SpaceMarine's Fiction


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[1] Domus Diaspora: A Halo Story - Updates - 2362 to 2363 - "Reaching for the Stars"

[2] Domus Diaspora: A Halo Story - 2362 - C# 2.5.1 - Comments

[3] Domus Diaspora: A Halo Story - 2362 - C# 2.5.1 - Background/setup

[4] Deeds on the Frontier - Comments

[5] Deeds on the Frontier - (Stories from an Aurora 4x Campaign)

[6] Halo Alternative Universe - 2170 - C# 1.9.1 - Comment Thread

[7] Halo Alternative Universe - 2170 - Stay tuned!

[8] Halo Alternative Universe - 2170 - C# 1.9.3 - Updates

[9] Halo Alternative Universe - 2170 - C# 1.9.3 - Background


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