recently completed the design of the Vorden Dynamics 75EP engine.   With that knowledge, the research teams at the Defense Department set to work and have drawn up the schematics for the Sharn Class Geological Survey Vessel.   It is a 2200 ton vessel designed for a mission duration of up to 10 years.   It will be propelled by the Vorden Dynamics 75EP Nuclear Thermal Engine with enough thrust to provide a maximum speed of 1704km/s and a range of 33 billion kilometers.   I have immediately given the Contract to our only functioning shipyard, Coles Naval.   They have Tooled for the 2 vessels we have ordered, who will be named “Sharn” and “Keen” respectively.   We expect both ships to come off of the slipways in July of 2038.   Another great day for the Colonies!

01 JAN 2038
Location: Incipere
Personnel: Artorius Noir, C.  O.   Wolf Expeditionary Force 28
I’ve been informed by Logistics that we have had our second year of depleting Mercassium supplies.   Even with the new mining facilities, we don’t seem to be able to keep up with the demand that the new research facilities are putting on them.   I’m not concerned too much at the moment, as we have the entire solar system to excavate in the near future, and have ordered production to continue at it’s current pace. 
After an assessment with the mining and logistics team, we’ve determined that Neutronium and Tritanium will run out in under 10 years, with Boronide and Gallicite following suite within 20 years.   Vendarite, Mercassium, Corundium and Corbomite will run out within 30, and the remainder of minerals within 50.   Our new mining technology is bringing in droves more resources that before, but has presented us with the very real possibility of running bone dry of new minerals within the century.   Therefore I’ve designated a rough plan with the council of goals for us to achieve.   We will attempt to launch our automated mining colony program by 2045, and have a steady trickle of all mineral types coming in to Incipere by 2055.   Alongside this we are aiming to begin colonizing our first planet by 2050 so that we can begin to grow once more and assure our survival and growth. 

01 AUG 2038
Location: Incipere
Personnel: Artorius Noir, C.  O.   Wolf Expeditionary Force 28
It is a great day! The Sharn and Keen have both completed construction, and will begin their very vital work this very day.   The Sharn has been tasked with surveying all planets and moons in the system, while the Keen will begin with the Asteroids.   Once the Sharn has finished with the planets and moons, they will help the Keen with the Asteroids and any comets we come across.   I don’t remember if you remember young Conrad Watkins, who was only 4 when his mother died in the hiking accident, but the young lad has gotten himself onboard the Sharn as an Engineer, and I couldn’t be more proud of em’!. 

11 SEP 2038
Location: Incipere
Personnel: Artorius Noir, C.  O.   Wolf Expeditionary Force 28
I wish that I had better news to bring, but the results coming in so far from the Sharn and the Keen are less than stellar.   By the 1st of September, the Sharn had completed her survey of planet A-II, a gas giant we had hoped would handle all of our sorium needs long into the future.   We were less than dazzled to learn that there was less than 100k sorium to be found at .  7 accessibility.   In this same period the Keen hadn’t fared any better, surveying 5 asteroids with nothing to show.   Just today the Sharn reported in that it had finished it’s survey of A-I.   The numbers came in with 39k Duranium @ .  6, 1.  6m Neutronium @ .  1, 291k Corbomite @ .  5, 3.  3m Tritanium @ .  2, and 211k Vendarite at .  1.   Another lackluster result.   The Corbomite has decent access and quantity, but the deposits of Neutronium and Tritanium at such low access were disappointing to say the least.   Perhaps in the future we can get a ground team there to re-assess the situation, but it’s not looking to pretty as of yet.   The search will continue.   It must continue. 
06 NOV 2038
Location: Incipere
Personnel: Crew Of Sharn & Keen Survey Vessels
SHARN CREW “Reporting Geological hits of under 10k units on Planet Alpha-Five, Moon 1.  ”
KEEN CREW “Reporting Geological hits of under 10k units on Asteroids 47 & 63.  ”
16 NOV 2038
Location: Minas Tirith Planet V
Personnel: Crew Of Sharn Survey Vessel
“Holy smeg Mendez! Look at this reading! It’s about time we found something.   That’s what… 5, 6, 7 million units of Duranium down there, and… hell it’s got 80% accessibility by initial readings.   It’ll be good to finally report something good back to home station!.  ”
06 DEC 2038
Location: Minas Tirith Outer Reaches
Personnel: Crew Of Sharn Survey Vessel
“Command be advised we have completed Geological Survey orders on all known planets and moons inside of the Minas Tirith system.   We are changing mission to begin surveying all known asteroids and comets in cohesion with Geological Survey TG2, over.  ”
01 JAN 2039
Location: Incipere
Personnel: Artorius Noir, C.  O.   Wolf Expeditionary Force 28
I’ve just received word that for the third year our Mercassium stockpiles are continuing to fall.   We are now below 10,000 units in reserve.   I was hoping by now we would have yielded better survey results.   Things however are looking pretty sparse and I believe that it’s time to be a little more conservative in our approach with production in light of our current survey findings, or lack thereof.   I’ve ordered that production be halted on 5 of the remaining 7 research facilities.   I’ve also had one of the two scheduled commercial shipyards scrapped from being produced.   It would seem that despite my desire to speed our program along as quickly as possible, we will have to tread lightly as we don’t seem to have the bountiful mineral supplies in our system that I had once hoped for. 
12 AUG 2039
Location: Incipere
Personnel: Artorius Noir, C.  O.   Wolf Expeditionary Force 28
As of today both the Sharn and Keen are returning to Incipere.   They have scanned every known body in the Minas Tirith system.   They have done us proud, completing the task within a year of their deployments.   Unfortunately their speed and ability are about the highest point of this entry.   We have went over everything and have decided that moving forward in the near future, we must begin to alter plans further limiting massive industrial expansion and putting a focus on efficiency as far as vessel design in the short term.   Below I’ve included the assessment of the Minas Tirith system as for mineral tonnage availability before ground teams are dispatched. 

Duranium: 7.  4 million units above .  5 accessibility. 
Neutronium: 150k units above .  5 accessibility.   (further 1.  1m units at .  1)
Corbomite: 500k units above .  5 accessibility. 
Tritanium: 30k units above .  5 accessibility (further 3.  3m units at .  2)
Boronide: 90k units above .  5 accessibility. 
Mercassium: 170k units above .  5 accessibility. 
Vendarite: 110k units above .  5 accessibility. 
Sorium: 240k solid and 96k liquid units above .  5 accessbility. 
Uridium: 40k units above .  5 accessibility. 
Corundium: 230k units above .  5 accessibility. 
Gallicite: 230k units above .  5 accessibility. 
As you can see, the results, while not completely dismal, are less than spectacular.   If we get mining colonies up quickly, we will have enough resources to sustain a short period, but it’s certainly not a nest we can stay in for eternity.   Hopefully the ground teams will yield more findings, but we cannot guarantee or count on that.   The Council and I have estimated we want to be expanding to another solar system if only for supply lines’ sake by 2100.   Unfortunately my years here will be limited and I hate that I will leave a tough future to my successors, but I will do all I can until my term is up to prepare us for the future.   With keeping in line with our goals of Automated Mining Colonies by around 2045 for a start launch, I have ordered the construction of 100 automated mines and 10 mass drivers.   Work has just completed on the Worton Drydock commercial shipyard, and the mines are already under construction.   I’ve ordered the shipyard to expand it’s slipway capacity to 70k tons as it will be used to produce our first freighter vessels. 
01 JAN 2041
Location: Incipere
Personnel: WEF 28 Internal Communications
Stockpile Update to follow… Mercassium reserves have now stabilized and are back on the increase.   Corundium is experiencing a shortfall due to mass production of automated mines.   Current stockpile is at 17.  8k.   End Message. 
01 JUN 2044
Location: Incipere
Personnel: Artorius Noir, C.  O.   Wolf Expeditionary Force 28
This will be perhaps my last entry in the Commanders log.   I’ve put in 20 years of service to the Colonies here on Incipere, and I believe it’s about time that I step down.   The Council and I have spoken and agreed that unless in a time of war, executive command powers should not exceed 20 years.   Therefore as of January 1st 2045 I will be relinquishing command of WEF 28 and handing it to Victor Komov.   Victor is a skilled and knowledgeable man who is passionate about the Growth of the Colonies.   I have full faith in his ability to lead us further, while I enjoy some form of retirement here on Incipere. 
To give some updates on the last things to complete or be underway under my supervision.   Construction of the 100 automated mines and 10 mass drivers have completed.   I’ve ordered the construction of a military academy, 100 construction factories, 50 fighter factories, 50 ordnance factories, and 10 research labs.   We are still lacking a scientist with knowledge in Propulsion, and recently lost our only scientist with thorough knowledge of Kinetic weapons to illness.   The academy will double our output of officers, administrators, and scientists which will be sorely needed moving forward.   The construction factories are long overdue to help increase our rate of production.   The fighter and ordnance factories are a small start at future proofing a supply line for these items.   Though we have no need for them yet, when they are needed, we will be thankful that there is atleast some infrastructure in place.   Lastly, despite cancelling 5 research labs a few years back, I’ve decided it’s time we add them back in, with 5 more.   Research is what will carry us forward and now that I know what resources we have on hand in the Solar System, along with an increased current stockpile, I feel it is a safe more to request these be produced.   I fear that our goal of having our first Mining Colony active in 2045 may not quite be met, but not for lack of effort.   Our discovery of a lack of minerals in the system has led to the desire for more efficient engine technology.   Our infrastructure equipment wise is ready as per the initial plan, but the development and construction of our first Freighters has been delayed while we wait on the development of Nuclear Pulse Engine Technology to be finalized.   I am saddened that I won’t be able to lead us into Colonizing this and other systems, but am proud to have served and to have helped lay the foundations for the future of the Federation and the 28th Expeditionary Force. 

That does it for entry number two folks! Hopefully you’re still enjoying.   It’s been a fun little play so far, definitely a bit slower paced than usual with having to take down lots of notes for writing the RP, but enjoyable nonetheless.   A non-Sol start also seems to be presenting an interesting case as the mineral situation while not dire, certainly isn’t beautiful! Anyways, keep the comments coming, and as I said before if you wish to be included, just say so in the comments.   I’ve included a few photos below, and in the future I’ll be sharing a couple google docs for viewing that are tracking the mineral stockpiles, fuel levels, etc. 
Initial Conversion Construction

Mineral Situation Incipere Circa 2030

Vorden Dynamics Engine Design

Sharn Class GSV
« Last Edit: November 27, 2016, 03:18:30 PM by Zekir »

Offline DIT_grue

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Re: Wolf Federation: "The Awakening" (Non-Sol RP AAR)
« Reply #3 on: November 27, 2016, 11:02:42 PM »
Question To Regular Forum Users: All My Image Links From Imgur are being broken up and starting with hxxp etc.  Any ideas on why this is?

It's an anti-spam measure, and will go away once you've made ten posts on the forum.

Offline Zekir (OP)

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Re: Wolf Federation: "The Awakening" (Non-Sol RP AAR)
« Reply #4 on: November 28, 2016, 10:06:17 AM »
Good to know, thanks.  :) Guess I'll try to remember and go back and re-link the images at that point.

Offline Zekir (OP)

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Re: Wolf Federation: "The Awakening" (Non-Sol RP AAR)
« Reply #5 on: November 28, 2016, 12:08:27 PM »
ENTRY 003: “Endeavor To Greatness”

01 JAN 2045
Location: Incipere
Personnel: Victor Komov, C. O.  28th WEF

To all those who will read this in the generations of Lupi to follow us, know that I hope to do the Colonies proud.  I have taken over command of the 28th Wolf Expeditionary Force from Artorius Noir on this day, and will continue to carry on his tradition of excellence and forward-thinking to move us into the future.  He has successfully gotten us back into the stars, and has begun to lay the groundwork for us to venture forth further, now I must set to the task of continuing what he has started.

01 MAR 2045
Location: Incipere
Personnel: WEF Public Announcement Services

Today Scientist Conor Swift and his team announced their recently completed work on Nuclear Pulse Engine technology.  This will bring us forward in our journey to conquer the stars.  Our own Vorden Dynamics has already developed schematics for a 200EP Commercial Engine that will hopefully for the backbone of our first Freighters.  A team led by Elbert Holterman will help tie the schematics into a workable prototype for the design of a new era of vessels!

01 SEP 2045
Location: Incipere
Personnel: Victor Komov, C. O.  28th WEF

Another great step forward in our story of the stars.  Elbert Holterman and his team recently finished a prototype of the new Nuclear Pulse Engine developed by Vorden Dynamics, and with it, our team has came up with designs for our first freighter.  It will be known as the Blackpool class.  It weighs in at 79,550 tons and is powered by 10 Vorden Dynamics 200EP Nuclear Pulse Engines.  It has a maximum range of 32 billion kilometers and a top speed of 1257km/s.  It has crew accommodations for 24 month journeys and enough cargo handling equipment to speed up loading and unloading 50x.  It is slated to able to carry 50,000 tons of cargo per haul.

I have ordered the immediate expansion of the Worton Drydock by 10,000 tons so that it will accommodate the construction of the Blackpool. 

01 APR 2046
Location: Incipere
Personnel: Worton Drydock Foreman

We are happy to inform you Victor that work has completed on the slipway expansion here at the drydocks.  We are now ready to begin work on the contract you’ve assigned us for the Blackpool class Freighter.  The “Blackpool” begins work today, and our estimated completion date is June of 2047.  We have also received your request to add a second slipway of the same capacity, and will begin work at once on this project as well.

01 SEP 2046
Location: Incipere
Personnel: WEF 28 Internal Communications

Production notification to follow… construction of production factories has completed, personnel are now beginning construction of fighter factories.  End message.

01 JUL 2047
Location: Incipere
Personnel: Victor Komov, C. O.  28th WEF

The journey forward continues.  Houston Bonasera has been tirelessly working on Jump Point Theory and algorithms so that we can once again journey beyond our own solar system.  He has informed me that he has completed his work and has begun to work on sensors in collaboration with Mr.  Kemp our sensor specialist so that we can detect these jump points. 

In other good news, today our first Blackpool freighter rolled off of the drydocks.  In line with the plans of Artorius, it’s immediate mission is to begin establish mining colonies throughout the solar system.  Our minerals in the system are quite limited, but we will make due with what we have until we have more abundant resources discovered.  The “Blackpool” has been crewed and it’s first mission is to deliver 50 automated mines, a mass driver, and essential personnel to planet A-I.

Lastly, we have completed the construction of the fighter factories, and have begun to work on the construction of the ordnance factories.

25 SEP 2047
Location: Minas Tirith Planet A-I
Personnel: “Blackpool” Communications Officer

To fleet command.  We have finished delivering all equipment and personnel to the planet.  Governor Lipson and their personnel have been offloaded and are safely aboard their living accommodations.  We are now preparing to begin delivery of 50 mines, a mass driver, and essential operations personnel to Comet #2.

01 FEB 2048
Location: Incipere
Personnel: WEF 28 Public Announcement Services

We regret to inform the members of WEF 28 that today Commander Leo Nardone passed away during a training exercise aboard the GSV Sharn.  The details of the incident have not been made publicly available.  Leo Nardone leaves behind a Fiance Pristina Algon.  Commander Nardone had been in charge of the GSV Sharn since 01 SEP 2047.

19 MAR 2048
Location: Comet 2, Minas Tirith System
Personnel: “Blackpool” Communications Officer

To fleet command.  We have finished delivering all equipment and personnel to Comet.  Governor Schwarting and her entourage have been offloaded and are now in their living quarters.  We are returning to Incipere to refuel and resupply.

01 JAN 2049
Location: Incipere
Personnel: WEF 28 Internal Communications

Stockpile alert to follow… Tritanium reserves down . 3k from previous annum.  End message.

01 JAN 2050
Location: Incipere
Personnel: Victor Komov, C. O.  28th WEF

Worton Drydocks informed me today that they’ve completed their second slipway.  We haven’t ended up ordering another Blackpool from them yet.  This is due to a couple factors.  Firstly, the lack of minerals in the system means there are few places needing deliveries of goods.  The only remaining places are for the most part comets that are currently heading outwards, and would waste far too much fuel trying to get them supplied.  Secondly, our research team are plowing ahead and suspect within the next couple years we may have access to Ion drive technology, which would mean a refit/overhaul of freighters because of our need to be streamlined and efficient, again due to our mineral situation.

I’ve ordered the construction of 100 more automated mines, 2 naval shipyards,and 2 commercial shipyards, along with a space port.  The mines will be used to help establish mining colonies on the remaining comets, while the shipyards are part of future proofing so we can begin mass production of multiple vessel classes when the time comes.  The spaceport will be needed in the future as well, and instead of leaving production idle, we might as well get ahead on things.  Our Mercassium supply dipped 1000 units down to 34,000 this year, but like many of our minerals, we have little to no income and we are beginning to run out of minerals here on Incipere.  Our operations must continue forward for our very survival.

01 JAN 2051
Location: Incipere
Personnel: WEF 28 Internal Communications

Stockpile alert to follow… Mercassium reserves are down 1,200 units from previous annum.  Current stockpile 32. 8k.  End message.

01 AUG 2053
Location: Incipere
Personnel: WEF 28 Internal Communications

Mineral Depletion alert to follow.  Supplies of Tritanium and Neutronium have been depleted on Incipere.  End message.

01 JAN 2054
Location: Incipere
Personnel: Victor Komov, C. O.  28th WEF

I’ve just been informed by our internal communications that we have a small deficit in Tritanium and Corundium.  These messages are becoming all too common.  I see now the struggle Artorius had in trying to move forward but not suck the reserves dry.  In an effort to continue getting some more supply in, I dispatched the “Blackpool” in September to deliver 20 mines, a mass driver, and personnel including Governor Krzemian to Comet 4.  We are in trying times my friends.

01 JUL 2054
Location: Incipere
Personnel: WEF 28 Internal Communicatons

Construction report to follow.  Waldeck Marine and Kosinski Naval shipyards have both come online and are beginning construction of second slipway.  Coles Naval shipyard has begun a 5000 ton expansion of it’s slipway.  End message.

01 JAN 2055
Location: Incipere
Personnel: Victor Komov, C. O.  28th WEF

I think it’s time I sit down and address the goals put forth by the Council and Artorius almost 2 decades ago.  The aim was to begin mining operations in the Solar System in 2045, with a trickle of all minerals by 2055.  An added goal was to begin populating another body in the system by 2050.  So where are we?

We didn’t manage to begin putting facilities on other bodies until 2047.  While unfortunate, it was necessary for the proper engine technology for our freighters.  That being said, we have 4 mining colonies online.  This includes the following approximate annual flow of minerals back to Incipere via mass drivers.

Duranium 1100 tons
Neutronium 75 tons
Corbomite 375 tons
Tritanium 150 tons
Boronide 0 tons
Mercassium 690 tons
Vendarite 75 tons
Sorium 0 tons
Uridium 210 tons
Corundium 690 tons
Gallicite 620 tons

These numbers do not include minerals still being pulled on our home planet Incipere.  Of important note, many of these minerals even from these outsourced locations will be drying up in the next 50 to 75 years.  This just further emphasizes we MUST look beyond our own solar system for our survival.

Due to there being an estimated state of Emergency due to minerals in the next 100 years if action isn’t taken, inter-system travel has been deemed priority 1.  Alongside on a domestic level I’ve ordered half of all civilian non-essential production to be shut down to help conserve the minerals we do have.  With an expedited desire to travel to other systems, I have put together a makeshift PDC development program that will be combined with a Home Defense Destroyer fleet.  It is our hope that we can have this system deployed within approximately 5 years with a minimum of 1 PDC and 3 destroyers.  We will likely have to rely on CIWS for primary point defense, and missiles for primary engagement weapons, though I’m still not pleased with where we stand on technology… but unfortunately time for developing better technology is a luxury we don’t have at the moment.  I’ve ordered an emphasize on getting jump tech out there.  We are looking into constructing a heavier, solo platform for surveying that will be capable of both Geological and Gravitational surveys, as well as the ability to jump itself and similar sized vessels.  This is in line with trying to save minerals in design and hull costs.

01 APR 2055
Location: Incipere
Personnel: WEF 28 Internal Communications

Production message to follow… Construction of spaceport level 1 completed.  Beginning next item in que.  New items now in que for production are 100 automated mines to be converted from standard mines, 50 ordnance factories and 2000 infrastructure.

01 MAY 2055
Location: Incipere
Personnel: WEF 28 Council

We are happy to announce that we have selected Tell Sung tech as our chosen provider for the development of a 6000 ton military jump drive.  We have dispatched a team to immediately begin work on turning their concept into a prototype.

30 AUG 2055
Location: Incipere
Personnel: Victor Komov, C. O.  28th WEF

More news from the front lines of our fight with the future.  I had the “Blackpool” deliver 50 automated mines, a mass driver, and all essential personnel to Planet A-V, which has our largest deposit of Duranium at 7 million, with 80% accessibility.  We’ve elected Leopoldo Buescher as the Governor there, and hope he will do us proud.

The second slipways have completed on Waldeck and Kosinski Naval shipyards, and I’ve ordered an immediately 5000 ton expansion of all current slipways in preparation for future ship constructions.

The research team recently completed the prototype of the Tell Sung jump drive and our design team has put together the next Survey vessel of the Federation.  The survey vessel will be dubbed the “Endeavor” class.  It will weigh in at 6100 tons and have the ability to perform both Geological and Gravitational surveys.  The jump drive it carries will be capable of 7500 ton jumps.  The vessel will be able to travel at 1639km/s and a total range of 104 billion kilometers under power provided by a single 200EP Vorden Dynamics Nuclear Pulse Engine.  It has crew accommodations for 120 months with a maintenance life of 5. 5 years.  It has a maximum repair estimate of 114 with 1186 maintenance pieces available on board.  The contract will be given to the Coles Naval yard; who I’ve instructed to cease their 5000 ton add-on in favor of a quicker continual expansion to get us above 6100 tons. 

01 FEB 2056
Location: Incipere
Personnel: WEF 28 Internal Communications

Production message to follow… The addition of a second slipway to the commercial shipyards of Burkes and Rutz has completed, and work on the third slipway for both shipyards has commenced.  End message.

01 JUL 2056
Location: Incipere
Personnel: Victor Komov, C. O.  28th WEF

Henry Kemp has just phoned to let me know that he has completed his work on Composite armor, which is good news as it will allow us to shave off another 50 tons or so from the Endeavor design.  I’ve set our engineers to make this possible before it hits the shipyard for construction.  The Coles Naval yard is nearing completion of it’s expansion and will then begin retooling.  We’re expecting to be ready to begin production of the endeavor around February of 2057.

Work has begun on the Beagle class PDC research as well.  We do not have all the details worked out yet, but it will be using Size 5 missiles for ASM capability and Size 1 missiles for AMM capability.  We’re planning a magazine capacity of 400 initially.  More to follow when the information becomes available.

01 AUG 2056
Location: Incipere
Personnel: WEF 28 Internal Communications

Mineral Depletion Alert to follow… the supply of Boronide on Incipere has been depleted.  End message.

01 FEB 2057
Location: Incipere
Personnel: WEF Internal Communications

Production message to follow… conversion of 100 mines to automated mines has been completed.  Work is beginning on ordnance factories.  The Coles Navy shipyard has completed it’s retooling and is commencing construction of 2 Endeavor class vessels, the “Endeavor” and “Granby”.  Their estimated completion date is June of 2058.  Burkes and Rutz commercial shipyards have added their third slipways and have begun 10000 ton slipway expansion until told to stop.  End message.

01 JAN 2058
Location: Incipere
Personnel: WEF 28 Internal Communications

Stockpile alert to follow… Stockpiles of Neutronium continue to fall, this is the 5th year of depleting supplies.  Tritanium and Boronide have also had a depletion of stockpile this year.  End message.

01 JUL 2058
Location: Incipere
Personnel: Victor Komov, C. O.  28th WEF

We’ve reached the next juncture in our journey.  Back in March the the Research team put together the schematics for the entirety of the Beagle class PDC.  The unit weighs in at 6 sections for a total of just under 15,000 tons.  It has 10 size 5 launchers and 25 size 1 launchers.  It carries 375 size 1 missiles and 100 size 5 missiles and is manned by a staff of 390 personnel.  The first of these units has been ordered and is expected to enter service at the end of October.

Construction and assembly of the Endeavor and Granby has completed.  I’ve ordered both of them into immediate service searching for all possible jump points out of the Minas Tirith system.  With the completion of the Endeavor class, it makes the Sharn class all but dead in the water.  I’ve ordered the Sharn and the Keen to be scrapped for components, and will have their hulls dedicated to the Lupi History Museum and the other will be put into a park that has been planned focused around veterans.  There was discussion of refitting the Sharn class vessels to Endeavor class, but the build cost couldn’t be justified especially with our current shortage of minerals.

26 OCT 2058
Location: Incipere
Personnel: WEF 28 Internal Communications

Jump Point information to follow… the crew of the Endeavor has discovered a jump point 900m kilometers from Incipere.  End message.
Production message to follow… Construction and manning of the PDC Beagle has been completed.  Beginning work on 5 deep space tracking stations.  End Message.

21 AUG 2059
Location: Incipere
Personnel: Victor Komov, C. O.  28th WEF

More updates as we grind through progress.  Recently I ordered and watched the completion of several more DST’s so that we have some better home system tracking capabilities should we encounter other life forms in our journeys.  Late this spring, Vorden Dynamics began working with our teams on recently completed Ion Drive technology to develop two engines.  The first being a 500 ton for military use, and the second being a 2500 ton for civilian use. 

Throughout the summer, the Endeavor and the Granby both discovered another jump point, bringing our total in system to 3.  These points are 1. 5b and 4. 5b kilometers from Incipere respectively. 

With the design of our new engines, our teams have re-envisioned the Blackpool class Freighter and marked it as the Blackpool Mark II.  As you know we only developed 1 of the Blackpool class, and it seems she will be the only one.  The new design will be able to travel twice as far on the same tank of fuel, out to a range of 66b kilometers with only a 20% reduction in overall speed, clocking in at 900km/s using 5 engines instead of the previous 10.  Worton drydock has been given the contract and has begun immediately retooling for the new class.  The original Blackpool class is now considered obsolete, and one the retooling of the new shipyard is complete, we will see if the single Blackpool class can be brought to Mk II without too much expense.

02 FEB 2060
Location: Incipere
Personnel: Victor Komov, C. O.  28th WEF

Our mineral stores continue to deplete.  We are still waiting on 2 more comets to start their return trip to hopefully secure atleast a trickle of all mineral types, as we still have a few outlying minerals that we have depleted here on Incipere and have no mass drive shipments of.

Our Endeavor class vessels have exhausted their search of the system, finding a total of 3 jump points.  Both vessels have been ordered back to Incipere for an overhaul.  Once their overhaul is complete the Granby will be put on standby, and the Endeavor will be making her jump into JP1.

Our defense research team will begin designing our destroyer this summer at the finish of a couple last minute technical requests.  We’re a little behind with their development but we are making the best of a bad situation.

13 APR 2060
Location: Incipere
Personnel: WEF 28 Internal Communications

Production message to follow… maintenance teams have received your request to develop additional facilities to be able to handle the endeavor class vessels, and will commence immediately.  Secondly they will begin work on a 10000 part maintenance supply on the planet to supplement current reserves.  End message.

06 SEP 2061
Location: Incipere
Personnel: Victor Komov, C. O.  28th WEF

We’re on the brink of the next step in the great journey of the Lupi race in the name of the Colonies and the Federation.  In June of last year, retooling completed for the Blackpool Mk II.  Immediately the “Baden” and “Balder” were ordered, and were delivered to us in June of this year.  I immediately ordered the ship yard to produce two more of the vessels, that will be named “Baltimore” and “Bantu”.

In March of this year, maintenance teams completed their construction of new facilities and immediately took the Endeavor class vessels in for overhauls, we are expecting them to come out of overhaul within the next couple of months, and then our great venture amongst the stars will take another step forward.

Just yesterday I was informed that the Defense research team had completed their designs of the Gladius class Destroyer.  Our first combat vessel will weigh in at 9350 tons.  It has an intended deployment time of 24 months for it’s crew of 218 souls.  It is powered by 3 Vorden Dynamics 120EP Ion Drives capable of speeds of up to 1925km/s and a range of 27b kilometers.  It has a maintenance life of 5. 75 years and an AFR of 139%.  It has enough supplies on board to fix 9 maximum level repairs during any given deployment.  It boasts 7 layers of composite armor and level 5 alpha shield technology.  It is capable of detecting 2500ton vessels at 68m kilometers, and inbound missiles starting at 5m kilometers.  It’s armed with 5 size 4 ASM launchers, 2 size 1 AMM launchers, and for last line point defense it carries 2x CIWS 160 systems.  While far from something that will lead us to greatness, it should provide some form of home system defense even if it isn’t capable of great range or jump deployment.  It should be able to serve us well as homefront defense until technology and mineral reserves improve.

Lastly, I’ve ordered an expansion of all military shipyards.  One will go to 20k tons, one to 10k and one to 6k.  This will be pricey as far as minerals are concerned but it’s necessary to the future of our people.  As soon as the first yard is of adequate size we will begin manufacture of the Gladius class, with an initial order of 3 ships.

02 NOV 2061
Location: Incipere
Personnel: Victor Komov, C. O.  28th WEF

The Granby and Endeavor have both completed their overhauls.  The moment of truth is upon us.  I’ve ordered the Endeavor to deploy for an immediate transit of unknown JP 1.  We pray to the Gods that we find an abundance of minerals and habitable planets, and a lack of enemies, but we will prepare for both.  We know jumping at this point is a risk that could expose us with our destroyers not being online yet, and our rather small PDC installation.  However, it is a chance and a gamble we must take for the future of the Lupi race.

I’ve ordered the immediate construction of a second Beagle class PDC on Incipere.  We may not be able to defend much, but we will give them hell with what we do have.  I’ve also ordered that 2000 units of infrastructure be hauled by our new Blackpool Mk II vessels to Planet A-V along with a geological survey team.  In light of the fact it will become an officially populated colony, it has been renamed “Androsta”.   I’ve ordered the training of our first construction brigade and ground command HQ in preparation for future operations as well. 

Lastly, I’ve authorized a 3000 Lupin subsidy of a young company known as Henderson Carrier Co.  They are as of yet the only Civilian company interest in space travel, and they will be needed to help ferry supplies, trade goods, and colonists.  We hope the subsidy will encourage them to put their first vessels into construction at the drydocks and hopefully they can help us build our first new colony on Androsta.

08 NOV 2061
Location: Minas Tirith, UNK JP 1
Personnel: Endeavor Communications Officer

“Be advised Incipere Command, we are making final jump preparations.  Jump drive is spun up and all systems are a go.  5. .  4. .  3. .  2. .  1. .  Jump ……… “


Offline Zekir (OP)

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Re: Wolf Federation: "The Awakening" (Non-Sol RP AAR)
« Reply #6 on: November 30, 2016, 04:29:38 PM »
ENTRY 004 "Wrecks and Wastelands"

08 NOV 2061
Location: New System Dubbed “Rivendell”
Personnel: “Endeavor” Communications Officer

We have completed our jump without issue.  No current contacts.  Beginning to scan and survey the system.  Several planets and moons detected, data stream beginning relay to HQ mainframe.  You are clear to dispatch Granby to join in survey efforts, over.

30 DEC 2061
Location: Rivendell II Low Orbit
Personnel: “Endeavor” Communications Officer

Be advised we have a very large cache of minerals here, but poor accessibility.  Report as follows.  Note.  Advise follow on ground team be sent to verify survey results.

Duranium 10m @ . 1
Neutronium 70m @ . 1
Corbomite 23m @ . 1
Tritanium 76m @ . 7
Boronide 33m @ . 4
Mercassium 53m @ . 1
Sorium 15m @ . 1
Uridium 79k @ . 1
Corundium 51m @ . 1

11 MAR 2062
Location: Incipere
Personnel: WEF 28 Internal Communications

Production message to follow… PDC Beagle #2 completed and beginning operations on Incipere.  End message.

15 APR 2062
Location: Incipere
Personnel: WEF 28 Internal Communications

Mineral Deposit report to follow… Endeavor crew reporting 3. 2m harvestable Sorium at Gas Giant Rivendell V.  Granby crew reporting 50k Vendarite @ . 4 and 4m Corundium @ . 2 on Planet IV, Moon 11.

05 MAY 2062

Location: Incipere
Personnel: WEF 28 Public Announcement Services

A great day in our journey to the stars! Our very own Henderson Carrier Co has launched their first vessel, a extremely large colony vessel that is aimed to help us populate Androsta!

10 JUN 2062
Location: Incipere
Personnel: Lt.  Commander Hegario, CO of FT Bantu

So my great journey begins.  It seems like only yesterday I was a growing child with a dream of getting to be a part of the Lupi’s great return to the stars.  Now, here I am, with my first Captaincy of my career.  A brand new ship to boot! I’ve been given command of the Bantu, a Blackpool MkII class freighter.  There wasn’t much time for a ceremony, as we are badly needed to continue ferrying supplies to our newest colony, Androsta.  We will be departing within the hour with our sister ship who also just completed construction, the Baltimore.  We are going to be rallying with Cargo TG1 to continue delivering infrastructure to the new colony.  Long live the Lupi!

23 JAN 2063
Location: Incipere
Personnel: Victor Komov, C. O.  WEF 28

We continue to reach, but sometimes it would seem the Gods like to keep the apple just upon our fingertips.  We have begun our inter-system journeys, and so far have lacked finding the ever elusive resource trove.  The Endeavor and Granby continue their search, but so far the only planet with abundant resources has poor accessibility.  Granby did send a bit of good news this morning stating they found a moon that had almost 400k Gallicite with 90% accessibility.  We sent a ground team to follow up on the orbital survey, but even that highly skilled team failed to find anything new, or of better access.  We can only hope something more will come up.

A mining colony started by the civilian sector popped up on Asteroid 7 here in Minas Tirith, after reviewing the figures there isn’t a ton in quantity to be mined, but it has good access, and until some things run dry, we will purchase the minerals to boost our stockpiles and give the civlians some influx in the market.

Androsta is now up to 800 thousand colonists! We are pushing ourselves back into the stars and growing the Federation despite our mineral hardships.  I’ve ordered 10 terraforming installations to be built immediately and then shipped to Androsta to begin making the climate more livable so we have less need for infrastructure there.

I was notified that we had a 900k dip in our stockpile of fuel reserves at the end of the year.  I know this is from the heavy freighter work that is being done to set up the initial supply on Androsta.  I’ve ordered another 50 refineries constructed to help keep up with future demand.  I’ve also ordered that all civilian shipyards be set to continual expansion in preparation for the next line of ships.

My plan for my remaining two years at the helm is to help research teams with developing a Jump Gate Builder, Sorium Harvester, and Tanker vessel design.  I’d also like to see most all of the Rivendell survey complete and finalize preparations for the production of the Gladius class Destroyer.

04 MAY 2063
Location: Incipere, FT Bantu Captains Quarters
Personnel: Lt.  Commander Hegario, CO of FT Bantu

Phew.  What a long few months it’s been! Nearly a year of non-stop loading, hauling, and unloading.  One hell of a break-me-in if you will for the Merchant Marine service! We have delivered over 2000 units of infrastructure to Androsta, which should help give it a good bump at getting itself on it’s feet and operational as a functioning colony.

Once home I heard some scuttlebutt at the bar from a Sergeant with a newly formed 16th Construction Brigade.  He tells me that while I’ve been hauling back and forth, Headquarters has designed up a new vessel, called the Collingwood class.  Apparently it weighs almost 55,000 tons with 130 man crew, and will be a Jump Gate Builder capable of 24 month deployments.  He said they estimated around 800km/s speed, not too bad for a construction ship! I’m excited to see the first one roll of the drydocks, as one it does, that means my journeys may begin to take me beyond our solar system, something not done by our people in centuries!

01 OCT 2063
Location: Incipere Spaceport
Personnel: Lt.  Commander Hegario, CO of FT Bantu

After a few months of minor ferry runs, it looks like we’re back at it.  We’ve been ordered to deliver 10 massive terraforming installations to Androsta, so they can begin getting their climate to reasonable, and livable, levels.  Shouldn’t take too terribly long with 4 of us Blackpool’s working away at it.

01 JAN 2064
Location: Incipere
Personnel: Victor Komov, C. O.  of WEF 28

It would seem that my journey as Commander of WEF 28 is winding to a close.  I can’t believe how fast the time has passed.  I can only hope that I’ve dove the 28th proud.  We have again made strides forward, but as I’ve mentioned before, it would seem the Gods are holding out on us. 

In December the Granby experienced a Gravitational Sensor failure, but they were able to repair it with on board equipment.  The Endeavor reported a couple more small mineral deposits, but nothing major.   We also managed to get all Terraforming installations delivered to Androsta, where personnel are now beginning to man the installations and work on making the climate more acceptable.  I’ve ordered them to bring the oxygen level up to . 3atms. 

Our mineral stockpiles are continuing to slowly deplete, but it’s what must be done in order to move forward with the mission.  It’s the 11th consecutive year of Neutronium stockpiles going down, the 7th year of Boronide, and Tritanium has been down 5 of the last 7 years.  Rivendell is proving hopeful atleast for Boronide and Tritanium, but I’m hoping we can find much more.

01 DEC 2064
Location: “Bantu” Captains Quarters
Personnel: Lt.  Commander Hegario, CO of FT Bantu

What a gruesome sight.  A long-time friend met an untimely demise today on the loading docks.  Alice Frena, the Commanding officer of the Baden, was crushed when a pallet of pre-packaged protein fillets broke it’s harness and landed on her.  Thankfully, if there can be a thankful here, she didn’t have any surviving family, and that will atleast mean she, or what’s left of her, can be given to the Gods. 

I’ve heard word that Incipere just ran out of Gallicite in it’s mines, which I think is the third or fourth mineral to be depleted.  I hope the Komov has a plan in place, as our mineral situation is looking pretty bleak to the common man.  We’re already living under some decent sanctions.  I also heard that the Collingwood class is now beginning to be constructed.

01 JAN 2065
Location: Incipere
Personnel: Mitori Alganari, C. O.  of WEF 28

To all those who have came before, I thank you.  To all those who come after, I hope to do you well.  Today I have been elected the Commanding Officer of WEF 28 for the next 2 decades.  I will continue to work on the legacy that has started by those before me, and pave the next steps in the path of our future.  The first policy I implemented under my stead was a “State of the Colonies” report.  Now that we are officially off-world, it is time we begin to track our progress in more detail than a simple annual total of items.  The SoC reports are designed to give a picture of our Race at each step of it’s journey.  The outgoing Command will prepare a report for all Command staff to view.  The data feed of Komov’s SoC can be found HERE (GOOGLE DOC, WILL LINK WHEN FORUMS LET ME :) ).  Now I must tend to pressing matters and get the ball rolling.  Until next time.

01 JUL 2065
Location: Incipere
Personnel: WEF 28 Internal Communications

Research Development message to follow… Designs have been completed for the Gideon class Sorium Harvester.  Vessel will weigh in at just over 60,000 tons and be crewed by 260 personnel.  It will be capable of refining just over 1 million litres of fuel annually with a fuel tank large enough for 1 years worth of refining.  Initial deployment plans is for use in Minas Tirith system in coordination with tanker units.  End message.

Production message to follow… Addition of 5000 tons to slipways on Kosinski and Waldeck naval yards completed.  Waldeck ordered to continue expansion.  End message.

05 JUL 2066
Location: Rivendell
Personnel: “Endeavor” Communications Officer

Incipere Command this is the Endeavor.  We have completed Geological Surveys on all known planets and moons.  We are over suggested maintenance window, and will be returning to Incipere for shore leave and overhaul, over.

12 SEP 2067
Location: Captain’s Quarter, FT Bantu
Personnel: Lt.  Commander Hegario, CO of FT Bantu

I was able to witness the launch of the Collingwood today! A beautiful vessel with an even more beautiful purpose.  It will be building jump gates allowing us to head into other systems.  I’m excited about the prospect of getting to help found and supply new Colonies across other star systems. 

This spring one of the Naval yards began work on the first combat vessels of the 28th.  Supposedly it’s 3 “Gladius” class destroyers that are going to be named Gladius, Brutus and Hictor.  They should be going into service in August of 2069.

The colony of Androsta has completed addition of oxygen to it’s atmosphere, and I hear they’ve now been ordered to add Greenhouse gases in order to get the temperature up to a more livable level.

03 FEB 2068
Location: Rivendell Jump Point
Personnel: “Collingwood” Communications Officer

This is JGB Collingwood.  We have officially completed the Jump Gate Bridge from Minas Tirith into Rivendell.  We are now proceeding at bearing 060 to Unknown Jump Point 2 to build gate there, and then follow on with Jump Point 3.  Over.

07 FEB 2069
Location: Incipere
Personnel: Mitori Alganari, C. O.  of WEF 28

We are now just over 20% of my way through my term.  Progress is slow and painful, but it is progress nontheless.  The Endeavor completed her overhaul in the Fall and has been deployed back to Rivendell to do a complete gravitational survey.  Granby is still finishing up the asteroids in that system, and once complete, will be ordered back to Incipere for it’s overhaul.  As of writing this message, we have discovered 1 jump point in Rivendell.

Today we put 3 Gladius class Destroyers into service.  While they aren’t cutting edge, they are something, and that’s much better than the nothing we had.  They will immediately begin task force training in orbit of Incipere.  I recently ordered Cargo TG1 to move 200 regular manned-mines to Androsta.  I doubt we have enough personnel there yet to man them all, but it’s a future measure to get the Duranium deposits there flowing back to Incipere.

At the beginning of the month I learned that we have run out of Corbomite here on planet.  Yet another hardship we must endure as we press forward.  I’ve ordered the construction of several items as we move forward, including 100 auto mines, 200 manned-mines, 2500 infrastructure and 100 additional construction factories.

01 SEP 2070
Location: Incipere
Personnel: Mitori Alganari, C. O.  of WEF 28

As much as it is a risk, I’ve ordered the Granby, who just completed overhaul, to head to JP2 and jump through and begin surveys.  While we risk encountering enemies, the mineral situation thus far just isn’t very promising.  The Granby should be jumping through within 2 weeks of departing port.

13 SEP 2070
Location: UNK JP 2, Minas Tirith System
Personnel: “Granby” Communications Officer

Be advised we are making jump in 5. .  4. .  3. .  2. .  1. . 

Jump completed.  Scanning.  AutoGen designated system as “Shadowdale”.  Con, multiple contacts bearing 339 range 6. 5 billion kilometers.  No thermal signatures detected.  Standby….

Incipere command this is Granby.  3 wrecks found in Shadowdale system.  Per SOP we are jumping back into Minas Tirith and not conducting scans.  Recommend putting fleet on alert stand-by, over.

03 MAY 2071
Location: Incipere
Personnel: Mitori Alganari, C. O.  of WEF 28

2 new systems, and nothing new to show, except the potential for conflict.  The Granby jumped into the system now known as Shadowdale and detected 3 wrecks.  They promptly jumped back through.  As of yet nothing has followed them through the jump, but we are keeping the fleet at a high level of alert just in case.  After the failed attempt in Shadowdale, I ordered the Granby again into the unknown.  They jumped through and found the Riva system.  Riva is a trinary system with only a single planet.  The planet is a Super Jovian, but after a survey, was deemed to have no harvestable resources.  I’ve ordered the Granby to commence a gravitational survey of the entire system.

In November of last year Cargo TG 1 completed delivery of 200 mines to Androsta, which should serve us well.  Our mineral stockpiles continue to be hit in light of our construction efforts, with us showing a deficit on paper of 5 various minerals this year.  Burkes General has finished it’s slipway expansion and immediately begins work on 3 Gideon class fuel harvesters which should complete in December or January. 

Our research teams have completed work on the Bulwark class tanker.  It will have a crew of 40 and weighs in at 8400 tons.  It is capable of a 12 month deployment time and able to hold 5 million litres of fuel.  It’s capable of making 1428km/s and it was decided we would also mandate a single Lupi Defense Systems CIWS-160 be equipped as these ships will be bringing back precious resources to our hubs, and will need atleast some form of point defense until escorts and a more responsive fleet can be established.  I’ve immediately ordered the Rutz drydock to begin construction of 3 of these vessels, which should be enough to meet our current and near future needs.  They are expected to come online in April of 2072. 

Lastly, Androsta has been beginning to have some unrest due to rising population and a lack of infrastructure.  Unfortunately their manufacturing sector hasn’t gotten going enough to get infrastructure manufactured fast enough for the populations’ demand.  Therefore I’ve put out a contract for the civilian shipping lines to deliver another 1000 units of infrastructure from Incipere to Androsta to aid them.

04 JAN 2072
Location: Incipere
Personnel: Mitori Alganari, C. O.  of WEF 28

Another new year, now 7 years into my time here.  But things are moving forward, and there is much at play.  The first 3 Gideon class fuel harvesters completed construction at the shipyard.  They have been immediately deployed in Sorium TG1 to Planet II to begin harvesting operations.  I’ve ordered the immediate construction of 3 more. 

But on to the more important plans.  I’ve just finished the outlines of my first, and likely only, major operation with the council.  It will be dubbed “Revered Rock”.  The purpose of the operation is to exploit the Rivendell system for it’s mineral qualities, and begin to establish a second system that is firmly under the control of the 28th.  The plan has two phases planned.  The first phase is aimed at completing between 2080 and 2085, and the second phase within a decade thereafter.  A rough outline of each phase’s goals are as follows.

Phase 1 Goals

1. ) Build a jump bridge from Rivendell back into the Minas Tirith system to allow ease of transit to civilian and military forces of the 28th.

2. ) Deliver 5000 infrastructure to Rivendell III, which will henceforth be known as “Zefara”, and will become the third colony of the 28th.

3. ) Deliver 300 automated mines along with mass drivers and essential personnel to Rivendell II which has the largest quantities of minerals in the Rivendell system.  While there isn’t very good access to some of them, it will still be a valuable asset to have.

4. ) Deliver 100 construction factories to Zefara.  This will form the basis of the manufacturing capability in system.  It is my desire to ensure that every system we have a presence in has the ability for at least rudimentary manufacture of munitions, supplies, and living amenities for it’s population as well as passing through military/commercial vessels.

5. ) Deliver 10 terraforming installations to Zefara.  These will be used to help bring Zefara to a more tolerable climate and to bring the cost of the colony down.

6. ) Deliver 100 auto mines along with mass drivers and essential personnel to planet IV, Moon 10.  This moon has almost 370k units of Gallicite at 90% accessibility.

7. ) Deliver 150 auto mines to planet IV, Moon 11.  This moon has 50k units of Vendarite at 40% accessibility, and a whopping 4 million units of Corundium at 20% accessibility.  While the accessibility isn’t excellent, the abundant pile of Corundium needs to be exploited until we find better access to a steady source.  We may need more mines here in the future.

8. ) Deliver 100 auto mines to planet VIII moon 26.  This moon has almost 450k of Vendarite and Mercassium above 70% access, as well as 135k Gallicite at 90% access.

9. ) Deliver 25 mines to asteroid 3.  While I usually prefer to leave asteroids and comets to the civilian sector, we must ascertain every scrap of minerals we can get our hands on.  Any asteroid with over 20k of any mineral with atleast 80% access is slated for mines in Rivendell.

10. ) Deliver 25 mines to asteroid 27.  In line with item number 9.

This will complete phase 1.  Phase 2 will have the following goals…

1. ) Begin to harvest atleast 10 million litres per annum of sorium and refine into fuel via vessels.  We have a good cluster of sorium here that needs to be exploited to supply Incipere as well as begin a small cache on our colony in Rivendell.

2. ) Establish a Bi-Annual pickup of minerals.  We will maintain a small cache of minerals on our colony in Rivendell so that it can manufacture what it needs, but the majority will be shipped back to Incipere for our primary operations.

3. ) Garrison forces for Zefara.  Initially this will likely be 2 garrison Battalions and a mobile infantry battalion.  We want enough on colonies outside our home system to be able to quell any unrest, as well as stall any invasion until reinforcements can arrive.

4. ) Construction of 2x PDCs on Zefara.  I’ve given this some thought and our Beagle class PDC is already aging.  I will likely have the 2 on Incipere disassembled when they are replaced by a newer model, and have the Beagle along with all our available ordnance shipped to Zefara.

5. ) Atleast level 5 Deep Space Tracking on Zefara.  I want to ensure we have atleast reasonable tracking ability for any unwelcome or unknown visitors to all systems we establish in the name of the Federation.

This is a summation of Operation Revered Rock, and will likely be what I am remembered for during my term as Commander of the 28th WEF.  Now, enough writing, and on to the business of making the Federation great once more.

Thanks for reading folks.  Comments welcome/appreciated, and if anyone wants a toon involved, just give a shout of who and how! Once I hit 10 posts I'll try to remember and link all images and google docs!

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Re: Wolf Federation: "The Awakening" (Non-Sol RP AAR)
« Reply #7 on: December 02, 2016, 12:21:02 PM »
ENTRY 005: Revered Rock

07 FEB 2073
Location: Incipere
Personnel: Lt.  Commander Hegario, CO of FT Bantu

And we’re off! We’re heading to the newly discovered Rivendell system to deliver infrastructure for what is to be our 3rd colony.  It will be known as Zefara.  I’m quite excited to see a new system, and I hear that Collingwood is already returning from constructing a gate there, so the transit shouldn’t be any problem. 

While here on Incipere waiting for orders I got to see the launch of 3 Bulwark class tankers, which look like they will end up being the backbone of the fuel hauling fleet for now.  I heard some research chaps talking about how we’ve went almost 50 years out of stasis without a single scientist specialized in the propulsion field.  I do hope some new lads coming out of the academy will change that soon, as it seems like quite an important field!

09 AUG 2074
Location: Incipere
Personnel: Mitori Alganari, C. O.  of WEF 28

Another couple years have darted past, but we have commenced Revered Rock.  Cargo TG one has delivered over 400 units of infrastructure.  The Henderson Carrier Co has delivered the first colonists. 

Meanwhile much other work is being done.  Another 3 Fuel Harvesters have been completed and sent to join Sorium TG1.  We recently retooled one of the commercial shipyards to again handle the Blackpool Mk II, as I intend on ordering 4 more to help support Revered Rock.  The first two ordered are Balrog and Barfly.  A tanker TG has been formed to begin ferrying back the fuel harvested by Sorium TG1. 

I’ve also begun phasing out the old low tech units with better replacements.  Each time a new infantry unit comes online I put two old divisions into Cadre to be repurposed with the new units to come. 

The Granby has recently completed it’s overhaul, but I’m tenative about sending them into the system where wrecks were spotted.  Nothing has came through as of yet, but I think I may speak to the design teams about our next military vessel plans before we proceed with the exploration.

16 SEP 2078
Location: Incipere
Personnel: WEF 28 Public Announcement Service

Today we mourn the loss of great scientist Elbert Holtermann who has been of great help to the Federation since our return from stasis.  Mr.  Holtermann died quietly and peacefully at his home amongst friends. 

01 JAN 2080
Location: Incipere
Personnel: Mitori Alganari, C. O.  of WEF 28

Well, we are at a point that I think we should discuss what has occurred recently, and where Operation Revered Rock stands.  Over the past five years we’ve been continuing expansion of various shipyards and bringing more freighters online.  We’re up to a fleet of 8 freighters now, plus the out of date original Blackpool.  We have also researched a new type of Engine, Magneto-Plasma, and I’m excited to see where that will take us.  We have recently completed the design and construction of the Rowan class Aux.  Transport.  It will be used to shuttle various goods, mainly minerals, between hubs.  It weighs in at a like 8400 tons with a crew of 43.  It can travel 1916km/s and has a range of 152b kilometers.  We’ve also equipped it with small civilian grade sensors for early warning capability.  The first two online Rowans have been tasked with shuttling minerals from the hub in Rivendell back to HQ in Incipere.

Our freighter teams have been diligently delivering mines, infrastructure, mass drivers and essential personnel to the Rivendell system in support of Revered Rock.  Meanwhile, our military research team has developed our next vessel.  It will be known as the Ultrahawk class Frigate.  It’s purpose is low sensor strength scouting with a light AMM capability.  It weighs in at 4000 tons and is capable of 2370km/s.  It has a range of 39 billion kilometers.  It’s powered by 6 Plasmatic 32EP Magneto-Plasma drives.  It’s armament includes 2 Lupis Defense Systems CIWS-160 and a compliment of 12 MiniMan Missile launchers.  (Size 1 33% reduction).  We are looking at ordering 4 to 6 of these vessels to use as scouts and light escort protection for new areas.  We expect the first ones to be available in March of 2081.  Once there are online, we will likely begin to scout Shadowdale and assess if there are any threats or contacts at all, or if the wrecks there are from some long ago battle.

Now, on to where we stand with Operation Revered Rock.  Phase 1 is well underway, and going slightly slower than planned, but proceeding forward still.  Our current objective status’ are as follows.

1 - Jump Gate - Complete
2 - 5000 Infrastructure to Zefara - 50% Complete
3 - 300 Auto Mines To Planet II - 60% Complete
4 - Mass Drivers To All Sites - Complete
5 - 100 Construction Factories To Zefara - NOT Complete
6 - 100 Auto Mines to IV Moon 10 - Complete
7 - 100 Auto Mines to IV Moon 11 - Complete
8 - 100 Auto Mines to VIII Moon 26 - NOT Complete
9 - 25 Auto Mines to Asteroid 3 - Complete
10 - 25 Auto Mines to Asteroid 27 - Complete

We have also delivered Terraforming installations to Zefara to help complete work there.  Number 2 has been contracted out partially to Civilians.  Number 3 is actively underway.  Number 5 is manufacturing now.  Number 8 is on a delay due to distance of planet at 25b, waiting for LP point to be viable.

05 JUL 2080
Location: Incipere
Personnel: WEF 28 Internal Communications

Ship notification to follow… Blackpool of original Blackpool class has been scrapped.  End message.

Research Notification to follow… research of Lifebringer Terraforming ship is completed, and initial construction of two ships “Lifebringer” and “Lifegiver” has been ordered.  End message.

Personnel Notification to follow… Houston Bonasera has retired at the age of 76; we have received our first Propulsion Scientist, Christian Clow.  End message.

18 AUG 2080
Location: Incipere
Personnel: Mitori Alganari, C. O.  of WEF 28

We just had a second civilian shipping line, known as Woodward Interplanetary travel, join us amongst the stars! Another great day for the Colonies, and the Federation.  I’ve put in a large production order to begin future proofing.  1000 Infrastructure, 60 mines, another spaceport, military academy, sector command, ground unit training facility, 4 more DST’s, 100 construction factories to go to Zefara, and 10 more research labs.  This will be costly but all of it is needed to move our operations forward.

15 APR 2081
Location: Shadowdale Planet II Orbit
Personnel: “Ultrahawk” Communications Officer

Be advised command, we are now in orbit of planet two.  Survey TG1 and TG2 are cleared to commence survey operations in Shadowdale system.  We have steady contact with SAG TG1.

(The two newly finished Ultrahawk classes were jumped into the Shadowdale system by the Endeavor.  After scouting both passively and actively with no contact, they were ordered to take up a overwatch position in system.  3 Gladius class Destroyers waited on the Minas Tirith side of the jump point in case of contact. )

25 DEC 2084
Location: Incipere
Personnel: Mitori Alganari, C. O.  of WEF 28

It would seem that 20 years have came and gone in but the blink of an eye.  I hope that my contributions will continue to help those who come after me.  I’ll be typing my last bit of information on the past couple years as well as putting together my SoC for the 2085 hand over of command.

In April of 2081 we received some promising news from the Shadowdale system.  It appeared the wrecks were from long ago, as we made no contact in the system.  Even better, when our survey ships got to work, we found several colonizable bodies in the system, one that didn’t even require any terraforming.  Unfortunately by 2083 we discovered that the colony cost was about the highest point of Shadowdale.  There was only 1 large and easily accessible deposit of neutronium, as well as a Gas Giant with Sorium.  It would seem that still, decades later, minerals are eluding our grasp.

In the spring of 2081 we also completed designs on our first ever salvage ship, deemed the Castor class.  It weighed in at just a bit over 50,000 tons and could travel 602km/s with it’s crew of 235.  It has a range of 95b kilometers, and is able to salvage 1000 tons per day and can store up to 25000 tons of material.  One was ordered and completed.  When it was dispatched to the wrecks this year, we yielded minerals, but no intact components from the 3 wrecks in Shadowdale.

We completed the construction of 6 Ultrahawk class frigates, which boosts our defensive capabilities a bit, but I know more must be done.  We also completed our two terraforming ships who were immediately sent to Zefara to help bring that place into a reasonable climate zone for our people.  One of my last orders was for the Collingwood to complete a return gate from Shadowdale after a Grav survey showed 2 unknown jump points but no jump gates, so that the next person in charge, Daria Zendraska, may more quickly begin to colonize there.

Thanks again for reading, again, comments / involvement welcome!


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Re: Wolf Federation: "The Awakening" (Non-Sol RP AAR)
« Reply #8 on: December 09, 2016, 09:12:16 PM »
Interesting start, keep it up! Looking forward to you getting some pictures up as well.