VB6 Aurora > Portable Launcher Utility

Error 399


Hey guys.

So, before I start, I should say that I am not what you might call a "computer expert. " In other words, any (even slightly) technical fixes will need a full step-by-step breakdown, or I'll just have to ask how to do them.  Sorry.

Anyway, my problem is this; I install either the portable version or the standard version, run through the wrapper and start a game.  Then I try to open up a menu (say, the system map), and it gives me an error message:

"Run-time error 339

Component 'COMCTL32. OCX' or one of it's dependencies not currently registered: a file is missing or invalid. "

I searched the various game forums, and found out about regsvr32.  however, when I try it (using "regsvr32 COMCTL32. OCX" or similar commands) it gives me another error:

"The module "COMCTL32. OCX" failed to load.

Make sure the binary is stored at the specified path or debug it to check for problems with the binary or dependent . DLL files.

The specified module could not be found. "

I had a Googling session, but I wasn't sure how the various fixes could be applied to my own situation.  I was hoping someone could give me a step-by-step from the top.

Open your Aurora installation directory, or where you extracted it, and open CMD, cd into that directory, and type "regsvr32 COMCT232. OCX"

This fixed a lot of my issues, worth a shot

Right, you know that bit where I said "I am not what you might call a "computer expert""?

"cd into that directory?" The only kind of CD I know is the one music used to be kept on.


--- Quote from: Adseria link=topic=9667.  msg104102#msg104102 date=1504697216 ---Right, you know that bit where I said "I am not what you might call a "computer expert""?

"cd into that directory?" The only kind of CD I know is the one music used to be kept on. 

--- End quote ---

CD changes the current directory of the command window to where the game is, so if you have the game installed in C:\Users\Username\Downloads\Aurora, you would type "cd C:\Users\Username\Downloads\Aurora"

After that doing the other parts will work


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