Community Games > 7 Dictators

Replacement game

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Consider me in as well, good sir. Hope Admiral666 is up for it too, I need me my subordinate. Who else will get me fresh cokes?


--- Quote from: Gidoran on April 09, 2013, 12:31:04 PM ---Consider me in as well, good sir. Hope Admiral666 is up for it too, I need me my subordinate. Who else will get me fresh cokes?

--- End quote ---

Consider me on board, Misha.

Consider me signed up.

I'm new here and don't know exactly how this works so posting to watch :)

Righty.  :)

A quick overview of how things are going to go:

1) You'll have ~3 days to get your orders in. That'll be a year's worth of orders at a time, queue them up. Anything that can't be done months ahead of time gets PMed to me, I'll handle that for you.
2) If any orders are not in, I'll get your seconds to do it, or do it myself. The game will go on!
3) I PM anyone that will be involved in a battle. We'll set up a time to get in chat and play it out.
4) I'll finish the turn, and we move on.

I'm leaving a week per turn because you may need to give orders twice a turn. With any luck, we'll be moving faster than that most of the time.

Most stuff will be done by you, with a dropboxed stevefire.mdb. You'll need a dropbox account. I'll need its email in order to share the file with you.

This should play something like a normal aurora game. However. You'll have vastly smarter opponents/allies. You'll have to do more preparation. You can't deal with stuff as it comes up so easily. Depending on how you play aurora, it'll also probably be slower.

I strongly recommend pairing up and controlling a faction together. That way you'll have a backup if you can't make a turn, have someone to bounce ideas off of, and best of all, have somebody to brag to.

I'll be fairly hands off. If you kill each other off, that's fine by me. Anyone that wants to keep playing can merge into the survivor's faction, or maybe take over a new race somewhere else in the galaxy.

The game will run until I get bored, or can't continue running turns. After that, I'll throw up the SM password for anyone that wants to take over.

I'm going to start setting up now, 6 factions around a dead sol. More details later.


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