VB6 Aurora > Portable Launcher Utility

Aurora v7.1 - All-In-One/Portable release



I compiled a little package that should make starting the game easier.

Package contain:

* Vanilla Aurora
* My wrapper
* Race Image Pack by Treebiter
* Planet Image Pack by Tarran and MarcAFK
* Flag Image Pack by nadia911
* Soundtrack - Light Years by Stellardrone
Download - 7.1 - Wrapper 2.4:

* Full installer
* Portable

* Handling problems with OCX/DLL files.
* Music support.
* Automatic switch of decimal and thousand separator.
* Automatic backup and optimization of game database.
* Handling Logs directory. Work only on NTFS filesystem.

* Install/Unpack
* Start using: Aurora_Wrapper.exe
* Click wrapper icon on taskbar and press M to disable music. , and . control volume.
--- WARNING! ---
This release of Aurora require administrator rights to edit language settings.
It might not work correctly on computers where accounts are very limited.

- Install this package if portable version crash due missing DLLs -
- Wrapper source code -

Tested on:

* Windows 10
* Windows 8.1
* Windows 7
Header image is very nice icon for Steam Grid View :)


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