Community Games > 7 Dictators

7 Dictators Community Game

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I'm certainly in. Since my handle is already Admiral, chalk me down as (Rear?) Admiral Dan(iel) Gibson. RP wooh! Always enjoyed the rank Rear Admiral - Obviously not the highest guy, but, hey! I can always work my way up to Vice!

Interested to see where this goes!

I assume that, as we can create our own designs, each player can indeed create and enact his own fleet doctrine?

Define 'doctrine' for me, just so we make sure we're on the same page (don't want a miscommunication to screw this over). You can design your own ships with components that I (or later, players) research and can design your own fleet, so separate Sectors will have very different fleets and ammunition, which would make sharing missiles interesting (I'm guessing that's what you mean by doctrine?). Could make life very interesting if/when two Admirals have to work together against an NPR

"What do you mean you don't have point defense?"
"I don't have enough fuel for your damn fighters! Who uses inefficient crap like that?"
"Your thermal signature is massive! What the hell is wrong with you?"
"Shields but no armour? And you want to defend? Moron!"


--- Quote from: Maharava on March 21, 2013, 04:38:35 AM ---Define 'doctrine' for me, just so we make sure we're on the same page (don't want a miscommunication to screw this over). You can design your own ships with components that I (or later, players) research and can design your own fleet, so separate Sectors will have very different fleets and ammunition, which would make sharing missiles interesting (I'm guessing that's what you mean by doctrine?). Could make life very interesting if/when two Admirals have to work together against an NPR

"What do you mean you don't have point defense?"
"I don't have enough fuel for your damn fighters! Who uses inefficient crap like that?"
"Your thermal signature is massive! What the hell is wrong with you?"
"Shields but no armour? And you want to defend? Moron!"

--- End quote ---

That was pretty much what I was thinking of, yeah. What weapons, how fast, etc. So that's excellent. I apologize in advance for the things I'm going to have you build.

I'd be interested in that, too.

Idea: Let Admirals form committees like the a weapon research board, or the earth defence board. That being prestigious posts that can actually influence the civilian side, too, for example by 'suggesting' research directions, or similar things.

Erik L:
Decide what is a military tech, and what are civilian techs. Allow your admirals to guide the military techs, but not the civilian techs.


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